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of this, they ought to be received as weak in the faith, but not to doubtful disputations; and under much apparent zeal for divine institutions, there may be a latent aversion to every thing that is spiritual and heavenly. Persons in whom this becomes manifest, are in the way of departing from the faith; and if not recovered, ought to be rejected, as enemies of the cross of Christ.

It appears that the principal difference between my friend and me is this:-He is looking at the standard of christian perfection, and he will have no fellowship with persons who have not reached it; and without, I hope, disparaging the standard, I am looking at the infirmity of my christian brethren, who, like my self, come far short of perfection. I would gladly help them forward, and be helped by them; and for this purpose I would hold communion with them, as far as we are mutually capable of it; and would give more prominence to the things in which we are agreed, than to those in which we differ.

which is not so easy. It is however as positively commanded in the New Testament, as any ordinance whatever; and if we refuse christian fellowship to all who do not come up to the divine. standard in respect of ordinances, we ought much more to refuse it to all who do not come up to the same standard, in respect of meekness, gentleness, goodtemper, and good manners; for it is written,-Be pitiful, be courteous, be perfect, and be all of one mind, having compassion one of another; which surely means something more than being all of one opinion about ordinances. It is to be one in the faith, and one in affection; and where this is wanting, mere agreement about externals is little worth.

I have not said all that I intended to say in reply to my friend; but I suspect I have said as much as you will find room for in one Number; and I request you will insert it all at once, if you should put it off to a distant Number. I am, &c.

By mistaking my meaning in another sentence, my friend finds me guilty of Glasgow, Oct. 12, 1822. criminating the church to which I belong. I had said, "that Protestants not




When the late Mr. M'Lean's very judicious letter on the Admission of Members appeared in your Magazine, I concluded that the gentleman who styles himself" Your Admirer and Constant Reader,"would have been silenced, if not satisfied. But it appears, Sir, that he has other objects of admiration, besides yourself. His own prejudices, and the custom of some of our churches stand so high in his estimation, that he is neither to be satisfied nor silenced by Mr. M'Lean's very superior judgment, nor by the scriptural authority which he has produced.

being all of one communion was, be- ON THE ADMISSION OF MEMBERS cause there is a fault among them; perhaps it is a fault that pervades them all. I am not like Papists, obliged to defend my sect as infallible." After a remark on the cold indifference with which he thinks this acknowledgment is made, my friend proceeds :-"If it is then true, that a Protestant's sect is wrong, he must not sit down satisfied with having made the acknowledgment; his duty is to be zealous and repent, and thus hear what the Spirit saith to the churches." But I did not say, and I do not think that the body of christians to which I have the happiness to belong are wrong, considered organically as a church; or that there is any thing that requires my interference as a reformer of abuses. What I referred to as wrong, is in the spirit of the members of all Protestant churches without exception. There is a great deficiency of love to Christ, and zeal for his glory. There is a disproportionate regard for externals, with which it is easy to comply; and a want of the spirit of charity and forbearanceof spiritual-mindedness, and of the graces of christian temper, all which require us to mortify the lusts of the flesh and of the mind, compliance with

Your" Admirer" is surprised that Mr. M'Lean should have overlooked the difference between the first age of the church and the present, so as not to perceive the necessity of a different method of receiving members in the present day, to that which was practised in the apostolic age. He is obliged to concede that the custom of candidates appearing before the church, previous to their baptism, has no support in the New Testament. That in the days of the apostles it was not necessary. Of

reflects on the government of the Head of the Church by an implied imputation of neglect, but he would also intrench upon his authority in the administration of the baptismal rite. "Few, he believes, will dispute the right of a minister to baptize such as may apply to him for that purpose, only with the knowledge, that it is not their intention to unite with the church over which he is Pastor; but persons wishing to join a particular

course, this custom must have been introduced to make up for the deficiency. Really, Mr. Editor, it does you no great credit to be admired by one who can cast such a reflection on the word of God, and on Him who is head over all things to the Church. If Mr. M Lean were not sufficiently "acute" to discern these changes in the church's circumstances which render this custom necessary; surely He, who is the Alpha and the Omega, knew well from the be-church, do not in the first instance apply ginning all things that would ever occur, and it is an impeachment of his government to suppose that he has not made every necessary provision in his word for all times and circumstances, without the aid of either Popish traditions or the customs of Baptists.

