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gist and Horsa, being their leaders, acknowledged none other ensigns' but "pullum equinum atrum, quæ fuerunt vetustissima Saxoniæ arma;" not without a manifest allusion unto their name of Westphali, valen or phalen, or (as we in English have made it) foal, signifying a colt, and west, importing

those who dwelt on the west side of the river Visurgis or Weser; which arms their kindred that remained in Germany changed into contrary colours, and their posterity, which encreased in England forsook for other different arms upon their first reducing unto Christianity. For I find that "in bello apud Beorford in vexillo Æthelbaldi erat aureus draco," which is not unlikely to have been borrowed by imitation or challenged by conquest from the Britons."HEARNE'S Collection of Curious Discourses, from a paper by Mr. James Ley, on the antiquity of arms in England.

This dragon was used by Edward III., when was it laid aside?

Three Ranks of Poets.

"THERE were three kinds of poets, the one was Prududd, the other was Teuluror, the third was Klerwr. All these three kinds had three several matters to treat of. The

Prududd was to treat of lands, and praise of princes, nobles, and gentlemen, and had his circuit amongst them. And the Teuluror did treat of merry jests, and domestical pastimes and affairs, and had his circuit amongst the countrymen, and his reward according to his calling. And the Klerwr did treat of invective and rustical poetry, differing from the Prududd and Teuluror, and his circuit was amongst the yeomen of

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the country."-JONES in HEARNE'S Collection.


Royal Mode of Burial.

"WE must not forget the auncyent manand how they have ben honored and adorned. ner of the sepulture of kings in this realme, The corps preciously embalmed hath been apparelled in royal robes or estate, a crowne and diadeame of pure gould put uppon his head, having gloves on his hands, howlding a septer and ball, with rings on his fingers, a coller of gould and precious stones round his neck, and the body girt with a sword, with sandalles on his leggs, and with spurrs of gould. All his atchevements of honor and arms caryed up and offered, and theyre tombe adorned therewith."-SIR WILLIAM DETHICK, Garter, in HEARNE'S Collection.

Noble Mode of Burial.

"Ir doth appeare by the white booke in Guildhall, that before the tyme of K. Edward III. at the buriall of barons, one armed in the armour of the defunct, and mounted uppon a trapped horse, should carrye the banner, shield, and helmet of the defunct. About that tyme begane the use of Herses, composed all of wax candles,1 which they by a Latin name called Castra

Doloris."-LEY, in H.

By Sir W. Dethick's paper, the custom appears to have continued much later :— “In the tyme of King Henry VIII. and in the third year of his reigne, I find that the Lord William Courteny had his majestys gracious letters patents to be Earle of Devon; but he was not created. Neverthelesse the K. would that he should be enterred as an

"HERCE. Tigilla fibulata. Piéces de bois qui sont dans les Eglises où l'on pose des chandeliers ou des cierges, quand on y veut mettre beaucoup de luminaires." RICHELET in v. Du CANGE explains it by " Candelabrum Ecclesiasti cum ;" and "Castrum Doloris" by "Feretrum." I think that under the words "Herse" and "Hearse" there is some confusion in Todd's Johnson, Nares, and Richardson.-J. W. W.

earle, which was prepared in all sorts accustomed; and further, that Sir Edmund Carrewe, knt. was in compleat armor, and coming ryding into the church, alighted at the quier, and was conducted by two knights, having his axe in his hand, with the poynt downward, and the heralds going before him. In that sort he was delivered to the bishop, to whom he offered the axe, and then he was conveyed to the revestrie, &c."

A plague upon their &c.s, unless a man had Coke's talent at interpreting them.

Epitaphs on Richard I.

"To the glorie of K. Richard Cœur de Lion I have founde these:

Hic Richarde jaces, sed Mors si cederit armis,

Victa timore tui, cederet ipsa tuis.””

"ISTIUS in morte perimit formica Leonem. Pro dolor, in tanto funere mundus obit."

"AN English poet, imitatinge the epitaphe made on Pompey and his children, whose bodyes were buried in diverse countreys, made these following of the glory of this one kinge divided in three places by his


"Viscera Carceolum, corpus fons servat Ebraudi,

Et cor Rothomagum, magne Richarde tuum !

In tria dividitur unus qui plus fuit uno, Non uno jaceat gloria tanta loco." CAMDEN in H.

The annexed extract from SPEED will explain the several names.

"Commanding further that when he was dead his bowels should be buried at Charron, among the rebellious Poictonins, as those who had only deserved his worst parts; but his heart to be interred at Roan, as the city which for her constant loyalty had merited the same; and his corps in the church of the nunnerie at FontEverard in Gascoigne, at the feet of his father King Henry, to whom he had been some time disobedient."-Great Britaine, p. 529, folio. J. W. W.

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The weak and sick, to entertain the poor,
And give the dead a Christian funeral;
These were the works of piety he did prac-

And bade us imitate; not look for lovers
Or handsome images to please our senses."
B. JONSON: A Tale of a Tub.

Wales, from the Polycronicon. "ENGLYSHED by one Trevisa, vycarye of Barklye, from the Latin of dan Ranulph, monk of Chestre, symply emprynted newe, and sette in forme by me, Wynkin de Woorde."

