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"A COUNSELLOR at law once asked me," says HUARTE, "what the cause might be, that in the affairs where he was well paid, many cases and points of learning came to his memory; but with such as yielded not to his travail what was due, it seemed that all his knowledge was shrunk out of his brain." Whom I answered, "that matters of interest appertained to the wrathful faculty, which maketh its residence in the heart, and if the same receive not contentment, it doth not willingly send forth the vital spirits, by whose light the figures which rest in the memory may be discerned: but when that findeth satisfaction, it cheerfully affordeth natural heat, where through the reasonable soul obtaineth sufficient clearness to see whatsoever is written in the head."

"A VESSEL lying at Gainsborough some time ago had on board a sheep, which was become a good sailor, would eat beef, pork, and biscuit with the crew; made no scruple at mutton, and took the water like a dog." -Naval Chronicle, vol. 26, p. 385.

"On the 17th of November, 1807, during an inundation of the Rhone, a beaver was killed in the island of La Barthalasse, opposite Avignon. M. Costaing has given a very particular description of the animal, and among other things, remarks that the fourth toe of each hind paw has a double nail, the parts of which close on each other, so as to form a sharp and cutting beak, opening and shutting like that of a bird of prey."-Panorama, vol. 6, p. 979.

ASCLEPIADES the first physician who prescribed wine, and allowed his patients cold water."-BAYLE. "Utilitatem vini æquari vix deorum potentiâ pronuntiavit."-PLINY, xxiii. § 1.

PIERRE BRISCOт, a French physician of the sixteenth century, was the first who perceived that the Arabians had corrupted the science of medicine; and who endeavoured to bring it back to the precepts of Hippocrates and Galen.—BAYLE, vol. 4, p. 143.

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VICES and diseases.-BISHOP REYNOLDS, vol. 3, p. 299-302.

"I THINK it be troubled with the worms: Carduus Benedictus and mare's milk were the only thing in the world for't.”—Knight of the Burning Pestle.

MUSICAL medicine. See a treatise by CASPAR LÆSCHERUS. "Dissertatio historico theologica de Saüle per musicam curato.”1— Wittemberg. 1688.

The kind which goes out only by fasting QUESTION of possession. A diseased will. and prayer.

PARALLEL between a legislator and a physician.-PASQUIER, vol. 2, p. 326.

"AFTER I've beat thee into one main bruist, (bruise?2)

And made thee spend thy state in rotten apples."-BEAUMONT and FLEtcher, Love's Pilgrimage, act iii. sc. 3.

“THERE is nothing that can cure the king's evil but a prince."-EUPHUES.

HISTORY of the three Welsh physicians. -Cambro Briton, vol. 2, p. 313-15. Laws for the chief physician.-Ibid. p.

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WHY a physician should be chearful.- | duces death by attrition, and that therefore EUPHUES his England, Q. e.

AUGSBURG. Dr. Hahnemann believes that the miasma of the cholera proceeds from very small insects, which escape from the eye, and fasten themselves to the hairs of the head, the skin, and the clothes. The vapour of camphor being fatal to these insects as well as others, Dr. Hahnemann prescribes a spoonful of camphor dissolved in spirits of wine, and mixed with warm water, every minute.(?) Rub the body with camphor, put on a camphorated garment, and fumigate the room with camphor; and then, if the disease is produced by these invisible insects, and his theory is right, the patient infallibly recovers! - Times, July 17, 1831.

BURLEIGH's gout.-ELLIS, vol. 3, p. 35.

"DIE of the jaundice, yet have the cure about you; lice, large lice,' begot of your own dust and the heat of the brick kilns."BEAUMONT and FLETCHER'S Thierry and Theod., act v. sc. 1.

"OFT taking physic makes a man very patient."- B. JONSON, Every Man in his Humour, vol. 1, p. 23.

SIMPLE remedies.-ERAS. Adag. p. 121.

MEDECIN d'eau douce sometimes the safest practitioner.

HIPPOCRATES says, “Θεῖόν τι ἐςὶν ἐν τῇσι νοσῇσι, μάλισα δὲ τῶν γυναικῶν."Garasse. Doc. Cur. p. 696.

the way to preserve life is to retard pulsation.-CROKER'S BOSWELL, vol. 3, p. 398.

ANCILLON, whose fine library was pillaged by the priests after the revocation of the edict of Nantes, bought always the handsomest editions he could get. "Il disoit qu'il est certain que moins les yeux ont de peine à lire un ouvrage, plus l'esprit a de liberté pour en juger. Que comme on y voit plus clair, et qu'on en remarque mieux les grâces et les défauts lorsqu'il est imprimé, que lorsqu'il est écrit à la main, on y voit aussi plus clair quand il est imprimé en beau caractère, et sur du beau papier, que quand il l'est sur du vilain, et en mauvais caractères."-BAYLE, vol. 2, p. 70.

Ancillon used to say, "On trouve dans certains auteurs negligés, des choses singulières qu'on ne trouve point ailleurs: et ne fût-ce que du style, on y trouve toujours quelque chose à prendre.”—Ibid. p. 72.

Waiting for second editions.-Ibid. And value of first.

MARC ANTONY's daughter, Antonia, had a pet fish (muræna), and adorned it with ear-rings; so odd a fancy, that many persons went to see it. Where did the lamprey wear his ear-rings ? —PLINY, vol. 9, c. 55. Bayle, vol. 2, p. 145.

