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If a wise ma wel warned, aduisedly will way the sentence, he shall find the hole boke nothing els, but falshed vnder pretext of playnesse, crueltie vnder the cloke of pietie, sedició vnder the colour of counsayl, proud arrogancie vnder ye name of suppliSir Thos. More's Workes, fol. 290. c. 1. Arrogant is he that thinketh that he hath those bountees in him, that he hath not, or weneth that he shulde have hem by his deserving, or elles that demeth that he be that he is not.

Chaucer. The Persones Tale, v. ii. p. 312.

Which for none other purpose exalt eche of the for their part the dignitie of their own apostle, but because themselfes would be had in greater estimacion, indging in this euen as foolishly of thëself, as of them in whose behalfe they doe arrogantly bragge

and crake.

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equiponderant, that my impatience to try the event of my first performance will not suffer me to attend any longer to the trepi- GATE dations of the balance. Rambler, No. 1. Arrogance is always offensive; because in demanding more ARROW, than its due (for this meaning appears in the etymology of the word) it manifests a petulant and injurious disposition, that disdains to be controlled by good breeding or any other restraint. Beattie's Moral Science.

ARROO, or ARRAU ISLES. See ARRU. ARROTINO, L', in Sculpture, is a celebrated statue in the gallery of the great duke of Florence. It represents an old man resting upon one knee, and whetting a knife upon a stone, with his head in an attitude of listening, as if cautious not to be observed. The head and hair of this statue have been much admired.

A'RROW, A. S. arwe, from Ger. arwian, to preA'RROWY. pare, to make ready, to dress; q. d. prepared for battle. Skinner.

Applied to any material.

Prepared, dressed, to be shot from a bow.

Myd arwen & myd quareles so muche folk first me slow,
And seppe with speres smyton a doun, þat deol was ynow.
R. Gloucester, p. 48.

A shefe of peacock arwes bright and kene
Under his belt he bare ful thriftily.
Wel coude he dresse his takel yemanly.
His arwes drouped not with fetheres lowe,
And in his hond he bare a mighty bowe.

Chaucer. The Prologue, vi. p. 5.

And ten broad arrowes held he there
Of which flue in his hond were
But they were shauen well and dight
Nocked and fethered a right.

Id. Romant of the Rose, fol. 120. c. 3. And this (bow) bent he close laid downe and bad his souldiers hold

Their shields before him; lest the Greekes (discerning him)

shulde rise

In tumults, ere the Spartan king could be his arrowes prize. Meane space, with all his care he chus'd, and from his quiver


An arrow, fethered best for flight, and yet that never flew;
Strong headed and most apt to pierce; then tooke he up his bow,
And nockt his shaft; the ground whence all their future griefe
did grow.

Chapman's Homer's Iliad, book iv.
This, by the Greeks unseen, the warrier bends,
Screen'd by the shields of his surrounding friends,
There meditates the mark; and couching low,
Fits the sharp arrow to the well-strung bow.
One from a hundred feather'd deaths he chose,
Fated to wound, and cause of future woes.

Pope's Homer's Iliad, book iv.
-My arrowes

Too slightly timbred for so loud a winde,
Would haue reuerted to my bow againe,
And not where I had aim'd them.

Shakespeare's Hamlet, fol. 275. This county, in fashion, is like a bended bowe, the sea making the back, the rivers Wolland and Humber the two horns thereof, while Trent hangeth down from the latter like a broken string, as being somewhat the shortest: such persecute the metaphor too much, who compare the river Witham (whose currant is crooked} into the arrow crossing the middle thereof.

Fuller's Worthies. Lincolnshire.
For this day will pour down,
If I conjecture aught, no drizling show'r,
But ratling storm of arrows barb'd with fire.

Milton's Par. Lost, book vi.
Mean time the virgin-huntress was not slow
T' expel the shaft from her contracted bow:
Beneath his ear the fastned arrow stood,
And from the wound appear'd the trickling blood.

Dryden's Fables.

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ARROWAUKS, ARUACS, or ARAUACS, are a distinct race of people who live on the Atlantic, between the mouth of the Orinooko and Cape Nassau, and are supposed to be the aborigines of the original inhabitants of the West India islands. For an account of their manners and institutions, see Edwards's History of the West Indies, vol. i. 60. and Stedman's Narrative of a Voyage to Surinam.