"Wales now is called Wallia,
And somtyme it hete Cambria;
For Camber, Brutus sone,

Was prynce, and there dyde wone.
Then Wallia was to mene,
For Gwalaes the quene,
Kynge Ebrayens chylde,
Was wedded thyder mylde,
And of that lorde Gwalon,
Withdraweth of the sonn
And put to 1. i. a.

And thou shalt fynde Wallia,
And though this londe

Be moche lesse than Englonde,
As good glebe is one as other,
In the doughter as in the moder."

"Of the commodytees of the londe of Wales:

"Though that londe be luyte,
It is fulle of corne and of fruyte,
And hath grete plente, I wys,
Of fleshe and eke of fyshe,

Of beestes tame and wylde,

Of horse, sheep, and oxen mylde;

Good londe for all seedes,

For corn, gras, and herbes that spredes.

There ben woodes and medes,

Herbes and floures there spredes.

There ben ryvers and welles,
Valeyes and also hylles.
Valeyes brynge forth flood,
And hylles metals good.

Cool groweth under londe,
And gras above at the honde.
There lyme is copyous,
And slattes for hous.
Hony and mylke whyte,
There is deynte and not lyte.
Of braket mete and ale,
Is grete plente in that vale;
And all that nedeth to the lyve
That londe bryngeth forth ryve.
And close many in shorte sawe.
But of grete rychesse to be drawe,
It is a corner small,

As though God fyrst of all
Made that londe so fele,
To be selere of all hele.
Wales is deled by

A water that hete twy,

North Wales from the southe
Twy deled in places full couthe;
The south hete Demecia,

And the other Venedocia.

The fyrst shotheth and arowes beres;
That other deleth all with speres.
In Wales how it be,

Were somtyme courters thre.
At Carmarthyn was that one,
And that other was in Mone,
The thyrde was in Powysy.

In Pengwern that now is Shrowsbury1
There were bysshops seven,

And now ben foure even,

Under Saxons all at the honde
Somtyme under prynces of the londe."

"Of maner and rytes of the Walshmen:
"The maner lyvynge of the londe
Is well dyverse from Englond
In mete and dryke and clotynge
And many other doyng.
They be cloteth wonder well
In a sherte and in a mantell.
A crysp breche well fayne
Bothe in wynde and in rayne.

I See BLAKEWAY's History of Shrewsbury, vol. i. p. 5. He quotes Gir. Cambrensis, "Locus ubi nunc castrum Slopesburiæ situm est, olim Pengwern, i. e. caput alneti, vocabatur."-Cumbria Descriptio.-J. W. W.

In this clothynge they be bolde

Theron they spende daye and nyght;

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They goo fyght, pleye and lepe,
Stonde, sytte, lye and slepe.

Without surcot, gown, cote and kyrtell,
Without jopen, tabarde, clock or bel,
Without lace and chaplet that here lappes,
Without hode, hatte or cappes,
Thus arayd gon the segges
And alwaye with bare legges.
They kepe non other goynge
Though they mete with the kynge.
With arowes and short speres
They fyght with them that hem deres.
They fyght better yf they neden
Whan they go than whan they ryden.
In stede of castell and tour

They take wood and mareis for socour.
Whan they seen it is to doo
In fyghtynge they wole be a goo.
Gyldas sayth they ben varyable
In peas and not stable.
Yf men axe why it be
It is wonder for to see
Though men put out of londe
To put out other wolde fonde,
But all for nought at this stonde
For all many woodes ben at gronde.
And upon the see amonge
Ben castels buylded stronge.
The men maye dure longe vil ete (?)
And love well comune mete.
They can ete and ben murye
Without grete curye,
They ete brede colde and hote
Of barly and of ote;
Brode cakes rounde and thynne
As well semeth so grete kynne.
Selde they ete brede of whete,
And selde they done ones ete.
They have gruell to potage
And leke is kynde to companage,
Also butter mylke and chease
Ishape endlonge and corner wese,
Such messes they ete snell

And that maketh them drynke well.
Mete and ale that hath myght

Ever the reder is the wyne

They holde it the more fyne.

Whan they drynke at the ale
They telle many a lewde tale;
For whan drynke is an hondlynge
They ben full of janglyng:

At mete and after eke
Her solace is salte and leke.
The husbonde in his wyse
Telleth that a grete pryse
To gyve a caudron with grewelle
To them that sytten his mele
He deleth his mete at the mele
And gyveth every man his dele
And all the overpluse

He kepeth to his owne use.
Therfore they have woo
And mysshappes also,
They eten hote samon alway
All though physyke saye nay.

Her houses ben lowe with all
And made of gerdes small,
Not as in cytees nyghe

But fer esonder and not to hyghe.
Whan all is eaten at home

Then to theyr neyghbours wyll they rome
And ete what they may fynde and se
And then torne home aye.

They lyfe is ydell that they ledes
In brennynge slepynge and suche dedes.
Walshmen use with theyr myght

To weshe theyr gestes feet a nyght;
Yf he weshe theyr feet all and somme,
Then they knowe that they be welcome.

They lyve so easely in a route
That selde they bere purs about.
At theyr breche out and at home
They honge theyr money and combe,
It is wonder they be so hende

And hath a crak at the nether ende,
And without ony core

Make theyr wardroppe at the dore.
They have in grete maugery,

Harpe, tabour and pipe for mynstralcie.
They bere corps with sorowe grete
And blow lowde hornes of gheet.
They prayse fast troyan blode,
For therof came all theyr brode.

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