The only instance, furnished by the New Testament, of a person appearing before the church to give the members satisfaction relative to his being a diseiple, is recorded in Acts ix. 26, 27, 28. Then, it was Barnabas that introduced Paul, and related what God had done for him. Barnabas gave his testimony to Paul's conversion, not to all the church, but to the apostles, who must have been the medium of conveying it to the church in general; and this took place, not before, but long after Paul had been baptized. All the other instances, which have any bearing on the case, are only confessions of faith or repentance, or both, made to the administrator at, or previous to baptism. There is not a single record that gives the least countenance to persons appearing before the church for acceptance before they were baptized. Yet it is on account of the dislike and neglect of this unscriptural and merely human custom, that your "admirer" feels "so much grieved," and has experienced so "much regret."

For my own part, I rejoice that our Lord hath faithful ministers and churches who will not be shackled by mere customs, nor commanded by lord brethren; but in opposition to both, determine to keep the ordinances as they are appointed in the divine word; and in those cases where the Head of the Church has not seen fit to prescribe, are careful, not to assume his authority on the one hand, nor to infringe upon the liberty wherewith he has made his disciples free on the other.

Your "admirer," Mr. Editor, not only

for baptism, but for admission to fellowship; and if they are judged proper characters, an attention to that ordinance follows as a matter of course." However this statement may accord with any custom, it most certainly has not the least countenance from the word of God. Whilst I am not disposed to question, for a moment, the right possessed by our churches to admit members, I do most seriously protest against their having any authority or right to dictate to our ministers whom they shall baptize.

This writer, who has evidently gone out of his line in taking upon himself the office of Censor in the church, has to be informed, that the pastors of our churches are also the ministers of Christ. They were our Lord's ministers before they became pastors. In executing the pastoral office, they are under responsi bility to the great Shepherd of the sheep. When the office of pastor is suspended, they still continue to be Christ's ministers, and as such they have at all times duties to perform which belong to the general interest and kingdom of our Lord, of which the administration of baptism is one. At the table, they appear as pastors, they administer the Lord's Supper to the members of their respective churches, at the time or place appointed, but they enter into no engagements to baptize the members, nor to baptize others by their authority; this they do solely as the ministers of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is at his command, and under responsibility to him only, that they baptize them that believe. The interference of any church, so as to dictate to s minister whom he should, or should not baptize, would be an usurpation of Divine authority; and the minister who could subject himself to such authoritative interference, would compromise his fidelity to him from whom he

received his commission, and who hath | commanded us to call no man upon the earth master.

There can be scarcely any thing more evident than that persons appearing before the church for approbation, previous to their baptism, is a custom wholly unscriptural. In my opinion it is also very inconsistent. What has the church, as a body, to do with persons who have not made the christian

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POSTSCRIPT BY THE EDITOR. When we sent to the printer the article profession? So far as this custom leads strictures, we recollect making the followon which our correspondent bestows his any of our churches authoritatively to ing reflections :--" There are several uninterfere with their pastors in the ad- founded statements in this paper, and some ministration of baptism, it is not to very perverse things which we could easily be considered simply as an unscriptural answer, but its not worth while. E'en let practice, but also as exceedingly per- it go as it is: Valeat quantum valere nicious and antichristian. I am not potest.' The writer shall see that we are aware that the church of Rome, with all not afraid of submitting the points at issue her high pretensions to authority, has between us, to the impartial judgment of ever dictated to her ministers whom them will probably take up the subject and our readers; let them decide. Some of they should baptize; this claim to vindicate our cause-perhaps give him a ecclesiastical domination has been re-trimming." Such were our anticipations; served for such persons as your "ad- and lo! to use a Cockney phrase," He has mirer." I trust our ministers possess catched it!" sufficient independence of spirit, and loyalty to Christ, indignantly to reject such a yoke, whether it be attempted To the Editor of the New Evangelical to be placed on their necks by individuals, or by churches.

When baptized believers offer to join particular churches, there can be no doubt but such societies should have hopeful satisfaction that the applicants are disciples. Whether this should be obtained by writing, by a personal confession before the church, or, as was the case with the apostle Paul, by the interference of a friend, appears to be a mere matter of prudence, which should be always exercised with the greatest candour, and with the warmest christian affection. The last of these methods would obtain my own preference, as the most excellent in itself, and as countenanced by the most appropriate example with which we are furnished in the divine word.

