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That from the water'd vale abrupt and bare
Starts, he beholds the goodly plain below;
Fair streams and tufted cottages, the cliffs
Of the far island whose white majesty
The setting sun empurples, and the sea
Whose leaden greyness to the baffled sight
Seems mingling with the sky. Affection

Will blend her own identity with his
And live in his sensations.

I would tell From the damp eve retiring how we draw Around the cheerful light, but that the group Are strangers, and Sophia scarce has heard Her name, in whom my heart has centred all Its dearest feelings, all its earthly hopes, My EDITH. I am little prone to trust Expectance now, for many wrongs have wrought

That wisdom in me which in earlier youth Youth-like I made my mock: and now I bear A shield from whose impervious adamant The poison'd darts of disappointment fall With feather weakness. Yet that heart admits

One hope, "a rebel to its own resolves." And to its full and perfect happiness Expects from yours addition; when the song That tells of home and all its nameless joys Shall with the most intense delight pervade Sophia's heart, and fill her eye with tears, As gazing round she feels those joys her R. S.



THE COFFIN as I crossed the common lane
Came sudden on my view. It was not here
A sight of every day, as in the streets
Of the great city, and we paused and asked
Who to the grave was going. It was one,
A village girl; they told us she had borne
An eighteen months' strange illness; pined

It has been thought right to insert this here. It is the original draft of the Hannah in the English Eclogues, from which it differs considerably. See Poems in one volume, p. 152. J. W. W.

With such slow wasting as had made the hour

Of death most welcome. To the house of mirth

We held our way, and with that idle talk That passes o'er the mind and is forgot We wore away the time. But it was eve When homewardly I went, and in the air Was that cool freshness, that discolouring shade

That makes the eye turn inward; then I heard

Over the vale the heavy toll of death
Sound slow, and questioned of the dead

It was a very plain and simple tale!
She bore, unhusbanded, a mother's name,
And he who should have cherished her, far

Sailed on the seas, self-exiled from his home,
For he was poor. Left thus, a wretched one,
Scorn made a mock of her, and evil tongues
Were busy with her name.

She had yet one ill Heavier, neglect,-forgetfulness from him Whom she had loved so dearly. Once he wrote,

But only once that drop of comfort came To mingle with her cup of wretchedness, And when his parents had some tidings from him,

There was no mention of poor HANNAH there. Or 'twas the cold enquiry, bitterer


Than silence so she pined and pined away, And for herself and baby toiled and toiled Till she sunk with very weakness. Her old mother

Omitted no kind office, and she worked Most hard, and with hard working barely earned

Enough to make life struggle. Thus she lay
On the sick bed of poverty, so worn
That she could make no effort to express
Affection for her infant, and the child
Whose lisping love perhaps had solaced her,
With strangest infantine ingratitude
Shunned her as one indifferent. She was


That anguish, for she felt her hour draw on,

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"In the Seam, an isle by the coast of the French Bretagne, nine virgins consecrate to perpetual chastity, were priests of a famous oracle, remembered by Mela. His printed books have "Gallicenas vocant;" where that great critic Turneb reads, “ Galli zenas” or "lenas vocant." But White of Basingstoke will have it 66 cenas," as interpreting their profession and religion, which was in an arbitrary metamorphosing themselves, charming the winds (as of later times the witches of Lapland and Finland) skill in predictions, more than natural medicine and such like; their kindness being in all chiefly to sailors." -SELDEN'S Illustrations of DRAYTON'S PolyOlbion. Song the First.

St. David.

ST. DEWY, as the Welsh call him, was prognosticated above thirty years before his birth. "The translation of the archbishopric was also foretold in that of Merlin, Mene- | via shall put on the pall of Caerleon; and the preacher of Ireland shall wax dumb by an infant growing in the womb.' That was performed when St. Patrick, at presence of Melaria, then with child, suddenly lost use of his speech; but recovering it after some time, made prediction of Dewy's holiness."

