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was God of gods, Lord of lords, must be, whether it be used only begotten of the Father before all in this sense. : : .. , worlds,i &C. This view may not ... And, first, let us pay attention* bé unworthy of our serious atten- to the passages in which it seems tion and inquiry.

to refer to his appointment in the · If, then, this view be admitted eternal counsel as Mediator. . as scriptural and just, the name Here it will the necessary to Son of God is not to be referred to observe, that the blessed Jesus the divine nature alone, though evidently bore this character, Son founded upon an ineffable disting of God, before his actual incarnation in the divine nature ;. because tion. Whether he is referred to it implies a subordination of office, under this title in Dan. iii. 25, or and a character of derivation and not, it is frequently spoken of as submission. Much less can it the highest effort and demonstrabe applied to the human nature tion of divine love, that God sent 'alone; because it is connected his Son into the world, for the salm with terms which cannot apply vation of sinners. And if a Son, to any mere creature, but ex- when sent, it is evident that he press an absolute equality in the must have existed, as the Son, bedivine Essence. It must, there fore his mission. This is evidently fore, be referred to the economical the sense of the following passages: character of the second Person John, iii. 16, 17; Rom. viii. 3.; before the world was, or the cha- 1 John, iii. 8; and iv. 9, 10. racter which he assumed from eter- From hence it is manifest that nity, in the eternal covenant of the name cannot be applied to redemption, in which he engaged his human nature alone, for he to become Immanuel, God and man existed in it before his appearance in one Christ. So that, while, on the in that nature. There cannot, one hand, the title could not be therefore, be the least appearance applicable to him, unless he were of ground for the Socinian hypovery God, neither is it to be consi- thesis: this consideration alone cuts dered complete, but as he has as- up from the very root an heresy so sumed the manhood, and taber. degrading to his personal glory, nacled in flesh. Thus, then, so detracting from his condescendthough the term imply the divine ing love. . . . ! nature, it is not properly a term of We find, then, that a transacnature, but of office.-- Or we may tion took place, important, indeed, consider it thus : He who is one in to the interests of sinful creatures the self-existent Jehovah was ap- in the counsels of eternity, in pointed to, and undertook to bear, which the second Person bears a an economical character of obe- 'most conspicuous and interesting. dience and submission, '&c. and is part. This transaction appears therefore denominated the Son. The to be represented in the book of -term scarcely ever occurs without Proverbs (viii. 23), though in fi. being connected with the idea of gurative language: "The Lord official inferiority, and he is often possessed me in the beginning of spoken of as constituted, or ap- his ways, before his works of old, pointed to it, which is more suit- &c." if I was set up from everlastable to an official character, than ing, &c." " Then my delights were what arises from necessity of pa. with the sons of men, &c." See also ture. Let us consider the passages Hosea, vi, 3. This event is also 'bf Scripture in which it appears to noticed in many passages of Holy be so used' (for, that it is (80 used Scriptúre, in other and less figu, in many places of Scripture can- -rative language; and the Lord Jenot be denied); the only question aus Christ is represented, as in the

eternal counsels of Jehovah, apa telligible the first-begotten of pointed to, and assuming, an im- the Father” (Heb. i. 6); " the portant office and character. . 'If first-born, of v (oru born before it should appear, that there is Scrip every creature'l. (Coloss. j. 150 tural connexion between this trans. Hence : we may môre satisfacaction and the name under consi- torily account for those passages, deration, in this view the passages where he is spoken of, not as God before referred to, expressing the only, but as being in the form of love of the Father in the gift of God.(Phili-iil 6.99 The bright: the Son, will appear equally true, ness of the Father's glory, and the and will retain all their force, express image of his person' (Heb! beauty, and strength of argument, i. 3);viž. in the appearances which as to the greatness of the divine he assumed in the heavenly world, love to sinners, arising from the from eternity,t in the economical nature of that gift. There will; characters; or in this Toweriworld; therefore, be no necessity at least before his incarnation, in call his of concluding, that the title de- visible manifestations to his believe notes the mode of existence in the ing people from the beginning. divine Essence; and the principal The truth of this observation will argument as to the necessity of scarcely be disputed though, whes the Sonship in the Godhead be- Ather the title is to be confined to comes void. There is a particular this, some wilbadeny: Scripture passage to this effect in Psalm 11o7, alone must here decide. com

