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The Second Beast, out of the Earth,



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akin to the First, out of the Sea.

aid ANDREAS omit" war." forty...two months-(Notes, and learning to recommend it. The second beast's, ch. 11. 2, 3; 12. 6.) 6. opened...mouth-The usual formula in the case of a set speech, or series of speeches. Ver. 6, 7 expand v. 5. blasphemy-So B and ANDREAS. A, C read, "blasphemies." and them-So Vulgate, Coptic, ANDREAS, and PRIMASIUS read. A. C omit "and:" "them that dwell (lit., tabernacle) in heaven," mean not only angels, and the departed souls of the righteous, but believers on earth who have their citizenship in heaven, and whose true life is hidden from the antiChristian persecutor in the secret of God's tabernacle. Note, ch. 12. 12; John, 3. 7. 7. power-Greek, "authority." all kindreds... tongues...nations-Greek, "every tribe...tongue...nation." A, B, C. Vulgate, Syriac, ANDREAS, and PRIMASIUS add "and people," after tribe" or "kindred." 8. all that dwell upon the earth -being of earth earthy: in contrast to "them that dwell in heaven." whose names are not written-A, B, C, Syriae, Coptic, and ANDREAS read singular, "every one) whose (Greek hou: but B, Greek hon, plural) name is not written." Lamb siain from the foundation of the world-The Greek order of words favours this translation. He was slain in the Father's eternal counsels: cf. 1 Peter, 1. 19, 20, virtually parallel. The other way of connecting the words is, "Written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb slain." So in ch. 17. 8. The elect. The former is in the Greek inore obvious and simple. "Whatsoever virtue was in the sacrifices, did operate through Messiah's death alone. As He was the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world,' so all atonements ever made were only effectual by His blood." [BISHOP PEARSON, Creed.) 9. A general exhortation. Christ's own words of monition calling solemn attention. 10. He that lead. eth into captivity-A, B, C, and Vulgate read, "if any one (be) for captivity." shall go into captivity-Greek | present, "goeth into captivity." Cf. Jeremiah, 15. 2, which is alluded to here. x, B, C read simply, "he Foeth away," and omit "into captivity." But A and Vulgate support the words. he that killeth with the sword, must be killed with the sword-So B, C read. But A reads, "if any (is for) being (lit., to be) killed," &c. As of old, so now, those to be persecuted by the beast in various ways, have their trials severally appointed them by God's fixed counsel. English Version is quite a different sense, viz, a warning to the persecutors that they shall be punished with retribution in kind, Here-Herein: in bearing their appointed sufferings les the patient endurance...of the saints. This is to be the motto and watchword of the elect during the period of the world-kingdom. As the first beast is to be met by patience and faith (v. 10), the second beast must be opposed by true wisdom (v. 18). 11. another beast-"the false prophet." out of the earth-out of society civilized, consolidated, and ordered, but still, with all its culture, of earth earthy: as distinguished from "the sea," the troubled agitations of various peoples out of which the world-power and its several kingdoms have emerged. "The sacerdotal persecuting power, Pagan and Christian; the pagan priesthood making an image of the emperors which they compelled Christians to worship, and working wonders by magic and omens; the Romish priesthood, the inheritor of pagan rites, images, and superstitions, lamb like in Christian professions, dragon-like in word and act" [ALFORD, and so the Spanish Jesuit LACUNZA, writing under the name Ben Ezra]. As the first beast was like the Lamb in being, as it were, wounded to death, so the second is like the Lamb in having two lamb-like horns (its essential difference from the the Lamb is marked by its having Two, but the Lamb SEVEN horns, ch. 5. 6), The former paganism of the world-power, seeming to be wounded to death by Christianity, revives. In its second beast form it is Christianized heathenism ministering to the former. and having earthly culture

