Зображення сторінки



Algué, Rev. J., his book on cyclones reviewed, 216.

Arab, The, review of books concerning, 386-modern Algiers, 386-
Old Algiers, 387-Okba the soldier saint, 388-instability of
Arab conquests, 388-lack of coherence in Arab civilisation,
389-El Mokrani and Algerian rebellion of 1870, 390-romantic
chivalry, 391-piracy, 391-ransom of English slaves, 392-insult
to French consul, 393-fall of Algiers, 393-Moors of the town
and Arabs of the desert, 394-climatic influence, 395-poetry,
395-architecture, 396-desert life, effect on character, 397-
nervous excitability, 399-desert's destructive energy, 400-
pulverisation of rocks, 401-the Sahara, 402-Arabs the natural
enemies of society, 403-Bedouin, 404-gentlemen panthers, 405
-conduct governed by sentiment, 405-language of manners,
406-personal charm but with moral limitations, 407-virile
virtues without social qualities, 408.


Bent, T., his 'Southern Arabia' reviewed, 386.

Bérard, V., his book on Phoenicians and the 'Odyssey' reviewed, 189.
Bladé, 'Poésies populaires de la Gascogne,' reviewed, 313.
Burne-Jones, E., review of memorials of, 237-Oxford influences
and friendships, 238-literary efforts, 239-Rossetti as a leader,
239-Morris and Ruskin, 240-Pre-Raphaelite movement, 240—
imaginative faculty, 242-favourite romances, 243-Morris, and
decorative arts and crafts, 244-Morris's socialism, 245-imagina-
tive seclusion, 246, 250-genius and every-day life, 246-Watts,
247-Rossetti's last years, 249-Burne-Jones's dislike of London,
249--character of his drawings and paintings, 250-modern art
criticism, 251-craftsmanship, 252-two views of art, 258.
Butcher, S. H., and A. Lang, their Odyssey' reviewed, 189.


Candler, E., his 'Unveiling of Lhasa' reviewed, 338.
Chamberlain, J., review of speeches on fiscal question, 255.
Cobden, R., his political writings reviewed, 271.

Coleridge, Lord Chief Justice, review of his life and correspondence,
361-early years and parentage, 361-Oxford life, 363-president
of Oxford Union, 364-poetic talent, 364-called to the Bar, 365
-M.P. for Exeter, Solicitor-General, and Attorney-General, 366


-Chief Justice of Common Pleas, 367-friendships, 367-re
ligious opinions, 368, 370-Keble, 368, 379-sympathy for
Southerners in American Civil War, 369-Bill for abolition of
tests at Universities, 371-Irish Church disestablishment, 371-
parliamentary measures, 372-declines Divorce Court Judgeship
and Mastership of the Rolls, 372-Tichborne case, 373-law of
blasphemy as laid down in Ramsay and Foote case, 375-anti-
vivisectionist movement, 376-mission to the United States, 376
-second marriage, 377-Cardinal Newman, 378-Mr. Gladstone,
380-Jowett, Northcote, Temple, 381-admiration for Words-
worth, 382-affection for Greek and Latin classics, 383-death,
383-charity and toleration, 385.

Colour Question in the United States, The, review of literature con-
cerning, 55-proportion of negroes to whites, 55-mulattoes and
mixed marriages, 56-negro professor at Atlanta University,
-religious divisions between North and South, 57-extinction
of slavery, opinions of Southerners, 58-enfranchised negroes
debarred from voting, 59-terrorism, the Ku Klux Klan, 61-
'ballot-box stuffing,' 61-poll-tax qualification, 62—' Redbones!
of Louisiana, 63-grandfather clause,' 63-pseudo-education
franchise, 64-Isaiah Montgomery, 64-Booker T. Washingto
65-negro guest at White House, 65-racial separation, 66-
tramcar distinctions, 67-proposed repeal of negro enfranchis
ment, 67-coloured men of eminence, 69-negro education, 69-
faithful slaves, 70-'The Negro Problem,' 71-conflict betwee
Congress and Supreme Court, 72-lynching, 73-conclusions,
Creighton, Bishop, review of his life and letters, 109-fellow an
tutor of Merton College, 110-regarded Christianity as a mer
instrument, 112-system of moral philosophy, 114-vicar d
Embleton, 114-literary work, 115-professor of ecclesiasti
history at Cambridge, 116-'History of the Papacy during t
Reformation,' 116-Lord Acton's criticism, 117-persecution a
the moral code, 119-Sixtus IV. and Alexander VI., 120-pr
fessional lectures, 122-starts English Historical Review,' 12-
examining chaplain to Bishop of Worcester, 124-Bishop
Peterborough, 125-intervention in boot trade dispute, 126-
to Moscow for Czar's coronation, 127-opinion on Armenia
question, 128-Bishop of London, 128-ritual difficulties, 13-
vetoes prosecution under Church Discipline Act, 137.

