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and forbearance to be exercised towards himself, let him do the same to each of his brethren. In this way they will keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace, and leave the work of judging the heart to him who has been or dained of God for that pur pose. But, consistently with this spirit of love and forbearance, each one may manifest concern for his brethren whom he views to be in error, and may do all in his power to correct their supposed mistakes.

If the foregoing answer should be unsatisfactory, we will give another :-In the case supposed, let the different members be as forbearing towards each other, as persons of the same sect usually are who have mutually assented to a "human system," but have different views of the same articles. Among those who have adopted a human creed respecting the Trinity, we often see an admirable spirit of forbearance.

You will rarely find two persons, who perfectly agree in explaining this article of their faith; and you will often find their explications in the most perfect opposition one to the other; yet, among those who admit the article, you will seldom find any hardness or bitterness, on account of the diversity in their explanations. One may believe that by the three persons in one God, are intended "three distinct beings united by mutual consciousness;" another, that the three persons are but one being; a third, that by the three

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persons are intended no more than "three attributes" of the one God; a fourth, that by the three persons are intended only "three distinct offices" of the same Being, &c. &c.'Yet with all this variety of discordant opinions, they can love one another, and we hope, "with a pure heart fervently." Such forbearance among christians is highly commendable; and we are not able to see why the same brotherly love might not be exercised, in regard to differences of opinion, if their articles of faith were all expressed in the language of the Holy Spirit.

As the doctrine just mentioned, is considered by many as of the very first importance, and as there is no other doctrine respecting which professors of religion are more at variance, than those are among themselves who make this an article of faith; we think that if equal candor and forbearance should be exer cised by them in all other cases, and all denominations of professors would imitate such an example, the christian world would soon know by experience "how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!"

We have been much gratified by finding in the writings of the learned and worthy Primate of Ireland the senti ments we have quoted. As an intelligent dignitary of the Episcopal Church, he was in a situation to know the sad effects of having the "religion of Christ overwhelmed with

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In a work entitled "Northern Antiquities" Mr. Mallet gives the following melancholy account of human sacrifices:


"It is probable that this barbarous practice was formerly almost universal, and that it is of remote antiquity It was not entirely abolished among the northern nations till towards the ninth century. In every ninth month they renewed the bloody ceremony,' which was to last nine days. They chose among the сарtives in time of war, and among the slaves in time of peace, nine persons to be sacrificed. The wretches upon whom the lot fell were treated with such honours by all the assembly-they were so overwhelmed with caresses by all present, and with promises for the life to come, that they some. times congratulated themselves on their destiny. But they did not always sacrifice such mean persons. In great calamities, in a pressing famine-if the people thought they had some pretext to impute the cause of it to their king, they even sacrificed him with out hesitation, as the highest

price with which they could purchase the Divine favor.In this manner the first king of Vermland was burnt in honour of Odin to put an end to a great dearth. The kings in their turn did not spare the blood of their subjects; and many of them even shed that of their children. Hacon, king of Norway, offered his son in sacrifice to obtain of Odin a victory over his enemy Harold. Aune, king of Sweden, devoted to Odin the blood of nine sons to prevail on the god to prolong his life. The Ancient history of the North abounds in similar examples."

Mr. Mallet quotes from Dithmore, bishop of Marsberg, a historian of the eleventh century, the following article: "There is in Zealand a place which is the capital of Denmark, named Liderun. At this place every nine years in the month of January the Danes flock together in crowds and offer to their gods ninetynine men, as many horses, dogs and cocks, with the certain hope of appeasing the Gods with these victims."

"Dudo of St. Quintin, a French historian, attributes the

same practice to the Normans. There are still in Friesland, and in several parts of Germany, altars composed of such large stones that they could neither be destroyed by the ravages of time nor by the zeal of the first converts to Christianity. These altars according to the tradition of the inhabitants and the report of creditable historians, have served for the same horrid purposes. The Gauls for a long time offered men to their supreme God, Enes or Tevtat. The first inhabitants of Italy and Sicily, the Britons, the Phenicians, the Carthagenians and all the nations we know of in Europe and Asia are covered with the same re

