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August 24.


of the sea with two horns in his head and chased her, roaring and gaping all the way at her heels, and she was sure it was

For St. Bartholomew, see vol. i. col. not far off." A man called Wills Tom, an


MASSACRE OF ST. BARTHOLOMEW This horrible slaughter is noticed in the same volume at the same place. For particulars of the probable amount of the persons massacred, and the different accounts of historians, the reader is referred to a most able article in the "Edinburgh Review, June, 1826," on the extra ordinary misrepresentations of the event and its perpetrators in Mr. Lingard's History of England."



On the twenty-fourth of August, 1736, a remarkably fat boar was taken up in coming out of Fleet Ditch into the Thames: it proved to be a butcher's, near Smithfield-bars, who had missed him five months, all which time, it seems, he had been in the common sewer, and was improved in price from ten shillings to two guineas.*


Within the last century (probably about 1720) a person in the parish of Ruthwell, in Dumfriesshire, called the "Gudeman o' the Brow," received a young swine as a present from some distant part; which seems to have been the first ever seen in that part of the country. This pig having strayed across the Lochar into the adjoining parish of Carlavroc, a woman who was herding cattle on the marsh, by the sea side, was very much alarmed at the sight of a living creature, that she had never seen or heard of before, approaching her straight from the shore as if it had come out of the sea, and ran home to the village of Blackshaw screaming. As she ran, the pig ran snorking and grunting after her, seeming glad that it had met with a companion. She arrived at the village so exhausted and terrified, that before she could get her story told she fainted away. By the time she came to herself, a crowd of people had collected to see what was the matter, when she told them, that "There was a diel came out

• Gentleman's Magazine.

old schoolmaster, said if he could see it he would " cunger the diel," and got a bible and an old sword. The pig immediately started hehind his back with a loud grumph, which put him into such a fright, that his hair stood upright in his head, and he was obliged to be carried from the field half dead.

The whole crowd ran some one way and some another; some reached the house-tops, and others shut themselves in barns and byres. At last one on the housetop called out it was "the Gudeman o' the Brow's grumphy," he having seen it before. Thus the affray was settled, and the people reconciled, although some still entertained frightful thoughts about it, and durst not go over the door to a neighbour's house after dark without one to set or cry them. One of the crowd who had some compassion on the creature, called out, "give it a tork of straw to eat, it will be hungry."

Next day the pig was conveyed over the Lochar, and on its way home, near the dusk of evening, it came grunting up to two men who were pulling thistles on the farm of Cockpool. Alarmed at the sight, they mounted two old horses they had tethered beside them, intending to make their way home, but the pig getting between them and the houses, caused them to scamper out of the way and land in Lochar moss, where one of their horses was drowned, and the other with difficulty relieved. The night being dark, they durst not part one from the other to call for assistance, lest the monster should find them out and attack them singly; nor durst they speak above their breath for fear of being devoured. At day-break next morning they took a different course, by Cumlongon castle, and made their way home, where they found their families much alarmed on account of their absence. They said that they had seen a creature about the size of a dog, with two horns on its head, and cloven feet, roaring out like a lion, and if they had not galloped away, it would have torn them to pieces. One of their wives said, "Hout man, it has been the Gudeman of the Brow's grumphy; it frightened them a' at the Blackshaw yesterday, and poor Meggie Anderson maist lost her wits, and is ay out o' ae fit into anither sin-syne."

The pig happened to lay all night among the corn where the men were pulling thistles, and about day-break set forward on its journey for the Brow. One Gabriel Gunion, mounted on a longtailed grey colt, with a load of white fish in a pair of creels swung over the beast, encountered the pig, which went nigh among the horse's feet and gave a snork The colt, being as much frightened as Gabriel, wheeled about and scampered off sneering, with his tail on his "riggin," at full gallop. Gabriel cut the slings and dropt the creels, the colt soon dismounted his rider, and going like the wind, with his tail up, never stopped till he came to Barnkirk point, where he took the Solway Frith and landed at Bownes, on the Cumberland side. Gabriel, by the time he got up, saw the pig within sight, took to his heels, as the colt was quite gone, and reached Cumlongon wood in time to hide himself, where he staid all that day and night, and next morning got home alınost exhausted. He told a dreadful story! The fright caused him to imagine the pig as big as a calf, having long horns, eyes like trenchers, and a back like a hedgehog. He lost his fish; the colt was got back, but never did more good; and Gabriel fell into a consumption, and died about a year afterwards.

