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Death of Long Tom Coffin.

Lifting his broad hands high into the air, his voice was heard in the tempest. 'God's will be done with me,' he cried: 'I saw the first timber of the Ariel laid, and shall live just long enough to see it turn out of her bottom; after which I wish to live no longer.' But his shipmates were far beyond the sounds of his voice before these were half uttered. All command of the boat was rendered impossible, by the numbers it contained, as well as the raging of the surf; and as it rose on the white crest of a wave, Tom saw his beloved little craft for the last time. It fell into a trough of the sea, and in a few moments more its fragments were ground into splinters on the adjoining rocks. The cockswain [Tom] still remained where he had cast off the rope, and beheld the numerous heads and arms that appeared rising, at -short intervals, on the waves, some making powerful and well-directed efforts to guin the sands, that were becoming visible as the tide fell, and others wildly tossed, in the frantic movements of helpless despair. The honest old seaman gave a cry of joy as he saw Barnstable (the commander, whom Tom had forced into the boat] issue from the surf, where one by one several seamen soon appeared also, dripping and exhausted. Many others of the crew were carried in a similar manner to places of safety; though, as Tom returned to his seat on the bowsprit, he could not conceal from his reluctant eyes the lif less forms that were, in other spots, driven against the rocks with 3 fary that soon left them but few of the outward vestiges of humanity.

Dillon and the cockswain were now the sole occupants of their dreadful station. The former stood in a kind of stupid despair, a witness of the scene; but as his curd.ed blood began again to flow more warmly to his heart, he crept close to the side of Tom, with that sort of selfish feeling that makes even hopeless misery more tolerable, when endured in participation with another.

When the tide falls,' he said in a voice that betrayed the agony of fear, though his words expressed the renewal of hope, we shall be able to walk to land."

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There was one and only Oue to whose feet the waters were the same as a dry deck.' returned the cockswain; and none but such as have His power will ever be able to walk from these rocks to the sands.' The old seaman paused, and turning his eyes, which exhibited a mingled expression of disgust and compassion, on his companion. he added with reverence: Had you thought more of Him in fair weather, your case would be less to be pitied in this tempest.'

Do you still think there is much danger?' asked Dillon.

To them that have reason to fear death. Listen! Do you hear that hollow noise beneath ye?'

"Tis the wind driving by the vessel!'

"Tis the poor thing herself.' said the affected cockswain, 'giving her last groans. The water is breaking up her decks; and in a few minutes more, the handsomest model that ever cat a wave will be like the chips that fell from her in framing!' Why then did you remain here ?' cried Dillon wildly.

To die in my coffin, if it should be the will of God,' returned Tom. These waves are to me what the land is to you; I was born on them, and I have always meant that they should be my grave.'


But I-I, shrieked Dillon, I am not ready to die!-I cannot die !- I will not

Poor wretch;' muttered his companion; you must go like the rest of us; when the death-watch is called. none can skulk from the muster.'

'I can swim,' Dillon continued. rushing with frantic eagerness to the side of the wreck. Is there no billet of wood, no rope, that I can take with me?'

Noue; everything has been cut away, or carried off by the sea. If ye are about to strive for your life, take with ye a stout heart and a clean conscience, and trust the rest to God"

God! echoed Dillon, in the madness of his frenzy; 'I know no God! there is no God that knows me

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Peace!' said the deep tones of the cockswain, in a voice that seemed to speak in the elements; blaspheiner. peace!'

The heavy groaning produced by the water in the timbers of the Ariel, at that moment added its impulse to the raging feelings of Dillon, and he cast himself head

long into the sea. The water thrown by the rolling of the surf on the beach was necessarily returned to the ocean, in eddies, in different places favourable to such an action of the element. Into the edge of one of these counter-currents, that was produced by the very rocks on which the schooner lay, and which the watermen call the under-tow,' Dillon had unknowingly thrown his person; and when the waves had driven him a short distance from the wreck, he was met by a stream that his most desperate efforts could not overcome. He was a light and powertot swim:ner, and the struggle was hard and protracted. With the shore malediately b. fore ins eyes, and at no great distance, he was led as by a false phantom, to contine h.s efforts, although they did not advance him a foot. The old seaman, who at first had watched his motions with careless indifference, understood the danger of mis situation at a glance, and, forgetful of his own fate, he shouted aloud, in a voice that was driven over the struggling victim to the ears of his shipmates on the sands: Sheer to port, and clear the under-tow! Sheer to the southward!'

Dillon heard the sounds, but his faculties were too much obscured by terror to distinguish their object; he, however, blindly yielded to the call, and gradually changed his direction until his face was once more turned towards the vessel. Tom looked around him for a rope, but all had gone over with the spars, or been swept away by the waves. At this inoment of disappointment, his eyes met those of the desperate Dillon. Calm and inured to horrors as was the veteran seaman. he invol untarily passed his hand before his brow to exclude the look of despair he encountered; and when, a moment afterwards, he removed the rigid member, he beheld the sinking form of the victim as it gradually settled in the ocean, still struggling with regular but impotent strokes of the arms and feet to gain the wreck, and to preserve an existence that had been so much abused in its hour of allotted probation. He will soon meet his God. and learn that his God knows him!' murmured the cockswain to himself. As he yet spoke, the wreck of the Ariel yielded to an overwhelming sea, and after a universal shudder, her timbers and planks gave way, and were swept towards the cliffs, bearing the body of the simple-hearted cockswain among the ruins.


