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land of Doubting, his father was the offspring of a pharisee, and lived in good fashion among his neighbours, and that he taught them to believe (and believe I do and will) that Mansoul shall never be saved freely by grace.


Then said the judge, Why, the law of the prince is plain; negatively, not of works :" 2. Positively, "By grace you are saved," Rom. iii. Eph. ii. And thy religion settleth in and upon the works of the flesh; for the works of the law are the works of the flesh. Besides, in saying, “ Thou hast done,” thou hast robbed God of his glory, and given it to a sinful man; thou hast robbed Christ of the necessity of his undertaking, and the sufficiency thereof, and hast given both these to the works of the flesh. Thou hast despised the work of the Holy Ghost, and hast magnified the will of the flesh, and of the legal mind. Thou art a Diabolonian, the son of a Diabolonian; and for thy diabolonian principles thou must die 16.

The prisoners are found guilty,

and sentenced

to death.

The court then having proceeded thus far with them, sent out the jury, who forthwith brought them in guilty of death. Then stood up the recorder, and addressed himself to the prisoners : You the prisoners at the bar, you have been here indicted, and proved guilty of high crimes against Immanuel our prince, and against the welfare of the famous town of Mansoul: crimes for which you must be put to death; and die ye accordingly.

16 To insist upon salvation by works is utterly to deny grace; for, as the apostle argues, Gal. ii. 21.: "If righteousness come by the law then Christ is dead in vain," and thus the grace of God is entirely frustrated.

So they were sentenced to the death of the cross the place assigned them for execution was that where Diabolus drew up his last army against Mansoul; save only that old Evil-questioning was hanged at the top of Bad-street, just over against his own door ".

The author does not mean that persons maintaining these opinions ought to be put to death; he designs only the death or destruction of those pernicious errors, which, even as the lusts of the flesh, must be mortified.


More Diabolonians tried and condemned. The Work concludes with an admirable Speech of Immanuel to the Inhabitants, in which he recites his gracious Acts, and informs them that he intends to rebuild the Town in a more glorious Manner, recommending, in the mean time, a suitable Conduct.

HEN the town of Mansoul had thus far rid

WH themselves of their enemies, and of the

troublers of their peace, in the next place a strict commandment was given out, that yet my Lord Will-be-will should, with Diligence

A commission granted to apprehend the

rest of the Diabolonians.



man, search for, and do his best to apprehend what town Diabolonians were yet left alive in Mansoul. names of several of them were, Mr. Fooling, Mr. Let-good-slip, Mr. Slavish-fear, Mr. No-love, Mr. Mistrust, Mr. Flesh, and Mr. Sloth. It was also commanded that he should apprehend Mr. Evil-questioning's children that he left behind. him, that they should demolish his house there ; Mr. Doubt was his eldest son; the next to him was Legal-life, Unbelief, Wrong-thoughts-ofChrist, Clip-promise, Carnal-sense, Live-by-feel, Self-love. All these he had by one wife, and her name was No-hope, she was the kinswoman of old Incredulity, for he was her uncle, and when her father, old Dark, was dead, he took her and brought her up, and when she was marriageable, he gave her to this old Evil-questioning to wife'

1 The names of these gentry will sufficiently shew the necessity of destroying them; they are all enemies to soul-prosperity.


Now the Lord Will-be-will put into execution his commission, with Great Diligence his man. He took Fooling in the streets, and hanged him in Want-wit-alley, over against his own house. This Fooling was he that would have had the town of Mansoul deliver up Captain Credence into the hands of Diabolus, provided that then he would have withdrawn his force out of the town: he also took Mr. Let-good-slip one day as he was busy in the market, and executed him according to law. Now there was an honest poor man in Mansoul, and his name was Mr. Meditation, one of no great account in the days of apostacy; but now of repute with the best of the town. This man therefore they were willing to prefer. Now Mr. Let-good-slip had a great deal of wealth heretofore in Mansoul, and at Immanuel's coming it was sequestered to the use of the prince; this therefore was now given to Mr. Meditation to improve for the common good, and after him to his son Mr. Think-well; this Think-well he had by Mrs. Pięty his wife, and she was the daughter of Mr. Recorder 2.

After this my lord apprehended Clip-promise; now because he was a notorious vilClip-promise


apprehended, lain (for by his doings much of the tried, and con- king's coin was abused,) therefore he was made a public example. He was arraigned, and adjudged to be first set in the pillory, and then to be whipped by all the children and servants in Mansoul, and then to be hanged till he was dead. Some may wonder at the seve

2 Great is the advantage of meditation-a practice, alas! in which Christians in general are too backward. And O how much is lost by letting the word slip, which ought to be laid up, and pondered in the heart. This is the way to become spiritually rich.

rity of this man's punishment, but they that are honest traders in Mansoul, are sensible of the great abuse that one clipper of promises in little time may do to the town of Mansoul. And truly my judgment is, that all those of his name and life should be served even as he 3.

He also apprehended Carnal-sense, and put him in hold; but how it came about I canCarnal-sense. not tell, but he broke prison and made his escape. Yea, and the bold villain will not yet quit the town, but lurks in the diabolonian dens a-days, and haunts like a ghost honest men's houses a-nights. Wherefore there was a proclamation set up in the market-place in Mansoul, signifying, that whosoever could discover Carnalsense, and apprehend him and slay him, should be admitted daily to the prince's table, and should be made keeper of the treasure of Mansoul. Many therefore bent themselves to do this thing; but take him and slay him they could not, though he was often discovered. But my lord took Mr. Wrong-thoughts-of-Christ, and put him in prison, and he died of a lingering consumption *. Self-love was also taken and committed to custody, but there were many that were allied to him in Mansoul, so his judgment was deferred; but at last Mr. Self-denial stood up and said, If such villains as these may be winked at in

Self-love taken into custody, and executed by Mr. Selfdenial.

3 To curtail or diminish the precious promises, which are as valuable to a spiritual life as the sterling coin of the kingdom to commerce, is highly criminal.

4 Carnality, seated in the corporal senses, is a bitter enemy, and very difficult to be detected and destroyed. The holiest believer may say, with St. Paul, "I am (comparatively) carnal. But wrong thoughts of Christ," which are also singu larly injurious, will gradually decline in the heart of a true believer.

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