or false prophet's rise, coincides in time with the
healing of the beast's deadly wound and its revival
ch. 13. 12-14). Its manifold character is marked by
the Lord, Matthew, 24. 11, 24, Many false prophets
shall rise," where He is speaking of the last days. As
the former beast corresponds to the first four beasts of
Daniel, so the second beast, or the false prophet, to the
little horn starting up among the ten horns of the fourth
beast. This anti-Christian horn has not only the mouth
of blasphemy (v. 5), but also the eyes of man" (Daniel,
7. 8): the former is also in the first beast (v. 1, 5), but
the latter not so. "The eyes of man" symbolize cun-
ning and intellectual culture, the very characteristic
of "the false prophet" (v. 13-15; ch. 16. 14). The first
beast is physical and political; the second a spiritual
power, the power of knowledge, ideas [the favourite
term in the French school of politics], and scientific
cultivation. Both alike are beasts, from below, not
from above; faithful allies, worldly anti-Christian
wisdom standing in the service of the worldly anti-
Christian power: the dragon is both lion and serpent:
might and cunning are his armoury. The dragon gives
his external power to the first beast (v. 2, his spirit to
the second, so that it speaks as a dragon (v. 11). The
second, arising out of the earth, is in ch. 11. 7, and 17.
8, said to ascend out of the bottomless pit: its very cul-
ture and world wisdom only intensify its infernal
character, the pretence to superior knowledge and
rationalistic philosophy (as in the primeval temptation,
Genesis, 3. 5, 7, "their EYES [as here] were opened")
veiling the deification of nature, self, and man. Hence
spring Idealism, Materialism, Deism, Pantheism.
Atheism. Antichrist shall be the culmination. The
papacy's claim to the double power, secular and spirit-
ual, is a sample and type of the twofold beast, that out
of the sea, and that out of the earth, or bottomless pit.
Antichrist will be the climax, and final form. PRIMA-
SIUS of Adrumetum, in the sixth century, says, "He
feigns to be a lamb that he may assail the Lamb-the
body of Christ." 12. power-Greck, "authority." before
him-"in his presence," as ministering to, and uphold-
ing him. "The non-existence of the beast embraces
the whole Germanic Christian period. The healing of
the wound, and return of the beast, is represented [in
regard to its final anti Christian manifestation, though
including also, meanwhile, its healing and return under
Popery, which is baptized heathenism] in that principle
which, since 1789, has manifested itself in beast-like
outbreaks." [AUBERLEN] which dwell therein-the
earthly-minded. The church becomes the harlot; the
world's political power, the anti-Christian beast; the
world's wisdom and civilization, the false prophet.
Christ's three offices are thus perverted: the first beast
is the false kingship; the harlot, the false priesthood;
the second beast, the false prophet. The beast is the
bodily, the false prophet the intellectual, the harlot the
spiritual power of anti-Christianity. [AUBERLEN.]
The Old Testament church stood under the power of
the beast, the heathen world power: the middle-ages-
church under that of the harlot : in modern times the
false prophet predominates. But in the last days all
these God-opposed powers which have succeeded each
other shall co operate, and raise each other to the most
terrible and intense power of their nature: the false
prophet causes men to worship the beast, and the beast
carries the harlot. These three forms of apostasy are
reducible to two: the apostate church and the apostate
world, pseudo-Christianity and anti-Christianity, the
harlot and the beast; for the false prophet is also a
beast; and the two beasts, as different manifestations
of the same beast-like principle, stand in contradistinc-
tion to the harlot, and are finally judged together,
whereas separate judgment falls on the harlot. [AUB-
ERLEN.] deadly wound-Greek, "wound of death.”_ 13.