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Das, Sarat Chandra, his book on Tibet reviewed, 338.
Davison, Dr. C., his book on earthquakes reviewed, 294.
Duret, T., his book on Whistler reviewed, 445.
Dutton, Major C. E., his book on earthquakes reviewed, 294.


Earthquakes and the New Seismology, review of works concerni
294-earthquake at Yokohama, 294-Japanese seismologi

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researches, 295-the 'seismograph,' 295-earth-vibrations, 296—
'seismograms,' 297-volcanic action, 299-destruction of Casa-
micciola, 299-Hawaii, 300-tectonic' earthquakes, 300-
elevation and submergence of land, 301-dislocations of strata,
302-Japanese cataclysm of 1891, 302-sound-waves, 302-
Hereford earthquake of 1896, 303-Riviera disaster, 303-Bengal
and Assam, 304-sea-quakes, 306-relations between seismic and
volcanic action, 307-the new seismology, 309-speeds of earth-
waves, 310-planetary vitality, 312.


Fiscal Question, The, see Great Consult, The.

French Revolution: The Fall of the Directory, review of books
concerning, 77-Mallet du Pan on possibility of Royalist restora-
tion, 79-England's overtures to Directory, 80-property-owning
class created by Revolution, 81-Napoleon's attitude to Catholi-
cism, 82-priests expelled by Directory, 82-Décadi and Sunday,
83-brigandage, revolt, and State bankruptcy, 84-arbitrary
taxation, 85-relatives of émigrés held as hostages, 85-rights
of foreign nations disregarded, 86-Jacobin tyranny resented by
'liberated' peoples, 86-opposition to Italian unity, 88-Italy
plundered of art treasures, 89-Sieyès, 90-Talleyrand, 91-
power of the army, 92-return of Bonaparte, 93-Napoleon's
family, 97-Barras, 99-Lucien Bonaparte, 103-Assembly
scattered and new Government formed, 105-Napoleon as First
Consul, 106-new Constitution, 106.


Galloway, Bishop C. B., his 'The South and the Negro' reviewed,

Gentil, E., his book on Algeria reviewed, 386.
Great Consult, The, review of speeches concerning the fiscal
question, 255-Mr. Chamberlain's campaign, 255-Free Trade
principles and Sir M. Hicks-Beach's corn duty, 256-consolida-
tion of the Empire based on Colonial preference, 257-Colonial
taxation of British manufactures, 258 views of Canada, Aus-
tralia, and India, 260-foreign competition, 260-migration from
rural districts into towns, 262-steel industry and German and
American 'dumping,' 262-suggestions of Tariff Commission, 263
-retaliation, 264-sugar bounties, 264-Mr. Balfour and Pro-
tection, 265-claims of agriculture, 267-direct and indirect
taxation, 268-position of parties, 269.

Grosart, Dr. A. B., his editions of Spenser and Boyle reviewed, 164.


History of Twenty-five Years, The, review of some books concerning,
271-Cobden's views on England's international position, 275-
Lord Palmerston's 'spirited foreign policy,' 276-Danish and

Franco-German wars, 278-control of foreign affairs by Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary, 279-Eastern question and Berlin Conference, 280-Lord Salisbury as a Foreign Minister, 280-Cobden's statesmanship, 281-Free Trade as a peace-maker, 282-Crimean War and protective tariffs, 283, 289-arbitration, 284-defence of India and relations with Japan, 285-Imperialism and democracy, 287-Mr. Gladstone's first premiership, 289increase in power of Executive Government, 290-contending ideals of industrial democracy and empire, 291. Hobhouse, L. T., his 'Democracy and Reaction' reviewed, 271. Homer and his Commentators, review of some modern researches concerning, 189-destructive criticism and archæological research. 189-Mycænæ, 192-Troy and Ilion, 193-'law of the Isthmus. 193-Thebes and Venice, 194-route of the Odyssey,' 195island of Calypso, 197-Capri, home of the Cyclopes, 197-c of Polyphemus, 199-journey of Telemachus, 200-Ithaca, Pyks Pheres, 201-Nestor, 204-Miletus, 208-'Odyssey' the work d one poet, 209-fairy-tale theory of Messrs. Butcher and Lang 210-Crete, Cnossus, and prehistoric civilisation, 212-new view of the Iliad,' 215.