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was a good scholar may be in. ferred from his knowledge of the Greek and Latin languages. Until the age of sixteen his faculties were expanding; but the peculiar cast of his genius had not been developed. About this period occur. red an event which called forth his ruling passion and decided his fate. This event was the battle of Germantown, in the year 1777. His relig ious principles kept him out of the battle, but his humanity led him to seek the wounded soldier, and he was active in assisting those who were administering relief His benevolent heart was affected by their sufferings; and so deeply was he struck with the happy effects of the medical art, that he determined to devote his

life to a profession formed to alleviate the miseries of mankind. Conquerors and heroes -ye who delight in the shout of battle, and exult in the crimson field of victory, contemplate the feelings of this young man, and blush at the contrast! But let us adore the mercy of God, whose mysterious providence produces good from evil. From the decay of matter, springs up the green herb and the purple flower. From the disasters of Germantown, arises a youth destined to bind up the wounds of many, and to send forth from his instructive school thousands of hands to open the fountains of health throughout the land.

Having gone through the usual course of study and at tended the medical lectures, Wistar offered himself in the year 1782, as a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Medicine, in the University of Pennsylvania. It is said that he acquitted himself on this occasion, in an extraordinary manner-answering the questions proposed to him with such uncommon promptness and precision as excited the surprise and commanded the admiration of all who heard' him.

Instead of entering immediately into the practice of medicine, he determined to a vail himself of the advantages to be found in the schools of London and Edinburgh. Having remained a year in England, he repaired to Edinburgh, where he passed his time in study, in attending lectures, in


cultivating the friendship of distinguished persons. For two successive years he was elected one of the Presidents of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh. He was elected also President of a Society "for the further investigation of natural history These honours, conferred by a great, a learned and proud nation, on a youth, a stranger, one whose country had but just risen into existence, are the surest testimonies of uncommon merit. Towards the end of the year 1786, he took leave of Edinburgh, leaving behind him a name long to be remembered. His fame flew before him to his native city where he arrived in January, 1787, after an absence of more than three years.

Hitherto he had spent his time in preparation. It was time to be useful. This was the object of his labours, the wish of his heart. He now engaged in the practice of medicine with every advan tage. His mind was formed for a profession in which precipitancy is danger, and mistake is death. He spared no pains in collecting all the symptoms. He paused before he decided, but was seldom wrong-and his mind once satisfied, he was not easily moved from his purpose. His patients he never failed to attach to him. How could it be otherwise, when to the sedulous attentions of a Physi cian was added the sympathy and anxiety of a friend

In 1787, he was appointed Physician to the Philadelphia

Dispensary. In the same year he was elected a member of the College of Physicians and of the American Philosophi-` cal Society. In 1788, he was married to Isabella Marshall. In 1789 he was elected Professor of Chemistry in the College of Philadelphia. In 1790 he was struck with affiction in the loss of his wife, whom he tenderly loved. In 1793, when the Physicians were the forlorn hope which stood between the pestilence and the people, he had nearly lost his life—he did not escape the awful visitation, but he recovered. The same year he was chosen Physician to the Pennsylvania Hospital. In 1808, he was placed as sole Professor in the Anatomical chair in the University of Pennsylvania.


It was here that the scene of his greatest excellence was exhibited. In many depart ments of science he was conspicuous-here he was preeminent. Here he exerted all his genius and strained all the faculties of his mind. pains, no money was spared, to render the lecture complete and he succeeded; for in the opinion of able judges he might well bear a comparison with the most celebrated Professors in existence. the class of medical students he was universally loved and respected.


In December 1798 he mar ried Elizabeth Mifflin, niece of the late Governor Mifflin. In the year 1809, knowing the prejudices which obstructed the progress of vaccination, he

suggested the plan of a society for circulating the benefit of that noble discovery which has immortalized Jenner. In May 1810 he resigned his office of Physician to the Hos pital.

As an author he has not left much behind him-his most considerable work is his system of Anatomy. Great literary works are not to be accomplished, without more leisure than is allowed to men engaged in extensive professional

business. Yet such may do much for the promotion of literature; and this was the case with Wistar.

In 1795 he was elected Vice President of the Ameri


Philosophical Society; and in 1815, on the resignation of Mr. Jefferson, he succeeded to the chair as President. The same year he was elected an honorary member of the Literary and Philosophical Society of New-Yorkthe same honour was conferred on him by other Literary Institutions.

No man who is not good deserves the name of wise. In the language of scripture, folly and wickedness are the same; not only because `vicious habits do really corrupt and darken the understanding, but because it is no small de. gree of folly to be ignorant that the chief good of man is to know the will of his Creator and do it. Wistar lived and died in the religious principles of those who have adopted the modest and endearing name of Friends. The peo ple of this respectable Socie

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