"Reports of him affirm that he was uncle

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DISTINCT Shadows on the water in cloudy Effect of wind in confusing the head. Rickweather.

Earthy smell of moss.

Smell of the autumnal leaves.

Thin, misty, unreal appearance of the hills in a fine October morning.

The grass in an orchard gaily chequered with the sunshine falling between and through the trees.

A country house. No sound but the click of the clock. The hollyhock still in blossom. Oct. 29.

Morning. A grey cloud rising like a hill along the horizon.

Gray's Inn Hall in a November afternoon. A faint light through the unpainted part of the windows. The fire in the middle, equally in all parts affected by the air, flaming up bluely to a point, and often showering up sparks lost in the gloom above. Objects

tremulous seen across the charcoal fire.

Lower end of the roof beams strongly lighted. Above, all gloom. Add to this the trophied armour damp gleaming to the central fire, and it is the hall of chivalry.

Trees marked by their ramification in winter. Minute and many branchings of the elm. What tree is it that hangs down its globular seeds by a long thin stem?

The mist by its light tinge as it passes over the sun, marks its place.

Unwholesome green in trees, &c. in damp places.

I purposed epistolizing my attempt to visit Corfe Castle, and would preserve the images if ever leisure may occur to use them. Early rising. Ileford-Evilford-bridge. Poole heath-no grass there. The little cot

man's bush shelter from a storm at the haven mouth.

Tom-I pray thee cherish it. For it must never meet the common eye. Were I a single being I would be a wanderer. Why?

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"The Duke of Bedford, recovered a little from the astonishment into which the late singular events had thrown him, collected about 4000 men, and sent them to join the remains of the English army, now commanded by the brave Lord Talbot. When this reinforcement, conducted by Sir J. Fastolf, joined Lord Talbot, they formed an army which the French a few months before would not have dared to approach. The French commanders held a council of war, in which they consulted their oracle the M. of O., who cried out "In the name of God, let us fight the English, though they were suspended in the clouds." "But where," said they, "shall we find them." "March! march!" cried she, "and God will be your guide." She stood by the King's side, with her banner displayed, during the whole ceremony; and as soon as it was ended, she fell prostrate at his fect, embraced his knees, and with a flood of tears entreated his permission to return to her former station."-HENRY.

French Wars ruinous to the English.

"In the last year of the victorious Henry V. there was not a sufficient number of gentlemen left in England to carry on the business of civil government.

"But if the victories of Henry V. were so fatal to the population of his country, the defeats and disasters of the succeeding reign were still more destructive. In the twentyfifth year of this war, the instructions given to the Cardinal of Winchester, and other plenipotentiaries appointed to treat about a peace, authorize them to represent to those of France," That there haan been moo men slayne in these wars for the title and claime of the coroune of France, of oon nacion and other, than ben at this daye in both landys, and so much Christiene blode shede, that it is to grete a sorow and an orrour to think or here it."-RYMER'S Fœdera, vol. 10, p. 724. HENRY.

Johanne la Pucelle.

"ET fut demande a Johanne la P. par aucuns des princes la estans quelle chose il estoit de faire et que bon luy sembloit a ordonner. Laquelle P. respondit quelle scavoit bien pour vray que leurs anciens ennemis les Anglois venoient pour eulx combattre. Disoit oultre que au nom de Dieu on allast hardiment contre eulx et que sans faille ilz seroient vaincus. Et ancuns luy demanderent ou on les trouveroit, et elle dist chevauchez hardiement on aura bon conduyt. Adonc tous gens darmes se mirent en battaille et en bonne ordonnance tirerent leur chemin ayans des plus expers hommes de guerre montez sur fleur de coursiers allant devant pour descouvrir leurs ennemys jusques au nombre de soixante ou quatre vingtz hommes darmes, et ainsi par certaine longue espace chevaucherent, et vindrent par ung jour de Samedy a une grant demye lieue pres dung gros villaige nomme Patay en laquelle marche les dessusditz coureurs Francois veirent de devant eulx partir ung cerf, lequel adressoit son chemin droit pour aller a la battaille des Anglois qui ja sestoient mis tous ensemble,

