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vating, sanctifying, and beautifying life, has run through his whole history, giving consistency, honesty, earnestness, unity and ornament to all his public and private acts.

"His religious life," says one who has the opportunity of knowing, "is unimpeachable. Being prominent in the church of his home, and active in sustaining its prosperity, especially the Sabbath-school, of which he was a teacher. He was and is yet the president of the Milton Female Bible Society, which has been actively engaged in distributing the word of life not only in his own county, but in several adjoining counties." We heard his pastor, with whom we were intimate at the time, say, several years ago, when Mr. Pollock was yet a member of Congress, that "he knew his catechism, and would humbly join with his family in repeating it whenever he came round on his pastoral visits."

Last fall, while in Philadelphia, speaking on public topies during the week, he attended church on Sabbath morning, and addressed the Sabbath-school in the afternoon, in Dr. Wylie's church.

Soon after his election, we met with an intelligent citizen of his native town, who has grown up with him, and asked him whether he thought the Governor's moral and religious character would be proof against the seductions and corruptions of our present political atmosphere? He replied with much emphasis and solemnity, "I have full confidence. His moral and religious principles will prove adequate to the temptations." We believe the same, and most sincerely hope and pray that his religious consistency may be so maintained through his whole term of office, as to be a decided answer to all such as are in the habit of repeating, to the disparagement of Christianity, the old sneer against Christ, "Have any of the rulers believed in Him?"

We are sure, and so will our readers be from what has been said, that the beautiful sentiment at the close of his Inaugural address is not empty cant with him-"invoking the aid and blessing of the God of our fathers, and desiring to rule in His fear!" Consistent with this solemn profession he did not leave the stand, where he had solemnly avowed this "fear of God" before thousands of men, and in the presence of Heaven, to mingle in those undignified follies which generally close the inauguration day at the capital.

Hear the following incident, which has been made public, and which we have had confirmed from private and most reliable sources, in confirmation of what we have said. In the evening after the inauguration, a committee of very prominent men in the State called on the new Governor, informing him that they had come to escort him to the Inauguration ball. "A ball! gentlemen-I never attend balls!" The committee informed him that all the arrangements for his presence had been completed, that it was a special occasion, the Inauguration ball, and that the ladies

were already waiting in anxious expectation for his introduction. "I am very sorry, gentlemen, to occasion any disappointment, but I am conscientiously averse to balls, and these arrangements were made without my participation, and of course without my consent." There is firmness and consistency. How could he, who had just taken his seat as Governor of a Christian State "in the fear of God," begin his administration with the folly, effeminacy, and frivolity of a ball. "A ball! gentlemen-I never attend balls!" We thank the Governor, in the name of every Christian in the State, for those sound words-for that noble example. It is the existence and practice of these follies in high places which keeps them up throughout all the circles beneath. This praiseworthy example will be felt throughout the State, to the credit of the Governor, and to the honor of religion. For once the giddy, the fashionable, and the foolish at the capital, have felt that their circle of vanities is not to be the bosom in which the Christian governor of a Christian State is to live more and have his being. The position which the Governor has so nobly taken in reference to dancing is entirely in harmony with his general reputation as an earnest, grave, sensible and Christian man.

May that God in whose fear he has desired to rule, whose honor he has thus nobly recognized, and whose friends he has cheered by all the influence of his high official station, grant him grace, health, long life and an honorable administration.


THE late Abner L. Pentland, of Pittsburg, remarked, when he was dying, "Mother, I can see a great distance!" Doubtless this is the experience, beautifully expressed, of every one who comes with a chastened faith to a calm death-bed. In this progress through ordinary life, the vapors that float in the mental atmosphere render the vision imperfect, and he cannot see far off; but as he draws near eternity, the air grows purer and the light brighter, the vision clearer, and serenity pervades the whole being; the vista of futurity opens the eyes of the soul; he beholds the gates of heaven, the river of life, its glad waters kissing the footsteps of the throne of God; the glories of the new world grow brighter and brighter upon him. With Stephen, he beholds Jesus at the right hand of his Father; and, as he dwells with rapture on those enlivening sights, the earth and all its scenery grows dim about him, and like Elisha's servant at the gates of Damascus, he is instantly environed with troops of angels, come to take him up over the everlasting hills, in the chariot of the Lord of Hosts.


(Translated from the German.)



LUDWICK stood still in the garden before a blooming rose-bush, and said to his sister, "Indeed the rose is the most beautiful of all the flowers."

Caroline said: "The lily yonder upon the flower-bed is just as pretty as the rose. I think both these flowers are the loveliest in the garden; no others can be compared to them."

"But," says little Louisa, "you must not overlook the lovely violets." They They are very beautiful, and they gave us last spring a great deal of joy."

The mother who had listened to the remarks of the children, said: "The three kinds of flowers which please you so well are beautiful likenesses and pictures of three beautiful graces. The violet, with its modest dark-blue color, is a picture of Humility. The snow-white lily is a picture of Innocence. The red rose signifies: your hearts are to bloom and glow with pure goodness, and love to God. Humility, innocence and goodness are the most lovely blossoms of youth.


An industrious mother raised in her garden herbs of every kind. One day she said to her little daughter: "Lizzy, see here upon the lower side of the leaves of the cabbage these little, neat, yellow things. These are the eggs from which come the beautifullycolored but destructive worms. Search this afternoon over all the leaves, and break these little eggs, then our cabbage will grow nicely, and be always fresh and green."