ARRU, or ARRAU, (ARROO, AROU,) islands; five small islands on the western coast of Papúa, or New Guinea. 7° S. lat. 135° E. long. They are principally remarkable as being the place where the birds of Paradise, (or mānuk dewata's, i. e. divine birds,) are principally found. Some, if not all the species of that remarkable family, breed in Papúa, and migrate with the western monsoon to the Arrù Isles, where they remain during the whole of the dry season. Sago, the dried pulp of the Sagus, or Gomutus, Rumphii, is the chief produce of these islands. The natives are negroes and quite uncivilized; they make frequent incursions on their neighbours the Papúans. See Forrest's Voyage to New Guinea. Valentyn's Oud en Nieuw oost-Indiën. Buffon, Hist. des Oiseaux, ed. de Sonnini, p. 345, &c.

ARSACIDÆ, the name given to the kings of Parthia, from Arsaces, the founder of the monarchy. Blair dates his death at 245 в. c. and his dynasty continued till A. d. 229.

ARSANE, a town of Palestine, in which Asa king of Israel was buried, according to Josephus. Antiq.

viii. 6.

A'RSENAL, a word of unsettled etymology. Junius conjectures that it is contracted from the It. arce navale. "An armoury, a store-house of armour; artillery, shipping or ships." Cotgrave.

This L. Quintius, the only hope of the Romans, the man who was to set upright theire empire now distressed, occupied then a piece of ground, to the quantitie of some foure acres, called to this day Quintia prata, i. e. Quintius his meaddowes, on the other side of the Tyber, over against that very place where now the arsenall and ship dockes are, and there was hee found digging a ditch, and bearing hard on his spade, or else a plowing the ground, I wote not whether, but busie and earnest about some rusticall worke, no doubt he was. Holland's Livy.

Thence to the famous orators repair, Those ancients, whose resistless eloquence Wielded at will that fierce democratie, Shook the arsenal and fulmin'd over Greece To Macedon, and Artaxerxes' throne. Milton's Par. Reg. book iv. His wise providence hath made one country the granery, another the cellar, another the orchard, another the arsenal of their neighbours, yea, of the remotest parts.

Bp. Hall. Quo Vadis? A Censure of Travel.

By thee entrusted with supreme command, When thou art absent, to Phaleron's port,

Late arsenal of Athens.

Glover's Athenaid, book iv.

ARSENIC, is one of the brittle metals, and it is so brittle, that it may be reduced to powder under the hammer; when struck, it exhales a powerful odour resembling garlick. Its fresh fracture is bluish grey to silver white, and brilliant; but by exposure to the air it speedily tarnishes, and becomes black.

It occurs chiefly in primitive rocks, not forming veins, but frequently accompanying other substances, particularly the ores of silver, lead, antimony, nickel, and cobalt.

It is found in the metallic state, sometimes as an oxide, and frequently in combination with sulphur. This combination is known under the names of orpiment and realgar.

Arsenic will combine with most of the metals, and communicates a white stain to copper when heated in contact with that metal; the oxide has an acrid taste, and is highly poisonous. It is however sometimes used in medicine, in dying, and in the manufacture of glass.

Orpiment and realgar are used almost exclusively as pigments; but in China, realgar is formed into vessels for medical purposes: these are filled with some vegetable acid, which, after remaining some time in them, is used as a remedy in certain diseases.

Arsenic is capable of combining with oxygen in two different proportions; with the first it forms an oxide, with the second an acid. In its acid state it combines with the metallic oxides, and produces arseniates; several of which occur naturally, and forin an interesting class of minerals. See CHEMISTRY and MINERALOGY.

ARSENIC, in Pharmacy. The white oxide is directed by the London Pharmacopæia, to be sublimed, after which it is to be boiled with an equal weight of carbonate of potash, in order to form the liquor Arsenicalis, Fowler's Solution, or the Tasteless Ague Drop. This solution, which contains one grain of arsenic in two drams, is given in doses of a few drops in intermittent fevers, and in several eruptive diseases. Great caution is necessary in the exhibition of so dangerous a remedy. Arsenic has been used externally in cancer, lupus, &c. in form of an ointment. For an account of poison by arsenic, the reader is referred to art. PoISON.