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BALDUS, when he was asked why laws were so often contradictory, used to say, quod intellectus, qui ratiocinatur, non semper sit idem, sed varius."-BAYLE, vol 3, p. 53.

Cardinal Mazarin said, " que les plus habiles gens étaient comme les victimes; DAIMONIAN diseases. The devil is in them qui, pour si exactement qu'elles eussent été but too often.

SIR EDWARD BARRY (Dr.), author of the book on wines, thought that pulsation pro

Mr. Dyce quotes SCHRODER'S Hist. of Animals as they are useful in Physick-" They are swallowed of country people against the jaundice." P. 154, 1659.-J. W. W.

choisies, avaient toujours quelque chose de mauvais, quand on en examinait les entrailles."-Ibid. vol. 3, p. 58.

A BASE opinion of P. Rapin in the same page: "Que souvent la réputation ne vient point tant aux héros par l'adresse qu'ils ont de faire voir leurs belles qualités, que par

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DALETH occurs in the Scriptures 32,530 and Phort-hin, and Undurs-tand-din, and times.

INITIAL chapter. Dispute when the new century began. Pye's Carmen Sæculare. Diluvian world, and what happened therein. The creation of the pig, and Noah's son, are told by Eulia. Also the history of Eve's second fall, the forbidden potatoe, and her son Mirphi.

She brought forth a son, and she called his name the Great O, query in Hebrew?

And the great O begat Kainor, and Neehil, and Mairah, and his brethren; and Kainor begat Faelim, and Faelim begat Thadi, and Thadi begat Mahoc, and Mahoc begat Mirphi, and Mirphi begat Mahoone, and Mahoone begat Patteric, who is Pahat, and in her days was the deluge.

Balunder would imitate Jeroboam, and so he set up a calf, but it was a live one, and a bull calf, and all the people when he grew up, worshipped the bull. Jupiter, Lavir, they kill his bull, and make a feast and eat it his curse that the bull shall be in their mouths, and that the curse shall continue

Cheef, who was his favourite child, and he called them all Mig, which was the title and honour that he gave them.

He said by the power he would make his people to see also.

Corn and oil and wine for her bulls, yea, silks also, and cloth of gold and of silver; and silver and gold also, and precious stones.

And she made a brazen bull, and did heat it with fire, and put there all those who denied that she was a pure virgin.

NOAH left ten volumes.

Some say he made the circumnavigation in the ark.

PAHAT'S lamentation for having forgotten the wet fire which Mirfi had made. Noah cannot let him in, because of the mischief he would do. He admits this, "I dare say I should set the beasts a fighting." He

There is a most humorous letter of Southey's made up from this rigmarole, which, no doubt, some day or another will be printed. -J. W. W.

begs Noah to roast some of his roots for him. And he tried to cut a hole in the bottom of the ark, that he may creep and surprize the old fellow; but in the attempt he brakes his knife. "If it be the Lord's pleasure to save thee thou wilt be saved, and this verily I hope for there is much good in thee, and had it not been for the forbidden root, among all the generations of Adam none would have excelled that."

CAUSES and consequences.-Actions more prolific than herrings or insects.

Advice to princes who will read this opus. Reward asked for the pleasure they derive.

Conjectures guard the author.

SLY the any churchman, and Sophist the true churchman, and Smooth the all churchman, and Sour the no churchman, and Savage the no king man, and Stiff the high churchman,and Supple the moderate churchman, and Sneak the low churchman.

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THE title-page must turn over, for the

Dove's foot is another name for gera- sake of the long mottos. nium.

Something should be said of dove-tailing.

NOMANCY, or onomatoncy. 'Ovoμavrɛía ? Thus an even number of vowels in the name signified an imperfection in the left side of a man. An odd number indicated it in the right.

THE body of Moses, according to the Rabbis, was so pure and holy, that no fly dared to settle on it.-MICHAELIS, vol. 4, p. 385.

December 29, 1819. SERIOUSLY proposes hay tea as a beverage for the fasting and evening refection, as much superior to the dry leaves of China, as gold or silver are superior to copper and lead.

THE skin is wise, and the stomach is wise, and the heart is wise. The head is generally the most foolish part.

THERE are hindermates as well as helpmates in marriage.

HALL says that Henry VII. " saw as farre in the Frenche Kynges brest as hys physicion did in his uryne."

WAYS and means.

DANIEL DANCER warming the stewed trout by putting it under him in bed.

EVERY man his own fulling mill in Iceland.-HORREBOW.

"THE Hebrew, then, appears to be the most ancient of all the languages in the world; at least it is so with regard to us, who know of no older.

"Some learned men have asserted it to be the language spoken by Adam in Paradise; and that the saints will speak it in

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In the days of the Messiah the Jewish women are to lie in every day.

In a late number of an Edinburgh medical periodical, a case is given of a young gentleman about thirteen years old, who had been affected with constant sneezing for three weeks; at first in rather violent paroxysms with intervals of many minutes, but afterwards occurring from three to six times every minute, each occasioning a slight degree of bodily agitation, and accompanied with a forcible expulsion of air between the nearly closed teeth, producing the sound "tchee." He had been taking considerable quantities of magnesia on account of constant acidity of stomach. The sneezing was always suspended during sleep, but recommenced immediately on waking, as he sometimes seemed to awake sneezing. He was cured by blisters, purging, injecting olive oil into the nostrils, followed by carbonate of iron and gradual exposure to the cold air.

HUMANITY made him sometimes doubt whether those men really had souls, who for

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