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This seeming obscurity removed, let us attend to the particular meaning of the text. It points out two singular, yet obvious features, so characteristic of the French republic, that they distinguish it from all other civil powers whatever. Of these I shall treat in the same order with the prophet: and that is,

Ver. 12-" He (the beast of the earth, or "the republic) exerciseth all the power of "the first beast (before mentioned in this "chapter, the beast of the sea, or Papal "Rome) before him."

To ascertain whether this great feature of the beast of the earth has been fulfilled by the republic or not, we must consider what were the extraordinary measures pursued by the church of Rome, in the course of her wicked ambition; and then whether the same measures have not been adopted and pursued by the republic of France? In making these inquiries, I shall place them in opposite columns:

The Policy and Powers exercised by the Church of Rome.

1. The Pope, having, by flattery and corruption obtained from Phocas, the emperor and tyrant of Rome, a commission of universal bishop, went to the temple of the heathen gods, erased

The Policy and Powers exexcised by the Republic of France.

1. The Convention, having, by the grossest flattery, corruption and frauds, obtained from the people of France, the first constitutional code, went to the temple or church of St. Ge

their names from their statues and images, and ordered them to be considered in future as the representations of the Virgin Mary, and other saints. He dedicated the temple to their use, and the use and adoration of such other dead men as should in future be canonized; and thus laid the foundation of her idolatry and future grandeur.

2. The Pope assumed the title of God's Vicar, and pretended that his power was derived from God, to convert mankind to his idolatry and blasphemy.

3. The church of Rome, knowing, that to influence and direct the mind of man, is a more sure and effectual method of securing his service and obedience, than that of open force and violence, has not, according to all the former usage of the world, for the support and extension of her power, relied so much upon the latter as the former; that is, upon

nevieve, abjured the living God and his blessed Son; erased his holy name from the wall, and thus apostatized from all truth; erected a statue to unrestrained liberty, celebrated its fame in an oration, worshipped it, and ordered it to be worshipped, and dedicated the church to its use, and to that of dead men who should be afterwards deified; and thus laid the foundation of her atheism, anarchy, and extentof revolutionary power

2. Although the republic has openly abjured the existence of God, set, in one of her proclamations, she has asserted, that her power to "reform the world, op"pressed by the kings of "the earth, is derived from "Heaven;" that is, to convert and fraternize the world to her liberty, equality, and anarchy.

3. The French republic, aware of the same truth, has pursued the same policy. 'The seduction, delusion, and conversion of the minds of men, to her atheistical liberty, have been her leading measure. To effect this purpose, the deepest and most specious frauds have not been wanting. By one decree she declares," in "the name of the French

the conversion and subjugation of the minds of men to her idolatry, by cunning devices, and artful impositions. She declares, that the sole and pure motive to such an exercise of power, is the salvation of mankind. Those frauds she has never ceased to practise; and by them principally has exalted and extended her dominion, over the kings and nations of Europe.

4. In pursuance of this policy, the church of Rome has sent Jesuits, Monks, and Friars, to all parts of the world, using all manner of craft and blasphemous frauds, and holding out to mankind her idolatry as the only means of salvation, and even bribing the nations to her superstition.

" nation, that she will grant "fraternity and assistance "to all who wish to procure "liberty; and she orders. "the executive power, to "give orders to her gene"rals, to give assistance to "all such people as have "suffered, or are now suf"fering, in the cause of li"berty." And to shew the purity and disinterestedness of her motives, she disavows all ideas of conquest. This fraud, with a variety of others, which will appear hereafter, together with bribery and corruption, she has constantly practised; and it is them to principally that she is indebted for her triumph and exaltation, over the nations of Europe.

4. In like manner it has been the uniform policy of the republic to send forth her converts throughout Europe; and even to Asia, Africa, the Indies, and North, and South America, using all the means of delusion and fraud; and where these devices did not answer her purpose, had recourse to bribery and corruption, to convert the nations to a belief in her atheistical liberty; always representing it as the only means of saving them from the oppression of kings. and of ensuring human happiness.

5. But althoughthe church of Rome principally relied on the fraudulent propagation of her doctrines, as the most certain and effectual means of extending and securing her authority and influence; yet she has often had recourse to force, in 'converting and subjugating kings and nations to her will. To facilitate the execution of this measure, she has first excommunicated,

cursed, and denounced vengeance against them as heretics worthy of death; and made it lawful for any person or power to destroy them. She has then incited the nations under her influence, to make war upon them, and by her emissary priests, Jesuits, and secret spies, has stirred up their people into insurrections, seditions, and rebellions against their lawful sovereigns; and by this twofold policy she has seldom failed in extending her influence, over the refractory princes and nations.



5. The republic has “ ercised" the same kind of policy. She began with, and has principally relied upon, the propagation of her atheistical frauds; yet she has not rested upon them only, in fraternizing kings and nations; but has had recourse to force and war. This measure she introduced by "swearing hatred "and vengeance against all "kings;" thus cursing them and proclaiming the lawfulness of their destruction, She then incited the nations, under her influence, to make war upon the kings, and their people, who had refused to adopt her liberty and equality; and, like that miscreant, the Duke of Orleans, to give up those elevated ranks and duties, with which they were intrusted for the benefit of their subjects; and to mingle with the vilest rabble. She has incited Holland, Spain, and even Tippoo Saib of the Indies, to declare war against, and is at war herself with, Great Britain, and almost all the princes of Germany. She has by her secret spies and emissaries stirred up the people of Great Britain, Ireland, Turkey in Europe, Asia, and Africa, into sedition and rebellion against

6. While the church of Rome was thus extending her influence over the minds and consciences of men abroad, she was not negligent of its preservation at home. All persons who would not embrace it, who would not fall down and worship the host, were put to death. For this purpose sccret and terrific tribunals were contrived and established; before which an incalculable number of innocent and pious Christian's were condemned as heretics, and ordered to be executed; and that the terror of their punishment might operate as an example to wards the conversion of others, the means of the most lingering and agonizing death were fixed on.— By this method opposition to her blasphemous authority has been constantly pre vented; and her people, intimidated, have continued in the faith of her idolatrous superstition.

their lawful sovereigns: and thus, by the operation of this twofold policy, she has extended her power to a height, which smites the surrounding nations of Europe, with fearful astonishment and dismay.

6. And while the republic has been rapidly extending her atheistical influence and authority over foreign nations, she has been equally attentive to the security of it at home. For this purpose her two inquisitorial" Committees of Safety," or more properly, her "two com"mittees of terror and of "death" (as her own historians call them,) were instituted By these dreadful tribunals, all persons in France, who would not worship the image of her deity, Liberty, and support her atheistical authority with their lives and fortunes,were adjudged, not as heretics indeed, but fanatics and moderès, and ordered to be put to death, without a triakAnd to render their punishment a terrible example to others, novel and unusual instruments of death were invented, and contrived to dispatch as many lives as possible, within the shortest time. Such were the guillotine, the national bath, and

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