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VOL. 39.—No. 5.] LONDON, SATURDAY, May 5, 1821. [Price 6d.
Published every Saturday Morning, at Six o'clock.






Kensington, 1st May, 1821.


Letter, as I then said, that it might be distinguished from other essays on the same subject, and that it might be, as I knew it would, referred to when the predictions it contained should be fulfilled. I put your name to this letter, because you have taken an open and decided part in the great question now at issue; and, further, because I really have great respect for your knowledge and talents. It has been my misfortune to

This very day PEEL'S BILL reaches its third stage, and we shall now see how it will go on to the end of its eventful journey.be doomed to chop blocks; and This day I have chosen for writ- having been warned by SWIFT ing to you, on the subjects treated (the first author, after Moses, of in your speech, delivered in I ever read) of the misery the House of Commons on the of " chopping blocks with a ninth of last month; and, be-" razor," I have generally emfore I conclude, I shal!, I think, ployed a tool better suited to the skulls that I had to work up


that there are ma-
nifold Blessings belonging to a

on. It shall be my endeavour, in

Large Loaf, and that your opi- the present case, to operate gently and smoothly; and, if you should find me, now-and-then, laying on more like a hewer than a shaver,

nions, as to this point, are erroneous. When I addressed my Letter to TIERNEY, I foresaw, that some scheme of cash-pay-I beg that you will be pleased to ments was on foot. I was anxious ascribe it, not to any rudeness of to anticipate the measure, and to disposition, but merely to that

put on record, before hand, my opinions as to the consequences. 1 put TIERNEY's name to the


hardness and heaviness of hand, which my long and laborious chopping of blocks has naturally produced.

Printed by C. CLEMENT, and published by JOHN M. COBBETT. 1, Clement's Inn [Price Sixpence Halfpenny in the Country.]

Before I begin, let me congra- that, to manage them, you must tulate the country upon hearing, work by the shoe; that is to say, at last, plain common sense dis- you must either lick their shoe, or tinctly articulated in the Honour- make them feel the point of yours. able House, upon the subject of You may think to win them over Paper-Money. How all the Ba- to sense and sound measures by rings and Peels and Grenfells and treating them with mannerly deMaberlies and Broughams and ference, by seeming not to perTierneys and the disciples of St, ceive their native folly, while Horner; how all the deep and you are proving to them that they dark gabblers about "mint price" are acting the part of fools. and "market price," sink before They are much too cunning to be you! And, as to the poor Ora- caught in this way. Their pride cle he really seems to have be- takes the alarm; and, they became the jest even of his former come obstinate as hogs. You worshipers. But, Sir, take care! must be their slave or their mas Remember what the wise man ter: no middle course will ever says of a fool's wrath; and re- succeed with them. Lick, or kick member also, that that wrath is is the maxim; and, as you are never so heavy as when his folly able to kick, kick by all means. is exposed! You think, perhaps, Leaving you to follow your to make converts and to find co-own taste as to this matter, only operators. You will neither reserving to myself the right of make the former nor find the laughing, if I should see you latter. Your sound sense and baffled in a temporising attempt, clear reasoning are upstarts and interlopers, which, happen what will, must not be enoouraged. I give you this warning, because I perceive you, in one place, go out of your way to express your "respect" for a noble Lord in "another place." Sir, I know the people of Whitehall better than you do, though I never was The propositions, maintained within its doors, while you fre-in your speech, are these: 1. That quently have been; and, I know the existing distresses have arisen

I now proceed to my remarks on your able and impressive speech, which, with your own notes subjoined, I have now before me in a pamphlet published by RIDG WAY, and which ought to be in the possession of, and to be attentively perused by, every geutleman in the kingdom.

immediately and wholly from the measures adopted with a view of returning to cash-payments, and particularly from Peel's Bill. 2.

To the first I may, indeed, easily assent, seeing that it expresses, not only what I have laid down as to the actual effects

