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of David, have mercy upon us." Jesus shall hear us, and ask, what shall I do for you? Let us say, Lord open our eyes; Lord, let our sins be forgiven. Jesus shall pity us, he is full of mercy, he will help us from our sins If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If a good man promises to us any thing that is for our comfort, we believe that he will fulfil his promise and help us. The Lord is more good than any man, and promises to forgive our sins. But a man that we think is good may deceive us, yet the Lord will never deceive us, he will do all that he has promised. But we must call upon him as the blind men called, and though some people should try to hinder us, (as they have often tried to hinder me,) we must not be hindered, but call so much the more, "Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on us."

III. The same day that those blind men called upon Jesus, were their eyes opened, and they saw the light. And their eyes being opened, they did not continue sitting on the road, nor did they go another way, but followed Jesus. Whenever we call upon the Lord in faith, he will fulfil his promise, and forgive our sins-for God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, &c. O how great is the pity and compassion of God over us poor sinners. We never did any

thing to please God, we have done nothing but sin against him, yet Jesus died for us; and if we come to him with sorrow for our sins, believing on his name, the Lord says we shall not be lost. He says we shall be made free through faith, free from our sins, and obtain eternal life. He that believeth on Jesus is not condemned, he is made free through faith; but he that believeth not is already condemned, he is condemned now while he lives, he is condemned if he dies, the wrath of God abideth upon him. This language (the Dutch) is hard for me, and I cannot say therein what I feel I wish to say; yet certainly the way of salvation is through faith. Do you doubt of the power of God; look upon these large mountains, and the world which God has made: these prove to us the power of God, Yes, God has power to save us, he has also power to destroy impenitent sinners. Paul said, "Being justified by faith we have peace with God," &c. We shall find this peace through faith and prayer. Then, like the blind men, we must follow Jesus, that is, we must obey him, and live as the book says. Here he complained of the difficulty he found to express his meaning in the Dutch, and on being told to conclude in his own language, his countenance was immediate ly changed, and with great fluency of speech, and fervency of expression, he continued his discourse in the Namacquaas language.

• When Jacob first began to pray, Christians (so called) and Hottentots, did all in As some of our people are about to retheir power to hinder him. They said he move with their cattle to the Bushman was going to lose his reason and bring himself land, I shall send Jacob also to assist to the grave, &c. His answer was, "If I lose them in holding service, to teach their my reason and my soul too, I am determined to hang on the word of God, and continue in children to read, &c. prayer to the last.


Mr. Shrewsbury, in a letter from GRENADA, dated November 12, 1818, communicates extracts from his Journal, of which we give the following. Later accounts from Mr. Shrewsbury and his colleague present much more encouraging prospects in that island.

March 8. Arrived at Grenada, to which island I was appointed by our district meeting, and was received in the most cordial manner by the people, who began to apprehend they should be left without a preacher another year. This is in general a very healthy island; but last year it was visited with that commou Scourge of the West Indies, a malignant fever, which hurried many into eternity, and, amongst the rest, my predecessor, Mr. William Lili. His ministry seems to have been peculiarly acceptable, as well as profitable to the people in general. I feel satisfied with my appointment, believing it to be the will of God. Preached

in the morning from Isaiah xl. 1: it was truly a pleasing occasion; the people had been so long without the word of life, that they were almost overcome with joy at being favoured with that blessing once more. In the evening our chapel was crowded to excess, many standing without in the open air for want of room. This has been the case almost every Sabbath evening since.

9. This evening was requested to attend -, mate of a merchant ship, who was lying dangerously ill of a fever. His heart was remarkably tender; and when the necessity of being prepared for eternity was urged, he wept exceedingly.

On leaving him, the tract" Serious Thoughts on Eternity," was put into his hand, which he afterwards read with great attention. (It has pleased God since to raise him up, and the good he received in that affliction remains to the present day.) Coming up the street, a soldier that was sitting on a bank with two of his companious made use of extremely profane language. I stepped up, and gave him the tract "A Word to a Swearer," when he began reading to his astonished comrades, "Swear not at all, saith the Lord God of heaven and earth."

21. Met this evening the public bands. There are a few very simple humble souls in this society, who can set to their seal that God is true. Their piety is genuine, and the whole tenor of their lives every way consistent with their profes sion: they truly shine as lights in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation.

April 14. Waited this morning on the Honourable John Ross, and obtained permission to preach on his estate the next Monday evening.