The Beast's Mark,


Name, and Number. wonders-Greek, "signs." so that-so great that. maketh | C, IRENEUS, 316, Coptic, and Syriac omit it. might fire-Greek, maketh even fire." This is the very buy-Greek, "may be able to buy," the mark, or the miracle which the two witnesses perform, and which name-Greek, the mark (viz.), the name of the beast." Elijah long ago had performed: this the beast from The mark may be, as in the case of the sealing of the the bottomless pit, or the false prophet, mimicks. Not saints in the forehead, not a visible mark, but symbomerely tricks, but miracles of a demoniacal kind,and by lical of allegiance. So the sign of the cross in Popery. demon aid, like those of the Egyptian magicians, shall The Pope's interdict has often shut out the excommabe wrought, most calculated to deceive: wrought "after nicate from social and commercial intercourse. Under the working (Greek, energy) of Satan." 14. deceiveth the final Antichrist this shall come to pass in its most them that dwell on the earth-the earthly-minded, but violent form. number of his name-Implying that the not the elect. Even a miracle is not enough to warrant name has some numerical meaning. 18. wisdom-the belief in a professed revelation, unless that revelation armoury against the second beast, as patience and faith be in harmony with God's already revealed will. by against the first. Spiritual wisdom is needed to solve the means of those miracles-rather as Greek, "on ac- the mystery of iniquity, so as not to be beguiled by it. count of (because of: in consequence of those miracles." coun:...for-The "for implies the possibility of our which he had power to do-Greek, "which were given calculating or counting the beast's number. the him to do." in the sight of the beast-"before him" number of a man-ie, counted as men generally count. (v. 12, which-A, B, C read," who?" marking, perhaps. So the phrase is used in ch. 21. 17. The number is the a personal Antichrist. had-So Band ANDREAS read. number of a man, not of God; he shall extol himself But A, C, and Vulgate read, "hath." 15. he had power above the power of the Godhead, as the MAN of sin, -Greek, "it was given to him." to give life-Greek,[AQUINAS.] Though it is an imitation of the Divine "breath," or "spirit." image - Nebuchadnezzar set name, it is only human, six hundred threescore and six up in Dura a golden image to be worshipped, probably-A and Vulgate write the numbers in full in the Greck. of himself, for his dream had been interpreted," Thou But B writes merely the three Greek letters standing art this head of goid :" the three Hebrews who refused for numbers, Ch, X, St. C reads 616, but IRENEUS, to worship the image were cast into a burning fur- 328, opposes this and maintains 666. IRENEUS, in the nace. All this typifies the last apostasy. PLINY, in his second century, disciple of Polycarp, John's disciple, letter to TRAJAN, states that he consigned to punish- explained this number as contained in the Greek letters ment those Christians who would not worship the of Lateinos (L being 30; A, 1; T, 500; E, 5; L, 10; N, 30: emperor's image with incense and wine. So Julian, O. 70; S, 200). The Latin is peculiarly the language of the apostate, set up his own image with the idols of the the church of Rome in all her official acts: the forced heathen gods in the Forum, that the Christians in doing unity of language in ritual being the counterfeit of the reverence to it, might seem to worship the idols. So true unity: the premature and spurious anticipation Charlemagne's image was set up for homage: and the of the real unity, only to be realized at Christ's coming. Pope adored the new emperor (Dupin, vol. 6, p 126). when all the earth shail speak" one language" (Zeph Napoleon, the successor of Charlemagne, designed after aniah, 3, 9). The last Antichrist may have a close he had first lowered the Pope by removing him to connexion with Rome, and so the namie Luteinos (6) Fontainbleau, then to "make an idol of him" (Memo- may apply to him, The Hebrew letters of Balaam rial de Sainte Helene]: keeping the Pope near him, he amount to 666 (BUNSEN]: a type of the false propìt, would, through the Pope's influence, have directed whose characteristic, like Balaam's, will be hith the religious, as well as the political world. The re- spiritual knowledge perverted to Satanic ends. The vived Napoleonic dynasty may, in some one represen-number six is the world-number: in 666 it occurs in tative, realize the project, becoming the beast supported units, tens, and hundreds. It is next neighbour to the by the false prophet (perhaps some openly infidel sup- sacred seven, but is severed from it by an impassable planter of the papacy, under a spiritual guise, after the gulf. It is the number of the world given over to judsharlot, or apostate church, who is distinct from the ment: hence there is a pause between the sixth and second beast, has been stripped and judged by the seventh seals, and the sixth and seventh trumpets. beast, ch. 17. 16); he then might have an image set up in The judgments on the world are complete in six: by bis honour as a test of secular and spiritual allegiance. the fulfilment of seven, the kingdoms of the world speak-"False doctrine will give & spiritual, philo- become Christ's. As twelve is the number of the sophical appearance to the foolish apotheosis of the church, so six, its half, symbolizes the world-kingdom creaturely personified by Antichrist." (AUBERLEN.] broken. The raising of the six to tens and hundreds JEROME, on Daniel, 7., says, Antichrist shall be "one higher powers) indicates that the beast, notwithstandof the human race in whom the whole of Satan shall ing his progression to higher powers, can only rise to dwell bodily." Rome's speaking images, and winking greater ripeness for judgment. Thus 666, the judged pictures of the Virgin Mary and the saints, are an world power contrasts with the 141,000 sealed and earnest of the future demoniacal miracles of the false transfigured ones the church number, twelve, squared prophet in making the beast's or Antichrist's image to and multiplied by 1000, the number symbolizing the speak. 16 to receive a mark-lit.. that they should world pervaded by God; ten, the world-number, raised give them a mark:" such a brand as masters stamp on to the power of three, the number of God). [AUBERtheir slaves, and monarchs on their subjects. Soldiers LEN.] The mark (Greek charagma and name are one voluntarily punctured their arms with marks of the and the same. The first two radical letters of Christ general under whom they served. Votaries of idols (Greek Christos), Ch and R. are the same as the first branded themselves with the idol's cypher or symbol two of charagma, and were the imperial monogram of Thus Antiochus Epiphanes branded the Jews with the Christian Rome. Antichrist, personating Christ ivy leaf, the symbol of Bacchus (2 Maccabees, 6. 7; adopts a symbol like, but not agreeing with, Christ's 3 Maccabees, 2. 29). Contrast God's seal and name in monogram, Ci, X, St: whereas the radicals in "Christ" the foreheads of His servants, ch. 7. 3; 14. 1; 22. 4; and are Ch, R. St. Papal Rome has similarly substituted Galatians, 6. 17, "I bear in my body the marks of the the standard of the Keys for the standard of the Crost Lord Jesus," i.e., I am His soldier and servant. The So on the Papal coinage (the image of power, Matthew, mark in the right hand and forehead implies the 22. 20). The two first letters of "Christ," Ch R, repreprostration of bodily and intellectual powers to the sent seven hundred, the perfect number. The Ch. X. beast's domination. In the forehead by way of profes- St represent an imperfect number, a triple fulling sion; in the hand with respect to work and service." away (apostasy) from septenary perfection. [WORDS AUGUSTINE.] 17 Aud-So A, B, and Vulgate read. WORTH.]

