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On the 2d of June, 1734, John Rousey, of the isle of Distrey, in Scotland, died at one hundred and thirty-eight years of age. The son who inherited his estate, was born to him while in his hundredth year. A similar instance of fatherhood, at this advanced period of life, is recorded of the "old, old, very old man, Thomas Parr."

NATURALISTS' CALENDAR. Mean Temperature ... 57.85.

June 3.


On this day, in the year 1789, died Paul Egede, a Danish missionary, who, with his father Hans, visited Greenland, for the conversion of the natives to christianity, in 1721. Hans was the

author of a celebrated work, published in 1729, on the topography and natural history of that country. Paul conducted a new edition of his father's book, and published a journal of his own residence in Greenland, from 1721 to 1788. He died at the age of eighty-one.*

CURIOUS INSCRIPTION, Discovered by a Traveller. Captain Bart, grandson of the renowned Jean Bart, during his stay at Malta, where he had put in from a cruise in the Mediterranean, met with a Carmelite, who had been into Persia as a missionary. This person told him he had availed himself of an opportunity which offered to gratify his curiosity, by visiting the ruins of the ancient and celebrated Persepolis. Chance discovered to him a marble, on which were inscribed some Arabic characters. As he was acquainted with this language, he translated the inscription into Latin. The following is the translation:

[blocks in formation]

The key is to be obtained thus; the first word of the last line must be taken and joined to the first word of the first line; then the second word of the last line to the second word of the first line, and so on to the end. Afterwards, we must begin again by taking the first word of the next line, and the following moral precepts will be the result:

1. Non dicas quodcumque scis, nam qui dicit quodcumque scit sæpe audit quod non expedit.

Do not tell whatever thou knowest, for he who tells whatever he knows, often hears more than is agreeable.

* Gentleman's Magazine.

2. Non facias quodcumque potes, nam qui facit, quodcumque potest sæpe facit quod non credit.

Do not do whatever thou canst, for he who does whatever he can, often does more than he imagines.

3. Non credas quodcumque audis, nam qui credit quodcumque audit sæpe quod non fieri potest.

Do not believe whatever thou hearest, for he who believes whatever he hears, will often believe what is impossible.

4. Non expendas quodcumque habes, nam qui expendit quodcumque habet sæpe petit quod non habet.

*General Biographical Dictionary.

Do not spend whatever thou hast, for he who spends whatever he has, will often be compelled to ask for what he has


5. Non judices quodcumque vides, nam qui judicat quodcumque videt sæpe judicat quod non est.

Do not judge on whatever thou seest, for he who judges on whatever he sees, will often form an erroneous judgment.*

June 3, 1611. "The Lady Arabella" escaped from her confinement.

To the Editor of the Every-Day Book.

Kennington, May 23, 1826. Sir,-Annexed is an original unprinted letter, from the lady Arabella Seymour, whose misfortunes were of a peculiar kind, and from peculiar causes; those causes are to be traced to that tyrannic dread that weak sovereigns always have of any persons approaching their equals, either in mind, or by family ties. The following notices have been gleaned from the most authentic sources, viz. Lodge's "Illustrations of British History," "The Biographia Britannica," &c. The letter is in the Cotton collection of Manuscripts, in the British Museum, Vespasian, F.III.

Though you be almost a stranger to me but onely by sight, yet the good opinion 1 generally heave to be held of your worth, together we the great interest you have in my Lo. of Northamptons favour, makes me thus farre presume of your willingnesse to do a poore afflicted gentlewoman that good office (if in no other respect yet because I am a Christian) as to further me wt your best indeuors to his Lo. that it will please him to helpe me out of this great distresse and misery, and regaine me his Mats fauor which is my chiefest desire. Whearin his Lo. may do a deede acceptable to God and honorable to himselfe, and I shall be infinitely bound to his Lo. and beholden to you, who now till I receiue some comfort from his May rest

