Зображення сторінки

Richardson, Capt.G.
109. H. 208. M.
ib. M. H. 424.
W. J. 312
Riche, B. 562
Ricketts, Capt. 208.
M. 445
Rideout, P. 441
Ridley, E. 208. M.ib.
Rind, M. T. 445
Rivers, Sir H. 424
Rivington, F. 101
Robb, W. 557
Robbins, C. 424

Roberts, A. 332. G.

L.445,657. J.207.

Sampayo, H. 641
Sandbach, E. 2
Sanders, F. 312. H.
Sandys, C.312. Capt.
T. ib.
Sargent, A. 311. M.
312. S. L. 208
Saumarez, T. M.332
Saunders, Capt. 530
Savile, C. S. 87
Say, W. 442
Sayce, J. 332
Saye, Lady M.M.555

Sayer, B. 444
Scatcherd, 450

M. C. C. 641. Sir Schaedtler,G.M.312
T. H. 641
Robertson, D.F.557.

M. A. 312, 659
Robins, E. 208
Robinson, C. 641.
C. G. 109. F. 101.
H. 221, 551. J.
553. J. E. 312.
J. K. 311
Rochester, Bp. 312
Rochefoucauld, Vis-
countess, 446
Rodd, C. 101
Rogers, 220. J. M.


Röhrs, C. J. 334
Rolleston, H. 108
Rolt, Lt.-Col. 530
Roper, J. A. 219.
M. ib.

Roscoe, E 332

Scoones, 555
Scornes, Maj. 530
Scott, D. 655. Sir
E. D. 2. E. 208.
Sir F. E. 2. J.640.
W. 442
Scutt, M. 424
Seawell, H. W. 311
Selby, N. T. 109
Self, E. M. 332
Selwyn, T. K. 331
Semple, M. 222
Senefelder 658
Senhouse, H. S. 207
Senior, Maj. H. 423
Seton, J. 558
Seymer, H. K. 657
Seymour, Lady A.
312. H. 101 J. J.
Shakespear, A. 207

Rose, C. 640. Sir G. Shallard, W. 529
83. T. 657
Ross, F.E.312. K331.
Rotton, 656
Rounds, H. 442
Rowden, E. 444. M.

Sharp, E. E. 208. J.

Rowland, J. 556
Rudd, T. J. 329
Rudsdell, Sir J. 530
Russell, E. B. 208.
H. S. 641. R. N.
640. V. 311
Rutherford, J. 557
Ryder, G. D. 208.
W. 100
Ryley, E. 424
Sabine, Capt. 331
Sainsbury, T. 562
St. John, H. 222
Sale, T. 312
Salkeld, 334
Salmon, Col.-Com.
Saltmarshe, E. 221


333. S. 444
Sharpe, T. W. 530
Shaw, J. 220.
R. 208
Sheaffe, P. 442.
Capt. R. H. 331
Shee, Sir G. 529
Sheffield, C'tess, 207
Shelley, F. L. 312
Shepherd, E. L. 101
Sheppard, G. 101
Sherrard, Lt. C. 335
Sherston, P. D. 220
Shipley, C. 551
Shore, F.656. Sir J.2
Showers, E. H. 335
Shrewsbury, Earl of,


Shute, R. 641
Sidley, R. 443
Sillery, F. 558
Simpson, P. 109. H.
F. 657. R. V.658

Skene, A. 640

Sketchley, S. E. 656
Skinner, R. 630
Skirrow, 192
Skynner, J. 330
Sleath, S. 109
Smith, C. L.312. D.
332. E. A. 334.
G. T. 101. Col.
H. F. 335. J. 101,
219, 529, 641.
Maj.-Gen. Sir J.
F. S. 329. J. 1.
87. J. T. 338.
Col. Sir L. 529.
S. 659. W. 553
Smithwaite, 222
Smyth, J. H. 329
Smythe, G. 557
Sneyd, L. 110
Snodgrass, J. J. 423,
T. 656
Snowden, W.311
Solly, H. 656
Somers, Earl, 101
Somerset, Lord R.
E. H. 311
Somes, M. A. 641
Sorrel, Lt.-Col. T.S.
Sotheby, Capt. G. H.
312. M. 555. T.
H. 101
Southey, R. 656
Southgate, W. 657
Sparks, J. 334
Spearman, R. T.555
Spencer, A. 208.
Capt. E. C. 110,
220. F. H. 222.
P. 530. W. P. 424
Spinks, 192
Spon, J. 338
Spry, A. 110. S. T.