The Lamb Standing



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on Zion with His Company.

Babylon (v. 8), spiritually "a harlot" (ch. 17.1-5; Isaiah, Ver. 1-20. THE LAMB SEEN ON ZION WITH THE 1. 21; contrast 2 Corinthians, 11. 2; Ephesians, 6. 25-27). 144,000. THEIR SONG. THE GOSPEL PROCLAIMED Their not being defiled with women, means they were BEFORE THE END BY ONE ANGEL: THE FALL OF not led astray from Christian faithfu.ness by the temptBABYLON, BY ANOTHER: THE DOOM OF THE BEAST- ers who jointly constitute the spiritual "barlot." WORSHIPPERS, BY A THIRD. THE BLESSEDNESS OF follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth-in glory, being THE DEAD IN THE LORD. THE HARVEST. THE VIN- especially near His person; the fitting reward of their TAGE. In contrast to the beast, false prophet, and following Him so fully on earth. redeemed-purapostate church (ch. 13.), and introductory to the an- chased" being the-rather, as a first fruit." Not nouncement of judgments about to descend on them merely a "first fruit" in the sense in which all believers and the world (v. 8-11, anticipatory of ch. 18. 2-6), stand are so, but Israel's 144,000 elect are the first fruit, the here the redeemed, "the divine kernel of humanity. Jewish and Gentile elect church is the harvest; in a the positive fruits of the history of the world and the further sense, the whole of the transfigured and transchurch." [AUBERLEN.] Chs. 14.-16. describe the lated church which reigns with Christ at His coming, is preparations for the Messianic judgment. As ch. 14. the first fruit, and the consequent general ingathering begins with the 144,000 of Israel (cf. ch. 7. 4-8, no longer of Israel and the nations, ending in the last judgment, exposed to trial as then, but now triumphant), so ch. is the full and final harvest. 5. guile-So ANDREAS 15, begins with those who have overcome from among in one copy. But A, B, C, ORIGEN, and ANDREAS in the Gentiles (cf. ch. 15. 1-5, with ch. 7. 9-17): the two other copies read, "falsehood." Cf. with English Verclasses of elect forming together the whole company of sion reading Psalm 32, 2; Isaiah, 53. 9; John, 1. 47. transfigured saints who shall reign with Christ. 1. a-for-So B. Syriac, Coptic, ORIGEN, and ANDREAS read. A, B, C, Coptic, and ORIGEN read, "the Lamb." Lamb But A. Comit. without fault-Greek, "blameless:" in ...on...Sion-having left His position "in the midst of respect to the sincerity of their fidelity to Him. Not the throne," and now taking His stand on Sion. his absolutely, and in themselves biameless; but regarded Father's name -A, B, C read, "His name and His as such on the ground of His righteousness in whom Father's name." in-Greek," upon." God's and Christ's alone they trusted, and whom they faithfully served name here answers to the seal" upon their foreheads" by His Spirit in them. The allusion seems to be to in ch. 7.3. As the 144,000 of Israel are "the first fruits' Psalm 15. 1, 2. Cf. v. 1, “stood on mount Sion." before (v. 4), so the harvest" (v. 15 is the general assembly the throne of God-A, B, C. Syriac, Coptic, ORIGEN, and of Gentile saints to be translated by Christ as His first ANDREAS omit these words. The oldest Vulgate MS. act in assuming His kingdom, prior to His judgment supports them. 6. flere begins the portion relating (ch. 16., the seven last vials) on the anti-Christian to the Gentile world, as the former portion related to world, in executing which His saints shall share. As Israel. Before the end the gospel is to be preached for Noah and Lot were taken seasonably out of the judg- a WITNESS unto all nations: not that all nations shall ment, but exposed to the trial to the last moment (DE be converted, but all nations shall have had the opBURGH. So those who shall reign with Christ shall portunity given them of deciding whether they will be first suffer with Him, being delivered out of the judg-for, or against. Christ. Those thus preached to are ments, but not out of the trials The Jews are meant "they that dwell (so A, Coptic, and Syriac read. But by "the saints of the most High:" against them Anti- B. C. ORIGEN, Vulgate, CYPRIAN, 312, read, 'SIT,' cf. christ makes war, changing their times and laws; for Matthew, 4. 16; Luke. 1. 79, having their settled home) true Israelites cannot join in the idolatry of the beast, on the earth," being of earth earthy: this last season of any more than true Christians. The common affliction grace is given them, if yet they may repent, before will draw closely together, in opposing the beast's "judgment" (v. 7) descends: if not, they will be left worship, the Old Testament and New Testament people without excuse, as the world which resisted the preachof God. Thus the way is paved for Israel's conversion. ing of Noah in the 120 years "whilst the long-suffering This last utter scattering of the holy people's power of God waited." "So also the prophets gave the people leads them, under the Spirit, to seek Messiah, and to a last opportunity of repentance before the Babylonian cry at His approach, "Blessed is He that cometh in destruction of Jerusalem, and our Lord and His the name of the Lord." 2. from-Greek, "out of." voice apostles before the Roman destruction of the holy city." of many waters-as is the voice of Himself, such also is [AUBERLEN.] The Greek for "unto" (epi, in A, C) the voice of His people. I heard the voice of harpers- means lit., "upon," or "over," or "in respect to" (Mark, A, B, C. and ORIGEN read, "the voice which I heard 9. 12; Hebrews. 7.13). So also "To every nation" (Greek (was) as of harpers." 3. sung-Greek, "sing." as it were epi, in A, B, C. Vulgate, Syriac, ORIGEN, ANDREAS, -So A, C, and Vulgate read. It is AS IT WERE a new CYPRIAN, and PRIMASIUSI. This, perhaps, implies song: for it is, in truth, as old as God's eternal purpose. that the gospel, though diffused over the globe, shall But B. Syriac, Coptic, ORIGEN and ANDREAS omit not come savingly unto any save the elect. The world these words. new song-(ch. 5. 9. 10.) The song is that is not to be evangelized till Christ shall come: meanof victory after conflict with the dragon, beast, and while, God's purpose is to take out of the Gentiles a false prophet: never sung before, for such a conflict people for Ilis name," to be witnesses of the effectual had never been fought before; therefore new: till now working of His Spirit during the counter-working of the kingdom of Christ on earth had been usurped; "the mystery of iniquity." everlasting gospel-the gos they sing the new song in anticipation of His taking pel which announces the glad tidings of the everlasting possession of His blood-bought kin.dom with His kingdom of Christ, about to ensue immediately after saints. four beasts-rather as Greek, "four living the "judgment" on Antichrist, announced as imminent creatures." The harpers and singers evidently include in v. 7. As the former angel "flying through the midst the 144,000: so the parallel proves (ch. 15. 2, 3), where of heaven" (ch. 8. 13) announced "woe." so this angel the same act is attributed to the general company of "flying in the midst of heaven" announced joy. The saints, the harvest (v. 15) from all nations. Not as AL- three angels making this last proclamation of the gosFORD, "the harpers and song are in heaven, but the pel, the fall of Babylon (v. 8), the harlot, and the judg144,000 are on earth." redeemed-lit., purchased." Not ment on the beast-worshippers (v. 9-11), the voice from even the angels can learn that song, for they know not heaven respecting the blessed dead (v. 13), the vision experimentally what it is to have "come out of the great of the Son of man on the cloud (v. 11), the harvest tribulation, and washed their robes white in the blood (v. 15), and the vintage (v. 18), form the compendious of the Lamb" (ch. 7. 14). 4. virgins spiritually summary, amplified in detail in the rest of the book, (Matthew, 25, 1): in contrast to the apostate chuch, | 7. Fear God-the folc.unner to embracing the love of