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The REV. RICHARD HARRIS BARHAM (1788-1845), under the name of Thomas Ingoldsby, contributed to Bentley's Miscellany' a series of papers, The Ingoldsby Legends,' which were afterwards collected into volumes, and went through several editions. To the third series (1347) was prefixed a life of the author by his son. Mr. Barham also wrote a novel, My Cousin Nicholas.' The Ingoldsby papers, prose and verse, contain sallies of quaint humour, classic travesties and illustrations, droll rhymes, banter and irony, with a sprinkling of ghost stories and medieval legends. The intimate friend of Theodore Hook, Mr. Barham had something of Hook's manner, with a love of punning and pleasantry as irrepressible as that of Hood, though accompanied with less literary power. Few of the readers of Ingoldsby,' unless moving in a certain circle, imagined that their author was a dignitary of the Church, a minor canon of St. Paul's, a rector and royal chaplain. He appears to have been a learned and amiable, no less than witty and agreeable man.


This popular naval writer-the best painter of sea characters since Smollett-commenced what proved to be a busy and highly successful literary career in 1829, by the publication of The Naval Officer,' a nautical tale in three volumes. This work partook too strongly of

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the free spirit of the sailor, but amidst its occasional violations of taste and decorum, there was a rough racy humour and dramatic liveliness that atoned for many faults. In the following year, the captain was ready with other three volumes, more carefully finished, and presenting a well-compacted story, entitled The King's Own.' Though occasionally a little awkward on land, Captain Marryat was at home on the sea; and whether serious or comic-whether delineating a captain, midshipman or common tar, or even a carpenterhe evinced a minute practical acquaintance with all on board ship, and with every variety of nautical character. Newton Foster, or the Merchant Service,' 1832, was Marryat's next work, and is a tale of various and sustained interest. It was surpassed, however, by its immediate successor, Peter Simple,' the most amusing of all the author's works. His naval commander, Captain Savage, Chucks the boatswain, O'Brien the Irish lieutenant, and Muddle the carpenter, are excellent individual portraits-as distinct and life-like as Tom Bowling, Hatchway, or Pipes. The scenes in the West Indies display the higher powers of the novelist; and the escape from the French prison interests us almost as deeply as the similar efforts of Caleb Williams.

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Continuing his nautical scenes and portraits-Captain Marryat wrote about thirty volumes-as Jacob Faithful' (one of his best productions). The Phantom Ship,' Midshipman Easy,' The Pacha of Many Tales,' Japhet in Search of a Father,' The Pirate and the Three Cutters,' 'Poor Jack,' Joseph Rushbrook the Poacher,' 'Masterman Ready,' &c. In the hasty production of so many volumes, the quality could not always be equal. The nautical humour and racy dialogue could not always be produced at will, of a new and different stamp at each successive effort. Such, however, was the fertile fancy and active observation of the author, and his lively powers of amusing and describing, that he has fewer repetitions and less tediousness than almost any other writer equally voluminous. His next novel, 'Percival Keene,' 1842, betrayed no falling-off, but, on the contrary, is one of the most vigorous and interesting of his sea changes.' In 1843 he published a Narrative of the Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet,' in which fact and fiction are blended with little artistic skill, and which was proved to be chiefly a compilation. Two other works of mediocre character followed-The Settlers in Canada,' 1844, and The Mission, or Scenes in Africa,' 1845. In 1846 he regained something of his old nautical animation in 'The Privateersman One Hundred Years Ago.'

Captain Marryat made a trip to America in 1837, the result of which he gave to the world in 1839 in three volumes, entitled 'A Diary in America, with Remarks on its Institutions.' This was flying at higher game than he had previously brought down; but the real value of these volumes consists in their resemblance to parts of his novels-in humorous caricature and anecdote, shrewd observa

tion, and lively or striking description. His account of the American navy is valuable; and so practical and sagacious an observer could not visit the schools, prisons, and other public institutions of the New World without throwing out valuable reflections, and noting what is superior or defective. He was no admirer of the democratic government of America; indeed, his Diary' is as unfavourable to the national character as the sketches of Mrs. Trollope or Captain Hall. But it is in relating traits of manners, peculiarities of speech. and other singular or ludicrous characteristics of the Americans, that Captain Marryat excelled. These are as rich as his fictitious delineations, and, like them, probably owe a good deal to the suggestive fancy and love of drollery proper to the novelist. The success of this Diary' induced the author to add three additional volumes to it in the following year, but the continuation is greatly inferior.