I will declare the decree, &c." I "But hence, i also, as having a rem will manifest and bring into effect ference to this great transaction in the eternal decree of Jehovah. eternity, and as being the full What is this decree? wil Thou ment of that divine counsel, ot as art: my Son, &c.??. Here is no ap- biringing into effect that eternal pointment of the Son of God to a decree, the term is applied in a distinct office, but the appointment subordinate sense to his rincarnica to Sonship by the decree of Je- tion, his baptism, his resurrectioni, hovah. Correspondent (with this his Messiahship, and even tot his . is the declarations in Psalm cx. human nature. toiduai gaita *], 4, : « The Lord hath sworn, and First, to his incarnation,dor mi

will not repent: Thou art a Priest raculous conception, as Luke,ni. - for evers aftérothe order of Mel- -35: 66. Therefore that holy thing

chisedek.! 1. The appointment here that is born of thee shall be called Vis, without doubt, to the priestly the Son of Gods'

m oney ;)" office, or his mediatorial charac. (2.) This is considered as being ter and office, in all its relations of more peculiarly manifesteditat his Eglory to himself and of salvation to baptism, when he received his · His people. But the Apostle Paul, outward designation by the Holy

Heb. n. 5, 6, alludes to both the Spirit : when i de voice, therefore, spassages, and quotes them as sy- from heaven declared, “ This isrmy nonymous, as parallel, or corre- . beloved Son, &c." (Mat. iii. 17.)? ispondent the one with the other. 'tu (3.) But more especially was this asi So also Christ glorified not him. attested by his resurrection and

& self to be made an High Priest, · subsequent exaltation to the throne isbut He that said unto him, Thou of glory; for then he became the

- art my Son, to-day have I begotten first-begotten from the dead. Then, ..thee. As he also said in another also (Rom. i. 4), “he was declared

place, Thou art a Priest for ever, to be the Son of God, with power, after the order of Melchisedek." according to the Spirit of holiness Upon this view of the subject, by the resurrection from the dead." sthose expressions become more in the declaration, indeed, and the original appointment itself, must his Son); hiš human nature being be different, and ought to be dis considered as connected with the tinguished. But if we inquire what divine, and acting always with the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and under its influence, as his blood Christ was a declaration of? most is called “ God's own blood(Acts; assuredly it was of his character as XX. 28), because shed in that body Redeemer and Mediator. It was which was connected with the & proof that he, who was set up Godhead. as such, from everlasting, in the . These views will enable us more eternal councils, had actually been readily to understand, and more born, fulfilled his engagement, and satisfactorily to explain, those completed his work upon earth, passages of Scripture which seem and, therefore, was accepted by to imply an inferiority in the Son, God, and received to the kingdom as the Son, or his acting as such, of glory. This, as the act of the by a delegated authority; which, Holy Ghost, could no otherwise be without this view of the title, ré, a proof of his being the Son of ferring it to his assumed or econo God than as that character is mical character in the covenant of involved in his official character, redemption, and not to his mode as the promised Messiah, or'as Im of existence in the divine nature, manuel, God with us. He had will be very difficult to explain, claimed this character as belonging without acknowledging some mysto him as the Messiah, in his per tical inferiority in that divine na sonal ministry; and this event con- turc. Some have, therefore, been firmed his claim, by the testimony led even to allow this, without of the Holy Ghosto v i perceiving the consequences. We 6. In this view we find the term can, however, upon this ground, frequently applied generally (4) have no difficulty to understand to his Messiahship, or the whole what is meant, when we are told, of his mediatorial character thus that the Son can do nothing of taken, as God and man in, one himself, &c." or when we hear Christ, fulfilling the law, and pro- him who had before asserted, “ I curing redemption for his people and my Father are one," declaring,

