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Rife of the Swiss Confederacy.

ment. I wish, however, you would infert the inclofed Drawing, as it will point out the affiduity of that nobleman, in endeavouring to acquire a

competent knowledge of that almost 13 univerfal language, the French. I am, SIR, Yours, &c.

S. L.

Rife of the SWISS CONFEDERACY.-Majacre of Peacocks.

LBERT, Arch-duke of Austria,

A being promoted to the empire, formed a defign of reducing Switzerland into an hereditary principality for one of his children, a part of the country being already within his territories. Governors fit for fuch an unjuft purpose were fent thither, but fo precipitate and exceffive was their tyranny as to weary out even the patience of that people, naturally quiet and fubmiffive. They took up arms to recover their freedom, or rather to preferve that in which they were born, and the fuppreffion of which was flagrantly threatened. The first confpirators were only three farmers, each of whom had fuch interest, together with the manifeft juftice of the cause, as to gain his town to join the enterprize, and the example of these three towns was immediately followed by three confiderable cantons, Schwitz, Uri, and Underwald. Schwitz was the first in declaring itself, and became the theatre of the first victory gained over the tyrants of their country; and on this account it was that

all the members of this patriotic league took the name of Swiffers, which still keeps up in their mind the infpiring remembrance of that battle which was rewarded with the liberty of their country. Such was the animofity conceived against the house of Austria, that they put to death all the peacocks throughout the country, because a peacock's tail made part of the creft of the Auftrian arms; it was even as much as a man's life was worth to have a feather of that creature in his hat or bonnet.

Swifs being at an entertainment with History informs us that a a glass of wine standing before him, one of the company obferved, that the fun formed in it a kind of representation of a peacock's tail.

At this fight the zealous Swifs patriot starts up, and amidít a thousand curfes on the whole Auftrian family, draws his fabre, fmafhes the glass to fhivers, and then fat down with as much pride and complacency, as if he had facrificed the most inveterate enemy of his nation. Villaret's hiftory of France.


BONIFACE'S REASONS for not permitting Card-playing in his Houfe.


OU amufed yourselves all last upon All-fours, but I am determined not to put up with fuch behaviour any longer. What is worfe than all the reft, you even brag that you have not been in bed all night, nor played a fingle game at My Lady's Hole. Gentlemen, I like to Laugh and lay down as well as any of you, but I can see no reason why I am to fit up all the night, and not have a single deal in Matrimony. You are all Knaves from the Highest to the Lowest of you, and

you must not think to make Game of me in this manner. By fuch Tricks as thefe, you will forfeit all your Honours, and dig your graves with your own Spades. If your pockets were full of Diamonds, you are within an Ace of ruining yourselves. In fhort you deferve to be well Clubbed for having the Heart to treat me in this manner; and the curfe of Scotland attend you, for the Deuce take me if I can bear it any longer.


MENALEAS and his three Sons. Bibliotheque des Sciences.


Ab Foves principium omnia, CARCE had the dawn began to blend purple tints amidst the Juminous ftreaks, gladening harbingers of day, with which it irradiates the eastern horizon, when Lycas, 'Myrtillo, and Thirfis, fwains equally diftinguished for their fong and fweetnefs of manners, leading their flocks to pafture met near a herbid wood, and foon after, at the entrance of it, overtook their fedulous father the hoary Menaleas. The brothers faluted him with respect and affection: "the bleffing of bountiful heaven be on ye, my dear children," anfwered the good old man, “the fight of you is not lefs comfortable to me than the coolness of thefe fhades is to the spent husbandman when the parching fun-beams force him to fufpend his ufeful toil. Stay we a little on the brow of this Hope, for I am never tired of viewing the adjacent country; and while we are admiring the variety of its rich products, it will not be amifs that our voices and pipes join to celebrate the praifes of that gracious power who is inceffantly showering down on his creatures fuch tokens of his liberal mercy.

"Yes," answered Lycas, " to celebrate with heartfelt gratitude our principal benefactor, on whom indeed all other benefits depend, is moft delightful; come brothers let us fecond our good father's motion; what if each of us fing a hymn"-fo faying, he thus

took the lead.

On a lofty mountain, the umbra geous fummit of which is veiled from the eyes of man by inacceffible forefts, ftands a temple encircled with fragrant groves. Its emerald pavement is trewed with rofes, and the pliant wine-branch twines its luxuriant clusters round the columns, whofe gloffy marble rivals the dazzling fnow; the luftrous azure of a faphir dome, which crowns the fplendid ftructure, imitates the ferenity of Spring, while feftoons of unfading flowers deck the awful altar, and diffufe ambrofial

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odours. Thither every morning refort the hours offering to the parent of all beings, the tribute of prayer and praife. From this fanctuary it is, that they defcend to distribute his numberlefs folacements among mortals. In regular fucceffion they come displaying to the attentive eye, the feveral parts of the majestick landscape, whofe immenfe variety exhibits an instructive imagery of the attributes in that adorable effence, whofe power called forth this wonderful univerfe to be the theatre of his glory, and the abode of perfection and felicity.