To make either of these methods of admission absolutely necessary, would be giving to an act of christian prudence the sanction of a law. In many instances it would be to convert, what should be the fruit of the Spirit and of love, into the bitterness of contentions and regrets. In making a special provision, where our Lord has made a general one, would be to set up our wisdom, care, and authority, if not in opposition, certainly in rivalry to Him, who is the wisdom of




TRAVELLING lately in company with a beloved friend, to carry the news of salvation through a precious Redeemer, to a remote part of this beautiful island, (Isle of Wight,) we stopt in our way at the village of Arreton, in the burying-place of which, lies Elizabeth Walbridge, the Dairyman's Daughter, whose interesting and pious narrative the Rev. Legh Richmond has so sweetly recorded with evident benefit to the church of God.

I proposed to my friend a visit to her "silent tomb." We went; but by our often conversation, proved that "She being dead, yet speaketh." All around appeared enwrapt in impressive silence; but imagination heard from beneath the burial turf-" Be ye followers of me, as I have followed Christ."-" Prepare to meet your God!" Solemn admonitions! Sacred Spirit, lead to him who meetens for a better world. Having derived much encouraging instruction from reading her pious history, while under my first religious impressions; recollection (while standing on her grave)



"One family we live in Him,
"One church above, beneath;
"Though now divided by one stream,
"The narrow stream of death."

Was not the same sanctifying influence felt by them as is now I trust enjoyed by us? They have attained the perfec tion of grace, and we, I hope, are in possession to the same state. Does not their celestial, and our spiritual happiness proceed from the same source? They partake of the fountain—we the streams.

Are not their heavenly employments, and our pious exercises, of a similar nature? They in high, exalted, perfect strains praise the blessed Immanuel's name-we in humbler grateful songs redeeming grace adore.

"Worthy the Lamb that died they cry,
"To be exalted thus;
"Worthy the Lamb our lips reply,
"For he was slain for us.'

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Have we not reason to hope we are destined to the same celestial inheritance? Did not the Saviour say to his disciples,

seemed to restore those seasons of more ardent desire for the society of the blessed Immanuel- When the soul panted for the living God, as the hart panteth for the water-brooks.' My friend observed" How sure and certain of a glorious resurrection, the frame that moulders here." "Yes," was the reply, "the spirit is glorified with Jesus its exalted head; nor shall the mortal remains continue always here; the bodies of the saints are also the property of Christ; and though in dust they decay, yet he will restore, reanimate, and raise them up at the last day: For the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised; and the dead in Christ shall rise first.' This blessed prospect smooths our passage to the tomb. Elizabeth sung- Victory! victory! through our Lord Jesus Christ,' a little before she was enclosed within this narrow mould of earth. The humble assurance of an interest in her risen Redeemer, elevated her above the fear of death. Her faith stood on the Rock of Ages-her hope was already within the veil. She knew Jesus had taken‘In my Father's house are many manaway the sting of death. He made an end of sin, and brought in everlasting righteousness. Placed as she was on the brink of the grave, and gradually as was sinking her mortal system into the 'gaping tomb,' her triumphant experience knew her Redeemer lived, and though skin-worms destroyed this body, yet in her flesh she should see God." My friend observed-"We do not feel that interest in the graves by which we are surrounded, as in this on which we now stand." "For this reason," I replied, "We are strangers in this village; we have no acquaintance with the life or death of any other here interred; but we have read of the faith, patience, and blessed experience of Elizabeth Walbridge; and having the humble hope that we partake in a measure of like precious faith, we stand as on kindred dust, and claim a relation through grace to the spirit by which it was once animated. It strikes me that this is something of the apostle's meaning, where he says, 'Ye are come to the spirits of just men made perfect.' Have we not an interest in the same eternal love? are we not one by our union to the Lord Jesus Christ? Is not the church triumphant and militant called The whole family in heaven and earth?'

sions; I go to prepare a place for you.' Some had there arrived at home. The disciples have since entered into rest. They have been followed by thousands who followed Christ, and thousands more are on the road to the same desirable eternal world of bliss. The title is acknowledged-Heirs of God, joint heirs with Christ.' The inheritance is secured in an everlasting covenant, that cannot be broken. 'I give,' says our exalted Redeemer, unto my sheep eternal life, they shall never perish.' John says, 'God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son;' and, says the poet,

"Dying is but going home.”