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The Fall of Baby'on.


Blessedness of the Dead in the Lead.

God manifested in the gospel. Repentance accompanies so earnestly longed for by former martyrs is now all fath. give glory to him-and not to the beast (cf. ch. but come: the full number of their fellow-servants is 13. 4; Jeremiah, 13. 16). the hour of his judgment-"The on the verge of completion: they have no longer to hour" implies the definite time. "Judgment," not the "rest (the same Greek as here, anapausis, yet for a little general judgment, but that upon Babylon, the beast, season," their eternal rest, or cessation from tolls and his worshippers (t. 8-12), worship him that made (2 Thessalonians. 1. 7. Greek anesis, relaxation after Leaven-not Antichrist-who "sitteth in the temple of hardships. Hebrews, 4. 9, 10, sabbatısın of rest; and God, showing Himself that He is God" (cf. Acts, 14. 15). Greek catapausis, akin to the Greek here), is close at sex...fountains-Distinguished also in ch. 8. 8, 10. 8. hand now. They are blessed in being about to sit down another-So Vulgate. But A, B, Syriac, and ANDREAS to the marriage supper of the Lamb ch. 19. 9, and in add. "a second?""another, a second angel' Babylon having part IN THE first resurrection (ch. 20. 6), and in -Here first mentioned: identical with the harlot, the having right to the tree of life ch. 22. 14). In v. 14-16 apostate church: distinct from the beast, and judged follows the explanation of why they are pronounced separately. is fallen-Anticipation of ch. 18. 2. A."blessed" now in particular, riz., the Son of man on Vulgate, Syriac, and ANDREAS support the second "is the cloud is just coming to gather them in as the harvest fallen." But B, C, and Coptic omit it. that great city ripe for His garner. Write-to put it on recurd for -A, B, C, Vulgate, Syriac, and Coptic omit "city." ever. Yea, saith the Spirit-The words of God the Then translate, "Babylon the great." The ulterior and Father (the "voice from heaven) are echoed back and exhaustive fulfilment of Isaiah, 21. 9. because-So AN- confirmed by the Spirit (speaking in the Word, ch. 2. DREAS. But A, C, Vulgate, and Syriac read, “which.” | 7; 22. 17; and in the saints, 2 Corinthians, 6. 5; 1 heter, Band Coptic omit it. Even reading "which" we must 4. 14). All "God's promises in Christ are yea" 12 Counderstand it as giving the reason of her fall. all na- rinthians, 1. 201. unto me-Omitted in A, B, C. Fulgule, tions-A, B, C read, "all the nations." the wine of the Syriac, and Coptic, that they may-The Greek includes wrath of her fornication-the wine of the wrath of God, also the idea. They are blessed, in that they SHALL VES the consequence of her fornication. As she made the from their toils so the Greek). and-So B and Anations drunk with the wine of her fornication, so she DREAS read. But A, C, Vulgate, and Syriac read herself shall be made drunk with the wine of God's "for." They rest from their toils, because their time wrath. 9. A, B, C, and ANDREAS read, "another, a for toil is past; they enter on the blessed rest, because third angel." Cf. with this verse ch. 13. 15, 16. 10. The of their faith evinced by their works, which, therefore, same-Greek, "he also," as the just and inevitable re- "follow WITH (so the Greek) them." Their works are tribution. wine of...wrath of God-(Psalm 75, 8.) with specified because respect is had to the coming judg out mixture-whereas wine was so commonly mixed ment, wherein every man shall be "judged according with water, that to mix wine is used in Greek for to to his works." His works do not go before the be pour out wine: this wine of God's wrath is undiluted: liever, nor even go by his side, but fellow him at the there is no drop of water to cool its heat. Nought of same time that they go with him as a proof that he u grace or hope is blended with it. This terrible threat Christ's. 14. crown-Greek (stephanon), garland of viemay well raise us above the fear of man's threats. tory: not His diadem as a king. The victory is de This unmixed cup is already mingled and prepared for scribed in detail, ch. 19. 