That, of this distress the Labour-of Peel's Bill, but also what I

predicted with regard to the effects of any such measure. "My

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ing Class suffers in as great a proportion as any other class. 3. That an effectual and permanent" New Year's Gift to the Farremedy would be found in a re-mers," published in January, peal of Peel's Bill, and a new familiarly explains the whole proputting forth of Paper-Money sogress of this set of measures, as to make the quantity in circu-intended to bring about paylation equal to what it was in ments in cash. It clearly points 1818. To the first of these pro- out the cause of the distress, and positions I say, aye: to the two as clearly shows that no new law last I say, nay. about Corn can possibly afford The third I shall dismiss, at any relief to the farmer. You once, by referring you to my have, therefore, done no more, first Letter to Lord Grey, pub-as to this part of the subject than lished in December last, in which I had done before, and that I I spoke pretty fully of the shame, had done, too, in Long Island, the disgrace, the infamy, that whence I even sent a petition to must attend a repeal of Peel's the Honourable and most pure Bill and a sending out of the and enlightened body, of which paper again; and, in which I you are now a member, which also spoke of that terrible con-petition the member to whose ཎྞ་ vulsion, which such a measure charge it was committed, demust produce in the end. Your clined to present, because he first proposition shall not detain thought, that that immaculate us long; but your second propo- assembly would not have the pasition; namely; that the fall in tience to listen to a petition so prices has injured the labouring very long! Bless their delicate classes, demands, and shall re-organs of hearing! A pity inceive, when I come to it, my deed it were to subtract from best attention; it being a propo-those moments that they employ sition, not only at war with truth,

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but aiming at a most mischievous in lending, or, rather, bending, and cruel end. those organs to the dulcet and

wisdom-shedding voices of Cas- confound you with the Barings, tlereagh and Van, Grenfell and Ricardo!

the Perries, and the Ellices, the latter of whom has even begun to prattle away about" the war

between the Land and the • Funds." I believe, that your own mind would have been sufficient to guide you in this case; and I have before done you the justice to observe, that you

I say this much in the way of justice towards myself; and, I must take care of that, or nobody will take care of it for me. I see enough publio writers now to steal my opinions, who abused me for uttering those opinions. I see some, who are honest wrote to recommend the pushing enough to quote the words; but out of the paper in 1817; and still rogues enough to disguise also, that you manfully opposed the source whence they quote. the passing of Peel's Bill, and even see even you quoting LOCKE, petitioned against it, making, when you might have quoted at the same time, a speech relaPAINE or me, and especially tive to its consequences enough PAINE, who had foretold, with to convince any body but a bornthe utmost precision the stopping ideot. I have never stolen the of payment at the Bank, and thoughts of others, were they who, while he himself was an alive or dead. I have never outlaw, devoted the profits of withheld due homage to talent or that celebrated work to the relief knowledge or merit of any kind of the debtors in Newgate! You when I have profited from them. might have quoted this true En- In return for this fair and hoglishman and true patriot and nourable dealing I have been inmatchless writer, instead of the cessantly plundered; but, the place-man LOCKE, who, com- plunderers shall no longer propared with PAINE, was, as to ceed with impunity. My way is subjects of this nature, a mere the only way in which a horrible babbler. Here was a fair op- convulsion can be avoided; and portunity of showing that you that convulsion will take place, held canting calumny at defiance; or it shall be clear to all eyes and, if you had availed yourself that it is I who have shown the of it, you would have frightened way to p' event it. Whitehall out of its wits

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However, Sir, I by no means

My petition of 1818 was too, long for the Honourable House,

and CHARLES WYNNE, the bro-" more extensive ruin than had ther of the Saxony Ambassador," ever before been brought on any has lately instanced the wearisome" civilized people by any governeffects of another long petition of "ment;" to remind them of all mine. But (and this I thank solemnly sage sayings and antiyou for) you made them hear cipations as to the happy efforts you; and though you were a of this measure; to call the acts of new man, and were, with your 1797 acts of "fraud," and that of good sense, a sort of rebel; a sort 1819," an act of greater fraud;" of bolter; a good slice of your and to conclude, at last, by forespeech got into the news-papers; telling, to the very teeth of the and you, by repeating and filling Honourable House, that their out, have taken care to have your measures would "terminate in a forewarnings upon record. This sudden and violent catastrophe, is highly commendable. Pursue too sudden and too violent for this course, Sir, and faction will" resistance or remedy, which not be able to mullify your "will prove destructive to the




"public credit, and dangerous to "the safety of the state" to tell them all this to their very heads, to sound it in their very ears, to poke it under their very noses, and that, too, at a time when they have passed laws to banish us, if

How the Honourable and enlightened House stood your taunting I cannot imagine. To be told plump and point blank, that they could not carry their grand measure into effect; to tell them to their heads, that that measure we say any thing even tending to could not be carried into effect bring them into contempt! and the present debt and taxes It was so good! By — exist, and that “it was folly and ra- you were a lady I would kneel and kiss your hand!



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Pray, Sir, agree to take the chair when we hold our feast of the Gridiron! Whole flocks of

pacity alone that could think of "attempting their union;" to look in their faces and tell them, that their grand measure, which had been so eulogized by the Speaker geese will be sent up for us by the of the Six-Acts parliament, had big-farmers' wives, those amiable "overwhelmed the people of Abigails of England. Two or "this country with greater cala-three hundred gridirons will be at "mities, severer sufferings and work all at once. You shall have

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