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and doing about fifteen miles in a stances that it is the plough

man himself who repairs, and frequently makes, those implements : taking the whole together, the Yankee ploughman's day is the. most interesting thing that the in

day, with what shame you would think of the toddlers, the poultry in human shape, that you had left behind pecking in the ruts in England! You are clever fellows in Norfolk. You have things interesting affairs of husbandry great perfection; but, it would present. If you could see a Yanbe worth while for you to send an kee ploughman at work, you embassy to Connecticut to fetch would never rest till you had ridover a Yankee ploughman, his ded your farm of horses. For pair of oxen, his yoke, his chain carting, for harrowing, for moving and his plough. He needs no timber or other heavy things, for driver, no reins, no whip. "Haw every thing, on a farm, oxen are and gee, ghup and whoa:" these, best. with the different modulations of

However, I must drop these

the voice, do the whole thing. I matters for the present, having wish to God you could see a to address you on the subject of Yankee "baw," going out into Scotch Impudence and English the pasture at sun-rise, bare Sheepishne s. These would be footed and bare legged, with no things to laugh at, if they pro-. clothing but trowsers and shirt duced no practical mischief; but and a straw-hat, with his yoke they do, and a good deal too. It upon his shoulder; and could may seem to be rather "coarse" hear him calling his oxen by their to make use of such words in names, and could see the gentle speaking of the Scotch people. animals so obedient to his call I do not speak of them: I speak. and in such haste to get to him if only of the impudent Scotch he call in a tone of impatience. authors, adventurers, place-huntTaking the whole of the proceed-ers, and their silly, or base, ings of the day together; the English abettors, in the work of part acted by man and oxen; the at once plundering and abusing manners of both; the little noise English labourers.

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that they make; the quantity

I beg you to bear in mind, that and quality of the labour; all the projects for squeezing the the simplicity and trifling cost English labourer have originated of the implements; the circum- with the Scotch feelosofers. The

example of Scotland has been injury to the country, brought in poked continually under our noses. a bill, which was finally rejected by It was not taxes that made English the Lords, for what he called misery; it was not paper-money; educating the poor and for reit was the poor-laws, though they gulating parish - vestries. The had existed for about three hun- latter measure has, at last, been

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brought the object on when every eye was fixed on his just then exposed exploits at Saint Omer's! which led ill-natured people to suppose, that it was employed in

dred years without producing mi- adopted, and a worse measure sery. The projects for squeezing never was adopted. The former the labourer did not (and I beg is still alive, and in the hands of you to bear the fact in mind) MR. BROUGHAM! This feelosooriginate with the Pittite fellows. fer, having been pretty decently They have done bad things and twisted down, comes on but slowly foolish things enough. But, it with his " education digest,' was the other set who commenced though he was in such a hurry the attacks upon the labourer, about it last summer, that he and who first moulded into projected acts of parliament all the calumnies on him and all the schemes to oppress him and to grind him down to slavery. Observe, too, that the movers, the the hope of drawing the public setters-on, were the Scotch Re-attention from those exploits. viewers and Place-hunters; that When Mr. WHITBREAD, who hungry tribe, who began to sally was merely a cat's-paw to the forth upon us in 1806, and who feelosofers, brought forward his were stopped by PERCEVAL'S cry education bill, I assailed him, of "No Popery.” Those that and I did it, because the very got in upon us stuck fast; and, preamble of his bill contained a though they have not succeeded, calumny on the labourers of as they would have done, if the England. It is, júst at this time, Whigs had remained in power, of great importance that we trace they have been working along, the poor-law projects to their and have never, long at a time, source. The preamble of Mr. quitted the poor-laws. Whitbread bill was as follows:

In 1807, the late Mr. WHIT- Whereas the instruction of BREAD, whose vanity rendered "youth tends most materially to his quick and flashy parts a great" the promotion of morality and

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"of we have the most convincing abolish our poor-laws, because


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proof, by long experience, in the Scotch are so moral, so in"that part of the United King-dustrious, and so happy without "dom called Scotland; and it is poor-laws!

Such Impudence

was never before witnessed under the sun.

My real opinion is, that Scotland pays not a single farthing towards the interest of the Debt. In short, I am of opinion that it pays no taxes at all. It appears

"expedient, that provision should "be made for the instruction of "the children of the poor of Eng"land and Wales; may it please "your Majesty, that it be "enacted, &c." Now, if this means any thing describable, it means, that the poor of Scotland to pay about a seventeenth part of are more moral, more virtuous, the taxes of Great Britain; but, and better members of society if we put all the salaries, penthan the poor of England are;sions, sinecures, office-pay, inand this, I say, is false, and cluding East Indies, more, we grossly insulting to the people of England.

shall find, is received back, out of the taxes by Scotchmen, than Scotland pays in taxes. A pretty figure the fund-lords would make, if we were to follow the example of Scotland!