11-21. one sat-"one sitting" Satan and the beast's followers. indignation-Greek Greek cathemenon homoion) is the reading of A, B, C, (orges), "abiding wrath." But the Greek for "wrath" Vulgate, and Coptic. 15. Tarust in-Greek, "Send" above (Greek thumou; is boiling indignation, from The angel does not command the "Son of man" v. 14. (Greek thuo) a root meaning to boil: this is temporary but is the mere messenger announcing to the Son the ebullition of anger; that is lasting [AMMONIUS], and will of God the Father, in whose hands are kept the accompanied with a purpose of vengeance [ORIGEN ON times and the seasons. thy sickle-Alluding to Mark, Isalm 2. 5). tormented...in the presence of the...angels 4. 29, where also it is "send th the sickie." The Soc Psalm 49. 14; 58. 10; 133. 21; Isaiah, 66. 24.) God's sends His sickle-bearing angel to reap the righteous enemies are regarded by the saints as their enemies, when fully ripe. harvest-the harvest crop. By the and when the day of probation is past their mind shall harvest-reaping the elect righteous are gathered out: by be so entirely one with God's, that they shall rejoice! the vintage the anti-Christian offenders are removed in witnessing visibly the judicial vindication of God's out of the earth, the scene of Christ's coming kingdona righteousness in sinners' punishment. 11. for ever and The Son of man Himself, with a golden crown, is inever-Greck, "unto ages of ages. no rest day nor night troduced in the harvest-gathering of the elect, & more -Contrast the very different sense in which the saine angel in the vintage (v. 18-20. is ripe-lit., "is dried" is said of the four living creatures in heaven, "They Ripe for glory. 16. thrust in-Grees, "cast." 17. C rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy," &c.: of the temple...in heaven-ich 11. 19. 18, from the altar yet they do rest" in another sense: they rest from sin upon which were offered the incense-accompanied and sorrow, weariness and weakness, trial and tempta- prayers of all saints, which bring down in answer God's tion (v. 13: the lost have no rest from sin and Satan, fiery judgment on the church's foes, the Are Leing takes terror, torment, and remorse. 12. Here, &c.-Resumed from the altar and cast upon the earth, faly ripefrom ch. 13. 10, where see the Note. In the fiery ordeal Greck, come to their acme:" ripe for punishment. of persecution which awaits all who will not worship 19. "The vine" is what is the subject of judg next, be the beast, the jaith and patience of the followers of cause its grapes are not what God looked for consider God and Jesus shall be put to the test, and proved. ing its careful culture, but "wild grapes" Isaiah, J. patience-Greek (hupomene), patient, persevering endur- The apostate world of Christendom, not the world of ance. The second "here" is omitted in A, B, C. Vul- heathendom, who have not heard of Christ, is the ob gate, Syriac, Coptic, and PRIMASIUS Translate, "Here ject of judgment. Cf. the emblem, ch. 18. 13; Isaiah is the endurance of the saints, who keep," &c. th: 63. 2, 3; Joel, 3. 13. 20. without the city-Jerusalem. faith of Jesus-he faith which has Jesus for its object. The scene of the blood-shedding of Christ and His 13. Encouragement to cheer those persecuted under the people shall be also the scene of God's vengeance un Lest. Blessed-in resting from their toils, and, in the the anti-Christian foe. Cf. the "horsemen,” ch. 2. 14, case of the saints just before alluded to as persecuted 17. blood-answering to the red wine. The slau by the beast, in resting from persecutions. Their full of the apostates is what is here spoken of, not ther blessedness is now "from henceforth," i.c., FROM THIS eternal punishment. even auto the borse bridles-of the TIME, when the judgment on the beast, and the har avenging armies of heaven." by the space of a thousand vest-athering of the elect are imminent. The time...six nadied furlonge-it., "a thousand six insured

