Зображення сторінки

Lime, two kinds of, in the neigh-
bourhood of Doncaster, 607.
Lame-trees, first pianted in Eng.

land. 393.

Lines, to D. P. 52; to M. C. 63.
LINGUET, extracts from, 639,


Ideas for &c. 1. &e.
Llanrust, epitaph at, 526.
Llys Bradicen, 39.
Loaves, horse, 710.
Locrine, 242.

Locust, hieroglyphic on the
forehead of, 228; why so
numerous? 336; queer no-
tion about, 463.
Locust Bird, or Samarman, ac-
count of, 110.
Lodges, Masonic, made use of
by the Jacobites, 383.
Ligonomie, Gill's, 705.
London, Fire of, notion that it

was purposely kindled by the
government to annihilate the

plague, 378; Hobbes' opi-

nion of, 665.

Longerity in the Vale of Gul-

brand, in Norway, 544.

Lotus, account of,- Duppa's
work on, 179.

Lore, extracts about, 474. 578.
Louver-Holes, what, 373.
Love of God, 62.

Lucar, Por la plaça de San. Lu-

car, &c. 267.

LUTHER, Colloquia Mensalia,

extracts from, 156, &c.; says
that demons dislike music,
569; remarks of, on the evil
of writing, 624; fondness for
the lute, 570; his saying that
every man had a Pope in his
belly, 693.

Lycians, governed by women,

LYLY, JOHN, extracts from his
Euphues, the Anatomy of
Wit, &c.; Euphues and his
England, 298, 301.
story of his death believed
in the family, 350.


Machinery, creates enormous
wealth for few individuals,

tracts from, 476, 646.

Mackerel, their food, 401.
Madman, story of, 358.
Madness, increase of, 384; re-
marks on, 470-1, 482; poli- |
tical excitement the cause of
its increase in America, 706.

Manoc, notes for, 15; parti-
culars relative to, 45; sketch
of, 204-210.

Magazine St. James's, extracts,

[blocks in formation]

MALCOLM, murderers of, 153.
Maldive Ingenuity, 246; cus-
tom if one dies at sea, 375;
astonishment of a prince of
the, 428.
Malta, knights of, unable to
write, 710.

“Malum benè positum non est
morendum," saying of Sir
Ph. Warwick's, 640.
Idololatria Debellata, 627.
Man, condition since the fall,

Man, Isle of, extracts relative
to, 320.

Mandrakes, origin of, 243.
MANGO CAPAC, Southey could

not identify Madoc with,-
some account of, 3, 4.
Manipa, Priest of, 43.
Manners, corruption of, 678;

censores morum, wanted, 686.
Mantras, or, Charms from Cey-
lon, book of obtained by
Adam Clarke, 699.
Manufacturers, seditious when
provisions are dear, 667.
Manure and Dunghills, re-
marks on, 493.

Marathon, sounds on the plains
of. 225.

Mareb, reservoir of, 104.
Margites, character of, suits
many, 678.

MARIATALE, account of, in
Hindoo mythology, 253.
Marine, on board the Roval
George, story of, for ballad,


Marriage Act, proof of the ne-
cessity of, 396; ill effect of.
Marriage, extracts relative to,
598, 605; better a relative
marry than a friend, why?
614; saying of Plymouth
sailors about, 363, 563.
Marriage apportionment, Mar-
tin Heemskerke's 239.
Martinist, lodge of at Avignon,

Martingale, who sent you to
London without one? 356.
MARULLE of Stalimine, story
of, 196.

Charles I.'s death, 635.
MARY, QUEEN, the days of,

sketch of, poem, 190.
VA, and BRAS GARCIA, 629,

Masonry, curious trial about.
374; derived from the Tem
plars? 383.
MASON, the poet, notes and ex-
tracts relative to, 294-296;
manliness of his moral poems,
295; last book of the Garden
miserably bad, 296.
MASSENGER, extracts from, and
remarks on, 331, 473.
Mass, horrors of, 674.
Mast, reflection of on a river at
evening, one of the most
beautiful images Southey
ever saw, 201; hollow iron
ones, 386.
Mastiff, Lyly's derivation of
the word, 301.
Materialism, 595.
Mathematics, and absence of
mind running in a family,
Mathraral, 54, 57.

extracts from, 124, 138.
from, 130, 131.