ARSHIN, the most common Russian measure of length 16 vershok=315 Paris lines. It is also a Chinese measure, but 1 Chinese arshin=302 Paris lines. 3 arshins=1 fathom, and 500 fathoms=1


A'RSON, saddle-bow, arçon de la selle. Fr. arcione. It. Barb. Lat. arcio. Thus traced by Menage, arcus, arcuus, arcuo, arcyo, arcio, arcione, arçon,


Between the saddle and the arsoun,
The stroke of that felon glode adown,
Withouten wem or wound.

Guy of Warwick, in Ellis, v. ii. p. 81. ARSON, in Law, from ardeo, I burn; signifies the act of wilfully setting fire to a house or other proIf the house be a man's perty, belonging to others. own, the act is not felony, and punishable with death, but only a great misdemeanor, and punishable by fine, imprisonment, or pillory.



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Of arte he had pe maistrie, he mad a coruen kýng
In Cantebrige to be clergie, or his broper were kyng.
Sipen was neuer non of arte so þat sped,
Ne bifore bot on, þat in Cantebrigge red.

R. Brunne, p. 336.
In felawship wel coude she laughe and carpe
Of remedies of love she knew parchance,
For of that arte she coude the olde dance.

Chaucer. The Prologue, v. i. p. 20.
Of hem that ben artificers,
Whiche vsen craftes and misters,
Whose arte is cleped mechanike.

Gower. Con. A. book vii.

And as ye see a thing made by artifice perishe, and a naturall thing lost I am in great feare, that after my death, he will tourne that way that his mother hath childed him, and not as I haue nourished him. The Golden Booke.

So that the capitayn named Zaunqun was slayne with many other, to the nombre of xviiiM. & aboue, as wytnessyth ye Frenshe boke, ouer many whiche were there taken prysoners of poore men and artyficers, for the multitude of ye gentylmen were vpon the erlys partie. Fabyan

The mindes of the faithful shal be more refreshed, & filled wt this holsome foode, thus ministred by a simple person, then if ye supersticiouse Pharisey, the arrogant philosophier, or eloquent rhetorician, would for the aduauncyng and setting forthe of theselfes make vnto the people an artificial oracion or sermon, whiche they had diligently studied, & long time prouided for aforehand. Udall. Mark, c. 6.

The sayde authour sayth also that the aforesaide Rosamond had a little coffer scarcely two foote long, merueylous artificially wrought, which is yet (sayth he) to be seene there, wherein gyauntes seeme to fight, beastes do startle and stirre, and fowles fliyng in the ayre, and fishes swim in the water, without any mannes mouyng or helpe. Grafton, v. i. I maruelle mutche, that M. Harding being so great an artificer in so small cases, had no better eie to his owne entrie. Jewel's Defence of the Apologie. Adrine, the emperor, mortally envied poets, and painters, and artificers in works, wherein he had a vein to excel.

Bacon's Essay on Envy.

-The broad circumference

Hung on his shoulders like the moon, whose orb
Through optic glass the Tuscan artist views
At ev'ning from the top of Fesole,
Or in Valdarno, to descry new lands,
Rivers, or mountains, in her spotty globe."

Milton's Par. Lost, book i.

Standing on slippers, which his nimble haste Had falsely thrust vpon contrary feete, Told of a many thousand warlike French, That were embattiled, and rank'd in Kent. Another leane, vnwash'd artificer Cuts off his tale, and talks of Arthur's death. Shakespeare's King John, fol. 16. For the Ergane (that is to say, Minerva,) all artisans and artificers acknowledge and honour their patronesse, and not fortune. Holland's Plutarch's Morals, fol. 191.

But amongst all other things, he most wondered at the infinite number of lights and torches hanged on the top of the house, giving light in every place, so artificially set and ordered by devices,

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This, my lord, is the duchess Bianca, a wond'rous sweet picture, you will observe with what singularity the artsman hath strove to set forth each limb in exquisitest proportion, not missing a hare. Ford's Love's Sacrifice.