The Victors over the Beast Sing


furlongs of" [W. KELLY] Sixteen hundred is a square number; 4 by 4 by 100. The four quarters, North, South, East, and West, of the Holy land, or else of the world the completeness and universality of the world wide destruction being hereby indicated). It does not exactly answer to the length of Palestine as given by JEROME, 160 Roman miles. BENGEL thinks the valley of Kedron, between Jerusalem and the mount of Olives, is meant, the torrent in that valley being about to be discoloured with blood to the extent of 1600 furlongs. This view accords with Joel's prophecy that the valley of Jehoshaphat is to be the scene of the overthrow of the anti-Christian foes.


the Song of Moses and the Lamb. timbrels of Miriam and the Israelitesses. 3. soug of Moses...and...the Lamb-The New Testament song of the Lamb (ie., the song which the Lamb shall lead. as being "the Captain of our salvation," just as Moses was leader of the Israelites, the song in which those who conquer through Him (Romans, 8. 37] shall join, ch. 12. 11 is the antitype to the triumphant Old Testament song of Moses and the Israelites at the Red sea (Exodus, 15.). The churches of the Old and New Tes tament are essentially one in their conflicts and triumphs. The two appear joined in this phrase, as they are in the twenty-four elders. Similarly, Isaiah, 12., foretells the song of the redeemed (Israel foremost) after the second antitypical exodus and deliverance at the Egyptian sea. The passage through the Red sea under the pillar of cloud was Israel's baptism, to which the believer's baptism in trials corresponds. The elect after their trials (especially those arising from the beast) shall be taken up before the vials of wrath be poured on the beast and his kingdom. So Noah and his family were taken out of the doomed world before the deluge: Lot was taken out of Sodom before its destruction; the Christians escaped by a special interposition of Providence to Pella, before the destruction of Jerusalem. As the pillar of cloud and fire interposed between Israel and the Egyptian foe, so that Israel was safely landed on the opposite shore before the Egyptians were destroyed; so the Lord, coming with clouds and in flaming fire, shall first catch up His elect people with fire destroy the enemy. The Lamb leads the song in honour of the Father amidst the great congregation. This is the "new song" mentioned ch.14. 3. The singing victors are the 144,000 of Israel, "the first fruits," and the general "harvest" of the Gentiles. servant of God-(Exodus, 14. 31; Numbers, 12. 7; Joshua, 22, 5.) The Lamb is more: He is the SON. Great and marvellous are thy works, &c.-Part of Moses' last song. The vindication of the justice of God that so He may be glo