About the same time a vessel came to Glencaple quay, a little below Dumfries, that had some swine on board; one of them having got out of the vessel in the night, was seen on the farm of Newmains next morning. The alarm was spread, and a number of people collected. The animal got many different names, and at last it was concluded to be a brock" (a badger). Some got pitchforks, some clubs, and others old swords, and a hot pursuit ensued; the chase lasted a considerable time, owing to the pursuers losing heart when near their prey and retreating. One Robs Geordy having rather a little more courage than the rest, ran "neck or nothing," forcibly upon the animal, and run it through with a pitchfork, for which he got the name of "stout hearted Geordy" all his life after. A man, nearly a hundred years of age, who was alive in 1814, in the neighbourhood where this happened, declared that he remembered the Gudeman of the Brow's pig, and the circumstances related, and he

said it was the first swine ever seen in that country.

* Henderson on the Breeding of Swine 1814, 8vo.

NATURALISTS' CALENDAR. Mean Temperature... 61 80.

August 25.


August 25, 1746, a distemper which arose among the horned cattle, broke out afresh in the parts adjacent to London, and "the fair for the sale of Welsh cattle near Islington was kept at Barnet."


The following letter from a lady claims the attention of every good housewife at this particular season.


To the Editor of the Every-Day Book.

Westbury, Wiltshire, Aug. 15, 1826

Sir,--The importance that I attach to the above sweet subject, the uses of "a jam" even may be important,-induces me to offer you the option of republishing a few lines on the occasion, which first appeared in a very condensed form last autumn, in the "Examiner" newspaper. I am anxious to obtain further celebrity, and a wider circulation of the merits which this wholesome dainty justly lay claim, and the success that attended my former little notice of it, encourage me to persevere; for I was informed that after the publication alluded to, the "Herald” copied it, and that subsequently it was cried in the streets of your dingy metropolis.

I can only judge of the prevailing quantity of the kindly blackberry, by the vast profusion that enriches our woody vales, where nature seems resolved to solace herself for the restrictions to which she has been confined by the dreary downs that skirt our beautiful vicinity; and where Falstaff must surely have originated his happy expression of "reasons being plenty as blackberries!" But I am keeping you too long from the subject. The method of preparing the delicate conserve that forms so large a portion of ment, is so simple, that it can be achieved my children's favourite adjunctive allby the merest novice in the nice department of "domestic management."

• Gentleman's Magazine.

Boil the blackberries with half their weight of coarse moist sugar for three quarters of an hour, keeping the mass stirred constantly. It is a mistake to suppose that a stewpan is a necessary vehicle on the occasion; the commonest tin saucepan will answer the purpose equally well. The more luxurious preserves being made with white sugar, and that of equal weight with the fruit, are necessarily unwholesome; but the cheapness of this homely delicacy, besides its sanative properties renders it peculiarly desirable for scantily furnished tables. It has been a 66 staple commodity" in my family for some years past, and with the exception of treacle, I find it the most useful aliment in "regulating the bowels" of my children;-you as a 66 family man," sir, will excuse, nay, appreciate the observation, and all your readers who have "their quivers full of them," will not disdain the gratis prescription that shall supersede the guinea fee! Indeed, to the sparing use of butter, and a liberal indulgence in treacle and blackberry jam, I mainly attribute the extraordinary health of my young family. The prodigal use, or rather the abuse, of butter that pervades all classes, has often surprised me: the very cottage children, whose tattered apparel bespeaks abject poverty, I continually meet munching their "hunks" of bread, smeared with butter; how much should I rejoice to see, because I know its superiority in every respect, my favourite jam substituted! But cottage children are far from being objects of my compassion, for they live in the "country," which comprehensive word conveys delicious ideas of sun, fresh air, exercise, flowers, shady trees, and this wholesome fruit clustering about them, and inviting their chubby fingers at every healthful step. My pity is reserved for their forlorn little brethren, doomed to breathe the unwholesome atmosphere of crowded manufactories, and close narrow alleys in populous cities! What a luxury would a supper be twice a week, for instance, to the poor little "bottoms " in Spitalfields.t Who knows but they might re

