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Poetical Effays.
The Vain Purfuit; or, The Dream of a
Conqueft-It's all a Hum.


USH, raptur'd foul; down, down, thou throbbing heart:

Ah! it was there the truck me with a

Poignant as death-yet wing'd with
wings of love!
Diftraction-madnefs-whither fhall I


Now he is gone? And fhall this fond heart bleed?

No-I'll purfue swift as on Perfeus' fteed, From pole to pole, as inftant light'ning flies,

I'll pass the world, and fearch the vaulted fkies,

The globe I'll range, and roam thro' worlds of air;

Afk ev'ry angel if they faw my fair, Traverfe the ipheres, find out that fubtle god

Which holds my Celia in his fafe abode.
I'll claim a fanction from. the powers

To urge the foft, the tender tale of love;
In the auguft affembly plead my right,
By laws of love, to Celia's beauties
Then will I tear her from the tyrant's
And lofe


-O bleffed powers!-hail, most au

fpicious day,

That crowns my wifh, while forrow flies

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O'er heaven's great empire-Celia is my

Immortal fongsters, catch the pleafing

High tune your harps, and ftrike the
heavenly lyre;

Blow foft, ye zephyrs, from the flagrant

And fan my Celia in thefe tranquil hours.
While the reclines upon my raptur'd

Gently allure, and footh her foft to rest.
Gods, what a thought!-Is all that I
have feen,

A mere delufion, and a baseless dream?
Hence-hence, ye fears-ah! vanish, fell

Horrors distorted awful on me ftare,
Love holds us captives while the fills the

With objects which we never can obtain.
Mitre-Court, Fleet-Street.

SON G.-Written at College.


dn all your nonfense,

my griefs amidst my Celia's PSHAW scholars and schools,

charms. Then fhall enjoyment diffipate the gloom, And relish love in beauty's highest bloom.

'Tis done-the conqueft's made, and crowns my future joys, And every fwain-hark!-now his pipe employs;

The joyous nymphs too from the neighbouring groves,

Where love, a libertine, amongst them roves,

Join in fweet fong, attended by their fwains,

-Soft!-hark! they fing in Orpheus' melting ftrains;

The fongfters of the wood ftrike up in choirs,

And hail this day, the end of my defires. -Oh! Celia, how I'll revel 'midst thy charms!

Gods, what a blifs to be within thy arms! To tafte thofe lips whereon dwells every fweet,

Which, to enjoy, the gods thy beauties greet,

Like humble fuppliants proftrate at thy feet.

-But mine's the prize,propitious heaven's

Indulgent, grants my charmer all to me.

Your writing and speaking by method
and rules;

'Tis the wifeft by far, and the best way,
I think,


To obferve only method and rules in our


Let the learned divine, and mathemati-

The ftar-gazing blockhead, and puzzled

Their arguments, doctrines, and pro-
blems define;

Be our definitions the nature of wine.


From the hogfhead alone, we our know-
ledge derive,

There our wit we enliven, our fenfes re-

Our cellar's our ftudy, full bottles our

Our tutors are manciples, butlers, and

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Infcribed on a Column erected on a Piece of Land that had been often bought and fold, imitated.

Whom thou fee'ft begirt with tow'ring Was once the property of John o' Nokes; On him profperity no longer fmiles, And now I feed the flocks of John o' Stiles.

My former mafter called me by his name; My prefent owner fondly does the fame : While I, alike unworthy of their cares, Quick pass to captors, purchasers, or heirs.

Let no one henceforth take me for his


Aided by thee, my verfes flow;
Their tinkle owe to thee;
As iron fharp'neth iron, fo
Thy friendship sharp'neth me.

Keen be thy fenfe, like fword that's try'd,

Thy wit like point of prong;
Thy judgment, like a faw, divide
The right fide from the wrong.

Firm as an anv may't thou bear
The strokes of every clime;
And, like an harden'd file, ftill wear
The teeth of envious time.

Round in thyself, like polifh'd ball,
When other Ironmongers fall,
Shine always fmooth and bright;
́May`st thou stand bolt upright!

And when Life's forge will work no

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For, fortune! fortune! I am thine alone. No more will feather'd fongfters fing,

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No more frequent the plain, Nor, idly flutt'ring on the wing, With mufic entertain.

