Lectures on the manuscript materials of ancient Irish historyBurt Franklin, 1861 - 722 стор. |
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Lectures on the Manuscript Materials of Ancient Irish History Eugene O'Curry Повний перегляд - 1878 |
Lectures on the Manuscript Materials of Ancient Irish History Eugene O'Curry Повний перегляд - 1861 |
Загальні терміни та фрази
Acaill aċt Aedh Aengus agas agus amail ancient Annals Annals of Ulster battle bliadain bliadna Book of Ballymote Book of Lecain Book of Leinster called century chief Christ Chuailgné church Cillé Colum Cille compiled Conall Conchobhar Conn Connacht Conor copy Cormac Mac Cormac Mac Airt Cuchulainn Danann death druid Dublin ecclesiastical Emania Eochaidh Erenn Erinn Fergus Finn Finn Mac Cumhaill Flann Four Masters gaċ Gaedhil Gaedhlic Genealogies Ireland isin killed king Leabhar LECT Lectures Library Mac Firbis Mac Nessa Magh monarch of Erinn Mór Munster naċ Niall O'Clery O'Conor ocus ocus ro original in APPENDIX passage Patraic Patrick poem poet preserved prophecy records reign Royal Irish Academy Saint Saltair stanza Táin Tale Tara Temair thou Tighernach tion tract translation Tuatha Dé Danann uair Ulster vellum written
Популярні уривки
Сторінка 224 - Every one who is black-haired, who is a tattler, guileful, taletelling, noisy, contemptible, every wretched, mean, strolling, unsteady, harsh, and inhospitable person, every slave, every mean thief, every churl, every one who loves not to listen to music and entertainment, the disturbers of every council and every assembly, and the promoters of discord among people, these are of the descendants of the Firbolg, of the Gailiuns," of Liogairne, and of the Fir Domhnann in Erin.
Сторінка 611 - But if there, by him and his wise men, a cause of this nature cannot easily be made up, we have decreed it shall be sent to the See Apostolic — that is, to the chair of the Apostle Peter...
Сторінка 224 - Irish poem, assigning the characteristics for which different nations are celebrated : — For acuteness and valour, the Greeks, For excessive pride, the Romans, For dulness, the creeping Saxons; For beauty and amorousness, the Gaedhils.
Сторінка 154 - I had never before seen Moore, and after a brief introduction and explanation of the nature of my occupation by Dr. Petrie, and seeing the formidable array of so many dark and time-worn volumes by which I was surrounded, he looked a little disconcerted, but after a while plucked up courage to open the Book of Ballymote and ask what it was. Dr. Petrie and myself then entered into a short explanation of the history and character of the books then present as well as of ancient Gaedhelic documents in...
Сторінка 24 - ... of love, and of social life in general, are portrayed, often with considerable power of description and great brilliancy of language: and there are besides several sacred tracts and poems, amongst the most remarkable of which is the Liber Hymnorum, believed to be more than a thousand years old. The Trinity College collection is also rich in Lives of Irish Saints, and in ancient forms of prayer ; and it contains, in addition to all these, many curious treatises on medicine, beautifully written...
Сторінка 84 - Erne, and parson of Inis-Caein in Lough Erne, and the representative of a bishop for fifteen years before his death. He was a precious stone, a bright gem, a luminous star, a treasury of wisdom, and a fruitful branch of the canon, and a fountain of charity, meekness, and mildness ; a dove in parity of heart, and a turtle in chastity...
Сторінка 603 - ... philosophical speculations, so that the people of England went into opposition to the Pope and to Rome. At the same time they followed a variety of opinions, and the old Law of Moses, after the manner of the Jewish people, and they gave the title of Head of the Church of God to the King. There were enacted by the King and Council new laws and statutes after their own will.
Сторінка 154 - Masters, and many 30 other ancient books, for historical research and reference. I had never before seen Moore, and after a brief introduction and explanation of the nature of my occupation by Dr. Petrie, and seeing the formidable array of so many dark and time-worn volumes by which I was surrounded, he looked a little...
Сторінка 25 - Gaedhlic literature, and whose education had been confined solely to this source, would find that there were but very few, indeed, of the great events in the history of the world, the knowledge of which is usually attained through the classic languages or those of the middle ages, with which he was not acquainted.
Сторінка 146 - O'Gara. I have calculated on your honour that it seemed to you a cause of pity and regret, grief and sorrow (for the glory of God and the honour of Ireland), how much the race of...