Зображення сторінки

Trosseau et Reveil. Traite de l'art de formuler, comprenant des notions de Pharmacie. 12mo. 1851. .

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Turner (E.) Elements of Chemistry, including the actual State and prevalent Doctrines
of the Science. 8th edit. Edited by Baron Liebig and Dr. Gregory. 8vo. cloth
Ure (A.) A Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, containing a clear Exposition
of their Principles and Practice. 4th edit., corrected and greatly enlarged. 2 vols., 9vo.,
pp. 9,078, and 1,600 engravings on wood, cloth. London, 1853

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Van Mons. Sur les combinaisons faites par le Pyrophore. 4to.
Violette et Archambault. Dictionnaire des Analyses chimiques ou Repertoire
alphabetique des Analyses de tous corps naturels et artificiels depuis la fondation de
la chimie, avec l'indication des noms des auteurs et des recueils ou elles ont ete inserees.
2 vols., 8vo., a 2 col. Paris, 1851

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Or half calf . Walker (W.) The Magnetism of Ships and the Mariner's Compass: being a Rudimentary Exposition of the Induced Magnetism of Iron in Sea-going Vessels. 12mo. London, 1853



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(C. V.) et Fau. Manipulations Electrotypiques, ou Traite de Galvanoplas tie, contenant la Description des Procedes les plus Faciles pour Dorer, Argenter, Graver sur Cuivre et sur Acier, reproduire les Medailles et les Epreuves Daguerriennes, Metalliser les Statuettes de Platre, etc., au moyen du Galvanisme. 4me edition, 18mno. Paris, 1855

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50 2 50

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Watson (R.) Chemical Essays. 5 vols., 18mo. London, 1800
Webster (J.) Elements of Mechanical and Chemical Philosophy. 8vo.
Weekes (W. H.) A Memoir on the Universal Portable Eudiometer, an Apparatus
designed for researches of Philosophical Chemistry. 4to., with plate. Sandwich, 1888.
Weldon (W.) Elements and Laws of Chemistry. 8vo. London
Wertheim. Theses presentees a la Faculte des sciences de Paris pour obtenir le grade
de docteur des sciences physiques. Paris 1853
Theses de physique, de chimie et de mineralogie.
Will et Liebig. Manuel Complet de Chimie Analytique, contenant des Notions
sur les Manipulations Chimiques, les Elements d'Analyse Inorganique Qualitative et
Quantitative, et des Principes de Chimie Organique. 2 vols. 18mo .

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Williams (C. W.) Treatise on the Combustion of Coal. 4to. London
Wittstein. Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry, translated by S. Darley. London, 1853 1 88
Wohler (F.) Handbook of Inorganic Analysis. Translated and edited by Hofmann.
12mo. London

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Wolf (E. T.) Quellen-Litteratur der theoretisch-organischen Chemie, &c. 8vo.
Halle, 1845

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1 00

Woodward (C.) A Familiar Introduction to the Study of Polarized Light. 2nd edit.
Bro. London, 1851

1 09

H. BAILLIERE publishes a bi-monthly Lift of all Works published in France and England on SCIENCE, which he will be happy to fend gratis to any perfon forwarding his address, &c.

He also begs leave to call the attention of Librarians of Colleges, Profesfors, and the Scientific World in general, to his unfurpaffed facilities for the procuring of Books, Inftruments, &c., with economy and dispatch, having houses in London, Paris, and Madrid, engaged in the fame branch of the bufiness. (Duty free for Public Inftitutions.) His ftock is always replete with the best and latest editions; from his great experience and knowledge of Scientific Works, and from his willingness and ability to give information about both old and new books, he is confident of being able to give entire fatisfaction to all who favor him with their orders.




Alchemy. Figuier, 5.

Apparatus. An Explanatory Dictionary, 1.
Arts and Manufactures. Acken, 1.

Brande, 2; Dodd, 4; Exhibition Lectures, 5;
Knight, 8; Laboulaye, 8; Mackenzie, 9;
Muspratt, 10; Tomlinson, 13; Ure, 14.

Assaying. Berthier, 2; Mitchell, 10; Phillips, 11; Ryland, 12.

Blowpipe. Berzelius, 2; Griffin, 6; Muspratt, 10; Plattner, 11; SANDERS, 12; Sheerer,


Brewing. Accum, 1; Black, 2; Lacambre, 8; Levesque, 9; Roberts, 12; Thomson, 18; Tizzard, 18.

