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perspicuidad; por lo qual esperamos que darán un mérito particular á nuestra obra.

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Los que, habiendo pasado el curso de Lengua Inglesa que hemos pesentado, y que consideramos suficiente para quanto puede ofrecerse A vida social, deseen exceder y competir en el conocimiento del Ingl. aun con los naturales mas intruidos, deberán estudiar las gracias de's lo y los mejores modelos de composicion. A estos les aconseges lean las mejores comedias Inglesas, así en prosa como en verso; las novelas que se consideran como modelos en su clase; á Addison, Johnson, Robertson, Hume, Gibbon, Burke; los varios autores Británicos de Ensayos; las ediciones de poetas Ingleses publicadas por Bell ó Anderson, &c.; y con el estudio de estas obras adquirirán dentro de muy poco tiempo la pureza del estilo, libre enteramente de hispa


Quando se haya conseguido esta perfeccion, podrá el estudiante traducir, en Ingles, algunas de las piezas mas interesantes del Lector Español. Y con esto tenemos la satisfaccion de haber demostrado, que, aun aquella parte del tomo segundo que parece destinada á los Ingleses ó Americanos solamente, es tambien muy esencial á los Españoles, que desean adquirir un conocimiento perfecto de la Lengua Inglesa.

Para concluir mejor esta introduccion, permítasenos valernos de las mismas palabras del sabio inventor del método de la Naturaleza.— "Habiendo, segun creo, satisfecho completamente al Lector acerca de este modo de instruccion, y no pudiendo resistir por mas tiempo la poderosa voz de la razon y de la experiencia, me atrevo á decir, que este es el mas sencillo, expedito, filosófico, é infalible método que puede usarse; y para evitar que se me acuse de preocupacion á su favor, confieso ingenuamente que este método no es mio, sino de la NATURALEZA, acomodado á la capacidad de todas las personas que pueden hablar y leer su lengua materna. Yo no tengo mas mérito que el de haberle descubierto, cosa que otros pudieran haber hecho, y el de haberle aplicado á la enseñanza de una lengua en particular; mostrando al mismo tiempo que es aplicable á todas en general."

El aprender el Ingles dentro del mas corto tiempo que puede imaginarse, no es la única ventaja que se saca del método de la naturaleza. Este facilita tambien la adquisicion de qualquiera otra lengua, estableciendo un modo universal, y renueva frequentemente la memoria, exer

citando, de un modo muy sencillo y sutil, esta noble potencia del alma al mismo tiempo que el entendimiento se cultiva y fortalece con un método fundado en la analogía y analisis, nuestras mas infalibles y seguras guias en el arte de pensar. La experiencia ha probado completamente que los que han aprendido el Ingles por el nuevo método, han conseguido mucha facilidad para sus otros estudios.


Take Nature's path, and mad Opinion's leave.


THIS work is (as its title shows) an application to the Spanish and English languages, of the method of Nature in teaching language to man. This admirable process was discovered by Mr. N. G. Dufief, of the city of Philadelphia, and adapted by him to the French. The first edition appeared in the latter end of 1804. The fate of the work was singular in this particular, that it succeeded almost at once, notwithstanding the novelty of the doctrines it inculcates, and their complete contrast or opposition to those that had, for so many centuries, been in possession of directing the mind in the study of language, and notwithstanding the general combination of professors and teachers, who (with a few solitary exceptions) strenuously opposed its introduction into the schools*. It was to public opinion, that determined

*It was not because the greatest number of those gentlemen doubted the soundness of the new doctrine that they were so averse to it. It was owing chiefly to the fear that the rapidity of the progress of the pupil would in a short time give a mortal blow to their existence as professional men, by thinning their schools, or that the facility afforded to the pupil of learning speedily a language by himself, without wanting the master but for a few lessons of pronunciation (as Mr. Dufjef's Universal and Pronouncing Dictionary, which enables any Englishman or American to learn the true pronunciation of every French word, and vice versa every Frenchman to learn the English pronunciation, was not then published).