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Jameson, Mrs., her 'Sacred and Legendary Art' reviewed, 313.


Kraus, F. X., his history of Christian Art reviewed, 313.


Landon, P., his Lhasa' reviewed, 338.

Landor, A. H. S., his 'Tibet and Nepal' reviewed, 338.
Lang, A., his Homer reviewed, 189.

Leaf, W., his 'Iliad' reviewed, 189.

Lee, S., his essay on Spenser reviewed, 164.

Liberal French Noble, A, of the Revolution, see Rochefoucauld-Lis


Low, S., his 'Governance of England' reviewed, 271.


Mallet, B., his' Mallet du Pan and the French Revolution' reviews 77.

Menpes, M., his 'Whistler as I knew him' reviewed, 485.

Michaut, G., his book on Sainte-Beuve reviewed, 410.

Michel, A., his 'Correspondance de Mallet du Pan' reviewed, 77.
Millington, P., his 'To Lhasa at Last' reviewed, 338.
Milne, J., his books on earthquakes reviewed, 294.

Monro, D. B., his 'Odyssey' reviewed, 189.

Montemayor, Yonge's translation of his 'Diana' reviewed, 313. Murphy, Mrs., her 'Southern Thoughts for Northern Reader reviewed, 55.


Pastoral Sentiment, Three Phases of, review of some books illustra-
ting, 313-Watteau, 316-nativity scenes, 317-imagery of the
Catacombs, 318-Missals and Noëls, 320-Miracle-play of Beth-
lehem, 321-Arcadian pastoralism of the Renaissance, 322-
peasant bergeries, 324—Arcadian fiction of sixteenth century, 326
Diana,' 330-artificiality of Arcadian herdsmen, 332-William
Blake, 333-Segantini, 334-love-in-idleness, 335-comradeship
of man and beast, 336-idealisation of the Earth, 337.
Paul, H., his 'History of Modern England' reviewed, 271.


Reformation in England, The, review of vol. ii. of Cambridge
Modern History,' 1-Wolsey's 'spirited' foreign policy, 3-
Henry VIII.'s anti-papal action, 4-Thomas Cromwell's state-
craft, 5-Henry's assumption of supreme ecclesiastical power, 5
-'Supreme Head of the Church,' 7-restoration of Parliament,
8-fall of Cromwell, 9-dissolution of monasteries, 9-progress
of religious reform, 10-Henry's religious and political ideals, 11
-Act of Uniformity, acts of attainder, Six Articles, 12-reign
of Edward VI., 13-Protector Somerset, 14-First Prayer Book,
15-Mary and the Martyrs, 17-Philip of Spain, 18-loss of
Calais, 18-Scotland under Knox, 19-England under Elizabeth,
20-abolition of the Mass, 22-Prayer Book of 1559, 23-
English Church not Calvinist or Lutheran, 23-Church law
subordinated to Royal prerogative and Parliament, 24-Elize-
bethan settlement, 25

Rochefoucauid-Liancourt, Duc de La, review of the life of 40-
his grandfather, 470-his father, 471-his aunt, Mme C. A
471-early life, 473-marriage, 473-visits to Encian.
country life at a château, 475-efforts to improve acris
educate peasants, 477-schools for technical NSITE I
492-manufactories and model farm, 478-master (2
Louis XVI., 479-plan for constitutiona
announces to the King the fall of the Eastla
between King and Assembly, 483-
memorative medal, 484-dissolution a
486-retires to his château, 486-lieutenaİ
and Picardy, 486-takes refus riz
monarchy, 487-publishes a TILÄNGTA
in exile, 488-return to Frana
490-philanthropic labour

and relief of the pour 4.
modern Expositions

during the Bestoratio
character, 496.

Rousset, C., his inec

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