[blocks in formation]

son's remark on his quick-
ness, 645.
Maxims, Oriental, 101.
MAY, the translator of Lucan,

anecdote of, 312.
May-day in the Highlands, ac-
count of, 92, 116.
MAZARIN, saying of, 439.
Mecca, 177.

Mechanical notions, 359.
Medicines, Lord Bacon's re-
mark on, 698.

Medical Facts, &c. 437-8-9,
474, 476.
Meer-stone, 481.

Melancholy, 436, 461, 473.
Melrose, the wonderful beauty
of, 529.

Memory, loss of, 460; how to
increase, 509.
MENU, offspring of, 246; how
poets ranked in, 634.
Mercy-knives, 23.

Merriment, morality and duty
of, 449.

Merthyr Tydvil, story of the

forgemen and the devil, 358.
MESSIAH, Jewish ideas of, 102.
METASTASIO, extracts relative
to, 328, 469, 656.
Methodists, church government
among, 363; hell, no place
for, 374; in agricultural
countries attached to the
church, not in manufactur-
ing ones, 682.
Metrical Memoranda, 2.
Mexican Gods, account of, 142,

[blocks in formation]

Minehead, account of, and of the
borough, 519.

Mines, Irish gold and silver,

169; at Keswick, 537.
Mirror of Magistrates, extracts,


Misfortune, technical sense of,


Misjed, or, Place of Prayer,

Missionary Poems, subjects for,

Mitrum — nitrum, St. Peter v.

Salt-Peter, 372.

MOALLAKAT, extracts from,

Mob, the, Sheridan's opinion
of, 689.

Modernity at Gloucester cathe-
dral, 392.

MOHAMMED, intended poem,
18; sketch of, 19; Turpin's
account of the image of Ma-
homed, 26; flight of, 177;
arrival at Medina, 178;
flight of, 224.
Monastic Life, 141.
MONBODDO, LORD, opinion on
four distinct minds in man,

Monk, mad one of Heidelberg,

470; to be guarded against
on all sides, 674.
Monkey, the primitive, 96;
monk and fish mortality,
244; sayings of Rabelais
about, 638.
MONSTRELLET, quoted, 21, 55,
66; reports that the sons of
the kings of France are made
knights at the font when
baptized, 712.
MONTAIGNE, sayings of, 626-7.
Montargis, battle of, 108.
MONTLUC, extracts from, 626,

Moon, man in, dream of the
death of, 274; extension of,
275; women of lay eggs, ac-
cording to Neocles of Croto-
na, 613.

MOORE, HANNAH, affected at
the death of Mason, 294; her
strange remarks on Sir Phi-
lip Sydney's Arcadia, 322;
her friendship with Beattie,
334; saying of H. Walpole's
to, 620.
Moorish Princesses converted,
82; customs after meat, 231;
just, 241; remark of a Moor

on English places of worship,


Morals, no man's religion ever
survived, saying of South,


Moravian Hymn, extract from,

MORE, SIR T., no one put to

death for heresy when he
was chancellor, 664.
MORLEY, JOHN, sometime
butcher, story of, 618.
Moro Alcayde, original and
translation of, 265.

Moseley, ruin of, sonnet on, 93.
Moss-cups, specific for hooping
cough, 548.

Mother, one at the age of sixty-
two, 398.

Mourning Ale, 700.
Mousell for Melastmus, &c. 714.
Muck, the mother of the meal
chest, 675.

MULEY, ISHMAEL, saying of,

[blocks in formation]


Nequity, i.e. no equity. We | NORDEN, extracts from, 228, |
want the word, 681.
Newcastle, privilege of the town

[blocks in formation]



latter books of Amadis, ex-
tracts from, 317, &c.
Nispolas Las, con tiempo se ma-

duran, Spanish Proverb, 676.
Nir, the water-spirit, 157.
No, only to be said to the devil,
Turkish saying, 613.
No-name Lake, 606.
NOAH, of all subjects the most
magnificent, the one on
which Southey would have
introduced hexameters into
our language, 2; ideas of it,
ib.; Noah's Ark, remnant of,
on Mount Ararat, 76; why
he lived longer than Adam,


Nonsense, philosophy of, 577;
the sense of, and Orator Hen-
ley's remark on, 601; no-
thing, say musical compos-
ers, so melodious as, 372; a
Puritan saying about, 686;
talked methodically by the
English, 689.

