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circular temple of the primeval inhabitants was consistent with the fundamental religious principles of the Belgæ, and was adopted by them, as is believed, with no other alteration than such as regarded artificial improvement. Cæsar, although he notices the superior civility of the Belge, states no distinction. between their religion, or political constitution, and those of the inland Celtic tribes. Succeeding ancient writers usually describe the various petty nations, whether Celtic or Belgic, under the general name of Britons.

Viewed in this light, as tribes possessing the same forms of religion and of government, but dissimilar in their respective stages of progress towards refinement, we shall find that the Belge introduced to this island some arts calculated to afford them a marked pre-eminence in commercial pursuit and personal comfort. But, whilst admitting the superior polish of the Belgæ, and their greater knowledge of arts, both useful and ornamental, we must not, with a hasty boldness of contrast, suppose that the primeval and inland tribes were quite ignorant of the arts which render life.

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thus delivers his opinion coucerning the probable similarity of national features between the Celta and the Belgae: "Nor was the difference great in itself, betwixt the Britons and the Belga. They both constructed their edifices in the same manner, used the same stated pieces of brass or iron bullion for money, had the same fondness for keeping poultry and hares about their houses, and the same aversion to seeing them upon their tables. And they both painted their bodies, both threw off their cloaths in the hour of battle, both suffered the hair of their head to grow to a great length, both shaved all but the upper lip, both had wives in common, and both prosecuted their wars on the same principles. In all these particulars, the great and principal strokes of the national character, the Belga and Britons universally agreed. Several of the latter likewise concurred with the former, in their attention to agriculture, and in wearing garments of woollen. And And the only distinction betwixt them was one, which was no difference of manners at all; that the Britons, being dislodged from that side of the island which was immediately contiguous to Gaul and Spain, and the only part of it which was visited by the foreign traders, were no longer able to pursue the commerce which they had previously carried on, and were obliged to resign it up to the Belga.” Genuine Hist. of the Britons asserted, p. 84-85.


decent, or were destitute of a system of commercial interchange, calculated to enhance the value of their natural possessious. Trackways, remote from the utmost frontier of Belgic encroachment, penetrated the inland recesses of Britain through the territories of all her tribes; and that the Celta possessed a foreign commerce, however limited, is well known.

The great characteristical line of distinction, between the first settlers in Britain and those of a more recent date, consisted, according to the account transmitted by Cæsar, in the practice of agriculture; which was introduced to Britain by the Belge, and was successfully cultivated by that people in their portions of the island. This useful art (the adoption of which, assuredly, constitutes an important era in the rise of civilization) would appear, from the commentary of Cæsar, to have been chiefly confined to the south-western coast, and, consequently, to districts inhabited by Belgic Britons. The inland, or Celtic tribes, according to that commentary, despised agriculture, but were actively engaged in pasturage; through the exercise of which art they supported themselves, using chiefly as food, milk, and the produce of their numerous cattle.

With agriculture, the source of national wealth, and thence of growing refinement in manners, it appears that the Belgæ introduoed to our island a manufacture, essential to the comfort of man in a rude state, and of primary importance as he ascends in the scale of civilization. This was the manufacture of woollen cloths, which has since proved of so much importance to this country, as to have been emphatically styled the "source of all its riches, and the basis of all its power.” At the era of Cæsar's invasion, the common use of garments, composed of manufactured wool, was confined to the Belgic Britons. But a mode of dress, at once eminently productive of comfort and comparative elegance, was not likely to be restricted for ages to any particular tribes ; and it does, in fact, appear that the Celtic chieftains had adopted the use of woollen vestures, when they first became known to the Romans.


Such an usage was, however, limited to chieftains, and other persons of power and distinction. Cæsar, speaking in general terms, describes the Britons in the interior parts (the Celta) as being clothed “in the hides of animals;" the first and most uatural resource of man, when attempting to defend himself against the inclemency, or vicissitudes of the seasons.

Such appear to be the most important points in which the Celta and Belgæ were dissimilar. The towns of both possessed the same rude character; and we are not informed of any marked difference between their scattered habitations, whether adapted to the chieftain, the agriculturist, or the pastoral farmer.

In presenting a view of the manners and customs of the population of Britain, when the island was first invaded by the Romans, much, therefore, must be of general application. Where a peculiarity is traced to a particular people, it will be carefully noticed in the following pages.