Their plaintive notes, opprefs'd with fear, Retir'd within the grove,

Shall ever echo in your ear,

And teach you how to love.

Let foft compaffion plead their cauft,
And urge their quick relief,
Nor let the harmleis infant brood
Expire (dear girl) with grief,

Let me not fupplicate in vain,
Compaffionate their cafe,
Restore them to their joys again,
And take me in their place.



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Foreign and Domeftic Intelligence.


HE Duke of Gloucefter, during his fhort ftay at Lifbon, was prefent at a concert given by the royal family of Portugal, in which her Moft Faithful Majelty, and four Princeffes, her daughters, performed the vocal parts. Yesterday the Purfer of the Lord Mansfield East Indiaman, Capt. Wilfon, (late Augur) from Bengal and China, came to the East-India-houfe, with the news of the above fhip's arrival off Portfmouth. She failed from St. Helen's the 26th of March 1770, on her voyage


The above fhip failed from St. Helena the 28th of August laft, and left there the Prince, Capt. Eglington, from China, and the True Briton, Broadly, from Bombay, who were to fail from thence in a few days, fo that they are expected to arrive very foon.

Saturday, Nov. 2. Yesterday about noon the Lord Mayor, the Lord Mayor Elect, Aldermen Alfop, Stephenlon, Turner, Halifax, Shakespear, Kennet, Roffeter, Mr. Sheriff Bull, the CityRemembrancer, Town-Clerk, &c. met at Guildhall, and went from thence to the Lord Chancellor's houfe in, Great Ruffel-street, Bloomsbury, and prefented the Lord Mayor Elect to his Lordship. The Lord Chancellor having declared his Majefty's approbation of the Livery's choice, and regaled them in the ufual manner, they went to Salter's-hall, where they were elegantly entertained by the Lord Mayor Elect. Sir Robert Ladbroke joined them as they paffed by St. Paul's Church.

Whitehall, Nov. 1, 1771. In order to prevent any unneceffary alarm amongst the merchants, and others of the city of London, trading to and interested in Jamaica, from any impertect or falfe reports that may be spread relative to an earthquake, which happened at that ifland on the 3d of Sept. I am directed to acquaint you, for the information of the Merchants in general, that it does not appear, by any advices which Government hath received of that event, that any confiderable damage has been done, or that any lives have been loft,

except a few Negroes killed by the fall of fome chimnies at Kingston and Port Royal. JOHN POWNALL.

On Wednesday Mr. Alderman Townsfend returned from Norfolk to Bruce Caftle, Tottenham. The next day certin officers, by virtue of warrants from the Commiflioners of the land and window taxes, levied on Mr. Townsend's chattels for the refpective affeffments to the amount of 200 l. Mr. Townend protested that, on account of the improper reprefentation of the county of Middlefex, he would not pay the taxes, and adhering uniformly to this motive, he has fuffered this act to be executed, having abfolutely_refufed payment on every demand. The confequence of this meafure will produce a trial in the Court of King's-bench, wherein this grand national point will be contested on either fide, in the moft ftrenuous manner, by the ableft advocates. Whatever may be the determination there, an appeal to the House of Lords will undoubtedly be brought, and the whole proceeding afford as interefting a cafe as any contained in the volumes of the State Trials.

Paris, O. 28. Charles Godefroy de Tour d'Auvergne, Sovereign Duke of Bouillon, a Peer and Great Chamberlain of France, Governor of the Upper and Lower Auvergne, died the 21t inft. in the 66th year of his age..

Monday, Nov. 4. There is a footman now living at Windfor with a lady of the name of Beauclerk, of the St. Alban's family, who is 111 years of age. He has lived in the fame noble family ever fince he was seventeen. Extract of a letter from on board Admiral Rodney's fleet at Port-Royal, Jamaica, to a friend in London, dated Sept. 4.

"We are now getting under fail to go down to Carthagena with a frigate and a floop of war, to enquire into fome infults the Spaniards have given us; they carried his Majesty's armed floop, the Sir Edward Hawke, into Carthagena by force but have released her. On her arrival at Port Royal, Sir George Rodney ordered a Court Martial on an officer, and broke him, for fuffering his MaBb2


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Foreign and Domestic Intelligence. jefty's colours to be degraded. The merchants have made great comp'aint of the ill treatment of the Spaniards. They have a great many English fubjects working in frons on their fortifications, whom we are going to demand."