Squance, B. P. 530
Squire, E. 529. J. F.
Stafford, H. L. 332.
T. 424
Stanger, C. 554
Stanley, 641. E. 2.
E. J. 207
Stanton, J. 554
Stapleton, Lt.-Col.

Starky, E. 556. J.
E. A. 101. S. 640
Staunton, A. 530
Stead, P. 312
Steadman, J. F. 556
Steight, 641
Steinman, 226

[blocks in formation]

Stonhouse, H. 101,

Stonor, Lt.-Col. C.
109. C. 445
Stourton, P. 530
Stovin, 109
Strachey, 192
Strangford, L.P.J.H.
S. S. 219
Strong, W. 441
Stuart, E. 331, 556.

E. L. 424. H. 641
Studdy, T. B. 555
Sturt, Capt. C. 530
Styleman, 208
Suffield, Lady, 207
Sugden, 423. J. H.
Sullivan, Capt. 424
Surtees, A. A. 331
Sutcliffe, T. 329
Sutherland, Capt. A.
331. A. 554
Duchess, 101

Suttaby, R. 530
Swann, A. 445
Swete, Dr. 208
Sykes, Lady, 530
Symons, Lt. W. H.
Tabois, M. 641
Talman, M. 101
Tanner, R. 441
Tate, F. 424. W. B.

Tatham, W. 552
Tatum, T. 424
Tayler, E. 556. H.J.

Taylor, D. 443. E.F.

424 F. 641. G.
441. J. 101, 529,

641. M. A. 208.
P. 659. R. 530.

T. 311
Teacher, E. 108
Teale, E. J. 208
Tegg, M. 641
Teignmouth, Lord,
2, 83

Lady C. 219
Tempest, H. 208
Temple, O. 659
Templer, E. L. 222
Tenant, M. 442
Tennant, Major A.
311. S. 207
Thackeray, M. 530
Thackray, W.P.329
Thelwall, E. 311
Thiselton, W.M.641
Thomas, 192. G.
1 641. R. 552. T.

Thompson, D. 311.

F. 529. W.H.312
Thomson, R. 207
Thornton, Col. W.

Thorold, M. 329
Thorp, J. 111
Thorpe, W. 101
Thynne, Lady H.
101. Lady J. 424
Tod, Lt.-Col. J. 101
Tollemache,Lady L.
Tollet, 641
Tomblin, C. 529
Toogood, J. J. 441
Tooke, E. 559
Toovey, T. 445
Tovey, T. L. 641
Townley, J. 311
Townsend, A. 658
Trafford, 2

Tuson, G. 221. G.B. Wardroper, Lt. H. Wickstead, C. 641

[blocks in formation]

Tranter, W. 558
Trapp, E. 554
Trelawny, 2
Trenchard,444. J.A.

Waley 423

Trevanion, B.J.554.
M. E. ib.
Tringham, T. 554
Trollope, W. 207.
Capt. W. H. 312
Tuck, T. 556
Tuckney, C. 553
Tufnel, E. C. 207
Tugwell, E. M. 312
Tuke, C. 641
Tulman, J. J. 311
Tunstall, M. A. 221
Turner, E. 424. J.F.
311. Capt. J. 218

Walford, J. 554
Walker, B. W. 529.
Capt. B. W. 530.
D. 331, 443. J.
S34. L. R. 312.
Cap. S. 423. T.
554. W.H. 440
Wallace, E.M. 443
Wallers, G. 333
Walpole, R. 108
Walsh, M. 556
Walters, H. W. 110
Wanton, J. A. 640
Ward 222. E. 101
J. 332. R.R. 329.
M. 109
Wardlaw, G. 208

Wards, C. 641
Ware, S. 556
Waring, J. 208
Warner, Capt. 208
Warnkoenig, L.A.89
Warren 444. C. 219.
E. 108. P. A. 221
Watkins, Cap.A. 222
Watkinson, G. 556
Watson, J. 109. Lt.
Col. T. C.558. W.

Watt, H. 110
Watton, J. 114
Watts, W. 312
Way, H. H. 311
Wayett, W. 424
Waymouth, F. 445
Wearing, R. 640
Webster 440. T.529
Wedderburne, L.
Wedge, F. 333
Welby, R. E. 657
Welde, S. 219
Weldon, J. L. 641
Weller, R. 637
Welles, 450
Wells, C. 440. Adm.
Sir J. 529
Wendover, R. 562
Wentworth, G. W.