The belief of this is, therefore, " My Father is greater than I." made the ground of admission into We clearly perceive, that he is the Christian church, and is consi- here speaking not of his divine na. dered as the means of obtaining ture, nor, perhaps, of his human and partaking of his salvation. nature alone, but of that official The greatest stress is consequently character which he sustains in the laid, in general, upon this acknow- covenant of redemption ; and that ledgment of him as the Christ, the properly, as a Son, the Father is Son of God, as including every greater than he,' though not as he view of the person and work of is God. The reasoning of the Christ that is the subject of revela- Apostle, in the passage before tion. This will be evident by con. quoted from the Epistle to the Hesulting the following passages of brews (v. 5,8), seems to us very the Sacred Scriptures: John, ix. peculiar and unintelligible, but as 35; XX. 31; ii. 33, 36; Acts, viii. founded upon such a view of things 37: ix. 20; Gal. ii. 20; Eph. iy. as this.; for the term Son, as there 13; 1 John, iv. 15; v. 5, 10, 11. used, seems to be something dis. (5.) This title is applied also, in a tinct from his existence in the dilower sense, though more impro- vine nature, and to imply in itself perly, and as by a figure, to his a character of obedience and subhuman nature (when we are said mission, ver. 7, 8, 9. to be conformed to the image of The doctrine, then, deducible

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from this view is in short this: that, turally arise from the subject; and our Jesus is JEHOVAH, equal with máy the Spirit of Jesus so testify the Father in his divine nature, of of his glory and grace to our hearts, the same essence, power, eternity, as to raise those corresponding afand self-sufficiency; that he is such, fections which he claims. entirely independent of his charac. We are bound, first, and above tér as the Son of God, and might," all, to adore our Jesus, the Son of therefore, have been such, had he". God, as one with the Father, in the never taken that character and most perfect union in the divine office, in the economy of redemp- essence, attributes, and glories. tion ; though none else, indeed, And whether we consider the title could ever have taken, or borne as referring to the mode of existthat official character, the only be ence in the divine nature, or to gotten and beloved Son of Toy Story his mediatorial character alone, polsea, his own proper father. Host upon his own testimony we are as

That he is a Son, equal with the sted, it includes an equality in Father as touching his Godhead, the Godhead!, and the practical inbut inferior, as ¢ Son, or in his as-o ference will be the same in both. sumed situation in the covenant? If he is to be adored as the Son of of redemption." ol a r"... David, how much more as the sol

That the term, Son of God, peca." of God? Yes: Cangels worship him liarly belongs to this covenant rela-" by divine command; for “ when he tion, though founded on an incom bringeih in his först-begotten Son prehensible distinction in the divine into the world, he saith, Let all the Essence. We canunderstand the dif- angels of God worship hin." (Heb. ference of economical or covenant i. 6.) When he himself, therefore, relation, among the dłyine Persons; was insisting upon his right to this but we get Beyond our depth when divine title, and proving it by the ever webegin to account for the mode works of Deity which he performof divine existence in the Godhead.ed," he gave this reason for his Here is the mystery of Deity, which performance of them in that chawe must eternally adóre, but can racter, viz. "That all men should never comprehend; and, therefore, honour the son, even as they høwhile we assert the doctrine of the nour the Father he that honour threefold personality in Godhead, eth not the Son honoureth not the must never attempt to explain it. Father which hath *sent hird But, blessed bé God, the doctrine, (John, v. 23. "If angels, then, as stated in his 'word;" is always adored and praised hin when he stated as in connexion with the came into the world, --if the whole mystery of divine wisdom and love, assembly before the throne are carrelating to the salvation of sinners, rying on the same song of praise, with the gréat “ mystery of gods and uniting the blessed Jesus liness.” Thus, while it excites our equally with the Father in their adoration,' it lays a suré founda- unceasing praises, crying with a tion for our faith and confidence, and demands our love, four joy, to the Lamb:"* blessing, and hoand cheerful obedience.