From the LONDON GAZETTE. Peterburgh, O. 11. The diftemper, which has fo long raged at Moscow, appears now from its fymptoms to be the plague; but as all communication with that city is entirely cut off, it is to be loped the infection will not fpread, efpecially as the frofty feafon will foon

fet in.

Tuesday, Nov. 5. King Henry the Fifth had but 56,000l. Queen Elizabeth but 160,000l. yearly. In the time of James the Second, the revenue for the whole expence of the government was 2119,000l. a fum that will not now fupply the current service of the year. Peterburgh, Oct. 8. The malignant distemper which has broke out at Mofców, has caused great difturbance and confufion among the common people. which is the paticular reafon why the remedies and induftry of the phyficians to ftop its progrefs have been ineffectual; and by the following account received from thence, the 4th inft. the populace have carried their exceffes to the higheft pitch. Ambrofius, Archbishop of Mof. cow, perceiving that many abufes had crept in among the common people, thro' the artifice of fome defigning perfons among them, thought it his duty to put a ftop to their progrefs. These impettors found means to collect the major part of the people to one of the city gates, where there is an image of the Virgin Mary, and worked on their credulity, by a falfe appearance of religion, to gratify their own lucrative intentions. The people, even many of the fick, came in vaft Crowds to this place, and threw money into a cheft put there for that purpofe, by which means the diftemper was fpread furprisingly, and the croud was even fo great, that many people were trod to death. To put a stop to fuch villainous and impious practices, the Archbishop fent proper officers to feal up the cheft; but the blinded multitude, who looked upon this action as a difrefpect to, and difturbance of their religion, immediately gathered themselves together, and plundered the Archbishop's houfe; but not finding him there, they went to a con vent, where this worthy Archbishop was killed by them, in the most cruel and barbarous manner. As foon as the government of Mofcow heard that the

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people were in an uproar, they sent out the troops against them; by whofe hands many of thefe wretches fell victims to their own credulity, and blind bigotry. A vaft number of them were taken prifoners, who will be punished as the law directs for fo great a trefpafs. Wednesday, Nov. 5. The late Lord Baltimore, we hear, caught his death by a journey over the Roman Campania, at a feafon particularly baleful, and from which he was earnestly advised by his celebrated friend Linnæus, of Stockholm, with whom he maintained a conftant correfpondence.

Thursday, Nov. 7.

We can affure

our readers, that the D. of C. is gone to France with Mrs. Horton, a widow (and fitter to Colonel Luttrell) whom he has married. He has left a letter to a Great Perfonage, informing him of the event, and that he will not return to England unless the K-will receive and acknowledge her as the D-s of C. We are alfo informed, that the R-1 fy is in great forrow on this event.

The names and defcriptions of the Jews who have efcaped, fuppofed to have been concerned in the robbery and murder at Mrs. Hutchin's, at Chelsea, are, Afher Wyld, brother to Levi Wyld, a doctor, now in cuftody; the faid Ather is about five feet nine inches high, middling in perfon, red face, wears a wig fometimes clubbed, dreffed fometimes in blue and gold, and fometimes green, and black velvet breeches. Abraham, otherwife Aaron Linevil, a little thin man, about 28 years of age, thin vilaged; commonly wears grey cloaths, and a blue great coat. Hyam Lazarus, about 28 years of age, low in ftature, ather thin, round faced, his own dark brown hair fhort, and generally wears brown grey cloaths. One Cofhay, a little man, born in England, of German parents, middling in perfon, wears his own black hair in a round curl, a fhort red waiftcoat, and blue coat. Mark Afheburg, a tall lufty man, about 50 years of age; wears a brown wig of three or four heights of culs, fairith complexion, black waistcoat, and lightifh brown, great coat. Solomon Lazarus, commonly called blind Zelick, about 60 years of age, rather tall, thin in perfon, marked with the fmall pox; went off in boots, grey cut wig, and light coloured cloaths; he has bad eyes.

