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name/ þe whiche not of bloodis neþer of wille of fleysche• neþer of wille of man: but ben borne of god/ and þe worde Þat is goddis fone): is made fleysche (or man)• ₹ hah dwellide in vs/ and we hane seen þe glorie of hym: þe glorie as of he one bigoten of he fadir/ þe fone ful of grace & treuße//

Jon berih witnellynge of hym: and criep leyinge/ þis it was of whom I leyde/ he þat is to come aftir me' is made bifore me, for he was þe former þan I/ and of þe plenty of hym: we alle hane taken * grace for grace/ for þe lawe is zouen by moyles: forlope grace & treupe is made by ihū crist/ no man euer size god• no but þe one bigoten sone þat is in þe bosum of þe fadir: he haþ tolde oute/ and þis is þe witneflynge of Joon* whanne Jewis fenten fro irlm priftis ₹ dekenes to hym: þat þei schulden are hym/ who art þou/ and he knowelechide * denyede not/ and he knowelechide: for I am not crift/ and þei ariden hym/ what herfore art pou helie and he feyde I am not art hou a prophete and he answeride/ nay/ þerfore þei feyden to hym/ who art þou: þat we zue answere to þes þat lenten vs/ what leift þou of hi felf he feiß/ I (am) a voyce of (a man) cryinge in deferte: dreffe zee þe weye of þe lorde, as yfair þe prophete feyde/ and þei þat weren lentes weren of þe pharifees/ and þei ariden hym & leyden to hym/ what þerfore baptifist þou' zik þou art not crist• neþer helie• neþer a prophete † Joon answeride to hem feyinge/ I baptife in water sopely þe mydil (man) of zou stood whom zee knewen not/ he it is þat aftir me is to come. þat is made bifore me, of whom I am not worhi hat I vnbynde he þwonge of his schoo/ þes þingis ben done in bethanye ouer iordan: where Joon was baptisfynge/ anoher day Joon lize ihũ comynge to hym: and he leih / lo

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þe lombe of god: lo þat doih awey þe lynnes of þe worlde/ þis is he of whom I leyde/ aftir me comep a man þat is made bifore me. for he was he former þan I/ I knewe hym not/ but þat he be schewide in ifrt þerfore I came baptifynge in water/ and Joon bare witneflynges feyinge/ for I fize he spirit comynge as a culuer from heuene* * dwellynge vpon hym. I knewe hym not/ but he þat sente me for to baptife in water: feyde to me/ vpon whom þou schalt le þe spirit comynge doune• * dwellynge vpon hym• þis is it þat baptifih in pe holy gooft/ and I fize bare witnellynge for his is þe fone of god// C Anoper day Joon stode & two of his difciplis/ and he biholdynge ihū walkynge: leip/ to he lombe of god/ and two difciplis herden hym spekynge: and folowiden ihu/ lopely ihĩ conuertide (or turnyde azen)* * leinge hem suyinge hym: seiß to hem/ what leeken zeef þe whiche leyden to hym/raby þat is interpretide mayster* where dwelleft þou he leith to hem/ come zee x le zee/ þei camen ₹ sizen where he dwellides and dwelten at hym in þat day/ foþely he houre was at he tenße/ forlohe andrew broper of Symount petre was one of he two þat herden of Joons and hadden fuede hym/ his fonde firfte his broßer fymount: and he seip/ we haue founden meflias• þat is interpretide crift/ and he ledde hym to Ihu/ Copely biholdynge hym: feyde/ þou art fymount þe lone of Johanna, þou schalt be clepide cephas⋆ þat is interpretide petre/ forfohe on þe morowe he wolde gon oute into galilces and he fonde philip/ and Ihĩ leiß to hym lue þou me/ philip was of bethlayda þe cytee of andrewe x petre/ Philip fonde nathanael: and he seiþ to hym/ we haue founden Ihã þe lone of Joseph of nazareth, whom moyfes wrote in þe lawe * prophetis/ and nathanael feyde to hym/ of nazareth may sum hing

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hing of good be/ Philip_leiß to hym/ come * se/ and Ihĩ lize nathanael comynge to hyms and seip to hym/ lo verreyley a man of ifrt* in whom is no gile/ nathanael seiþ to hym/ wher of halt þou knowen me/ Ihĩ ́answeride ₹ leiß to hym/ bifore þat philip clepide þee, whanne þou were vndre þe fyge tree: I lize þee/ nathanael answeride to hym: ₹ seiß raby* þou art þe lone of god: þou art kyng of ifrl/ Ihĩ answeride * leyde to hym/ for I leyde to þee. I size þee vndre þe fyge tree: þou bileuelt/ pou schalt le more þan þes þingis/ and he leyde to hem/ treuely I leye to zou• zee schulen se heuene openyde. * þe aungels of god steyzynge vp * comynge doune vpon mannes sone//

