Зображення сторінки


Drawing of Detail Plumbing Connections.


Architect's Plans and Plumbing Elevations of Residence


Plumbing Elevations of Residence (continued). Plumbing Plans for Cottage..


Plumbing Elevations. Roof Connections......


Plans and Plumbing Elevations of Six-flat Building....







Drawing of the Various Parts of the Plumbing System. Use of Scale....



Use of Architect's Scales....


Special Features in the Illustrations of Country Plumbing..


Drawing of Wrought Iron Piping, Valves, Radiators, Coils, Etc..


Drawing of Piping to Illustrate Heating Systems..





Mechanical Drawing for Plumbers



HE man who to-day does high-class plumbing or heating, and is worthy the name of doing that class of work, is as deserving of credit as is the lawyer who conducts his case in court successfully, or the physician who performs the duties that devolve on him in creditable manner. The trade, we must remember, is not in the crude state that it was years ago, and if the plumber keeps abreast of the times, he must educate himself along several lines in addition to the manual side of the question. He must be conversant to some extent with chemistry, and the subject of physics, that is, natural law, is more valuable to him than to any other man that we can think of. If he is to make the most of himself and his opportunities, the progressive man cannot do better than to take up the study of mechanical drawing, at least so far as it concerns the laying out of plumbing and heating work. A knowledge of the subject is valuable, not only to the man who is conducting a business and uses his knowledge in demonstrating his ideas to the prospective customer, but even the apprentice cannot afford to be ignorant of it, for on paper he can lay out work, run his lines of pipe and make his connections-all in a practical way-and gain experience thereby that he cannot gain in serving at the trade unless more fortunate than his brothers in the advantages that are given him.

The writer has in mind instances where

the obtaining of good work can be traced directly to the fact that a neat little sketch of the proposed work was submitted to the owner. The sketch showed that the one who presented it was up-to-date, and knew his business, and that thereby he gained a better place in the opinion of his customer than his competitor, was to be expected.

And it is these little points that count, not merely to-day, but always in the years to come.

In many sections of the country, par. ticularly where the work is of a high grade, the master and the journeyman must as a part of the examination make a drawing of some system of plumbing. Another quite general custom nowadays is the demand by boards of health, that the plumber applying for a permit to do work, shall first submit drawings of the proposed work.

How convenient, and even profitable, to be able to submit work on such occasions as we have just cited, which shall be creditable. In visiting the different sections of the country, it has been impressed upon the writer's mind that there is a great demand for a knowledge of this subject, a demand which has not yet been met.

The correspondence school fills a longfelt want, and we believe it to be a valuable institution, but ofttimes a busy man does not feel that he can spare the time necessary to such a course as given by them, which necessitates the taking up of

several branches of study as a means of covering the whole ground. While we would not dignify our present series of articles as a "course in drawing," it is our intention to make it serve as such, as near as possible.

It will be appreciated that the subject is a difficult one to present, as it is best studied under an instructor who can correct an error on the spot, and explain fully wherein the error lies.

We would say, that in pursuing this series, it is with the idea of making it

As to instruments, unless it is desired to take up the inking of drawings, the only instruments actually needed are a pair of compasses for making large circles, and a pair of bow compasses for small circles. The latter instrument is of special value in making neat work.

In Fig. 1 we show the drawing board, with the tee square in position, also both triangles. In Fig. 2 the large compasses are shown, and in Fig. 3 the bow, or spring compasses.

The tee square and triangles may be of

[blocks in formation]

of real practical value to those of our readers who are interested in the subject, as we believe that every master plumber and steam fitter should thoroughly understand the manner to draw at least in a crude way the plans for work on which he may estimate.

As a preliminary to pursuing the subject of drawing, the student should provide himself with the necessary tools, which include the drawing board, tee square and triangles (30 deg. and 45 deg.) and a small set of instruments.

wood, for ordinary use. Celluloid triangles are especially good, as the work beneath shows through them.

It is no doubt well known to our readers that horizontal lines are made along the edge of the tee square and vertical lines are made along the edge of the triangle held against the edge of the tee square. With triangles which are true, this insures true work, but if the vertical lines are made by holding the tee square against the lower edge of the board, there is very little chance of the work being

true, that is square, for there is seldom a drawing board that will be found exactly square all round.

In entering upon the subject of mechanical drawing, whether it is such

tical worth to the plumber, as far as laying out his own work is concerned.

To show the fundamental principle of projection, let us consider the object which we show in Fig. 4, an ordinary pyramid.

Now suppose we consider this object surrounded by transparent surfaces, glass plates for instance, as shown in Fig. 5. We will suppose that the object is viewed from three different directions, from the front, from the side, and from the top. If we consider that the rays of light from each point, as these three views are taken, reach the eye at right 'angles to the respective glass plates, and draw on those plates the view of the object as it appears to us, we shall have what is known in mechanical drawing as

Combination Compasses ana Dividers

Bow Compasses


Fig. 2

drawing as the plumber, the machinist, or the architect would need, it is necessary to understand the principles of projection which in reality underlies the whole subject. All working drawings, which show several views of the same object, such as are used in every machine shop, are worked out by projection, and in this class of work it is applied much more extensively than on the work in which we are interested.

With us, it will not be necessary to take up any but the most elementary principles, for although valuable to any man, the more advanced principles of projection would not be of much prac

Fig. 3

the top view or plan, and the front and side views, or elevations, as they are commonly called. In other words, the eye is supposed to sight the object at right angles at every point at one time.

[blocks in formation]
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