Caoutchouc. Manuel-Roret, 8. Chemistry. Brande, 2; Cavendish Society,

8; Chevallier (Dictionary), 8; Cuvier, 4; Dalton (Life), 4; Dumas (Statique), 5; Galloway (Diagram), 5; Griffith (Recreation), 6; Henry, 7; G. S. Hilaire, 7; Johnston, 7; Joyce, 8; Laurent, 8; Lehmann, 8. L'Heritier, 9; Liebig, 9; Low, 9; Mackenzie, 9; Martens, 9; Messier, 9; Mulder, 10; Murray, 10; Orfila, 10; Paris, 10; Pelouze and Fremy, 11; Prout, 11; Rammelsberg, 11; Reid, 12; Schoedler & Medlock, 18; Scoffern, 12; Smee, 18; Swedenborg, 13; Tate, 18; Thomson, 18; Watson, 14.

Analysis. Barreswill & Sobrino, 1; Fresenius, 5; Galloway, 5; Gerhaldt, 6; Johnson, 7; Liebig, 9; Noad, 10; Normandy, 10; Parnell, 10; Rose, 12; Violette et Archambault, 14; Will et Liebig, 14; Wohler, 14.

Animal. Berzelius, 2; Thomson, 13.

- Applied. Ajasson de Grandsagne, 1; Annuaire de Chitnie, 1; Barruel, 1; Bernay, 2, Knapp, 8; Daguin, 4; Dumas, 5; Francœur, 5; Graham, 6; Kemp, 8; Miahle, 9; Morfit, 10; Muspratt, 10; Parnell, 10; Payen, 10; Thomson, 18.

Agricultural. Johnson, 8; Kemp, 8; Liebig, 9; Malaguiti, 9; Memoires, 9; Nesbit, 10; Payen et Richard, 10; Sace, 12.

Catechism. Graham, 6; Horsley, 7. Cours et eco∙s. Boutet de Morvel, 2; Cabart, 8; Gerhardt, 6; Regnault, 11.

Chemistry, Elements of. Graham, 6; Kane, 8; Miller, 9; Murray, 10; Regnault, 12; Thomson, 18; Turner, 14; Weldon, 14.

Elementary. Cahours, 8; Daguin, 4; Fyfe, 5; Glover, 6; Gregory, 6; Mala guiti, 9; Regnault. 12; Thenard, 18.

First Steps. Galloway, 5. General. Baudrimont, 1; Berzelius, 2; Pelouze & Fremy, 11.

Handbook. Gmelin, 6.

History. Hoefer, 7; Thomson, 18. Inorganic. Campbell, 8; Berzelius, 2; Gmelin, 6; Gregory, 6; Outlines of, 7; Thomson, 13.

Lectures. Gurney, 6.

Manual. Bernay, 2; Brande, 8; Fyfe, 5; Glover, 6.

Manipulation. Faraday, 5; Noad 10; Benoit.

Memoirs. Dumas, 5; Graham, 6.
Non-Metallic. Faraday, 5.

Organic. Brande, 2; Dumas, 5; Ger-
hardt, 6; Gmelin, 6; Gregory, 6; Lowig, 9;
Millon, 9; Raspail, 12; Thomson, 18;
Wolff, 14.

Philosophy. Dalton, 4; Daniell, 4; Davy, 4; Webster, 14; Weekes, 14. Practical. Bowman, 2.

Progress of. Berzelius, 2; Liebig and Kopp, 9.

Treatise. Gregory, 6. Crystallography. Descloizeaux, 4; Laurent, 8; Regnault, 12.

Colors and Painting. Chevreul, 8; Coloriste, 4.

Cyclopedia. Cooley, 4; Francis, 5; Prechtl, 11; Thomson, 1; Tomlinson, 13. Dictionary (Chemica!, etc.) Chevallier, 8; Crabb, 4; Hoefer, 7; Laboulaye, 8; Lassaigne, 8; Nesbit, 10; Ottley, 10; Tollhausen, 13; Ure, 14.

Distilling. Dubrunfaut, 5; Duplais, 5; Lacambre, 8; Le Normand, 9; Morewood, 10. Dyeing and Souring. Berthollet, 2; Blanchimen:, 2: Brande, 2; Love, 9; Na pier. 10; Parnel, 10; Persoz, 11; Kunze, 12 Smith, 13; Thomson, 18.