NORRIS, J. remarks of, 491,


love for music, without which
he could not have mastered
the drudgery of law, 573.
Northern Lights, 162.
Norwegian Brothers, in the tor-
rent circled island, 27.
Notched Bridge, beautiful one

over the Teign, 522.
Number Two, extracts about,


Nuns, formerly confessed by

some Abbesses,―the custom
put a stop to owing to their
curiosity, 432; at Ghent,
amused themselves with
country dances, 568.
Nurse, affection of a, 714.


Ouded, i.e. woaded, 286.
Oaks, Hankford's, 156; of the
forest, and of our fathers,
Oaths, extracts relative to, 591.

tian princess married to, 79.

Obituary Anecdotes, proposed
chapter of, 419.
Objects, Inanimate, feeling to-
wards, 543.

Observations, Literary, 258.
Ocean-shells, the murmur of,


OFFA, apparition of, 75.
Offices, Good, requisites for,


[blocks in formation]

Ossetes, Caucasian tribe, ssid
be under the government
women, 480.
Ostrich, the intense sva
"the mother ostrich fixes a
her egg," Thalaba, p. 238.

7. 120.

Otaheite, superstitions of, 25.
Othomacas, one of the rudes i
the Orinois tribes; sapp
themselves descended fra
pile of stones, 663.
Ottery, St. Mary, the birth
place of Gower, and Brow
the Pastoral Poet, and Cole
ridge, 522.

Outcast, is the word any wṬ

traceable to Hindustan, 29.
OVID wrote Getic verses in La-
tin measure, 346.
Owl, no worshipper of the ligh
592; the egg of, accorg
to Pliny, a cure for a drunk-
ard, 400.

Ox-eye, i.e. a silver cup, 425.
Oxford, notes relative to, 425.
Oysters, Mr. Senhouse cl
nized the Solway Frith with,


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Peacocks, varied plumage of,
in the sun, 257.
Pearls, Mineral, query? 301.
quickness of sight, 555.
PEDRO THE JUST, sketch of
poem, 189.

PEELE, GEORGE, extracts from
and relative to, 323.
Peeler, what? 307.
Pelican, account of, 101.
Penitentiary, Female, remarks
on, 402.

PENN, WILLIAM, no Cross no
Crown, 288.

Penniless Bench, 300.
Pendulum, isochronism of, Ga-
lileo led to the discovery of
from observing the vibration
of the lamps in the Cathe-
dral of Pisa, 701.
Pennyll, what? 40.
Penryn, in Cornwall, story of
a party of Spaniards who
landed at, 405.
Penshurst, inscription for, 193.
Perch, first appearance of, in
Ireland? 611.

Perenuth, Horse of the Idol of,

[blocks in formation]

PHILIP, AUGUSTUS, reconciled
to his Queen, 74.
Philosophers, no absurdity un-
said by, 453-4.
PHILOSTRATUS' Blount's, ex-
tracts, 511, 565, 568.
PHIPSONS of Colgarth, their
covetousness, and the end
thereof, 426.
Phosphorus, discovery of, 436,
489, 508.

Physic, extracts relative to,


Physicians, Chinese, the skill
of, 547; praise of in Moliere,
550; bad ones purged and
vomited in the next world,


Picts' Wall, visited by Scotch
empirics for vulnerary plants,

Piebald horse, he that rides has
a remedy for the king (?chin)
cough, 531.

Pig, i. e. an apple puff, 417.
Pig, hints for colloquial poem
on, 197; ringing his nose,
198; not to be kept by small
farmer, 610; notions about,
in the Society Islands, 481
extracts about, 498; Bowles'
love for, 514.
Pigeon, curious one, story of,
360; corrected one? 445;
organ in stomach for secret-
ing milk, 469; voracious
vermin, 493.
Pigeon fancier, Herod one, 619.
Pigeon dung, set fire to the

great Church at Pisa, 509.
Pilgrim, letters conveyed by,

[blocks in formation]

Plane-trees, Hortensius irri-
gated with wine, 430.
Plants insipid to the taste and
smell, generally of little vir-
tue, and vice versâ, 574;
Rousseau's remark on the
study of, 575.
Pleasure, masculine sense of,
defined, 624.
Plinlimon and Severn, 57.
Plough, spoken of by a Nor-

wegian as she, 544; Van-
couver's remark on, 719.
Plural Number, Cæsar the first
person ever addressed in, 609.
PLUTARCH, his remark on men
of desperate fortune, 719.
POCOCKE, extracts from, 113.
Podagric ointment of Fr. Jos.