In the unity of time you find them so scrupulous, that it yet remains a dispute among their poets, whether the artificial day of twelve hours more or less, be not meant by Aristotle, rather than the natural one of twenty-four.

Dryden's Essay on Dramatick Poesie.

But till some genius as universal as Aristotle, shall arise, who can penetrate into all arts and sciences, without the practice of them, I shall think it reasonable that the judgment of an artificer in his own art, should be preferrable to the opinion of another man. Dryden's Pref. to All for Love,

Though an author's natural parts may make his book abound with wit, yet without the help of art, he will scarce make it free from faults. Boyle's Occasional Reflections.

For though he were too artful a writer to set down events in exact historical order, for which Lucan is justly blam'd; yet are all the most considerable affairs and persons of Rome compriz'd in this poem. Dryden's Life of Virgil.

his colours, as exactly to imitate or counterfeit the native ones of The art of the most skilful painter cannot so mingle and temper the flowers of vegetables.

Ray on the Creation. These, and such as these, are the hopes of hypocrites, which Job elegantly compares to the spider's web, finely and artificially wrought, but miserably thin and weak. Tillotson's Sermons.

If workmen become scarce, the manufacturer gives higher wages, but at first requires an encrease of labour; and this is willingly submitted to by the artisan, who can now eat and drink better, to compensate his additional toil and fatigue. Hume's Essays. Of Money. An artful pope would certainly be glad to furnish a young king with artists who would encourage him in raising shrines and temples. Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting.

No: we are polish'd now! the rural lass,
Whom once her virgin modesty and grace,
Her artless manners, and her neat attire,
So dignified, that she was hardly less
Then the fair shepherdess of old romance,
Is seen no more.

Cowper's Task. Another vice of age, by which the rising generation may be alienated from it, is severity and censoriousness, that gives no allowance to the failings of early life, that expects artfulness from childhood, and constancy from youth, that is peremptory in every command, and inexorable to every failure.

Who, satisfied with only pencil'd scenes,
Prefer to the performance of a God
Th' inferior wonders of an artist's hand?

The Rambler.

Cowper's Poems.

They were plain artless men, without the least appearance of enthusiasm or credulity about them, and rather slow than forward to believe any thing extraordinary and out of the common course of nature. Porteus's Lectures.

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Oft to the beech's deep-embowering shade
Pensive and sad this hapless shepherd stray'd;
There told in artless verse his tender pain
To echoing hills and groves, but all in vain.
Beattie's Virgil, past. ii.

Rise, sons of harmony, and hail the morn,
While warbling larks on russet pinions float.
Or seek at noon the woodland scenes remote,
Where the gay linnets carol from the hill.
O let them ne'er with artificial note,
To please a tyrant, strain the little bill,
But sing what Heaven inspires, and wonder where they will.
Beattie's Minstrel.
Most arts require long study and application; but the most
useful art of all, that of pleasing, requires only the desire.
Chesterfield's Maxims.

Art can never give the rules that make an art. This is, I be-
lieve, the reason why artists in general, and poets principally,

have been confined in so narrow a circle.

Burke, on the Sublime and Beautiful.

If I was a philosopher, says Montaigne, I would naturalise art, instead of artilising nature. The expression is odd, but the sense is good.

Bolingbroke's Works.

ARTA, or LARTA, a town of European Turkey, in Albania; the see of a Greek archbishop, near a gulph to which it gives its name. The inhabitants, who are mostly Christians, are supposed to be about 7000. N. Lat. 39° 28'. E. Long. 21° 20′. This town is remarkable for its cathedral, built by Michael Ducas Comneno, Emperor of Constantinople, which is said to have as many windows as there are days in the year; it is supported by above 200 marble pillars.

ARTA, a district of Albania, of which the chief

It is the
town is on the shore of the Ionian sea.
site of the ancient Ambracia. Its population has been
estimated at 20,000 souls. It is placed near a river
of the same name, anciently Arachtus, in a fine and
fertile country. Its trade consists principally in grain,
wood, oil, tobacco, wool, and cotton.
Dr. Holland's Trav. in Albania.