the most sorrowfull

creatore liuing

Arbella Seymaure

Arabella Stuart, whose name is hardly mentioned in history, except with regard to sir Walter Raleigh's ridiculous conspiracy, whereby she was to have been placed on a throne, to which she had neither inclination nor pretensions, and by means unknown to herself, was the only child of Charles Stuart, fifth earl of Lennox, (uncle to king James I., and great grandson of king Henry VII.,) by Elizabeth, daughter of sir William Cavendish of Hardwick. She was born about the year 1578, and brought up in privacy, under the care of her grandmother, the old countess of Lennox, who, for many years, resided in England. Her double relation to royalty was obnoxious to the jealousy of queen Elizabeth, and the timidity of king James I., who equally

dreaded her having legitimate issue, and restrained her from allying herself in a suitable manner. Elizabeth prevented her from marrying Esme Stuart, her kinsman, and heir to the titles and estates of her family, and afterwards imprisoned her for listening to some overtures from the son of the earl of Northumberland. James, by obliging her to reject many splendid offers of marriage, unwarily encouraged the hopes of inferior pretenders, among whom, says Mr. Lodge, was the fantastical William Fowler, secretary to Anne of Denmark. Thus circumscribed, she renewed a connection with William Seymour, grandson to the earl of Hertford, which, being discovered in 1609, both parties were summoned to appear before the privy council, where they

* Communicated by Mr. Johnson, of Newark.

received a severe reprimand. This mode of proceeding produced the very consequence which the king meant to avoid; for the lady, sensible that her reputation had been wounded by the inquiry, was in a manner forced into a marriage, which becoming publicly known, she was committed to close custody, in the house of sir Thomas Parry, chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, at Vauxhall, and her husband, Mr. Seymour, sent to the Tower. In this state of separation, however, they concerted means for an escape, which both effected on the same day, June 3, 1611. Seymour got safely to Flanders; but his poor wife was retaken in Calais roads, and brought back to the former prison of her husband, the Tower, where the sense of these undeserved oppressions operating severely on her high spirit, she became a lunatic, and languished in that wretched state, augmented by the horrors of a prison, till her death, which occurred on the 27th of September, 1615. Thus ends the eventful story of poor Arabella, a woman, (if we may credit her portrait, prefixed to Lodge's third volume of "Illustrations of British History,") of commanding and elegant appearance, and undoubtedly of a firm and vigorous mind; and it is well observed by that author, that "had the life of Arabella Stuart been marked by the same criminal extravagancies, as well as distinguished by similar misfortunes and persecutions, her character would have stood at least as forward on the page of history as that of her royal aunt, Mary of Scotland." The above letter was, probably, written from the Tower, though, I am sorry to say, there is neither direction nor superscription, and, therefore, to whom can be only matter of surmise.

I am, Sir, &c.


THE LOVES OF "THE LADY ARABELLA." From an article in the "Curiosities of Literature," illustrations may be derived to the article of our correspondent . "The whole life of this lady seems to consist of secret history, which, probably, we cannot now recover:--her name scarcely ever occurs without raising that sort of interest which accompanies mysterious events." She is reputed to have been learned, and of a poetical genius; yet of her poetry there are no specimens, and

her erudition rests on Evelyn's bare mention of her name in his list of learned


On the death of queen Elizabeth, the pope conceived the notion of restoring the papacy in England, by uniting the lady Arabella to an Italian cardinal, of illegitimate descent from our Edward IV. His holiness presumed if he qualified the cardinal for marriage, by depriving him from the priesthood, the junction of Arabella's relationship to Henry VII., with the churchman's "natural" pretensions, might secure the crown! Her attachment to the catholic religion is doubtful. Perhaps her disposition was rightly estimated by father Parsons he imagined "her religion to be as tender, green, and flexible, as is her age and sex; and to be wrought hereafter, and settled according to future events and times." The pope's plot failed. Winwood says, "the lady Arabella hath not been found inclinable to popery." He wrote after the "future events," contemplated by Parsons, had "wrought."

Another project for making the lady Arabella queen was after the enthronement of James. The conspirators requested her by letter to address herself to the king of Spain; she laughed at the letter and sent it to James, who, as regarded her, did not think of it more seriously, and so failed a second plot, wherein the name of the illustrious Raleigh was implicated.

In the year 1604, there appears to have been a third design to make her queen, though not of this country. The earl of Pembroke writes to the earl of Shrewsbury-"A great ambassador is coming from the king of Poland, whose chief errand is to demand my lady Arabella in marriage for his master. So may your princess of the blood grow a great queen.” If this was the object of the embassy, nothing came of it.