It is a curious thing to see England gulled in this manner. But, impudence, sheer, naked impudence, will go, of itself, a great

This is what I said at that time; and I now beg you to read the Postscript to this letter, where you will find Extracts from the Register of 1807, in which I made good against WHITBREAD my charge of falsehood and insolence, But, besides what is there said, I have now to assert, way; and the Scotch office-huntwhich I do in the most unqua-ers have two strings to their bow: lified manner, that, there has been they can boo, or brag, as occasion given, during the last 25 years, requires. They are indefatigable more than five millions of money, in their pursuit of getting upperraised on English labour, to re-most; they move in a body; lieve the labourers of Scotland; they stick together like burrs; and this I am able to prove from they are a fraternity, and, like documents laid before parliament! monks, if one be touched the

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whole fall upon the assailant. | foreign corps and a Frenchman; Their cautious and reserved man- and, amongst all our misfortunes,

we have the good luck to have a "Great Captain of the Age" who is not a Scotchman. If he had been a Scotchman, the lord have mercy upon us! I am all in a quiver now at the very idea!

ner, and even their obscurity of expression, tend to impose upon the weak, and to make them pass for men of superior understanding. "Familiarity creates contempt" is a maxim that certainly had its rise amongst the Scotch. A se- Observe, that all this impurious and distant sort of air and dence would be nothing, if it had a silent tongue are enough to no practical effect; but it has. make the mass of mankind be- Fools take it for granted, that lieve, that your head is full of poor-rates are bad, because the wisdom. Then, when need be, happy and moral Scotch have no they can crawl with the cater-poor-rates; and this they do too, pillar; they can soften their and even Lawyer SCARLETT, who hard features into smiles, and is not a fool, in the usual sense of put a dimple in the place of the word, talks of the example each high cheek-bone. of the Scotch, when it is well known that they have been fed out of English labour for years, and that, no longer ago than the Six-Acts time, the Scotch members actually proposed a grant out of the taxes for the relief of the poor of Scotland! Lord Liverpool gave them the proper an


This is offensive is it? Let them, then, keep their insolence to themselves; let them not pour it forth upon us. Their in this country, their enormous power, has arisen from various causes, but, in very few instances, from their superior merits of any kind whatever. They swer: "Let Scotland have her have more than half of the emo-poor-laws as England has." luments of public offices; they And yet Lawyer SCARLETT takes up the cast thoughts of the Scotch feelosofers, and holds up to us the example of the Scotch!

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pay less than a seventeenth part of the taxes; and they possess not a thousandth part of the national talent. I shall never for- However, we may safely laugh get their assuming the honour of now at all, attempts to oppress taking the "Invincible Standard," the labourers of England through which was actually taken by a the means of this pretended

"bright example." A state of up; England will be delivered of them; and for this deliverance I thank the Ministers and Mr. Robert Peel! The Scotch feelo

things is now coming, which will send off even the Scotch Bailiffs. Vermin, which thrive upon a diseased carcase, drop off as the sofers are cunning; but they are animal recovers his health. Some always short of plain sense. They years ago Scotch-farmers were the did not see how cash-payments raging fashion. In Oxfordshire would work. Indeed, they had there was a person who let his no idea that they would ever whole estate to 66 a firm" of come; and, besides, did not perScotchmen, who pulled up his ceive any thing clearly about the barns and homesteads, and laid

the whole into "one great manu


The thing

This money-work is the work factory of food!" Now mind, I for me; aye, and for you, and tell it you as a fact for the truth for all of us that wish to see the of which I pledge myself, that country revive, and to see the lathey had a counting-house, mus-bourer restored to happiness. ters, roll-calls; that they had a Things are coming right as fast place to stand on whence they as they can; and this is the time, could see all parts of the land at that LAWYER SCARLETT chooses once; that they used spying- for bringing in a bill to check glasses, and gave their orders, in the breeding of the labouring peomany cases, with a speaking ple! I should like to hear the trumpet! Precisely how the task-commentary of a dozen countrymasters in Egypt went on I can- girls upon this bill! not say; but, if they exceeded never can pass, mind! And, how this, they were task-masters in- the Lawyer will get it out of the deed! House I am sure I cannot guess. I have not, of late, heard of The question seems to be, whether these "grand manufacturers of it be to go out at the door, or out "food," who, I dare say, were at the window! Experience has famous Yeomanry Cavalry men. been cautious in bestowing praise. They have dropped the trumpet, The charge of inconsistency, I suppose. Mr. PEEL has brought grounded upon my having been them down from this spying only too eager to applaud, and mount; from this watch-tower. having, as the result showed, apIn short, they will all be broken plauded unworthy objects: this

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