Borrhi, how composed, 546.
Poemlings, Sketches for, 20,

POEMS, notanda for, 181-192,
195, 210.

Poetical Ornaments, not e-
nough, 258; Recreations,
extracts from, 296.
Poetry, Collections for English
Literature and, 279.
Poets, ranks of, &c. 133; how
called by Davenant, 634; re-
marks on from Mirror of
Magistrates, 643; unbaked
poetry, 652.

Policy, overfine, Bacon's re-
mark on, 637.
Political Economy, German no
tion of, 690.
Polycronicon, account of Wales
from, 136, &c.; character of
Clerkes of Irelonde, 634.
Pomarium, what, 713.
Pontificia Potestas, cardo et
fundamentum fidei Christi-
anæ, 670.
Poor, condition of, must be
bettered, 694.

POPE, WALTER, notice of, 357.
Popery makes infidels, and is
the worst enemy of Christi
anity, 670.
Popish Superstition and Barba
rity, 581.
Population, remarks on, 695,


Porlock Bay, Should Old Eng-
land betray, Mother Skipton's
prophecy, 520.

Port de Français, on the N. W.

coast of America, 114; a su-

blime picture of, in Perouse's
Voyage, 182.

TES, the French Poet, 292.
Porting, i. e. carrying, used by
Ben Jonson, 327.

in the stables of, that the
horses might have a concert
once a week, 571; the Au-
thor of the Caxton Family
has made use of this anec-
dote, vol. 1, 252.
Portugal Delivered, projected
Poem, 273.

Potatoes, introduced into Ben-
gal by the Dutch,-how cul-
tivated, 387; love the taste
of new ground, 492; frozen
ones? 710.

Poultry, how fed for the Lon.
don market, 493.
Prawn or Shrimp, necessary to

the production of soles, 446.
Prayer, expressed and con-
cealed, difference between,

Preachers, Young, remarks on,


Presbyterian, a staunch one, al-
ways Roman Catholic in his
liquor, 617.

Presents, King's, 261.
PRESTON, the M. P. edifying
account of, 403.
PRIOR, Queen Anne doubted if

his birth would entitle him
to the office of envoy, 309.
Prisoner, Royal Privilege of
purchasing one in France,


Private Spirit, Hobbes' re-
marks on, 410.
Processions, children in, as an-
gels, 685.

Prodigals, their estates, like
those of lunatics, put in
charge of guardians by the
Flemings, 616; the same
thing proposed in that very
sensible tract called Eng-
lund's Wants, 667.
Progressive Life, 585.
Pronunciation, English, diffi-
culty and looseness of, 397.
Prostitution, sad details, 387.
Protestants, why they turn Pa-
pists, 674,

Provence Rose, origin of, 422.
Proverb, Fuller's definition of,

[blocks in formation]

Puberty, age of, dangerous b
colonies and individuals, 56!
Publications, Periodical, re,

marks on, 690.
Pudding, one of nine hundres,
pounds weight, 377.
Pulpit, position of, and a re
mark, 420.

Pumpkins and melons, food in
Camels, 112; degenerate.
grown near squashes, 43!
Punishment, Eternal, extrac
relative to, 586; perhaps
Southey's opinion was n
dissimilar to that of Origes

PURCHAS, quotations from, &
85, 159.
Purgatory, Mahommedan, 10";
St. Patrick's, extracts aboci
from Matthew Paris, Ee
130, 132, 140; from St. Ber
nard, 142.

Purl, and purled, what? 305
Pyramids, bold hypothesis a
bout, 608.


Quadrille, Freemasons, 713.
Quaintologia, i. e. quaint

queer extracts, 103, 368.
Quaker, and the Snorer, story
of, 404.

QUARLES, extracts from, 222.
286, &c. 631.
Quatrain, remarks on, 340.
Quatted, i.e. satiated, glutted,


Quetzalcoatl, 154.

Quilt, patchwork one at Seat-
oller, and Lord Carrick's re-
mark, 531.

Quipos, what? 487.

Quop and quop,— meaning of,


Rabbi's, sayings of, 449, 451,


Rain, remarkable sound of a
heavy shower falling on the

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