ARTABA, an ancient measure of capacity, used by
the Egyptians and Persians. The Persian artaba, ac-
cording to Herodotus, was bigger than the Athenian
medimnus, by three choenixes; from which it would
appear to have contained about 166lbs. of wine or
water, and 126lbs. of wheat. The Egyptian artaba
was less than the Attic medimnus, and held about
133 pounds of water, and about 100lbs. of wheat.

ARTAXATA, in Ancient Geography, the capital of Armenia, and the residence of the Armenian kings. It was situated on an elbow of the river Araxes, and was considered so strong, that Lucullus, after the defeat of Tigranes, thought it useless to besiege it. At a subsequent period it was called Neronia, in honour

of Nero. Its ruins are shewn at a place called Ard- ARTE. achat.

ARTE, the adjective artus, says Vossius, denotes the same as angustus, i. e. narrow.

To narrow, to constrain, to force.

And ouer all this, full mokel more he thought

What for to speke, and what to holden inne
And what to arten, her to loue he sought
And on a song anone right to beginne.

Chaucer. Troilus, book i. fol. 154. c. 2.
When I was yong at XVIII year of age
Lusty and light desirous of pleaseaunce
Approaching on full sad and ripe courage
Loue arted mee to doe my obseruaunce
To his estate.

Id. The Court of Loue, fol. 348 c. 4.
ARTEDIA, in Botany, a genus of umbelliferous
plants, consisting of a single species, a native of the

ARTEMISIA, in Botany, a genus of plants, class
Syngenesia, order Polygamia Superflua.

Generic character. Receptacle naked or subvillous;
pappus none; calyx imbricate, with rounded connivent
scales; florets of the ray wanting.

The following are the most important species of this genus:


A. Absinthium, Common Wormwood, leaves multipartite, hoary; flowers hemispherical, pendulous; receptacle hairy.

This well known plant has been employed in medi-
cine for its bitter qualities, which reside chiefly in its
essential oil. The subcarbonate of potash was for-
merly obtained from its ashes, whence the old name
of salt of wormwood.

A. Abrotanum, or Southernwood, is commonly cul-
tivated in gardens; it is a native of the south of
Wormwood,) were formerly used for the same pur-
Europe. The A. Maritima, and A. Gallica, (Sea

poses as the A. Absinthium. The seeds of the A. San-
tonica, or Wormseed, have long been a popular remedy

for worms.

This plant is a native of Tartary and Siberia, and the seeds are brought from the Levant.

ARTEMISIUM, in Ancient Geography, a promontory of Euboea, on the northern side of the island, which is famous for the great naval victory gained by

the Grecians over Xerxes.


Αρτηρια, spiritus semita ; απο το τον
ARTE'RIAL. αερα τηρειν.

-Vniuersall plodding, poysons vp

The nimble spirits in the arteries:
As motion and long during action tyres
The sinnowy vigour of the trauailer.

Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost, fol. 135.
As for the bone, or rather induration of the roots of the arterial
vein, and great artery, which is thought to be found onely in the
heart of an old deer, and therefore becomes more precious in its
rarity, it is often found in deer, much under thirty.

Brown's Vulgar Errors.

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ARTHINGWORTH, in the hundred of Rothwell, county of Northampton; a Rectory valued in the King's Books at £12. 2s. 8d.; Patron, T. Rokeby, ARTICLE. Esq. The resident population of this parish in 1801, was 207. The money raised by the parish rates in 1803, was £235. 18s. 4d., at 3s. 2d. in the pound. It is 8 miles W. N. W. from Kettering, and 44 miles S. by E. from Market Harborough, in the county of Leicester.

ARTHRITICAL. Apopitis, pain or disease in the joints; from apopov, a joint.

Tho' some want bones, and all extended articulations, yet have
they arthritical analogies; and by the motion of fibrous and mus-
culous parts, are able to make progression.
Brown's Vulgar Errors.

Oh may I live exempted (while I live
Guiltless of pamper'd appetite obscene)
From pangs arthritic, that infest the toe
Of libertine excess.

Cowper's Task.

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ARTHRODYNIA, (from ¿p@pov, à joint, and ỏdúvŋ, pain,) in Medicine, chronic pains in the joints, without pyresia, chronic rheumatism, or chronic gout.

ARTHROPODIUM, in Botany, a genus of liliaceous plants, inhabiting New South Wales.