If the berries be gathered in wet weather, an hour will not be too long a time to boil them.

+ I have heard of the distress among the weavers, and heaven forbid that I should speak lightly of their

calamities -But eat they must, and eat they do; and

if reduced to bread, so called, butter, or cheese, is included; it is this I regret, for jam would be cheaper as well as more wholesome, and should be purchased at the shops as other articles of onsumption are.

ceive their first taste for Shakspeare while being fed, like their great prototype in the "Midsummer Night's Dream," with blackberries! "Dewberries," which Titania ordered for the refreshment of her favourite, are so nearly allied to their glossy neighbours, that when the season is far advanced the two are not easily distinguished. Shakspeare, who knew every thing, was of course aware that the dewberry ripens earlier than the blackberry; namely, in the season for " apricots." It must be confessed that nothing but the associations that are connected with the elegant and romantic name " dewberry," fit only for the mouth of a fairy to pronounce, could induce me to give a preference to the latter; they are not so numerous, nor consequently so useful. I own I am sanguine respecting the general introduction of blackberries into the London street cries. What an innovation they would cause! what a rural sight, and sound, and taste, and smell, would they introduce into that wilderness of houses! What a conjuring up of happy feelingsalmost as romantic as those that are inspired by bilberries, ho!" When I resided in London, I recollect the wild, and exquisite, and undefinable sensations that were excited by the peculiar and un-city-like cry of these "whorts."* used to look out at the blue-frocked boys who sold them, with their heavy country faces; capacious "gabardines, that hinted of Caliban; round hats, that knew no touch of form; and unaccountable laced up boots; with as much astonishment, as if I had beheld and heard purveyors from the wilderness shouting "Manna!" which we all know is "angel's food!"

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I have taken up sadly too much of your time, sir, I feel assured. I intended but to name the method of making blackberry jam, to assure you of its salubrity, and to request you to recommend its general use-and I have only now to request that you will not suffer the very imperfect manner in which I, who cannot write for the public eye, have handled the subject to deter you from doing it justice. I am, Sir. Yours respectfully,

I. J. T. P. S. It has just occurred to me to say, why should not grocers, confectioners,

As they are called, near the uncultivated moorland waste where they grow. Wortleberrey is the

correct name.

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In the spring, and for three weeks after midsummer, 1826, the lottery-office keepers incessantly plied every man, woman, and child in the United Kingdom, and its dependencies, with petitions to make a fortune in "the last lottery that can be drawn." Men paraded the streets with large printed placards on poles, or pasted on their backs, announcing "All Lotteries End for Ever! 18th of July." The walls were stuck, and hand-bills were thrust into the hands of street passengers, with the same heart-rending intelligence, and with the solemn assurance that the demand for tickets and shares was immense! Their prices had so risen, were so rising, and would be so far beyond all calculation, that to get shares or tickets at all, they must be instantly purchased! As the time approached, a show was got up to proclaim that the deplorable "Death of the Lottery," would certainly take place on the appointed day; but on some ac

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"Gentlefolks all Pity our fall! Have pity ail, Pity our fall!"

At length the stoney-hearted public were respectfully" informed that "the lords of the treasury had issued a "reprieve," and that the " drawing" and "quartering" and so forth was, "postponed from Tuesday, 18th July," to some dull day in October, "when Lotteries will finish for ever?"