Electricity. Becquerel, 2; Chalmers, 8;
Cumming, 4; De la Rive, 4; De Bois Ray-
mond,4; Faraday, 5; Harris, 7; Matteuci, 9;
Murphy, 10; Noad, 10.
Electric-Telegraph. Highton, 7;
Moigno, 10.

Electro-Metallurgy. Dorure, 4; Gal-
vanoplastie, 5; Gore, 6; Napier, 10; Rose-
leur, 12; Smee, 13; Walker et Fau, 14.
Falsifications. Chevallier, 8; Hassall, 7;
Hureaux, 7; Marcet, 9; Mitchell, 10.

Food. See Falsifications.

Gas. Accum, 1; Clegg, 4; Knapp, 8; Journal
of, 6; Matthews, 9; Peckston, 11; Pelouze, 11.
Geological Chemistry. Bischoff, 2.
Glue. Colles, 4.

Heat. Avogrado, 1; Cooper, 4; Dove, &;
Gavarret, 6; Lardner, 8; Metcalfe, 9; Pe-
clet, 11; Poisson, 11; Prideaux, 11; Reech,
12; Regnault, 12; Thomson, 18; Williams, 14.

Ink. Encres, 4.

Magnetism. Becquerel, 2.
Meteorology. Arago, 1; Cotte, 4; Hop-
kins, 7; Houzeau, 7; Howard, 7; Kaemtz, 8;
Lambert, 8; Nicollet, 10; Peltier. 11; Pouil-
let, 11; Prout, 11; Robertson, 12; Sabine, 12.
Mineral Waters. Bouquet, 2; Faure, 5.
Optics and Light. Biot, 2; Brewster, 8;
Claudet, 4; Du Moncel, 5; Gorham, 6; Har-

dy, 7; Hunt, 7; Kyan, 8; Light, 9; Moigno,
10; Scantini, 12; Scoffern, 18.
Perfumery. Piesse, 11.

Pharmacy. Deschamps, 4; Goebel, 6;
Guibourt, 6; Jourdain, 8; Pharmaceutical
Journal, 11; Repertoire de, 18; Soubeiran,
18; Wittstein, 14.

Pharmacopela. Codex, 4; New London,
11; Trousseau and Reveil, 14.
Photography. Barreswil and Davanne, 1;
Blanquart, 2; Brebisson, 3; Chevallier, 3;
Cundall, 4; David, 4; Delamotte, 4; De-
songe, 4; Disderi, 4; Fau, 5; Gaudin. 6;
Hardwicke, 7; Heath, 7; Hennah, 7; Her-
ling, 7; Howlett, 7; Hunt, 7; Lacan, 8;
Legray, 8; Lerebours, 9; Long, 9; Mar-
tens; 9; Kintoul, 12; Sutton, 18, Thorn-
thwaite, 13.

Physics. Aime Martin, 1; Ajasson de
Grandsagne, 1; Archambault, 1; Biot, 2;
Bird, 2; Boutigny, 2; Brown, 8; Cabart, 3;
Coulomb, 4; Cuvier, 4; Daguin, 4; Desains, 4;
Durand, 5; Fau and Chevallier, 5; Ganot, 5;
Grove, 6; Gruyer, 6; Guitard, 6, Hinds, 7;
Julien, 8; Lame, 8; Lardner, 8; Liebig, 9;
McGauley, 9; Muller, 10; Peclet, 11; Pou-
illet, 11; Quetelet, 11; Regnault, 12; Reichen-
bach, 12; Scoffern, 18; Scoresby, 18; Sou-
beiran, 18; Thieme, 13.

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I. Mathematik.

↑ Bossut, C., Versuch e. allgem. Geschichte d. Mathematik. Aus d. Franz. m. Anmerk. u. Zusätzen v. N. Th. Reimer. 2 Thle. 8. Hamburg 1804. br. Neu. 1. 5

2 Cossali, P., origine, trasporto in Italia, primi progressi in essa dell' algebra. 2 Voll. 4. Parma 1797. 99. br. Neu.

6. 20

3 Gerhardt, C. J., d. Entdeckuug d. Differentialrechnung durch Leibniz. 4. Halle 1848.



4 Knoche, J. H., Untersuchungen üb. d. Proklus Diadochus Commentar zu Euklids Elementen. 4. Herford 1862. br.


5 Leibnitii, G. W., epistolae ad diversos, theol., jurid., med., philos., mathem., hist. et philol. argum., e msc. auct. pr. divulg. Ch. Kortholt. 4 Voll. 8. Lipsiae 175442. Hperg. 4. 20

6 Commercii epistolici Leibnitiani, ad omne genus eruditionis, tomus prodromus; rec. J. D. Gruber. 2 Vol. 8. Hanoverae 1745. Ppbd.