That the Britons possessed numerous towns is shewn by our map of ancient Britain, and the explanation of its contents. These, however, were of a very rude character, and were used only as places of retreat in times of war and danger. It is said, by Cæsar, that "what the Britons call a town, is a tract of woody country, surrounded by a mound and ditch, for the security of themselves and their cattle against the incursions of their enemies."

But the account transmitted by that writer is far from conveying a just notion of the whole of the British towns, or fortified places. Many of these retreats were constructed on the brow of a promontory, when the character of country afforded such a natural advantage. The distinguishing marks of the British town, whether placed in the lowlands, and protected by morasses and prostrate trees; or situated on a lofty elevation, and defended by rude ditches or banks; will be noticed at greater length, in the pages which treat of existing traces of British antiquities.

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The domestic buildings of the Britons demand but little observation. We may readily suppose that some of the rudest settlers in this country, in the early stages of their residence, secured themselves from the frequent changes, and casual severity of the climate, in excavated recesses. But such savage and gloomy retreats would chiefly be used by mankind while depending for sustenance on the spoils of the chace, and contented with imitating, in a mild season, the leafy den of the beast of the thicket. Cæsar describes the country of the Belgic Britons, at the date of his invasion, as being well-provided with houses, which resembled those of Gaul. They were, therefore, of a circular shape, and composed of wood, with a high tapering roof, having an aperture at the top for the emission of smoke. From the testimony of other writers, it would appear that the habitations of the Celtic tribes were nearly of a similar description. The round, or oblong. ground-form, with a conical roofing, is, indeed, the character of building almost invariable with the early stages of society; and evidently proceeds from the rude, but natural, practice of enclosing an area with tall erect limbs of timber, inclining at the summit towards a common centre. In the pages which treat concerning vestiges of the ancient Britons, it will be shewn that some relics are still remaining, which are believed to exhibit foundations of their dwellings; and which, if admitted as such, will evince that some of their habitations, though simple, and of small dimensions, were designed for durability.

A correct idea of the comforts which the Britons were enabled to assemble round them in their rude habitations, can be gained only from an examination of their progress in the arts, and their commercial opportunities.

That there was a period at which the inhabitants of Britain were ignorant of the art of working metals, would appear to be evident from the numerous instruments, formed of stone and flint, which have been found in many parts of the island. * This igno

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* See many of these discoveries noticed in the Beauties for Wiltshire, under the article, BARROWS.

rance is common to every nation in the first stage of society; but the Britons speedily discovered the mineral treasures which Jay plentifully embosomed in various districts of their country, and they progressively acquired the talent of refining and rendering a portion of them amenable to use. Tin, long esteemed the most valuable production of this island, was exported by the Celtic Britons, through many ages antecedent to the encroachments of the Belgæ.

The discovery of this valuable metal, induced the visits of foreign merchants, and led to a series of commercial interchanges highly important in the annals of early Britain. The first nation which opened a trade with the inhabitants of this island, was, undoubtedly, the Phoenician. That enterprising people, the founders of navigation, and of extensive commerce, are supposed to have commenced a trade with Britain, about 500 years before the Christian era. Tin was the first great article of British exportation; and this metal the Phoenicians procured in large quantities from the Scilly islands, then denominated the Cassiterides.

The Phoenicians erjoyed an exclusive trade with this country, for nearly three centuries;* when they reluctantly admitted the Greeks to a participation in their advantageous traffic. From such a competition of purchasers, the Britons derived considerable benefit; and the great mart for the arrangement of exports and imports, was removed from the obscure Cassiterides, and fixed, as some believe, in the isle of Wight.+

We have not any direct authorities for ascertaining the nature of the articles given in exchange for their tin, by the Phoenicians, to the first Celtic traders of Britain. A conjecture may, however, be drawn from the state of the foreign trade cultivated by D 3 the

• See some notice of the connexion between the Britons and Phoenicians, in the Beauties for Devonshire, p. 38; and for Cornwall, p. 338–339.

✦ An examination of different opinions, as to whether the Isle of Wight is really the Ictis of Diodorus Siculus, and was, consequently, the great British mart før tin, is presented in the Beauties for Hampshire, p. 332-33

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