cestass avoir iceulx venans de Paris dont dessus est faicte mencion, et les autres qui estoient partis de Boysiency, et des marches dorleans. Pour la venue duquel cerf qui se ferit comme dit est parmy icelle bataille fut desditz Anglois esleve ung tres grant cry et ne scavoyent pas encores que leurs ennemys fussent si pres deulx, pour lequel cry les dessusditz coureurs Francois furent acertainez que cestoient les Anglois.". MONST. 44.

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Song on the Battle of Azincour.

"DEO gratias Anglia.
Redde pro victoriâ.

"Owre Kynge went forth to Normandy,
With grace and mytz of chyvalry;
The God for hym wrouzt marvlusly,
Wherefore Englonde may calle and cry,
Deo, &c.

"He sette a sege, the sothe to say,
To Harflue town, with royal array,
That toune he wan, and made a fray
That Fraunce shall rywe tyl domes day.
Deo, &c.

"Than for sothe that Knyzt comely,
In Agincourt feld fauzt manly,
Thorow grace of God most myzty
He had bothe felde and victory.

Deo, &c.
"Then went owre Kynge, with all his oste,
Thorowe Fraunce for all the Frensche boste,
He spared for drede of leste ne moste
Till he come to Agincourt coste.

Deo, &c. "There Dukys and Earlys, lorde and barone Were take, and slayne, and that wel sone, And some were ledde into Lundone, With joye and merth, and grete renone. Deo, &c. "Now gracious God he save owre Kynge, His peple, and all his well wyllinge; Gef him gode lyfe, and gode endynge, That we with merth may safely synge,


Deo, &c. BURNEY.

"CORWEN is a small town on a vast rock at the foot of the Berwyn hills, and famous for being the rendezvous of the Welsh forces under Owen Glendwr, who from hence stopped the invasion of Henry II. 1166.

The place of encampment is distinguished by a mound of earth, and the sites of tents from the church southward to the village of Cynwyd. On the south side of the church wall is cut a very rude cross, which is shown to strangers as the sword of Owen Glyndwr. Near the porch stands a pointed rude stone, called Carreg y big yn y fach newlyd, which it is pretended directed the founder to place the church there. The river Trystion bursting through the hills forms Rhaider Cynwyd, or the fall of Cynwyd. The Berwyn mountains are the east boundary of Corwen vale. Their highest tops are Cader Bronwen, or the White Breast, on which is a heap of stones surrounded by a pillar; and Cader Forwyn. Under their summits is said to run Fford Helen, or Helen's Way; and about them grows the Rubus Chamomorus, cloud berry, or knot berry, used in tarts." -GOUGH'S Camden.

Plinlimon and Severn:-Mathraval, Pennant Melangle, and St. Monacella. "PLINLIMON, where it bounds Montgomeryshire, on that side pours forth the Severn. Immediately after its rise it forms so many meanders, that one would often think it was running back, though it is all the while advancing, or rather slowly wandering through this country."

Mathraval is upon the Warnway.

"In Pennant Melangle church was the tomb of St. Monacella who protecting a hare from the pursuit of Brocwell Yscythbrog, Prince of Powis, he gave her land to found a religious house, of which she became first Abbess. Her hard bed is shewn in the cleft of a neighbouring rock. Her tomb was in a little chapel, now the vestry, and her image is still to be seen in the churchyard; where is also that of Edward, eldest son of Owen Gwynedh, who was set aside from the succession on account of a broken nose, and flying here for safety, was slain not far off, at a place called Bwlch Croes Jorwerth. On his shield is inscribed Hic jacet Etward."" GOUGH'S Camden.

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