Зображення сторінки

Automobile Welding

with the

Oxy-Acetylene Flame


Covering the repairing of Automobiles by
Welding, with a non-technical explanation
of the principles to be guided by in the
successful welding of the various metals.

Helpful to all users or prospective users
of the Oxy-Acetylene flame, since the
fundamentals for successful repair weld-
ing are clearly outlined.

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Copyrighted 1916 by
The Norman W. Henley Publishing Company

All rights reserved

Composition, Electrotyping and Presswork by
Macgowan & Slipper, New York, N. Y., U. S. A.


The use of the oxy-acetylene flame for automobile repairing is by no means new. When the process was introduced into this country ten years ago, the automobile industry, or rather, perhaps, the automobile owner, was the first to recognize its value. Broken frames, requiring ugly patches or the complete dismantling of the car, were quickly repaired with the oxyacetylene flame. Smashed cylinders, crank and gear cases were made as good as new at a cost but a fraction of a new part.

The purpose of AUTOMOBILE WELDING then is not to introduce a process-rather, to show how to weld properly those parts which should be welded and as well to point out those parts which should not be welded.

The workman who can successfully weld all automobile parts is capable of welding anything, since in the construction of the automobile practically every commercial metal is used. The principles of automobile welding then are applicable to all kinds of welding and even though we are not particularly interested in the welding of automobile parts, we can with profit study the various details of successful automobile welding, since it is principles, rather than details, which must be grasped in any kind of welding, and these principles the author has tried to explain in a simple, practical way.


October, 1916. 358842

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