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entranhas huma labarede de fogo, nem mais nem menos, que a de fornalha dos engenhos de açuquar, quando mais a cesa & rigurosa: & da mesma maneira apareciaõ os fogos das outo, ou doze figuras humanas, posto que de estatura menor, que representavam moços de quinze annos de idade: estes hiam como bailando & fazendo festa, a figura maior em circuito. Huns diziam que devia de ser certas pessoas, de quem se dizia que morrerao em mao estado; outros que eram avizos de Deos, & outras cousas semelhantes. O certo hé que com estas figuras costuma o Senhor mostrarnos as penas do inferno, pera horror & freio de peccadores, quando as veem, ou em si, ou pintadas, quais estas logo andaram em painel pella terra, et foram mandados a Portugal, com espanto de lodos."-Vida do P. JOSEPH ANCHIETA. Lisboa, 1672.

[Effect of Exorcism.]

"NAM sei que tinha com esta praya o inimigo infernal; parece pretendia com seus rigores fazer difficultozo o caminho da romaria da Senhora. Por huma parte della caminhava Joseph outra noite, em companhia de alguns Romeiros, quando a des horas The aparece outra vizam tambem espantosa; huma figura de hum homem armado em fogos, metido em prisoens de cadeas, & grilhoens de fogo. A vista desta vizam horrenda, nam poderam sosterse em pe os companheiros de puro horror, & pegados as vestiduras de Joseph, gritavam que lhe acudisse; assi o fez o Padre, & dizendo certos exorcismos da santa Igreja, desaparecco a vizam & se meteo no mar."- Vida do ANCHIETA.

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"FORTUNES are expended in building choultries on the roads for the accommodation of travellers, who there find shelter from the injuries of the weather. The Hindoos esteem such actions as very pleasing to the gods. The choultries are of Gothic construction, and in the major part no wood is made use of. They commonly consist of one large apartment, which sometimes is divided into two, without either door or window, and entirely open to the south, with a vaulted gallery all around, close to the building, which is always near a wood. All choultries have a tank, and a small pagoda dedicated to Pollear, that the traveller may perform his prayers and ablutions before he pursues his journey. Hospitality extends so far in some of these choultries as to regale the traveller with congee, a liquor made of rice and water." -SONNERAT.


"A THING in the shape of a funnel, fastened to the thick end of a lance to defend the man's hand, thought to have been invented at Arundel in Sussex, and thence to have its name. It is also a sort of band


"THEIR persons are held so sacred that they cannot be punished with death for the commission of any crime whatever. If any bramin has merited death, his eyes are put out, but he is permitted to live. To kill a bramin is one of the five great and almost

irremissible sins; and the Vedams ordain that whoever is guilty of such a murder must perform a pilgrimage of twelve years, asking alms, and carrying the skull of the deceased, out of which he is obliged to eat and drink all that is given him. This time expired, he is to bestow large alms, and build a temple to the god of the murdered bramin's sect."-Ibid.

ders' bodies transparent, so penetrating was its splendour."-SEGREDOS da Natureza. One of those rascally quack books made up by modern ignorance from old impudence.

[Siberian Earth.]

"SOME of the Siberian tribes, when they travel, carry a small bag of their native earth, the taste of which, they suppose, will preserve them from all the evils of a foreign

[Martin Heemskerke's Marriage Apportion-sky."—GMELIN.


"MARTIN HEEMSKERKE, ainsi nommé à cause d'un village de Holande d'où il étoit, mourut à Haerlem 1574 âgé de soixanteseize ans.

Ayant beaucoup travaillé pen


dant qu'il vivoit, il mourut assez riche; et pour laisser quelque memoire de lui, il legua par son testament de quoi marier tous les ans une fille du village d'où il étoit. Mais ce fut à condition que le jour des nôces le marié et la mariée evec tous les conviez, iroient danser sur sa fosse. qui se pratiquoit si religieusement, à ce qu'on m'assûra, qu' encore que le changement de religion arrivé en ces pais-là, eût fait demolir et abbatre toutes les croix des cimetieres, les habitans neanmoins de Heemskerke n'ont jamais voulu permettre qu'on ôtât celle qui est sur la fosse de ce Peintre, laquelle est de cuivre, et leur sert comme d'un titre pour jouïr de la dot et de la donation faite à leurs filles."-Entretiens sur les Vies, &c. des Peintres, par FELI

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A USEFUL chapter might be written upon historical errors, or rather falsehoods.

The pillars, which Procopius mentions, of the Canaanites, fall under this head. They may be classed with the written columns of Shem and Jubal.

THERE might be a new Pilgrim's Progress written, allegorizing the journey of life. Knight-errantry would not be an unfit basis,—as thus the first stages might be passed as a child under protection of the Sage Phusis, who brings him safely by the perilous passes where Small-Pox, Measles, &c. are the custom, each of course allegorized. The ceremony of knighting might mark manhood. Then would be the fields

jedna ple d'ils of manhood, and the Marriage would be joining vagy go the journey.

A governors always popular, because people have hope in them as they have new physicians.

November 10, 1804.

I have this evening proposed to Longman to edite the works of Sir Philip Sidney, proposing to write a Life,' an Essay on the Arcadia, and another on his metres.

The first Essay should be upon what may be called the middle period of Romance. Biondi in Italy. Gombauld in France. Why these things succeeded to pure chivalry. The literary character of Elizabeth's reign.