Before the death of queen Elizabeth, the marriage of the lady Arabella with her kinsman lord Esme Stuart, whom he had created duke of Lennox, and designed for his heir, was proposed by James himself, but Elizabeth "forbad the bans " by imprisoning the proposed bride, who was suspected to have favoured a son of the earl of Northumberland, against whom Elizabeth again interposed. She nad other offers. "To the lady Arabella, crowns and husbands were like a fairy banquet seen at moonlight, opening on

her sight, impalpable and vanishing at the moment of approach."

The distresses of this unhappy creature were heightened by her dependence on the crown She was the cousin of James, and it was his narrow policy to constrain her from a match suitable to her rank, or perhaps to keep her single for life. Her supplies were unequal: at one time she had a grant of the duty on oats; at length he assigned her a pension of 16007. but whenever he suspected a natural desire in No her heart she was out of favour. woman was ever more solicited to the conjugal state, or seems to have been so little averse to it. "Every noble youth who sighed for distinction, ambitioned the notice of the lady Arabella."

Her renewal of an early attachment to Mr. William Seymour, second son of lord Beauchamp, and grandson of the earl of Hertford, forms a story which "for its misery, its pathos, and its terror, even romantic fiction has not executed." It was detected, and the lady Arabella and Seymour were summoned before the privy council, where Seymour was "censured for seeking to ally himself with the royal blood, although that blood was running in his own veins." In his answer, "he conceived that this noble lady might, without offence, make the choice of any subject within this kingdom." He says, "I boldly intruded myself into her ladyship's chamber, in the court, on Candlemass day last, at what time I imparted my desire unto her, which was entertained; but with this caution on either part, that both of us resolved not to proceed to any final conclusion without his majesty's most gracious favour first obtained: and this was our first meeting." The lovers gravely promised to suppress their affections, with what sincerity is not known, for they married secretly; and in July the lady Arabella was arrested, and confined at the house of sir Thomas Parry, at Lambeth, and Seymour committed to the Tower, "for contempt in marrying a lady of the royal family without the king's


Arabella wrote a letter to the king, which was "often read without offence, nay, it was even commended by his highness, with the applause of prince and council." She adverted to her wrongs, and required justice with a noble fortitude, though in respectful terms. She says, "I do most heartily lament my hard fortune, that I should offend your majesty VOL. II.-76.

the least, especially in that whereby I
have long desired to merit of your ma-
jesty, as appeared before your majesty
was my sovereign: and though your
majesty's neglect of me, my good liking
to this gentleman that is my husband,
and my fortune, drew me to a contract
before I acquainted your majesty, I hum-
bly beseech your majesty to consider how
impossible it was for me to imagine it
could be offensive to your majesty, having
few days before given me your royal con-
sent to bestow myself on any subject of
your majesty's (which likewise your ma-
jesty had done long since).
never having been either prohibited any,
or spoken to for any, in this land, by your
majesty these seven years that I have lived
in your majesty's house, I could not con-
ceive that your majesty regarded my mar-
riage at all; whereas if your majesty had
vouchsafed to tell me your mind, and
accept the free-will offering of my obe-
dience, I would not have offended your
majesty, of whose gracious goodness I
presume so much, that if it were now as
convenient in a worldly respect, as malice
may make it seem, to separate us, whom
God hath joined, your majesty would not
do evil that good might come thereof, nor
make me, that have the honour to be so
near your majesty in blood, the first pre-
cedent that ever was, though our princes
may have left some as little imitable, for
so good and gracious a king as your ma-
jesty, as David's dealing with Uriah."

She moved the queen, through lady Jane Drummond, to interest James in her favour. A letter from lady Jane communicates his majesty's coarse and conceited reply, and she concludes by frankly telling the captive wife," the wisdom of this state, with the example how some of your quality in the like case has been used, makes me fear that ye shall not find so easy end to your troubles as ye expect or I wish."