ARTHURET, or ARTHUR'S HEAD, in Eskdale Ward, county of Cumberland, in the parish of Arthuret; a Rectory valued in the King's Books at £2.; Patron, Sir James Graham, Bart. It is 1 mile S. from Longtown. The Vicarage of Arthuret is valued in the King's Books at £1. 2s. 1d. This parish includes the English part of the Debatable



Articulus, a small joint, from artus, a joint. As artus is applied to greater members, as the arms; so articulus, to the less, as the fingers.

To set forth the separate particulars of a whole; to state separately the terms or conditions.

To articulate, is to utter or emit distinctly, disjoined, separate sounds.

So that for these iniuryes and many moo, whiche at the tyme of his deposynge, were artyculed agayne hym in .xxxviii. sundry artycles, with also the rumour that ranne vpon hym that he had letten to ferme the reuenuse of ye crowne to Busshey, Bogot, & Grene, whiche cawsyd as well ye noblemen of ye realme to grudge agayn hym as other of the comon people.

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Lady Kent articled with Sir Edward Herbert, that he should come to her when she sent for him, and stay with her as long as she would have him, to which he set his hand; then he articled with her, that he should go away when he pleased, and stay away as long as he pleased, to which she set her hand. Selden's Table Talk.

A minister should preach according to the articles of religion established in the church where he is. Selden's Table Talk.

Of whom (excepting Antiochus himselfe, with whom Scipio had articled peace and alliance, and yee also had expressely given order therfore) they all were our enemies no doubt, who had born arms against us in the quarrell and behalfe of the said Antiochus. Holland's Livy.

The hint and ground of this opinion might be the gross and somewhat cylindrical composure of the legs, the equality, and less perceptible disposure of the joints, especially in the former legs of this animal (the elephant) they apearing when he standeth, like pillars of flesh, without any evidence of articulation.

Brown's Vulgar Errors.

The first at least of these I thought deni'd
To beasts, whom God on their creation-day
Created mute to all articulat sound.

Milton's Par. Lost, book ix.

If a man only speak articulately words of voluntary formation and arbitary imposition; yet even brutes have such natural language, as whereby each of the same kind do mutually understand each other. Bp. Hall. St. Paul's Combat.

This (Sir George Villers) predecessor the Earl of Somerset hath

got a lease of 90 years for his life, and so has his articulate lady,

called so, for articling against the frigidity and impotence of her former lord. Howell's Letters.

Since au echo will speak without any mouth at all articulately returning the voice of man, by only ordering the vocal spirit in concave and hollow places; whether the musculous and motive parts about the hollow mouths of beasts, may not dispose the passing spirit into some articulate notes, seems a querie of no great doubt. Brown's Vulgar Errors.

If a good man be passing by an infirm building, just in the article of falling, can it be expected, that God should suspend the force of gravitation till he is gone by, in order to his deliverance? Wollaston's Religion of Nature.

Some again have searched, and obtained satisfaction, they say, concerning every article of morals; but will not concern themselves about religion.

Secker's SermØRS. Another indenture of 1338, for glazing some of the west windows, articles, that the workmen should have six-pence a foot for white glass, and twelve-pence for coloured.

Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting. They must be put into his (the catechist's) hands the moment they are capable of articulating their words, and their instruction must be pursued with unremitting diligence.

Porteus on the Civilization of Negro Slaves. For the general history of the article, the reader may refer to the Treatise upon GRAMMAR.

ÁRTICLE, (Lat. Articulus. Gr. ap¤pov, ' a joint.') A part of speech which has been the subject of much discussion, amongst those who have written on the construction of the Greek language, of which alone we shall here treat. The Stoics defined the article to be "a part of speech, distinguishing the genders and numbers of nouns," the futility of which definition is exposed by Apollonius Dyscolus, who has written the Grst of his four books περὶ συντάξεως on the nature and use of the article. The definition which Aristotle has given (A. P. 20.), is not very intelligible, even with Mr. Hermann's explanation. The most philosophical and probable account is that, which has been so ably illustrated by the learned Bishop Middleton; viz. that the Greek article is neither more nor less than the demonstrative or relative pronoun (for both were originally the same). The article, together with its


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