And he þridde day weddyngis ben made in þe chane of cuntre of galilees and þe modir of ihū was þere/ foþely Ihĩ is clepide his disciplis to he weddyngis/ and wijn faylynge: þe modir of ihu leyde to hym/ þei haue not wijn/ and Ihĩ. leiþ_to_hire/ what to me x to þee wommanÍ myn houre came not zit/ þe modir of hym leiß to þe mynystres/ what euer þing I schal leye to zous do zee/ forlohe here weren putte fire stonen pottis aftir þe clensing of icwiss takyng eche two or pre mesures/ The leiß to hem/ fille zee he pottis wih water/ and þei filliden hem vnto þe hizest parte/ * ihĩ leyde to hem/ draw zee now ₹ beriþ to architriclyn (Þat is prynce of þe hous of þre stagis)/ and þei tooken/ and as architriclyn taftide þe water made wijn• * he wiste not wher of it was loþely þe mynystres wisten þat drowen þe waters architriclyn clepih þe Spouse leih to hym/ eche man puttip firfte good wifn• and whanne men schulen be fulfilde: þan þat þat is worse/ sohely þou haft kepte good wyn vnto nowe/ Ihr dide þis bigynnynge


of lignes in þe chane of galilee. * schewide his glorie: * his difciplis bileueden into hym/ aftir þes þingis he came doune to capharnaum* * his modir x his breßeren & his difciplis: þei dwelten þere not manye dayes/ and þe palke of iewis was nyz: and ihĩ wente vp to irlm/ * he fonde in þe temple men fellynge scheep x oren * culueris E money chaungers fittynge/ and whanne he hadde made of smale coordis as a Scourge: he caste oute alle of he temple scheep oren/ and he schedde oute money of chaungers: and turnede vplodoune þe boordis/ and he feyde to hem þat folden culuers/ takiþ awey hens þes þingis. & nyl zee make þe hous of my fadir: an hous of marchaundice/ forfohe his disciplis hadden mynde: for it is writen/ þe zeele (or feruoure of loue) of þin hous haþ eten me/ þerfore þe iewes answeriden & leyden to hym/ what ligne (or token) schewift þou to vs for þou doist þis þingis The answeride & leyde to hem/ vndo zee þis temple* * in þre dayes I schal reyle it azen/ þerfore þe iewis leyden/ in fourty & lire zeer þis temple is bildides and þou in þre dayes schalt azen | forlohe he leyde of þe

temple of his body. (þat wiþ outen compariloune was more)/ þerfore whanne he had risen fro deade (men): his disciplis hadden mynde, for he leyde þis þing/ and þei bileueden to þe scriptures and to þe worde þat ihĩ leyde// ¶ fforlope whanne ihr was at irlm in palke in he feelt day* many bileueden in his name. leinge þe lignes of hym þat he dide/ lopely the hym felf• bileefede not hym self to hem for þat he knewe alle men• * for it was not neede to hym: þat any man schulde bere witneslynge of man/ foþely he wiste what was in man//

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Forlope her was a man of þe pharifees nychodeme by name: a prynce of iewis/ he came to Ihã in þe nyzt: and feyde to hym/ raby we witen for of god þou halt comen mayfter/ Sohely no man may do pes lignes þat þou doift: but zif god were wiþ hym/ Ihĩ answeride * leyde to hym/ treuly treuly I feye to þee, but zif a man schal be borne azen: he may not le þe kyngdom of god/ nychodeme feyde to hym/ how may a man be borne whanne he olde $ wher he may entre azen into his modir wombe* * be borne azen$ The answeride/ treuly treuly I feye to hee but zif a man schal be borne azen of water. * þe holy goft: he may not entre into þe kyngdom of god/ þat þat is borne of fleysche: is fleysche/ and þat þat is borne of he spirit: is fpirit/ wondre þou not for I feyde to þee it bihouch zou for to be borne azen/ þe spirit breþep (or quykeneþ) where it wole: and þou herest his voyce: but þou wolte not fro whens he comeþ, or whidir it goib/ fo is eche man þat is borne of he spirit/ nychodeme answerides and feyde to hym/ how mowne þes þingis be Done The answeride & leyde to hym/ art þou a mayster in ifti knowest not þes þingis treuely treuly I feye to pee for þat þat we witen we speken* * þat þat we haue seen, we witneffens E zee taken not oure witneflyng/ zif I haue feyde to zou erþely þingis* * zee bileuen not: how zif I schal leye to zou heuenely þingis schulen zee bileue $ x'no man steyzeh vp into heuenes but he þat came doune fro heuene⋆ mannes fone þat is in heuene/ and as moyles reride vp a ferpent in deferte: so it bihoues mannes lone for to be reyfide vp/ þat eche man þat bileuch into hym perische not. but haue euerlaftynge liff//fforlope god louede lo þe worlde. þat he gaue his one bigotten fone. þat eche man þat bileuch into hym perische

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