Ver. 1-8. THE SEVEN LAST VIALS OF PLAGUES: SONG OF THE VICTORS OVER THE BEAST. 1. the seven last plagues-Greek, “seven plagues which are the last." is filled up-lit., "was finished," or "consummated:" the prophetical past for the future, the future being to God as though it were past, so sure of accomplishment is His word. This verse is the summary of the vision that follows: the angels do not actually receive the vials till v. 7; but here, in v. 1, by anticipation they are spoken of as having them. There are no more plagues after these until the Lord's coming in judginent. The destruction of Babylon ch. 18.) is the last: then in ch. 19. He appears. 2. sea of glass-Answering to the molten sea or great brazen laver before the mercyseat of the earthly temple, for the purification of the priests; typifying the baptism of water and the Spirit"in the clouds to meet Him in the air," and then shall of all who are made kings and priests unto God, mingled with fire-Answering to the baptism on earth with fire, i.e.. fiery trial, as well as with the Holy Ghost, which Christ's people undergo to purify them, as gold is purified of its dross in the furnace. them that had gotten the victory over-Greek, "those (coming) off from (the conflict with) the beast conquerors." over the number of his name-A, B, C, Vulgate, Syriac, and Coptic omit the words in English Version, "over his mark." The mark, in fact, is the number of his name which the faith-rified, is the grand end of God's dealings. Hence Ilis ful refused to receive, and so were victorious over it. servants again and again dwell upon this in their praises stand on the sea of glass-ALFORD and DE BURGI ex- (ch. 16. 7; 19. 2; Proverbs, 16. 4; Jeremiah, 10, 10; Daniel, plain on (the shore of) the sea:" at the sea. So the 4. 37). Especially at the judgment (Psalm, 50. 1-6; 145. preposition (Greek) epi, with the accusative, is used for 17). saints-There is no MS. authority for this. A, B, at, ch. 3. 20. It has a pregnant sense: "standing" im- Coptic and CYPRIAN read," of the NATIONS." Creads plies rest, Greek epi with the accusative implies motion "of the ages," and so Vulgate and Syriac. The point towards. Thus the meaning is, Líaving come To the at issue in the Lord's controversy with the earth is, sea, and now standing AT it. In Matthew, 11. 26, whether He, or Satan's minion, the beast, is "the King where Christ walks on the sea, the Greek oldest MSS. of the nations;" here at the eve of the judgments dehave the genitive, not the accusative as here. Allusion scending on the kingdom of the beast, the transfigured is made to the Israelites standing on the shore at the saints hail Him as "the King of the nations" (Ezekiel, Red sea, after having passed victoriously through it, and 21.27). 4. Who shall not-Greek. "Who is there but must after the Lord had destroyed the Egyptian foe (type fear thee?" Cf. Moses' song, Exodus, 15. 14-16, on the of antichrist) in it. Moses and the Israelites' song of fear which God's judgments strike into the foe. theetriumph (Exodus, 15. 1) has its antitype in the saints' So Syriac. But A, B, C, Vulgate and CYPRIAN reject song of Moses and the Lamb" (v. 3). Still English"thee." all nations shall come-Alluding to Psalm 22. Version is consistent with good Greek, and the sense will then be, As the sea typifies the troubled state out of which the beast arose, and which is to be no more in the blessed world to come (ch. 21. i), so the victorious saints stand on it, having it under their feet (as the woman had the moon, ch. 12. 1, see Note); but it is now no longer treacherous wherein the feet sink, but solid like glass, as it was under the feet of Christ, whose triumph and power the saints now share. Firmness of footing amidst apparent instability is thus represented. They can stand, not merely as victorious Israel at the Red sea, and as John upon the sand of the shore, but upon the sea itself now firm, and reflecting their glory as glass: their past conflict shedding the brighter lustre on their present triumph. Their happiness is heightened by the retrospect of the dangers through which they have passed Thus this corresponds to ch. 7. 14. 15. harps of God-in the hands of these heavenly virgins, infinitely surpassing the

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27-31; cf. Isaiah, 66. 23; Jeremiah, 16, 19. The conversion of all nations, therefore, shall be when Christ shall come, and not till then; and the first moving cause will be Christ's manifested judgments preparing all hearts for receiving Christ's mercy. He spall effect by His presence what we have in vain tried to effect in His absence. The present preaching of the gospel is gathering out the elect remnant; meanwhile the mystery of iniquity" is at work, and will at last come to its crisis, then shall judgment descend on the apostates at the harvest-end of this age (Greek Matthew, 13. 39, 40, when the tares shall be cleared out of the earth, which thenceforward becomes Messiah's kingdom. The confederacy of the apostates against Christ becomes, when overthrown with fearful judgments, the very means, in God's overruling providence, of preparing the nations not joined in the anti-Christian league to submit themselves to Him. are--lit.." were:" the prophetical past for the immediate future. judg

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