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of the house his hands, and the fitters by were witneffes; fo VOL. IX. drinking together like friends, they went every man to his CYMBEchamber. The next day this man, having knowledge of the LINE. place, rid thither, leaving the gentleman at the inne, who being affured of his wife's chaflitie, made no other account but to winne the wager; but it fell out otherwife: for the other vowed either by force, policie, or free will, to get fome jewell or other toy from her, which was enough to perfuade the gentleman that he was a cuckold, and win the wager he had laid. This villaine (for hee deferved no better ftile) lay at Waltam a whole day before he came to the fight of her; at laft he efpyed her in the fields, to whom he went, and kiffed her (a thing no modest woman can deny). After his falutation, he faid, Gentlewoman, I pray pardon me, if I have beene too bold. I was intreated by your husband, which is at London, (I riding this way) to come and fee you; by me he hath fent his commends to you, with a kind intreat that you would not be difcontented for his long abfence, it being ferious bufinefs that keepes him from your fight. The gentlewoman very modeftly bade him welcome, thanking him for his kindnes; withall telling him that her husband might command her patience fo long as he pleased. Then intreated thee him to walke homeward, where he gave him fuch entertainment as was fit for a gentleman, and her hufband's friend.

"In the time of his abiding at her houfe, he oft would have fingled her in private talke, but the perceiving the fame, (knowing it to be a thing not fitting a modeft woman) would never come in his fight but at meales, and then were there fo many at boord, that it was no time for to talke of love-matters: therefore he faw he must accomplish his defire some other way; which he did in this manner. He having laine two nights at her house, and perceiving her to bee free from luftful defires, the third night he fained himfelfe to bee fomething ill, and fo went to bed timelier than he was wont. When he was alone in his chamber, he began to thinke with himfelfe that it was now time to do that which he determined: for if he tarried any longer, they might have cause to think that he came for fome ill intent, and waited opportunity to execute the fame: therefore he refolved to doe fomething that night, that might win him the wager, or utterly bring him in defpaire of the fame. With this refolution he went to her chamber, which was but a paire of ftaires from his, and finding the doore open, he went in, placing himself




VOL. IX. under the bed. Long had he not lyne there, but in came the gentlewoman with her maiden; who having been at prayers with her houfhold, was going to bed. She preparing herfelfe to bedward, laid her head-tyre and thofe jewels the wore, on a little table thereby at length he perceived her to put off a littel crucifix of gold, which dayly fhe wore next to her heart; this jewell he thought fitteft for his turne, and therefore obferved where the did lay the fame.


"At length the gentlewoman, having untyred her selfe, went to bed; her maid then bolting of the doore, tooke the candle, and went to bed in a withdrawing roome, onely feparated with arras. This villaine lay ftill under the bed, liftening if hee could heare that the gentlewoman flept: at length he might hear her draw her breath long; then thought hee all fure, and like a cunning villaine rofe without noife, going ftraight to the table, where finding of the crucifix, he lightly went to the doore, which he cunningly unbolted: all this performed he with fo little noife, that neither the miftress nor the maid heard him. Having gotten into his chamber, he wished for day that he might carry this jewell to her hufband, as figne of his wife's difloyaltie; but seeing his wishes but in vaine, he laid him downe to fleepe: happy had the beene, had his bed proved his grave.

"In the morning fo foone as the folkes were ftirring, he rofe and went to the horse-keeper, praying him to helpe him to his horfe, telling him that he had tooke his leave of his miftris the last night. Mounting his horse, away rode he to London, leaving the gentlewoman in bed; who, when the rofe, attiring herselfe haftily ('cause one tarried to speake with her), miffed not her crucifix. So paffed the the time away, as fhe was wont other dayes to doe, no whit troubled in minde, though much forrow was toward her; onely fhe feemed a little difcontented that her gheft went away fo unmanerly, fhe ufing him fo kindely. So leaving her, I will, fpeake of him, who the next morning was betimes at London; and coming to the inne, hee afked for the gentleman who was then in bed, but he quickly came downe to him; who feeing him return'd fo fuddenly, hee thought hee came to have leave to releafe himfelfe of his wager; but this chanced otherwife, for having faluted him, he faid in this manner-Sir, did not I tell you that you were too yong in experience of woman's fubtilties, and that no woman was longer good than till fhe had caufe, or time to do ill? This you believed not; and thought it a thing fo unlikely, that you

have given me a hundred pounds for the knowledge of it. In VOL. IX. brief, know, your wife is a woman, and therefore a wanton, CYMBEa changeling-to confirm that I fpeake, fee heere (fhew- LINE. ing him the crucifix); know you this? If this be not fufficient proofe, I will fetch you more.