Come and let us join our voices in celebrating his grandeur and his kindneffes, and may this dutiful tribute of our acknowledgments afcend an offering of fweet favour.


The gloom of night withdraws from before the lucid dawn. Thus Parent and Sovereign of Nature! ineffable in glory! art thou pleafed every morning to renew its beams; raise an univerfal fmile, and the air rings with founds of gladness. Renew the firft of thy gifts, and gladden us with fucceffive reprefentations of thofe blifsful days, when the univerfe received existence! At thy fole will, from nihility fprung all beings. What an affecting, though but faint image of the transports which nature must have felt when absorbed in wonder at its creator's approach! It celebrated in a folemn filence the rifing of the fon of righteoufnefs, with falvation on his wings. Light, order, and beauty, arofe from the murky bofom of chaos. I fee the earth at thy command put on a robe enamelled with flowers and herbage. The fertile hills gird their brows with trees and shrubbery, blending the vernal fragrance with Autumn's fapid products, while far above all the forefts, the towering pines and cedars lift their majestic heads and stretch their fhades over the wide extent of mountains; among these fhoots forth the magnanimous eagle with afcending flight, leaving flights


Menaleas and his three Sons.

of melodious birds exulting in their commenced exiftence amidst the lower air. The creator wills a-new, and the earth becomes covered with animals infinite in variety. The cattle rife from the neighbouring pasture and gaze fearlefs at the lion iffuing from the foreft with impetuous roar. How the light deer skim along the plain; and yonder the venturous roebuck bounds amidst the craigs. All nature is animated; even the bowels of the earth and the depths of the fea teem with inhabitants. Now is the Creator on crowning his work, he is going to form man, the chief, the foul of this terrestrial system, rich in fuperior faculties. The Father of Mankind his first look raises towards the fky, the majestic ampletude of which fills him with admiration; then lowering his eye towards the earth, its various beauties and exuberance infpire complacency and gratitude. His emotions in the first fenfation of existence and happiness, fupprefs utterance: he falls down before his fupreme benefactor, adoring him in that inward language of the foul to which no expreffion is equal.

Come and let us join voices in celebrating his grandeur and his kindneffes; and may this dutiful tribute of our acknowledgements ascend an offering of fweet favour.


The rifing fun again fpreads life and chearfulness amidft our dwellings; at fight of its beams all things finile, and the air rings with the founds of gladnefs. What an affecting, though faint image of the raptures which nature must have felt, when aftonished at its Creator's approach! it celebrated with a folemn filence the rifing of the fon of righteousness, who brings falvation. on his wings. The fhades of night ftill covered the fields of Bethlehem, and thepherds fat watching their fleeping flocks; on a fudden the darkness vanishes; the glory of the Lord encompaffed them; the fplendor of his angelic meffenger at first impreffed terror, which his benign afpect foon removed; "Fear not,' faid he, with an affectionate voice," the tidings I bring you fhall be the joy of all people; the Saviour of the earth, the defired of nations is just born; haften to Beth

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lehem, and there worship the Supreme Majefty now fhrouding the effulgence of its glory in the fmiling child which was promifed your fathers in fo many oracles, now wrapped in fwaddling clothes, and a manger the dear infant's cradle." At the fame time innumerable hofts of angels appear in the firmament, celebrating the nati vity of their Divine King-Break forth in joy ye Heavens, and let us join the triumphal chorus! The fon of the living God, the Sovereign of Beings, defcends from his throne! He comes to bring peace to the world, and to dwell with the children of Adam; the favoured objects of his good-will. A thousand echoes fervently repeat those ravishing words to the moft remote countries, and the celestial arch answers in fhouts of exultation— Earth drain thy bofom, empty_thy mines and quarries, raife a magnificent palace to the King of kings, his cradle cover with gems, and around him difplay all thy treasures!No, avaunt, profane riches, you are but duft, and all your luftre defilement! The gorgeous palaces of the great are idolatrous, fanctuaries of guilt; the lowly cottage, the last shelter of what virtue is remaining in mankind, will be lefs unworthy of his divine prefence! Come and let us join voices in celebrating his grandeur and his kindnesses, and may this dutiful tribute of our acknowledgments afcend an offering of fweet favour.

Having gone through their hymns; "Is there any thing," faid the good old man, his eyes fuffufed with tears of pleasure, is there any thing which can raife in the foul fuch quiet and ferenity, any thing which can impart to us fo pure a fatisfaction, penetrate us with fuch a steadfast joy, as thus celebrating our Creator? What a sweet emotion rifes in our fouls, when warmed with the fight of fo many kindneffes; we lift up our voices to the bountiful donor, pouring forth to him thofe fentiments of acknowledgement and love which his goodness infpires! Oh, my dear children, never let us omit confecrating to him the first fruits of every one of our days." Menaieas fo faying, embraced his three children, then moved forward into the wood to attend his charge.


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