nour, and glory, and power, be This glorious character of our ủnto Him that silteth upon thethrone, Redeemer, connected with his and to the Lamb for ever and ever;" amazing condescension upon earth, we cannot be at a loss where to illustrates and commends his grace look for salvation, where to ascribe and love, while it is full of instruc: the glory of it, and to whom our tion and animation to the real be adorations are to be addressed liever! Let us, then, contemplate These are glorious patterns to imia those practical lessons whichi na: taté, suitable examples to follow, CHRIST, GUARD. Yol. VI c

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0, ye pure intelligent beings, ye him perfect is the heaven of hea, angels and spirits of the just ! in vens, Let me point out unto yoų our low and inadequate attempts to some of this heaven upon earth, worship, we join you in adoring and it will cut yon gut some fresh our Jesus, as one in the divine es- work for the year 85; if it prosper sence of Jehovah, equal with the in your hands, you haye lived to a Father ; as “ He, who is, and was, good purpose. .

and is to come;" as “ the Alpha 1. Christ is our life. Try to . and Omega, the beginning and the get clearer evidence of this. All

ending, the Almighty ;" as “the natural life is from Adam ; all spiWord, which, in the beginning, ritual life is from Christ: from the was with God, and was God;" as one we derive a sinful, dying, mis the eternal, infinite, self existent serable life; from the other a righ; Jehovah. Blessed Jesus, only let teous, blessed, and eternal life, our praises be acceptable to theę, All in Adam have the first, all in and they shall flow for ever. Christ have the second. My idea [To be concluded in our negit.] of a Christian is, a man in Christ,

really one with him the same ORIGINAL LETTERS FROM PIOUS spiritual lite in the head as in the . CHARACTERS DECEASED.

members. Now he that is joined to .. No. LXXIII.

the Lord is one spirit, the nearest

union that we know oi-more close From the Rev. William Romaine, than that of body and soul ; inso-, .late Rector of St. Anne's, Bļaсk: much that, although the Christian friars, to Mrs. B

be alive, “yet it is not I," says one, MY DEAR MADAM,

6 but Christ liveth in me." The This is not the first time, nor Scripture is large upon this, but the second, that I have remember, it will be best known by going ą. ed you in this new year. My step farther, and trying to improve Lord has heard of you again and in this new year, your again, and interest has been made 2. Living upon Christ. We are, to hiin, on your behalf, not in therefore, made alive by him in vain. He is so gracious, as not to order that we may live upon him. let a cup of water given to one of This is your one great lesson: whathis friends, go without its rewarde ever this world is to the body, I believe you reckon me among his that Christ is to the soul ; its meat, friends, and therefore I reckon and drink, and clothing, its your kindness to me a good token strength, and its comforts. All of his friendship to you. Blessings the senses are in the head, so are on him for his love to us both the spiritual senses and sensations He unites our hearts when our bo- in and from Christ. Now the life dies are at a distance, and he of faith is a perpetual dependence makes brotherly love continue. All upon him for the supply of all that can be called so in heaven, wants, and the gift of all good; as well as on earth, is his. To him insomuch that he is the one single be all the glory:

object upon which the believer lives My dear Mrs. B. it is my heart's for life, and bleath, and all things: prayer, that you may so live this Whether he eats, or drinks, or new year as to become better ac. sleeps, or wakes, dresses, or un quainted with our common Friend. dresses, alone or in company, he The more you know him, the more 'makes use of Chrişț, and aims at you will trust him; and the more keeping him in his eye, cleaving to you trust him, he will give you him with full purpose in his heart, reason to love him better : and aş and making him ÁLL IN ALL. My you micrease in love, you will be prayer for you is, and shall be; come more like him. Likeness to that the year 85 may be distin:

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