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This Browney is still invoked in Cornwall warming of the bees, by the constant repetihis name; and the reiteration (observes a istorian of Cornwall) continues, until they ircling on a bough descend.' But it is prohat those who invoke Browney know in gery little of the import of their charm. They y suppose Browney to be the common name because the term coincides with their colour; a kind of instinctive presumption, that Engs have some knowledge of the English lanhey are supposed to pitch in compliance with uest of the person who thus addresses them e. In the same county, it is considered that, be removed on any day but Good Friday, it ure their death.

ards the latter end of the month black beetles seen flying about in the evening; and bats om their places of concealment. Roach and oat near the surface of the water, and sport In pursuit of insects. Daffodils are in flower; ppear above ground; the sea-kale (crambe na), a vegetable somewhat similar to, but more e than, asparagus, now begins to sprout. (See st volume for an account of the Cæsarian kale.) ale blossoms of the yew-tree expand and distheir farina. Sparrows are busily employed ning their nests. Young lambs are yeaned this ; and young otters are produced, which, as they up, prove as destructive in a pond, as a polea hen-house.-See T. T. for 1821, pp. 87, 88. March the farmer dresses and rolls his mea5 spreads ant hills; plants quicksets, osiers, sows flax seed, artificial grasses, beans and broom and whin seeds, and grass seeds among . About the 23d, he ploughs for and sows and hemp and flax. A dry season is very imnt to the farmer, that he may get the seed early the ground.

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Phenomena and Natural History of the Arct

The vapour arising from the men's breath and t steam of their victuals during meals, which had be frozen to the ships' sides, and had remained in a so state, beginning to thaw on the approach of the m weather, this coating of ice was scraped off, and t quantity removed filled more than one hundred buc ets, although it had not accumulated for a long space of time than four weeks.

Captain Parry, who left no experiment untri that promised relief or refreshment to his officers a crew, in the month of May, laid out a small garde planting it with radishes, onions, mustard and cres but notwithstanding every care and attention th could be paid to it, the radishes did not exceed inch in length by the latter end of July, the ot seeds being altogether thrown away. Some comm ship's peas, however, which had been sown by so of the men for their amusement, throve so well, t a large quantity of the leaves might have been rais which, when boiled and eaten as greens, wou doubtless, have proved a great treat to persons w had been deprived of every fresh vegetable substa for more than ten months. Not even a single c of mustard and cress could be raised in the open a but in Captain Parry's cabin these two vegetal were produced without any difficulty, and in co derable abundance..

A'smart shower of rain, a most agreeable nove to persons so long unaccustomed to view water i fluid state, fell on the 24th of May; and rain be a powerful agent in dissolving the ice, this hailed by every one as a most propitious event. rain which fell in the course of the evening ma

several little neale

for twelve or fourteen hours in the day, as the sea-water around the ships. Notwith- these favourable prognostics, when the sea wed from the N.E. hill in Melville Island, it sented the same unbroken and continuous of solid and impenetrable ice-not less than to seven feet in thickness.

So Zembla's rocks, the beauteous work of frost,
Rise white in air, and glitter o'er the coast;
Pale suns, unfelt at distance, roll away,
And on th' impassive ice the lightnings play;
Eternal snows the growing mass supply,

Till the bright mountains prop th' incumbent sky;
As Atlas fixed, each hoary pile appears,
The gathered winter of a thousand years.


ne month of June 1820, Captain Parry, acnied by some of his officers, and attended by on of his crew, travelled across Melville Island northern shore, and returned by another route = ships. Of this interesting expedition we even attempt an outline, having space only me account of the natural history and botany island, referring the reader for further informathe Journal itself, pp. 181-205.

hose parts of the land which were clear of snow, arf-willow,sorrel and poppy(papavernudicaule), age (saxifraga oppositifolia), and moss, were in ble abundance. The following birds were seen:→→ of ducks, supposed to be the king-duck (anas bilis); ptarmigans or grouse; plovers (charapluvialis); brent geese (anas bernicle); a pair of swallows (hirundo riparia); a raven and an gull; golden plovers; one or two boatswains is parasiticus), and abundance of snow-buntflying about the tents all day like sparrows, and, heir constant and cheerful note, reminding the Tvers of a better country. Captain Parry and party occasionally discovered the tracks of a ary rein-deer upon the snow, but even these ned now (June 6) to have deserted a place so

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totally devoid of vegetation, that, for miles togethe there was scarcely a tuft of moss or a single pop on which they could have fed. The tracks of fox and mice were also occasionally seen.

The remaining observations of Captain Parry have put into the form of a Diary; and, as a co panion to the Lapland Calendar,' given in a pr ceding volume, we shall designate this

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June 8.-Some sandy ground passed over, so f of the burrows of hares, as to resemble a warre Some moss and a few short tufts of grass seen; t dwarf-willow coming out in flower. Some sor began to make its appearance.

June 9.-The plumage of the cock-grouse was s quite white, except near the tip of the tail, whe the feathers were of a fine glossy black; but in eve hen that was killed a very perceptible alteration w apparent, even from day to day, and their pluma had now nearly assumed that speckled colour, whi from its resemblance to that of the ground, is adr rably adapted to preserve them from being seen the season of incubation.

June 12.-A ranunculus in full flower in a shelter situation. The root and three feet of the trunk of small pine-tree, and part of the skeleton of a mus ox, frozen into the ground, were seen on a lagoon the neighbourhood of the sea. The soil here b came very rich, and abounded with the finest mo together with a great deal of grass, saxifrage, a poppy; and there were evident proofs that this pla was much resorted to by deer, musk-oxen, and har

June 13.-A musk-ox was seen feeding on a spot luxuriant pasture ground, and, when fired at, set off a quick pace over the hills. The skin of one whi was subsequently killed has been stuffed, and dep sited in the British Museum. This extraordina

in London. The musk-ox furnished 421 of beef, which was served to the crews as lieu of their salt provisions, and was very shed, notwithstanding its very strong musky The meat was remarkably fat, and, as it in quarters, looked as fine as any beef in ish market. The total quantity of game for the use of the expedition during its stay shores of Melville Island, being a period y twelve months, was as follows; 3 muskdeer, 68 hares, 53 geese, 59 ducks, and migans, or grouse ;-affording 3,766 pounds

or two mice were caught, turning brown about y and head, and the back of a dark grey In every part of the island, the holes and f these little animals were occasionally seen: hem being pursued, finding no hole near, and impossible, set himself against a stone, as if ce; and bit the man's finger when he took him. the observations made on board the ships in Harbour, during Captain Parry's absence, ct the following facts illustrative of the natuory of the Arctic regions.

2.-The first red phalarope (p. platyrinchos)` o the first flock of buntings appeared.

3. A flock of twelve king-ducks, together single raven, an arctic gull, and some golden'


5.-Flocks of ducks and geese seen almost for six weeks from this time.

9.-The first seal was seen lying upon the ear the mouth of the harbour, and having a lose to him as usual: like the bear in autumn, re than one of these animals was ever observed same time. About this time, several mosquitoes pipiens) were caught; but, as in Hudson's Bay ther cold countries, they never attempted to


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