In the second, a history of English metre.

Specimens of hexameters in French, Spanish, and Italian, and corresponding specimens of my own to every practical metre which Sir Philip has used.

WHAT can be made of Judaism in Portugal ?

Gabriel has brought up his son Henrique in the religion of his forefathers, but not his daughter Violante. The Confessor therefore, who is a good man, has no suspicion.

D. Duarte, son of an inquisitor, is in love with Violante. The father is an avaricious hard hearted man, and has set his eye upon Gabriel's possessions, knowing him to be a New Christian. He is also superstitious. Bring in the belief in the books which discover hidden treasures, and make him postpone the seizure of Gabriel, while Gabriel by his knowledge goes at midnight to secure

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"IN Epire is a fountain, intensely cold. Dip into it a torch and it will kindle it. Put in a kindled torch, and-wonderful—it will quench it."

"ABOUT two leagues from Koom we saw a round hill to the left, called in Turkish

Gedeen-gedmaze, which signifies that who

ever goes up never returns, which the Persians say was the fate of a page sent up by Schaah Abbas with a lighted torch in his hand. However this be, it is certainly no easy matter to ascend this place, because the whole hill consists of sand, which is shifted from place to place by the wind, and must soon tire whoever attempts to climb it."-BELL.

Traditions in Bretagne.

"JON GAUT Y TAN (John and his Fire) is a kind of dæmon, who in the night carries five lighted candles on his five fingers, and whirls them about with great rapidity. The repeated cry of the cuckoo indicates the year of marriage. They dip the shirts of children into certain wells; if the shirt sinks to the bottom, the child infallibly dies before the expiration of a year: if it swims, it is a sign that the child will live a long time, and the wet shirt is put on the poor creature to preserve it from every kind of evil. In one place a number of stories are told about a small black staff, which is changed into a black dog, an eagle, or a lion. In another, they believe that eagles, by the command of a genius, carry men up into the air. A sudden noise, three times repeated, foretells an impending misfortune.

The nocturnal howling of a dog is a certain foretoken of death. In the roaring of the distant main by night, and in the whistling of the wind, they hear the voice of drowned persons demanding a grave. Subterraneous treasures are guarded by giants, ghosts, and fairies. Some of these hobgoblins are called Teuss: the Teuss Arpouliet appears in the shape of a dog, a cow, or some other domestic animal, and performs all menial services. The blood freezes at hearing the dreadful tales about the Car of Death, Cariquel Ancou,2 which is covered with a winding sheet, and drawn by skeletons. The rumbling of its wheels is heard when a person is on the point of dying. Under the castle of Morlaix there are a number of little manikins, not above a foot high, who from time to time dry a large quantity of gold in the sun. Whoever modestly approaches them receives as much as he can hold in one hand: but he who comes with a sack to fill it with gold, is ill treated and sent away empty handed."— CAMBRAY'S Voyage dans le Finisterre. M. Mag. March, 1801.


[Moorish Lust.]

A. D. 744. "IN Carpetaniæ finibus, multæ Virgines moniales Benedictinæ, ne violarentur à Mauris, à Deo consecutæ sunt ut à terrâ absorberentur; quædamque campanula statutis diei horis, quâ vocante veniebant ad preces, auditur."-LUITPrand, p. 56.

ANOTHER Writer, Julianus in Adversariis, multiplies the wonder. "Frequentes in quibusdam Hispaniæ locis audiuntur subtus terram sonitus campanarum, ubi creduntur fuisse monasteria sacrarum Virginum, quæ ne venirent in salacium Maurorum manus, petierunt à terrâ sorberi, ut in jugis Car

1 See PELLOUTIER, Dictionnaire de la Langue Bretonne, in v. "Teüs."

Cf. Ibid. in vv. Carrighell, &c. Ancou.
J. W. W.

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true line of Milesians were crowned, but | l'Apparition des Esprits."-Gaffarel, Unotherwise it was silent."-O'HALLORAN. heard of Curiosities.

[Stone with Smell of a Corpse.]

IN Crediton church is one stone remarkable, because it has the smell of a corpse.

[The Virtue of Wickliffe's Dust.]

"I HAVE heard,” says FULLER, "that the brook near Lutterworth in Leicestershire, into which the ashes of the burnt bones of Wickliffe were cast, never since doth drowne the meadow about it. Papists expound this to be because God was well pleased with the sacrifice of the ashes of such an heretick. Protestants ascribe it rather to proceed from the virtue of the dust of such a reverend martyr."- Good Thoughts in Bad Times.

[Battle Stone-field.]

AKIN to this is a Spanish story. A great battle was fought between the Castros and the Laras. The field of battle was smooth and free from stones, but from that hour stones appeared; and it is now so rocky that no horseman can pass safely, nor man on foot without care and fear: there where the deaths were most numerous, the rocks are thickest.-Coronica del R. D. ALONSO, p. 341.

[Self-removal of the Executioner's Falchion.]

"WHAT shall we say to this prodigious thing, which the executioners of justice upon malefactors, whom we cannot name without horror, find to be true too often; namely, that when any such malefactor is to be delivered into their hands, the sword or faulchion, that they are wont to use in this business, removes itself, no man coming so much as near it: as it is at large discoursed of by Lavaterus in his book de Spectris, and Natalis Taillepied, in his treatise de

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