My fellow-traveller observed—“ I love to reflect on this holy subject, because it leads my mind immediately to the only source of our blessings-The great God, and our Saviour Jesus Christ.'" "Certainly," I replied, "It has a tendency. To whom else should we go, or to whom should we look, but to him who has the words of eternal life, and in whom dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily? Oh, my friend, were it not for Jesus, what would be our state in life-what our prospect in death—what our expectations of another

world? We should be like a vessel in a boisterous storm on a lee shore, without a compass, a rudder, or a pilot-tremendous rocks a head, onward to which the tempest is driving with awful certainty, or beyond them to the shores of a desert wilderness, infested by ravening beasts of prey, or hordes of savage men! But here the path is plain; Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life; and, (blessed promise) he says, "Where I am, ye shall be also. Had you and I, my friend, entered this burial ground puffed up with the idea of self-sufficiency, should we not now be disposed to cast it from us as despicable in our esteem. From the revelation, the Holy Spirit, I trust, has made of Jesus to our mind, we are no longer satisfied with the filthy rags of creature righteousness. Oh, no! Jesus is all and in all.' To grace what debtors are we. To thy name blessed Immanuel be all the praise."


their servants for Jesus' sake. And
may the Holy Spirit, without whose ap-
plication all preaching is fruitless, take
of the things of Jesus, and reveal them
to all who heard of him, who came the
lost to seek and save. And, Mr.
Editor, may the readers of your excellent
Magazine be in possession of the same
hope, as that with which the Dairyman's
Daughter was blessed-a hope full of
immortality and eternal life.
I am, dear Sir,

Yours very respectfully,
W- G-

Newport, Isle of Wight,
Oct. 7, 1822.

P. S. My friend copied the inscription on the grave stone; for which perhaps you will find a place.


Who died May 30, 1801, aged 31 years.
She" being dead yet speaketh."
Stranger, if e'er by chance or feeling led,
Upon this hallow'd turf thy footsteps tread;
Turn from the contemplation of this sod,
And think on her whose spirit rests with God.

Lowly her lot on earth-but He who bore

My friend affectionately observed"In this solemn place, names and party distinctions seem to be forgotten.""Surely," I replied, 66 we have no time to think of them while standing on the grave. All who build their hopes on the Rock of eternal Ages, meet in him as one. Here, neither Paul, nor Apollos, nor Cephas is any thing, but the Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world.' Though you and I have had the happiness of following Jesus in his precious institutions, and have been buried with Christ in baptism,' yet our But tasted heaven, e'en while she linger'd here; dear brethren in the Lord, who do notch happy saint! May we like thee be blest, view the ordinances in the same light, In life be faithful, and in death find rest! yet placing their whole dependance on

Tidings of grace and blessings to the poor;
Gave her his truth and faithfulness to prove,
(Faith, that dispell'd affliction's darkest gloom;
Hope, that could cheer the passage to the tomb;
Peace, that not hell's dark legions could destroy,
Death, of his sting disarm'd, she knew no fear,
And love that filled the soul with heav'nly joy.)

The choicest treasures of his boundless love.


[Concluded from page 344.]

Jesus and on him alone, will find in him ON THE EXTENT OF MAN'S ABIan equally blessed resurrection. Nor shall we have to sing less of grace, when the top stone is brought forth with shouting." On leaving this impressive spot, we heard from an adjoining cottage the voice of prayer. Some aged pilgrim perhaps committing his soul into the hands of God to be kept until that day, when the secrets of all hearts shall be opened, and saint and sinner receive their final destiny. Want of time prevented our opening the cottage-door and joining this child of God in worship at a mercy seat. Onward we pursued our way, and arrived in the evening at the appointed place of meeting, where a goodly number of poor villagers were assembled in a large farm kitchen, and to them was preached not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves


HAVING explained the terms, and offered a few reasons to support the opinion, that man's present strength is equal to his present duty, I now proceed, Mr. Editor, to notice some objections which are raised against the sentiment. Before I do this, however, I wish to state, that I am deeply convinced of the doctrine of predestination, and glory in it. Eternal, personal, and particular election, particular redemption, and effectual, invincible grace, in the conversion, sanctification and perseverance of the elect, I most firmly believe, and that sovereign grace reigns in the salvation of sinners from first to last. Eph. i. 3-5; 1 Peter i. 6; Titus iii. 5-7, &c. 3 A

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