To lady Drummond's prophetic intimation, Arabella answers by sending the queen a pair of gloves "in remembrance of the poor prisoner that wrought them, in hopes her royal hands will vouchsafe to wear them :" and she adds, that her case "could be compared to no other she ever heard of, resembling no other." She contrived to correspond with Seymour, but their letters were discovered, and the king resolved to change her place of confinement.

James appointed the bishop of Durham

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to be his jailor on the occasion. "Lady Arabella was so subdued at this distant separation, that she gave way to all the wildness of despair; she fell suddenly ill, and could not travel but in a litter, and with a physician. In her way to Durham, she was so greatly disquieted in the first few miles of her uneasy and troublesome journey, that they would proceed no further than to Highgate. The physician returned to town to report her state, and declared that she was assuredly very weak, her pulse dull and melancholy, and very irregular; her countenance very heavy, pale, and wan; and though free from fever, he declared her in no case fit for travel. The king observed, It is enough to make any sound man sick to be carried in a bed in that manner she is; much more for her whose impatient and unquiet spirit heapeth upon herself far greater indisposition of body than otherwise she would have.' His resolution however was, that she should proeeed to Durham, if he were king! We answered,' replied the doctor, that we made no doubt of her obedience.' Obedience is that required,' replied the king, which being performed, I will do more for her than she expected."" Yet he consented to her remaining a month at Highgate. As the day of her departure approached, she appeared resigned. "But Arabella had not, within, that tranquillity with which she had lulled her keepers. She and Seymour had concerted a flight, as bold in its plot, and as beautifully wild, as any recorded in romantic story. The day preceding her departure, Arabella found it not difficult to persuade a female attendant to consent that she would suffer her to pay a last visit to her husband, and to wait for her return at an appointed hour. More solicitous for the happiness of lovers than for the repose of kings, this attendant, in utter simplicity, or with generous sympathy, assisted the lady Arabella in dressing her in one of the most elaborate disguisings. She drew a pair of large French-fashioned hose or trowsers over her petticoats; put on a man's doublet or coat; a peruke, such as men wore, whose long locks covered her own ringlets; a black hat, a black cloak, russet boots with red tops, and a rapier by her side. Thus accoutred, the lady Arabella stole out with a gentleman about three o'clock in the afternoon. She had only proceeded a mile and a half, when they stopped at a poor inn, where one of

her confederates was waiting with horses yet she was so sick and faint, that the ostler, who held her stirrup, observed, that the gentleman could hardly hold out to London.' She recruited her spirits by riding; the blood mantled in her face, and at six o'clock our sick lover reached Blackwall, where a boat and servants were waiting. The watermen were at first ordered to Woolwich; there they were desired to push on to Gravesend, then to Tilbury, where, complaining of fatigue, they landed to refresh; but, tempted by their freight, they reached Lee. At the break of morn they discovered a French vessel riding there to receive the lady; but as Seymour had not yet arrived, Arabella was desirous to lie at anchor for her lord, conscious that he would not fail to his appointment. If he indeed had been prevented in his escape, she herself cared not to preserve the freedom she now possessed; but her attendants, aware of the danger of being overtaken by a king's ship, overruled her wishes, and hoisted sail, which occasioned so fatal a termination to this romantic adventure. Seymour indeed had escaped from the Tower; he had left his servant watching at his door to warn all visiters not to disturb his master, who lay ill with a raging toothache, while Seymour in disguise stole away alone, following a cart which had just brought wood to his apartment. He. passed the warders; he reached the wharf, and found his confidential man waiting with a boat, and he arrived at Lee. The time pressed; the waves were rising; Arabella was not there; but in the distance he descried a vessel. Hiring a fisherman to take him on board, to his grief, on hailing it, he discovered that it was not the French vessel charged with his Arabella; in despair and confusion he found another ship from Newcastle, which for a good sum altered its course, and landed him in Flanders." "cou

On the lady Arabella's escape, riers were despatched swifter than the winds wafted the unhappy Arabella, and all was hurry in the seaports. They sent to the Tower to warn the lieutenant to be doubly vigilant over Seymour, who, to his surprise, discovered that his prisoner had ceased to be so for several hours. James at first was for issuing a proclamation in a style so angry and vindictive, that it required the moderation of Cecil to preserve the dignity while he concealed the terror of his majesty. By the admi

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