19. Began my labours in the country at Clark's Court estate, from those encouraging words of the apostle, "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.' I received great kindness both from Mr. and Mrs. Ross, who expressed a great desire that the slaves should be instructed, and a hope that our endeavours would be crowned with success.

May 1. This day I have been much blessed, particularly in visiting the people from house to house. wish never to gossip; never to stay at any one place any longer than is strictly necessary; and only to speak to the edification of all. O for more of the love of Jesus, that I may spread abroad in every place the savour

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them from producing their desired effect. But is it possible to preach the gospel faithfully without giving offence?

24. After preaching this morning I met the society; and, as the erection of a new and larger chapel has long occupied my attention, I laid before them a plan to accomplish it.

June 2. Preached my first sermon on Caliving estate, from Acts iv. 33, to a congregation of about 250 souls, who came dressed remarkably neat and clean, and listened with deep attention to the truths delivered. My audience presented a very pleasing appearance: they sat on benches placed on a grass plat in the open air, and shaded by large trees; while I stood in the open area, and proclaimed the word of life. The stillness of the evening, the light of the moon peeping through the branches, the harmony of their voices in singing the praises of God, and the deep silence that prevailed during the preaching of the word, greatly tended to raise in every breast the spirit of devotion; and excited much interest amongst several white gentlemen who were present on the occasion. O that they may not only be pleased but profited.

25. Preached this evening on Mount Gay estate, under very discouraging cir cumstances. In the first place, I had but few to hear me, and those few came with great reluctance. These poor creatures are extremely ignorant, and seem to have no desire for any thing besides a few lighted candles and wooden gods: in the next place, one-half of my congregation was asleep nearly the whole time; and one actually laid himself on the floor to take his nap comfortably; so little ideas have they of the nature of that worship which God requires! My soul often sinks under discouragement: however, I must still labour on, while there is only a bare possibility of doing good.

July 5. We held our quarterly lovefeast in town to-day: many were able to set to their seal that God is true; but it was not a very lively meeting, 1 think, upon the whole, my ministry has been useful to the society, though but little good has been done amongst our outward hearers.

With respect to the Mission in GRENADA, the Hon. Judge OTLEY writes thus, in a letter to the Committee of the date of Dec. 10, 1818.

I believe you are already informed of the exertions we have made, and are still continuing to make, for promoting the Christian religion in this colony; that the very few members who compose the society, whose means are extremely li

mited, and who are generally of the poorer classes, are now providing for two ministers; and that, in addition to the burden usually borne by them, they have nearly doubled their subscription for the purpose of erecting a chapel. We have

not often found it necessary to demand assistance from abroad; but at the preseat moment we truly stand in need of support; for, after all our exertions, we are unable to meet the present exigency.

We have delayed to rebuild the chapel as long as it was possible; and such is the state of the present edifice, that we cannot expect it will stand much longer. Perhaps some accident may happen before we have an opportunity of prevent ing it.

Our prospects are very encouraging; and we have every rational ground to anticipate a considerable extension of Christianity amongst the poor slaves, and some reason to hope that the other ranks

of society may receive benefit. Methodism, which formerly was the theme of invective, and the subject of scurility and abuse, is now much more respected. The two preachers are pious and amiable men, and have become generally respected. Mr. Ross has invited them to preach on about twelve estates. Religion is more esteemed than I ever recollect it to have been in Grenada. The chapel is frequently attended by the higher orders, who submit to miserable accommodations; and I am inclined to think that our hearers would be much more numerous were we enabled to afford them a tolerably convenient place in which to sit down.

ST. BARTHOLOMEW.-To our foreign Auxiliary Missionary Societies we have now the pleasure to add one at this station, of the formation of which the following is a very pleasing account.

Extract of a letter from Mr. White, dated St. Bartholomew, Oct. 7, 1818.

My attention was directed, at an early period, to the Missionary collection. The business was opened in a leaders' meeting in August; we consulted on the alternatives of merely making a public collection, or of forming a society. After the business had been talked over, some of them proposed to defer the matter for a week. I thought then success was before me. At the subsequent meeting it was resolved to form a Missionary society; and that it should take place in a public meeting to be held the first Monday evening in September. During the intervening period, I put into pretty general circulation all the Missionary accounts, reports, notices, anecdotes, &c. that I could find among my books and pamphlets. A most happy feeling became prevalent among our people; and many of them looked forward to the expected time with real delight. One person, in very narrow circumstances, who depends on her needle for subsistence, declared she would, in imitation of the poor woman of Wakefield, mentioned by Mr. Watson, who said she would spin an additional hank of yarn which should be a penny for the society, make another pair of trowsers every week to obtain something for our Missionary fund. Twice I had the leaders and a few other friends together to give them some account how we should proceed, and how they should act. I read over the plan, &c., had their opinion on it, and made one or two alterations to please them. All things being prepared, and having obtained their general good will, on the Sundey preceding I preached in the morning from "Ye shall see greater

things than these;" and in the afternoon from " The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is at hand." The Lord appeared to be among us; and I had great power and liberty in speaking.