The life of this busy novelist terminated, after a long and painful illness, at Langham, in Norfolk, August 9 1848. Captain Marryat was the second son of Joseph Marryat, Esq., M. P., of Wimbledon House, Surrey, and was born in the year 1792. He entered the navy at an early age, and was a midshipman on board the Imperieuse when that ship was engaged as part of Lord Cochrane's squadron in supporting the Catalonians against the French. On board the Imperieuse young Marryat was concerned in no less than fifty engagements. After one of these, an officer, who had an aversion to the youth, seeing him laid out, as if dead, among his fallen comrades, exclaimed: Here's a young cock who has done crowing. Well, for a wonder, this chap has cheated the gallows!' Marryat faintly raising his head, exclaimed: You're a liar!' Afterwards the 'chap' served in the attack on the French fleet in Aix Roads and in the Walcheren expedition. In 1814, as lieutenant of the Newcastle, he cut out four vessels in Boston Bay, an exploit of great difficulty and daring. During the Burmese war, he commanded the Larne, and was for some time senior officer on the station. His services were rewarded by professional promotion and honours. He was a Companion of the Bath, a Knight of the Hanoverian Guelphic Order, an officer of the Legion of Honour, &c. The latter years of the novelist were spent in the pleasant but not profitable occupations of a country gentleman. His receipts from farming, in one year, were £154, 2s. 9d.; his expenditure, £1637, 0s. 6d. ! He spent large sums on his place in Norfolk. At one time, we are told, he had a hobby for making a decoy; he flooded some hundred acres of his best grazingground, got his decoy into full working order, so as to send some five thousand birds yearly to the London market, and then-drained it again. In February 1848, Captain Marryat received intelligence of the death of his son, lieutenant on board the Avenger steam-frigate. which was lost on the rocks off Galita. This bereavement tended to hasten the death of the able and accomplished novelist. In 1872,

The Life and Letters of Captain Marryat' were published by his daughter, Mrs. Ross Church.

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A Prudent Sea Captain-Abuse of Ship's Stores.-From The King's Oron.'

'Well, Mr. Cheeks, what are the carpenters about ?'

Weston and Smallbridge are going on with the chairs the whole of them will be finished to-morrow.'

Well?' Smith is about the chest of drawers, to match the one in my Lady Capper bar's bedroom.'

Very good. And what is Hilton about?'-'He has finished the spare leaf of the dining-table, sir; he is now about a little job for the second lieutenant.'

A job for the second lieutenant, sir! How often have I told you, Mr. Cheeks, that the carpenters are not to be employed, except on ship's duty, without my special permission - His standing bed-place is broken, sir; he is only getting out a chock

or two.'

Mr. Cheeks, you have disob yed my most positive orders. By the by, sir, I understand you were not sober last night. Please your honour,' replied the carpenter, I wasn't drunk-I was only a little fresh.'

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Take you care, Mr. Cheeks. Well, now, what are the rest of your crew about?— Why, Thomson and Waters are cutting out the pales for the garden out of the jibboom; I've saved the heel to return.'

Very well; but there won't be enough, will there?'

No, sir; it will take a hand-mast to finish the whole."

Then we must expend one when we go out again. We can carry away a topmast, and make a new one out of the hand-mast at sea. In the meantime, if the sawyers have nothing to do. they may as well cut the palings at once. And now, let me see oh. the painters nust go on shore to finish the attics.'

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Yes. sir; but my Lady Capperbar wishes the jealowsees to be painted vermilion ; she says it will look more rural'-'Mrs. Capperbar ought to know enough about ship's stores by this time to be aware that we are only allowed three colours. She may choose or mix them as she pleases; but as for going to the expense of buying paint. I can't afford it. What are the rest of the men about ?'-' Repairing the second cutter. and making a new mast for the pinnace.'

By the by-that puts me in mind of it-have you expended any boat's masts?' -Only the one carried away. sir'

Then you must expend two more. Mrs C. has just sent me off a list of a few things that she wishes made while we are at anchor, and I see two poles for clothes-lines. Saw off the Sheave-holes, and put two pegs through at right anglesyou know how I mean?'

Yes, sir. What am I-to do. sir, about the cucumber frame? My Lady Capperbar says she must have it, and I haven't glass enough. "They grumbled at the yard last time.'- Mrs. C. must wait a little. What are the armourers about?'

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They have been so busy with your work, sir, that the arms are in a very bad condition. The first lieutenant said yesterday that they were a disgrace to the ship.' Who dares say that?'-"The first lieutenant, sir.'

Well, then. let them rub up the arms, and let me know when they are done, and we'll get the forge up.'

The armourer has made six rakes and six hoes, and the two little hoes for the children; but he says that he can't make a spade.'

Then I'll take his warrant away. by heavens! since he does not know his duty. That will do. Mr. Cheeks. I shall overlook your being in liquor this time; but take care. Send the boatswain to me.'





presented us

A few other authors have, like Captain Marryat, with good pictures of maritime life and adventures. The Naval

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