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historia et origo calculi differentialis. Hrsg. v. C. I. Gerhardt. 8. Hannover 4846. br.


8 et J. Bernoulli commercium philosophicum et mathematicum. 2 Voll. 4. Lau

sannae 1745. Hfrz.

4. 10 4.

9 Nesselmann, G. H. F., d. Algebra der Griechen. 8. Berlin 1842. Hlwbd. 40 (Scheibel, J. E.,) Einleitung z. mathematischen Bücherkentnis. 12 Stücke od. 2 Bde. 8. Bresslau 4769-81. Ppbd.

2. 10

11 Abacus atque vetustiss. veterum Latinorum per digitos manusque numerandi, quin et loquendi consuetudo, ex Beda c. picturis et imagg. a J. Aventino ed. Fol. Lipsiae



6. 20

12 Algorithmus linealis. 4. s. nota (sed Lipsiae, Mart. Landsberg ca. 1490.) 14 Blätter. Hain 828. Abgesehen v. e. Wurmloch wunderschönes Ex. 13 Apianus, P., Instrument Buch, von new beschriben. Mit Holzschn. Fol. Ingolstadt 1533. Hperg.

1. 20

6. 10

44 Archimedis opera omnia gr. et lat. Adj. sunt Eutocii Escalonitae in eosd. libb. comment. gr. et lat. Fol. Basileae 1544. Holzbd. Sehr seltene Editio princ. Zwei unbedeutende, ganz feine Wurmlöcher am Schluss, sonst vorzügliches Ex. 45 monumenta omnia mathematica, quae extant, ex traditione F. Maurolici. Fol. Panormi 1685. cart. unbeschn. Libri 20 fr.

3. 10

16 Barocius, F., admirandum illud geometr. problema 13 modis demonstratum, quod docet, duas lineas in eodem plano designare, quae nunquam invicem coincidant, etiam si in infinitum protrahantur, et quanto longius producuntur, tanto sibi invicem propiores evadant. 4. Venetiis 1586. Perg. (Libri 21 fr.)

2. 20

47 Besson, D., teatro de los instrumentos y figuras matematicas y mecanicas. Con las interpretaciones de cada figura p. F. Beroaldo. Fol. Leon de Francia 1602. Frz. Etwas wasserfleckig. Selten.

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18 Clavil, Chr., opera mathematica. 5 Voll. Fol. Moguntiae 1611, 12. Ppbd. 8. 20 19 Descartes, R., opuscula posthuma, physica et mathematica. Cum figg. 4. Amstelod. 1701. Perg.


20 Dürer, A., quatuor institutionum geometricarum libb., lineas, superficies et solida corpora tract. C. multis flgg. xyl. Fol. Parisiis 1532. Perg. Etwas wasserfleckig. 3. 21 Euclidis elementorum libb. XV una c. scholiis antiquis a F. Commandino in lat. conv. Fol. Pisauri 1649. Frz. Libri 15 fr.

Kirchhoff & Wigand in Leipzig. No. 79.

2. 10


22 Euclidis sechs erste Bücher, vom anfang od. grund d. Geometrj. Auss Griech. sprach in d. Teutsch gebracht durch W. Holtzmann gen. Xylander. Fol. Basel 1562. Lencker, H., Perspectiva hierinnen auffs kürtzte beschrieben, m. exempeln eroffnet etc. Mit Kpfrn. Fol. Nürmberg 1574. Perg.


23 Euclide, la perspective, trad. en francois, et demonstrée p. R. Freart de Chantelou.

4. Paris 1672. Frz.


24 Euclide, gli elementi a migliore, e più chiara maniera ridotti, arrich. di nuove dimostrazioni, premessi gli elementi dell' algebra da G. Acceta. 4. Torino 4753. Hfrz. 1.20 25 - de gli elementi libb. XV, con gli scholii antichi. Trad. da F. Commandino e con comment. ill. Fol. Urbino 1575. Perg. Berühmte Uebers. u. Commentar. 2. 15 26 Galilei, Gal., le operazioni del compasso geometrico, e militare. Con le annot. di M. Bernaggieri. 8. Milano 1741. cart. 472 27 Gassendi, P., opera. 6 Voll. Fol. Florentiae 1727. unbeschn. (Gallarini 18 Sc.) 12. 28 Herr, G., kurtzes, jedoch wolgegründetes Arithmetisches Hand-Buch, darinne 250 Tabellen zubefinden. Fol. Bresslaw 4647. Ppbd.