At seven o'clock on Monday evening, the 7th of September, I ascended the pulpit, sung a hymn and prayed, then delivered an address upon the nature and design of our missions ;-distinguishing their principal features; our unexampled success; the great call for missionary exertions; the numerous invitations to which we are unable to attend for want of a larger income; and especially the want of labourers in the West Indian harvest. I then pleaded the necessity of increasing the general funds of our Missions; noticed the great exertions at home, and argued for our mite here. I introduced the observation of some of the committee: "We are doing all we can at home; our people abroad should assist us in the same glorious undertaking." The first resolution was now put, and immediately carried. "If then you approve of these missions,” I said,


you will be glad to aid their funds. The next resolution was then put, and carried in the same manner; and so on all through. I read each resolution, explained its particular bearing, made a remark or two, and then put it to the vote; interspersing the whole with anecdotes applicable to each particular point.

At the conclusion I said I should take a seat at the table under the pulpit, and be glad to receive the names of such persons as were disposed to become subscribers or benefactors. They came for


ward, and crowded about me in the most cheerful and even eager manner; and in a few minutes I had a side and a half of foolscap paper filled with names: many of the sums set down are really handsone.

The whole business went on in the most pleasing manner. Every heart seemed to beat in unison. And many persons declared, although they looked forward with very large expectations, they had realized a richer enjoyment than they had reckoned upon: indeed some say, they never spent a happier evening in their lives. The particular point of interest appears to be this: they feel themselves identified in their feelings and exertions with those friends of God and man at home, who first sent the gospel to them, and who are still engaged in sending it to every land of the shadow of death.

The persons named for the committee are some of those who had previously engaged to act as collectors. At their first meeting I had about fifteen more voted in. You will observe the whole committee are collectors, and all the collectors are in the committee; by which measure they are the more deeply interested in the success of our object. The collectors, about twenty-four in number, were next sent out, two and two, furnished with books for the purpose, to beg all over the town: and wonderful was their success. The Governor gave us ten dollars, the Military Commander five, the Government-Secretary five, and several gentlemen and merchants as well as other inhabitants, Swedish, French, Native, American, and English. are among our benefactors and sub-cribers. Considerable sensation was created; but all went on weil. And, glory be to God, the interest excited in our favour is not a transient glow, but I trust a permanent feeling.

It would fill several pages to note all the anecdotes, which are perhaps worth preserving, of the little rencontres of our collectors, and the observations of the inhabitants. It seems to be acknowledged generally that our mission has done great good. Perhaps most of those who oppose, or who are not decidedly friendly, are among that class of gentlemen who have not yet taken the trouble fully to investigate the nature of the mission. I am, I think, fuily borne out in this idea, by a remark of one of the most respectable gentlemen in the island, on his seeing our "Instructions:" that it is a great pity our designs and proceedings are not better understood; much misapprehension would then be obviated,

The sums already brought in, although chiefly in donations, amount to 95 dollars, or £42 15s. of the currency of this island. When all the names from the different lists are transcribed into the book, we shall probably have eight or nine columns of subscribers and benefactors. Many of these are indeed for small sums-they are widow's mites: but the offerings of these poor will be doubly acceptable to the Lord, because given so cheerfully by penury itself.

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The Collectors went out on Monday, 14 h Sept. The morning following I called upon one of them, who is in very straitened circumstances. She related her success: besides some subscribers names, she had two donations amounting to two dollars and a half. "I felt more pleasure (said she) in handling that money than ever I did in joes of my own;" her countenance beaming at the same time with delight. A teacher of a school was met by a little girl who had been her pupil. Now, I will save all my dogs, (a copper coin, value 1d.) and instead of buying cakes, will give them you, and you can put me down three bitts (2s. 3d.) a quarter, and I will come to the chapel school. I did not know any body might come." The Governor was applied to, but at first refused, the bus:ness not being properly explained. The next day he sent for the Collector, who had called for him, desiring to know distinctly to what use the contributions were to be applied. “Is it to send the minister to another place? I will never consent to one leaving the island without the promise of another." He has been repeatedly intreated to send away the preacher; but he says, "No: they behave very well; I have nothing against the Methodists; and while they continue to behave as they have done, they shall always have my protection.” His benefaction is ten dollars. A person on being first applied to, refused, but on being intreated, said, "God forgive me, for I don't believe there is a God; I will give you a dollar, not for the cause, but to get rid of you,"