Experience soon proved that those fears were ill-grounded, as the very reverse happened, that is, the number of persons wishing to learn French greatly increased, while teachers who had adopted Nature's process thought themselves intitled to an additional salary, which the gratitude and liberality of the pupil readily granted. These circumstances could not fail to induce the great

early in favour of a method grounded in self-evident principles, that so complete a triumph is to be ascribed.

We refer the curious, and learners who may have availed ther selves of this work, in order to speedily learn the Spanish language, t read with due attention the Preliminary Discourse of the second edition, and the Introduction to the third edition* of Mr. Dufief's "Nature Displayed;" they will see by what simple means, nature produces great effects, and become sensible to what degree the powerful influence of methods, which are the pinions of the mind, may be carried.

Without further preamble, we therefore proceed to the analysis of the work, and to explain the manner of using it, which we submit to our readers, especially to such as are willing to abide by the standard of experience, or, in other words, to give it a fair trial before they condemn it.

The work is comprised in two volumes: the first, which is practical, is by far the more important to the learner, since it enables him to acquire a competent knowledge of the phraseology of the Spanish language.

It contains three vocabularies, collections of conversation and idiomatical phrases, a selection of the most popular Spanish proverbs, which we have endeavoured to render into English by corresponding ones, a Gramática Inglesa, compiled from the best authorities, and an English Reader.

mass of instructors to adopt a method, which instead of being hostile to their interests was friendly to them. The only men who remained servilely attached to the old routine were such as had written paltry grammars, made out of the shreds of other grammars, as is customary, and of course felt a paternal love for their bantling, or such as gave way to that indolence of mind, which prevents the investigation of things, even with people who are interested in them, owing to the labour of attention it requires; a cirumstance which completely disqualifies them from availing themselves of any improvements even on the very science they profess to teach.

* We have followed this edition owing to its numerous advantages over the two first, and only introduced such changes as the difference of genius bctween the Spanish and English languages imposed upon us, without the least deviation, however, from the original method: a circumstance that proves that it is unquestionably applicable to all languages.

The first vocabulary is that of the names of objects which most frequently occur in conversation: the gender has been carefully affixed to each of them. To every word is adapted a familiar phrase, such > is often used with the word. This familiar phrase renders the fundamental words in each vocabulary more striking: in the same manner as an elegant frame renders the picture it contains more conspicuous. Some verbs, with appropriate phrases, following particular nouns, are designed to describe the actions which those very nouns might naturally bring to the mind on being pronounced, and, on that account, they become a valuable addition to the vocabulary.

In the distribution of this vocabulary, the terms have not been classed in an arbitrary manner; but, on the contrary, the order pointed out by that of our wants in society has been followed as near as possible. The adjectives have been so disposed as to enable the scholar easily and promptly to acquire as perfect a knowledge of the gender of the Spanish adjectives as a Spaniard himself can possess.

The second vocabulary comprises the various kinds of numbers, the principal adjectives, and a sufficient collection of abstract nouns. The numbers are placed at the head of this vocabulary; because, as the ideas relative to numeration so frequently occur to the human understanding, their signs should be known as early as possible.

The third vocabulary is a series of very important words, which are the words forming the link or completion of sense between the other parts of speech, and are known in grammar by the denomination of Articles, Pronouns, Prepositions, Adverbs, Conjunctions, and Interjections. These terms are so essential to the conveyance of our ideas, that we can scarcely utter a single sentence without introducing some of them.

To be more fully convinced of their frequent occurrence, extract them, with the auxiliary verbs to have and to be, from any printed or written page, and little more than two fifths of it will remain behind.

This circumstance will more clearly demonstrate the expedience of furnishing the memory with a supply of those essential words, than all the arguments that can be made use of to point it out.

The collections of Conversation, Idiomatical Phrases, and of the most popular Spanish Proverbs follow next. In order to obtain this interesting part, numerous and appropriate books were laid under con tribution. Many of the phrases wanting to complete the collection were supplied from memory.


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