"At the fight of this, his bloud left his face, running to comfort his faint heart, which was ready to breake at the fight of this crucifix, which he knew the alwayes wore next her heart; and therefore he muft (as he thought) goe fomething neere, which ftole fo private a jewell. But remembering himfelfe, he cheeres his fpirits, feeing that was fufficient proofe, and he had wonne the wager, which he commanded fhould be given to him. Thus was the poore gentleman abused, who went into his chamber, and being weary of this world (feeing where he had put onely his truft he was deceived) he was minded to fall upon his fword, and so end all his miferies at once: but his better genius perfuaded him contrary, and not fo, by laying violent hand on himselfe, to leap into the divel's mouth. Thus being in many mindes, but refolving no one thing, at laft he concluded to punish her with death, which had deceived his truft, and himselfe utterly to forfake his house and lands, and follow the fortunes of king Henry. To this intent, he called his man, to whom he faid-George, thou knoweft I have ever held thee deare, making more account of thee than thy other fellowes ; and thou haft often told me that thou diddeft owe thy life to me, which at any time thou wouldest be ready to render up to doe me good. True, Sir, anfwered his man, I faid no more then, than I will now at any time, whenfoever you pleafe, performe. I believe thee, George, replyed he; but there is no fuch need: I onely would have thee doe a thing for me, in which is no great danger; yet the profit which thou fhalt have thereby fhall amount to my wealth. For the love that thou bearest to me, and for thy own good, wilt thou do this? Sir, anfwered George, more for your love than any reward, I will doe it, (and yet money makes many men valiant); pray tell me what it is? George, faid his master, this it is; thou must goe home, praying thy mistress to meet me halfe the way to London; but having her by the way, in fome private place kill her: I mean as I fpeake, kill her, I fay; this is my command, which thou haft promifed to performe; which if thou performeft not, I vow to kill thee the next time thou comeft in my fight. Now for thy reward, it shall be this-Take my ring, and when thou haft



VOL. IX. done my command, by virtue of it, doe thou affume my place till my returne, at which time thou fhalt know what my reward is; till then govern my whole eftate, and for thy mistress' abfence and my own, make what excuse thou please; fo be gone. Well, Sir, faid George, fince it is your will, though unwilling I am to do it, yet I will performe it. So went he his way toward Waltam; and his mafter prefently rid to the court, where hee abode with king Henry, who a little before was inlarged by the earle of Warwicke, and placed in the throne againe.

"George being come to Waltam, did his dutie to his miftris, who wondered to fee him, and not her husband, for whom the demanded of George; he answered her, that he was at Enfield, and did requeft her to meet him there. To which thee willingly agreed, and prefently rode with him toward Enfield. At length, they being come into a by-way, George began to fpeake to her in this manner - Miltris, I pray you tell me, what that wife deferves, who through fome lewd behaviour of hers hath made her husband to neglect his eftates, and meanes of life, feeking by all meanes to dye, that he might be free from the fhame which her wickedneffe hath purchased him? Why, George, quoth fhee, haft thou met with fome fuch creature? Be it whomfoever, might I be her judge, I thinke her worthy of death. How thinkeft thou? 'Faith miftris, faid he, I think fo too, and am fo fully perfuaded that her offence deferves that punishment, that I purpofe to be executioner to fuch a one myfelfe: Miftris, you are this woman; you have fo offended my master (you know beft, how, yourselfe), that he hath left his house, vowing never to fee the fame till you be dead, and I am the man appointed by him to kill you. Therefore those words which you mean to utter, fpeake them presently, for I cannot stay. Poor gentlewoman, at the report of these unkinde words (ill deferved at her hands) fhe looked as one dead, and uttering aboundance of teares, fhe at laft fpake these words-And can it be, that my kindnes and loving obedience hath merited no other reward at his hands than death? It cannot be. I know thou onely tryeft me, how patiently I would endure fuch an unjuft command. I'le tell thee heere, thus with body proftrate on the earth, and hands lift up to heaven, I would pray for his prefervation; thofe fhould be my worst words: for death's fearful vifage fhewes pleasant to that foule that is innocent. Why then prepare yourfelfe, faid George, for by heaven I doe


not jeft. With that she prayed him ftay, faying,-And is it VOL. IX. fo? Then what fhould I defire to live, having loft his favour, CYMBE(and without offence) whom I fo dearly loved, and in whofe LINE. fight my happineffe did confift? Come, let me die. Yet George, let me have fo much favour at thy hands, as to commend me in these few words to him: Tell him, my death I willingly imbrace, for I have owed him my life (yet no otherwife but by a wife's obedience) ever fince I called him husband; but that I am guilty of the leaft fault toward him, I utterly deny; and doe, at this hour of my death, defire that Heaven would powre down vengeance upon me, if ever I offended him in thought. Intreat him that he would not fpeake aught that were ill on mee, when I am dead, for in good troth I have deserved none. Pray Heaven blesse him; I am prepared now, ftrike pr'ithee home, and kill me and my griefes at once.

"George, feeing this, could not with-hold himfelfe from fhedding teares, and with pitie he let fall his fword, faying, -Miftris, that I have used you fo roughly, pray pardon me, for I was commanded fo by my mafter, who hath vowed, if I let you live, to kill me. But I being perfwaded that you are innocent, I will rather undergoe the danger of his wrath than to ftaine my hands with the bloud of your cleere and fpotleffe breft: yet let me intreat you fo much, that you would not come in his fight, left in his rage he turne your butcher, but live in some disguise, till time have opened the caufe of his mistrust, and fhewed you guiltleffe; which, I hope, will not be long.

"To this fhe willingly granted, being loth to die causeleffe, and thanked him for his kindneffe; fo parted they both, having teares in their eyes. George went home, where he fhewed his master's ring, for the government of the house till his master and mistris returne, which he said lived a while at London, 'cause the time was fo troublesome, and that was a place where they were more fecure than in the country. This his fellowes believed, and were obedient to his will; amongst whom hee ufed himfelfe fo kindely that he had all their loves. This poore gentlewoman (miftris of the houfe) in fhort time got man's apparell for her difguife; fo wand'red the up and downe the countrey, for fhe could get no fervice, because the time was fo dangerous that no man knew whom he might truft: onely fhe maintained herselfe with the price of thofe jewels which fhe had, all which she fold. At the laft, being quite out of money, and having nothing

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