West, H.551. M.331
Westbrook, J. 658
Westenra, H.R. 101
Westley, E. 444. W.


Westmacott, D. M.
Weston, L. 109
Wetherell, C. 446
Wharton, H. 657
Whateley, W. 424
Wheler, W. 440
Whinfield, T. 657
Whishaw, A. 445
Whitaker 2. P. 332.
W. H. 641
Whitbread, S. 312
Whiteburst, J. 657
White, A. 443. A.
554. J. C. 558. H.
556. R. L. 208
Whitefoord, G. 529
Whiter, C. W. 529
Whittingham, P.329
Whittle, D. 329
Whitworth, N. H.

Whyte, J. R. 529

Wight, A. 311
Wigley, M.C.M. 641
Wigney, J.N. 530
Wilberforce, H. W.

Wilkins, F. M. 101
Wilkinson, J. 554.
T. 556
Willesford, F. T. B,
Williams, A. 530. C.
L. 557. F. 101. G.
530, 554, 658. G.
H. 111. H. 554.
T. 555. V. 641.
W. 530
Willimott, R. 443
Willis, M. 554
Willmott, E. 424
Willock, Capt. F. G.
Wilmot, Sir R. 661
Wilson 192. Lt.Col.
D. 219, 330. J.
101. Maj. J. 100.
M. F. 333. S. 331
Wimbush, E. 554
Wingfield, E.O.101.
R. B. 529
Winstanley, C. 446
Wint, E. 657
Winterton, C'tess,
Wither, H. J. B. 530
Witherington, W.
Witt, Dr. 83
H. L. 312
Wollaston, L. 530
Wood, Maj. 557. G.
312. J. R. 640. R.
444. W. 555. Cap.
W.H. 557.
Woodcock, A.E.332
Woodgate, H. 555
Woodhouse, R. 442,
Woodmass 207
Woodruff, J. 424
Woodward, R. 312
Worcester, Marq.
Wordsworth, F. F.
Worsop, M. A. 312
Worth, M. C. S. 530
Wortham, T. 555
Wright, C. 530, 555.
C. W. 554. Capt.
J. 218

[blocks in formation]

Front View and Hall of Croydon Palace, Surrey. ...


[blocks in formation]

*Fac-simile of a Latin Inscription carved by Selden...


*Autograph of Selden......


*Anglo-Saxon Coins found at Hexham.


Ancient Cross in Nevern Church-yard, co. Pembroke.

[blocks in formation]

Pennies of Edward IV. Richard III. and Henry VII. coined at York.


*Figure of Adam Kraft, in the Church of St. Lawrence, at Nuremberg....387

*Norman Font in Hereford Cathedral....


View of St. Giles's Church, Oxford.........


*Plan, showing the Conflagration of the two Houses of Parliament.


*Font at Corbeny, near Rheims.



View of the three Barrows at Gristhorpe, Yorkshire, with representations of a British Coffin and other antiquities.


ERRATA.-P. 81, b. J. 17 from bottom, read Cottingham.-P. 221, l. 6, and 561, l. 1, for Crotty read Crofty.-P. 233, for Dekin read Aikin, and for Collin read Cottin.-P. 273, l. 13, for nations read natives.-P. 322, 1. 6, the Town and Country Magazine was not published by Harrison.-P. 425, 1.4, for 1792 read 1772.-P. 426, the surname of the Antrim family Macdonnell not Macdonnel. -P. 427, Lady Glentworth's Christian name Annabella not Arabella.-P. 442, 1. 2 from bottom, for Cadwell read Caddell.-P. 444, for Massareene read Massereene. Mr. Lane, father of Lady dowager Massereene, was not an "Esq."-P. 445, for Viscount Dungarvon read Dungarvan.P. 519, b. l. 13 from bottom, for Boroughs read Borough; and for Plan read Plans.-I. 4 from bottom, add, nine inches to a mile.-P. 520, 1. 14, after The Crown, add-In St. Pancras Parish ;The Crown.-P. 641, the marriage of Lord Norreys, has not taken place, and the rumour of such a thing as intended, was contradicted.-P. 659. The present Lord Exmouth is Edward, who did not die, but is living in India. Percy is the second son.-P. 660, for Cutfield read Catsfield.-Sir P. Palmer Acland, now only surviving son of Sir John Acland, by Elizabeth Fuller, has taken the name and arms of Fuller in addition.

[blocks in formation]

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