Lizzy thought it would be soon enough at any time to attend to this, and at length forgot it altogether. The mother was for some time not well, and came not for several weeks into the garden. When she was well again she took the negligent little girl by the hand and led her to the cabbage bed, and see! every leaf was eat up by the worms. Nothing was to be seen but the stems and the ribs of the leaves. Little Lizzy wept. She saw the fruits of her neglect. But the mother said to her: "What you can do to-day, always do to-day, and never put it off till to-morrow."

"And another lesson," said the mother, "you can learn from these sad looking leaves: resist and destroy evil in its bud and beginning, or it will get the upper hand as it grows, and at length destroy you."


Once upon a time a juggler asked to be admitted into the presence of the king, to show him a trick of art which no one had ever yet been able to perform. The king permitted him to be brought in. The trickster brought a plate of softened peas, and asked some one to hold the point of a needle toward him, and he threw the peas so straight and sure, that at every throw a pea stuck fast on the point of the needle.

The king said: "My dear man, you have truly gone to great pains, and have devoted much time to acquire such extraordinary skill. I will reward you for it."

Hereupon the king said something to one of his servants privately, who immediately went out, and in a short time returned with a heavy bag. The juggler was glad at heart when he saw the bag, for he thought surely the bag is full of gold.

The king directed the bag to be opened, and behold it contained only-peas! And the king said to the juggler: "Inasmuch as your artful trick, though it be smart, can be of no use to men, and will therefore also likely be but poorly rewarded by them, you will no doubt soon be without the needed peas with which to perform your trick. trick. For this reason I have provided the necessary peas for you!"

Beware of employing your talents and time on such things as can do no good to you or any one else.


A young man, of handsome person and pleasing address, was married on Thursday evening to a sweet and beautiful girl, and on the Sunday following was a lifeless corpse; and the same minister that met him at the altar, followed him to the grave. His funeral solemnities were performed in the same apartment in which his nuptial rites were celebrated. The same persons were present; but how changed the scene. The voice of mirth was changed into the voice of lamentation. The light-hearted and gay ones that danced on the festive evening, were now the mourners around the dead. She who wore the bridal attire on the wedding evening, was now, in three brief days, muffled in the gloomy habiliments of mourning. The faces that but yesterday were wreathed in smiles, were now wet with tears. What a change; and how sudden! But a step between the altar and the grave. We are always exposed to death. There is no condition of life that furnishes an indemnity against his summons. Wealth, honor, pleasure, worldly engagements, nothing can turn aside his shaft, or relax his grasp when he claims his victim.

Our Monthly Retrospect.

THE UNITED STATES. ASIDE from questions of a "political" nature we can find very little of general interest in a retrospect of the events of the past month. Congress, now-adays, does very little but talk politics -we mean party politics-decidedly the last thing they ought to do in the halls of national legislation. They are sent there to make wholesome laws for the regulation of government, but instead of attending to that duty they spend much of their time in making capital for this or that aspirant to the presidency,or for that or the other party. The most important question which has been under consideration is the Pacific Railroad bill, a measure in which Col. Benton manifests a deep interest. From what we have read of the action of Congress thus far upon it, we have no doubt this great measure of improvement has friends enough in both houses of Congress to pass it, if they could only unite upon a particular route for the Road. But they are divided into three parties, and, by way of satisfying all, three routes have been proposed-a Northern, Central and Southern route. This plan, which does look as if it might satisfy all interested parties, puts thunder in the mouths of the opponents of the measure, and will be very likely to defeat it, unless its friends come to an agreement upon a single route. The construction of such a road will be a new era in the history of American internal improvements, and will undoubtedly add much to the commercial, manufacturing and agricultural prosperity of the nation. It would, especially, hasten the development of the great resources of the western territories, by linking them in bonds of commercial and social intercourse with the more densely populated States and the manufacturing marts of the East.

The rapid success of the new American, or "Know Nothing" party, as it is generally called, has raised new questions of controversy in Congress and several of the State Legislatures. It has called forth a number of speeches in Congress, one of which, delivered by

Mr. Chandler, a Catholic, of Philadelphia, has elicited much comment. The aim of the speech is more especially to repel the charge that the Pope claims temporal as well as spiritual supremacy. Mr. C. denied that he did so in any other than what are known as the Papal States. The speech is an able one, but does not agree with the doctrine held by Prof. Bronson, "the great expounder of Catholicism," who asserts the rights of the Pope as "supreme chief"-" supreme alike in spirituals and in temporals," and that temporal governments hold the sword of power subject to and under the direction of the Church. Both Chandler and Bronson are able men-converts from Protestantism-but the latter stands highest in favor with the sovereign Pontiff, having recently received an autograph letter from Pope Pius, granting an apostolic benediction "for valuable services rendered." The question of a change in the naturalization laws has also been agitated by the Know-Nothings in the National Congress and in several State Legislatures, the design being to increase the period for acquiring the rights of citizenship to twenty-one years. The new party are very sanguine of having sufficient strength in an early Congress to carry this project, and a President of their own to approve the measure. Of course, their accession to supremacy in the national government will be as determinedly resisted by the old parties, north and south.

The Pennsylvania Legislature organized on the 2d ult., the "Know Nothings" having a large majority in the House. Henry K. Strong, of Philadelphia, was elected Speaker, by a majority of 58 over Mr. Richardson, the Democratic candidate. The Senate, after twenty-seven ballots, organized by electing Wm. M. Hiester, Democrat, of Berks, to the Speakership. Governor Bigler's valedictory message was a well written state paper, and gave more general satisfaction than its predecessor. He took ground in favor of more stringent laws to lessen the vice of intemperance-in favor of improving our system of Com

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