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MARY THE MOTHER. Compiled by Rose Porter. Ill. Boston: D. Lothrop Co. Price $3.00. The purpose of this beautiful volume is to give an outline story of Mary, the Mother-Maid, as told in the Holy Book, and by historical and legendary art, and in poetry. The theme, says the compiler in her preface, though it lies within prescribed limits, is wide enough to embrace a broad field of thought, for it deals with all the most beautiful and precious productions of human genius and human skill as manifested by art, which the Middle Ages and the Renaissance have bequeathed to us, and in them we can trace, present in shape before us, or suggested through inevitable associations, one prevailing idea: it is that of an impersonation in the feminine character of beneficence, purity and power, clothed in the visible form of Mary, the Mother of our Lord."

The story is told in the purest devotional spirit. The curious legends which have been handed down or created by the religious writers of the Middle Ages are put into consecutive order, and illustrated by reproductions of pictures by the old masters, and of those by two or three modern painters. Deger's famous picture of "The Annunciation " serves as the frontispiece. Then follows in order Ittenbach's "St. Mary the Virgin," Titian's " Presentation;" the "Annunciation," by Murillo; "The Salutation," by Albertinelli; "St. John and the Virgin," by Dobson; "The Assumption," by Titian; "Mater Dolorosa," by Guido Reni; "Mater Dolorosa," by Carlo Dolce, and "The Madonna Addolorata," by Sassaferrato. These are exquisitely reproduced, and are printed, as well as the text, on heavy, hotpressed paper. The volume is bound in cloth, with a cover of special design.



This book is under no circumstances to be taken from the Building

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