The Collectors meet with some opposition; but so great is their zeal, instead of being discouraged, they are the more stimulated to go forward. It is reported "the streets are full of beggars." A respectable young lady, on her first outset, felt great embarrassment. Her schoolmaster was among the first upon whom she called. I believe he gave something, but put it down anonymously: she wished for his name, which he declined, and that discouraged her, as she thought his name would be useful. "Take courage, (said he;) if you fail, you fail in a good cause."

The same person called at the house of a French inhabitant. Breakfast being on the table, she was requested to walk up stairs, and sit down, and partake She and her companion were entertained in the most friendly manner; and afterwards several in the family subscribed. A poor black man (whose name by the bye is Barabbas,) brought a quarter of a dollar, and said, "I cannot let you put me down a subscriber, but I will bring you something whenever I can get it, little or much. If I had it, I would give plenty."

Since that time he called again, and said he expected shortly to bring something more. Another poor black man, now too old and feeble to work, subscribed four bitts, or 3, per quarter, and says he will endeavour to raise a young fowl to pay it."

Blessed be God, I have my health, love my work, and am purposed to do all in my power to promote the salvation of poor sinners. I constantly endeavour to preach a free, full, and present salvation, by faith. I hope shortly to send some account of our work in Anguilla.


Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, with Messrs. Stead, and Bott, sailed for Ceylon from Bristol, on the 28th ult. They had experienced the usual kindness shewn to Missionaries, for the sake of their work, and of the Saviour for whose name's sake they go forth, from our excellent friends in that city. Their letters, sent on shore by the pilot, bear testimony of their grateful feelings for the affection expressed to them by the Bristol society, and request the earnest prayers of the friends of Missions in every place. Mr. Davies sailed for Bahamas, from Gravesend, on the 27th ult.

Mr. and Mrs. Archbell, sailed from Gravesend, on the 17th ult. for South Africa. An unfavourable wind obliged them to put into Portsmouth, where they experienced great kindness from our friends there, and finally sailed about the 3d inst. They were furnished by the liberality of some friends of that port, with several articles for their personal comfort, when they should arrive at their station, and for the service of the Mission. We commend all these brethren and sisters, to the special prayers of our Missionary friends, "that they may have a prosperous voyage by the will of God."


Messrs. Marshall, Adams, Pennock, Hartley, Hirst, with Sisters Adams and Hirst, arrived at Antigua, on the 12th of January, having made the voyage from Bristol in one month. They were, through the mercy of God, all well, and would proceed from Antigua, to their stations in other parts of the West Indies, with the exception of brother Pennock, who remains at Antigua.


We greatly regret to state the death of Mr. David Jones, at Antigua, about the 1st of January; a very excellent young man, of great promise as a Missionary. Antigua had been unusually sickly, and Mr. Woolley had been obliged to remove from that island to Bermuda, in consequence of sickness. We greatly fear, that the excessive labours of our brethren, Harvard and Clough, at Colombo, have considerably injured their health, The latter was much better, however, when the last accounts came away; but Mr. Harvard remained much indisposed. The arrival of Mr. Gogerly, appointed to superintend the Printing-office at Colombo, had relieved him from that labour.


A public meeting was held at Exeter, on the 19th of February, to revive the Missionary Society for that district, which from various circumstances had been suspended the Rev. Joseph Marsh, in the chair. The assembly was numerous, and the proceedings warrant the hope, that the plans of the society will be regularly carried into effect. Several handsome donations from individuals were presented at the meeting, in addition to the public collection.

The anniversary of the Plymouth Dock District Society, was held on Monday, the 23d of February; and the anniversary of the Plymouth Branch Society, on the day following. The annual sermons were preached on the preceding Sunday, at Dock and at Plymouth. The meetings were very numerously attended, and at Dock so great was the press, that one half of the people were unable to gain admission into the chapel at Morris-street, and the Windmill chapel was obliged to be opened to accommodate them; two meetings being held at the same time. Joseph Carne, Esq. of.

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