29 Kern, Ulr., eyn new Kunstlichs wolgegründts Visierbuch, gar gwiss vnnd behend auss rechter art der Geometria, Rechnung vnd Circkelmessen. Mit Holzschn. Fol. Strassburg 4534, P. Schäffer. Ohne Einband. 2. 10

30 Lencker, H., Perspectiva. Hierinnen auffs kürtzte beschrieben, m. exempeln eröffnet, ein newer weg, wie allerley ding etc. in d. Perspectyf gebracht werden mag. Mit Holzschn. Fol. Nürnberg 1574. Ppbd. 3. 10

31 Marolois, S., opera mathematica ou oeuvres mathémat, traictans de géométrie, perspective, architecture, et fortification. Ausquels sont ajoints les fondements de la perspective, et architecture, de J. Vredm. Vriese. qu. Fol. Hagae 1614. Ldrbd. 6. 20 32 (Napier.) Rhabdologia Neperiana, d. i., Newe, u. sehr leichte art durch etliche Stäbichen allerhand Zablen ohne mühe, u. hergegen gar gewiss zu Multipliciren u. zu dividiren, auch die Regulam Detri, u. Radices zu extrahirn. Auffs kürtzeste ins Deutsche übergesetzt durch B. Ursinum. 4. Berlin 1640. br. Selten.

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33 Neudorffer v. Neudegg, A., Künst- u. ordentliche Anweisung in d. Arithmetic. Welcher auch d. sinnreiche Regel Helcataim od. Positionum beygefüget. 4. Aufl. 8. Nürnberg 1628. br.


34 Pardies, I. G., opera mathematica cont. elementa geometriae, discursum de motu locali, staticam et duas machinas ad conf. horologia solaria habiles. 46. Jenae 1692. 93. Ppbd. 20

35 Robault, oeuves posthumes. 2 Vols. 12. La Haye 1690. Frz.


36 Rudolff, Ch., zu Wien, Künstliche rechnung mit der ziffer u. m. d. zal pfenningen, sampt d. Wellischen Practica, vnnd allerley fortheil auff d. Regel de Tri. Item vergleichung mancherley Gewicht, Elnmass etc. Gemehret m. 293 Exempeln v. mancherley Kaufhendeln. 8. Nürnberg 1548. Ldrbd.

2. 10

1. 10

37 Scala, Giov., geometria prattica dichiarata sopra le tavole di G. Pomodoro, tratte d'Euclide ecc. Fol. Roma 1603. Perg. Etwas wasserfleckig. 38 Schwenter, D., Geometriae practicae novae et auctae tractatus IV. Mit Abbild. 4. Nürnberg 1625. cart. unbeschn. 4. 20

39 Severini Longomontani, Ch., inventio quadraturae circuli. 4. Hafniae 1634. Perg. 1.40 Tacquet, A., opera mathematica. Fol. Antverpiae 1669. Frz.



elementa Euclidea geometriae planae, ac solidae; et selecta ex Archimedis theoremata: ejusdemque trigonometria. Illustr. a G. Whiston. Acc. trigon. sphaer. R. J. Boscovich. 2 Vol. 8. Romae 1754. cart. Neu.


42 Theonis Smyrn. expositio eorum, quae in arithmeticis ad Platonis lectionem utilia sunt. Bulliardi interpr. lat. et annot. add. J. J. de Gelder. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1827. br. Neu. 4. 40



43 Alvord, B., the tangencies of circles and of spheres. Imp. -4. Washington 1855. br. 44 Arenstein, J., was sind d. imaginären Grössen, u. welcher ist ihr analyt. u. geometr. Sinn. Fol. (Wien 1848.) br. Aus Haidinger's Abh. 43 Arneth, A., d. gedoppelten Verbindungen mit u. ohne Wiederholung zu bestimmten Summen u. d. Geschäfte, welche diese Verbindungen erzeugen. 4. Heidelberg 1833. Ppbd. 46 August, E. F., vollständ. logarithm. u. trigonometr. Tafeln. 3. Aufl. gr. 16, Berlin 1853. Ppbd. 72

Kirchhoff & Wigand in Lepizig. No. 79.


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