On, Thursday Mr. Lord was found drowned in a pond near his own hơniề at Enfield. Saturday,

nager in the affair between the D- of C and Mrs. Horton, is the Lith Officer who is always feen arm in arm with the furreptitious member for Middlefex, and who affitted him greatly up. on that ever-memorable occafion; for which, it is faid, he was amply rewarded by government, out of the public, money.

Foreign and Domestic Intelligence. Saturday, Nov. 9. By a letter from Jamaica there is advice, that the Spamards frequently stop their coafting veffels under pretence of their carrying on an illicit trade, and examine the people with regard to the state of the island, fortifications, &c, and if direct anfwers are not given, threaten to punish them feverely. They took a Captain of a fchooner and his people on board one of their men of war, and put them in irons for fome days, bearing away for fome of the Weft-India Islands, then took the cargo out of the fchooner, with what papers they had, releafed them, and put them on board their veffel, without any provifions but a few biscuits and a little water. They reached Jamaica in five days, in a very weak condition, and could not learn the name of the man of, war, but fay he was a fixty gun fhip, and had many Irish on board.

Tuesday, Nov. 12. A Spanish man of war has taken a Barbary Corfair in the Mediterranean, and carried her into Barcelona; there was another in company, but the fecond broadfide the received fome fhot which went through her sides, and fhe funk immediately.

Letters from the Hague mention, that, the States-General have iffued an edict, directing precautions to be taken to prevent the plague from being brought into any parts of the united provinces, from Moscow, &c.

All the differences between the Managers of Covent-Garden Theatre are fettled. They met together without the interpofition of any other perfon, shook hands, dined at Mr. Colman's, and put a final ftop to all the proceedings at law. The meeting called by the Mayor, of, Liverpool, on Monday laft to confider of an intended navigable cut or canal from this town, to, or near Wigan, was very full, and that defign, met with general approbation. The fubfcription was opened by our late Mayor John Sparling, Efq; who will alfo be one of the principal managers...

A war with Spain is more than probable: However, a few days will hew whether our Court have a proper spirit or not. Spain thinks they have not; and if we may judge from the last negotiation, the nation has a right to think the fame.-How long is the honour of this country to be facrificed, to gratify the malicious pleasure of holding all men of approved abilities in contempt?

Wednesday, Nov. 13. We are affured, that the principal contriver and ma,

On Monday four young fellows, charged with attempting to break into the houfe of Mrs. King, pawnbroker, near Princefs-fquare, Ratcliff-highway, were taken into cuftody, and fecured in the Round-houfe at Shadwell. One of their accomplices, has turned evidence; and it appears that they belong to a nu merous gang of houfe-breakers, street-: robbers, &c. feveral of whom were taken the fame day, and committed to New-Prifon.

Thursday, Nov. 14. It is faid that. on Tuesday night an express arrived at Carlton-houfe from Leghorn, with an account that his Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucefter is fo well recovered from his indifpofition, that his Highness, would be able, in a few days, to let out for England.

On Monday evening died, of an, apo plexy, at her houfe in Wigmore-street, Cavendish-fquare, the Right Hon. the Lady Elizabeth Bathurst, relict of the late Honourable Benjamin Bathurst, eldeft fon of the Right Hononrable Allen, Lord Bathurst. Her Ladyfhip was fe cond daughter to the late Earl of Aylef bary, by the Lady Ann Savile, daughter to the Marquis of Halifax. She was fifter to the Duke of Chandos's first lady, and half fifter to the Duchefs of Richmond.

The Lord Mayor. hath iffued orders. to the Marshals, to apprehend and bring:: before his Lordship all vagrants and beggars who shall be found in the streets, as they have, of late, become a great nuifance to the inhabitants of this city. His Lordship hath likewife refolved to prevent, as far as poflible, tipling in.. public houfes during divine fervice on a Sunday.


On Tuesday came on at Doctors-Com mons, before Dr. Hay, Dean of the u Arches, a caufe between the churchwardens of St. Nicholas and St. Paul, Deptford, and the Rector of that parish.. The queftioh was, Whether the Rector had a right to pay the church rate, the fame as any other inhabitant; when the Judge was pleased to pronounce for the Rector.


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