Of late years lotteries have been drawn at Coopers'-hall. Formerly they were drawn at the place, and in the manner exhibited in the preceding representation, after an engraving by Cole.


PHRENOLOGICAL ILLUSTRATIONS. By George Cruikshank. London: Published by George Cruikshank, Myddelton-terrace, Pentonville. 1826.

"In the name of wonder," a reader may inquire," is the Every-Day Book to be a Review." By no means;-but "George Cruikshank" is a "remarkable person;" his first appearance in the character of an author is a "remarkable event," in the August of 1826; and, as such, deserves a "remarkable notice."

Every reader is of course aware, that, as certainly as a hazel-rod, between the fingers of a gifted individual, discovers the precious metals and waters beneath the earth, so certainly, a phrenological adept, by a discriminating touch of the nodosities on the surface of the head, detects the secret sources, or " springs of human action." To what extent Mr. Cruikshank has attained this quality, or whether he is under obligations to Dr. Combe for "a touch" of his skill, or has bowed his head to Mr. De Ville for "a cast" in plaster, is not so clear, as that his "Phrenological Illustrations" will be as popular, and assuredly as lasting as the science itself "Cruikshank and Craniology-for ever!"

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Be it observed, however, that "Craniology," which alliterates so well with "Cruikshank," was only a proper" term, while the disciples of doctors Gall and Spurzheim were traversing the exterior of the cranium; but after they had gained a knowledge of the interior, and classified and arranged their discoveries, they generalized the whole, and relinquished the term "craniology" for the denomination" phrenology." This change was obviously imperative, because "craniology" signifies no more than an acquaintance with the outside of the head, and "phrenology" implies familiarity with its


Still, however, the incipient phrenologist must avail himself of "craniology," as an introduction to the nobler science. To him it is as necessary a guide as topography is to a student in geology, who without that requisite, and supposing him ignorant of the characters of mountains may lose his way, and be found vainly boring Schehalion, or sinking a shaft within the crater of an exhausted volcano. Το prevent such mistakes in "phrenology." the "estate under the hat" has been VOL. II.-88.

thoroughly explored, and divided and subdivided names and numbers have been assigned to each portion, and the entire globe of the microcosm accurately measured, and mapped, “according to the latest surveys."

Mr. Cruikshank's "Illustrations of Phrenology" form a more popular introduction to the science than its most ardent admirers could possibly hope. He acknowledges his obligations to doctors Gall and Spurzheim, and implicitly adopts their arrangement of the "organs;" a word, by the by, that signifies those convexities which may be seen by the eye, or touched by the finger, on the exterior of the greater convexity called the head; and which are produced, or thrown up thereon, by the working or heaving of the ideas internally. From this process it appears that a man "bores" his own head, so as to form concavities within and convexities without; and, in the same way, by the power of speech, "bores" the heads of his friends. The term "to bore," however, as commonly used, signifies "to bother," or " perplex and confound," and therefore is not admitted in the nomenclature of "phrenology," which condescends to level every bump," to the right understanding of the meanest capacity.



Of Mr. Cruikshank's proficiency or rank in the phrenological school, the writer of this article is incompetent to judge; but, as regards his present work, whether he be a master, or only a monitor, is of little consequence; he seems well grounded in rudiments, and more he does not profess to teach. Instead of delivering a mapped head in plaister of Paris with his book, he exhibits an engraving of three polls," or polls sufficiently bare to discover the position of every convexity or "organ" whereon he duly marks their numbers, according to the notation of doctors Gall and Spurzheim. From hence we learn that we have nine propensities, nine sentiments, eleven knowing faculties, and four reflecting faculties. Adhering to the doctrinal enumeration and nomenclature of the "organs" worked out, or capable of being worked out, by these propensities, sentiments, and faculties, on every human head, he wisely prefers the Baconian as the best method of teaching " the new science," and exhibits the effects of each of the thirty-three "organs" in six sheets of etchings by himself, from his own views of each "organ."

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