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No. 70, State-Stree


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For the Emerald.



their train, his character derives ad ditional worth from the strength of its power of resistance. But even here, the presumption fairly is, that the grateful poor man would resist temptation as well as the generous No pride is more ridiculous than rich one; the difference is, that one the pride of wealth; because it con-has exhibited proofs of his courage sists of supposed superiority and in battle, and the other has had no adventitious respect. Arising from opportunity to prove it. In Amerno real merit, riches are acquired ica, property not decending to the without forethought, and lost with-eldest son, and of course not inherent out deserving." Cunning, selfish-in families, must necessarily be tranness and servility, as they originate sient. The youth, who presumes in the worst passions of mankind, on inheriting a large amount of richare disgraceful to him who practisesjes, is too apt to acquire a manner of them; and yet wealth is most gen-life, which dissipates it, as soon as erally obtained by the frauds of cun-obtained. His education often neg ning, the privations of selfishness and lected, he associates with bacchanals, the meanness of servility. But sep-and what was acquired without toil arate, from the means by which bad is squandered with profusion. Remen are enriched, good men, from verses of fortune, even in those cases >the mere acquisition of wealth, have where property has been hardly no peculiar deference to claim. If earned, by honest industry and prua generous man disposes of his su-dent calculation, take place in this perfluity among the necessitous, he country more frequently than in any merely does his duty, and should re- other. As trade and speculation ceive a reward, proportioned to the have produced our most wealthy faithfulness with which this duty is men, those objects are universally discharged. The Wanderer agrees regarded as most essentially favourwith the celebrated Doctor Swift, able to the interests of those who enthat, when he sees a great deal of gage in them. The maritime towns, gratitude in a poor man; he takes it of consequence, throng with traders for granted, there would be as much and speculators; want of success, ingenerosity if he were a rich man ;" deed, often disappoints expectation, and of consequence he gives no more but success is sometimes the result credit to the one for his generosity, of calculation. The revolutions in than to the other for his gratitude; fortune are sudden, and her wheel, excepting only in this, that as the whilst it hurls one man into poverty wealthy man has resisted the temp- he knows not why, as suddenly raistations which riches always carry in es another to opulence, he knowɛ VOL. I.]



not how. This word be sufficient, whom he despises is est though

one would think

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to control the poor, and is his rela though isagreeable a char-honest.


operation of Sfe pride of wealth. "Who resides in tha. splendid acteristick, a e of all the uncertainty mansion?" Listen, and I will inform But inthe possession of riches you. An adventurer a few years attend the folly and arrogance of ago, the resident in that house, withandide of the purse, nothing is out money and without friends, was the frequent than the supercilious a much more deserving, because a chaviour of such, as have no other much more innocent man, than he recommendation than their money. is at present. He went into an obThis pride is observable in all comscure situation in this city whence panies; it is scen in the haughty by his tricks and impudence he rose demeanour of the bank director suddenly into notice. From conin the distant civility of the ricl nections which soon after this he shopkeeper, and the careless in-formed, his fortune increased with difference of the merchant, to his age: but his villany outstripped those, who often are much their both and the present year sees him, superiors, in power of comprehen-master of immense riches, noticed, sion, knowledge of general trade, if not respected, by the powerful and dignity of virtue. But such in-and great, and as arrogant and asstances are not confined to a few in-suming, as if born to an estate, and dividuals, in particular classes of the entitled to insult people by prescridcommunity; they extend to most Before the house of that man, rich people, and their influence is felt, in every situation; in the cerewhom you see at a distance, stands monies of the ball-room, the formal- his brother, the driver of a stage! ities of visiting, the affectation of the The rich man refuses him his counwomen and the contumely of the tenance or support; let the poor' men. "When a rich man speaketh man be reconciled to his humble every manh oldeth his tongue; when situation, by reflecting that his brotha poor man speaks, they cry, What, on the velvet seat of his carriage, Jellow is this?" does not experience the satisfaction This universal principle, as it un- The rich man is racked in his con; which his own rough box affords : dermines the basis of social harmo-science and tortured by reflectionny, ought if possible to be restrained. the poor man is serene, for he has Let the arrogant man who has risen from the dregs of society, and has not committed a crime; and indignot yet become free from his original own integrity, and his brother's vice: taint, be warned not to be too precipi-is he despised for his haughtiness? tate in his opinions, and violent in It is not enough; he deserves to be their support; but let him be resacrificed for his crimes. minded that his father was whipped for theft, or sat upon the gallows for swindling, and therefore more modesty would become him.:

nant because he is conscious of his.

"When men of infamy to grandeur soar, They light a torch, to shew their shamǝ the more."

Though people may flatter themThat man, who swells with his selves that this odious pride of wealth ideal greatness when he sees a beg may varnish the blemishes of their gar, and marches by him with state-life, every reflecting man knows that liness, should know, that the man they are deceived; the gloss with 14 !,“ :C


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