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then, remember, that this is nothing-this is not a unitinch towards measuring the diameter of the Earth's orbit, and that Earth and orbit both are invisible and undreamed of from the Pole Star or Sirius, which is the apex of a reach of space that we can write in figures, but which we could not have counted off yet, if we had begun six thousand years ago, and given each second to a mile!

14. Or what if we could turn from delight at seeing a water-fall of fifteen hundred feet, which looks like the tail of a comet, and could get a sensuous impression of the actual trail of that light upon the sky, a cataract of luminous spray, steady and true, a hundred and twenty millions of miles in extent-more than the distance between us and the sun! And yet this is but one spot upon the dark immensity!

marvels, wonders.

fis'sure, chasm.

sheer, perpendicular.


"Egyptian walls," massive, huge walls.

stu pen'dous, astonishing; amazing.


min'ster, the church of a monas-
tery; or a cathedral church.
ex cres'cence, outgrowth.
lu'min ous, light-giving.

im pal'pa ble, fine; not capable of
being perceived by the touch.

REFERENCE. Find out something about Mount Sinai and Mount Horeb; the Himalayas; the Andes. Turn to your geographies and find their situation, and that of the Merced River.

[blocks in formation]



I. Stand when you read, and hold your book in the left hand, high enough to bring the head erect.

II. Read clearly and distinctly, and loud enough to be heard by every member of the class.

III. Form the habit of taking frequent partial inhalations, at rhetorical and grammatical pauses, in order to keep the lungs well filled with air.

IV. Think about the meaning of what you read, and enter into the spirit of it. Be in earnest, and do your best.

V. When you are reading over an advance lesson, refer to the dictionary for the definition of any word you do not fully understand.

VI. If you are uncertain about the pronunciation of any word, refer to the dictionary.

VII. After the class drill at school, read the lesson aloud at home, by yourself, or to your parents. You can become a good reader only by long-continued practice.

VIII. Listen attentively to the reading of your teacher, and of the best scholars in your class.

IX. Train yourself to the habit of occasionally raising your eyes from the book for the purpose of looking at the class, or teacher, to whom you are reading.


I. It is essential that pupils should understand what they read; but, in addition to comprehending the meaning, it is desirable that they should acquire the art of appropriate expression. Hence the importance of thorough drill on the succeeding lessons in vocal training.

II. Teachers in charge of the large classes in graded schools will find it necessary to have most drill exercises in concert; those who are teaching small classes in ungraded schools, can find more time for training pupils individually.

III. Insist upon it that pupils shall acquire the habit of raising their eyes from the book toward the end of each sentence, and looking at the teacher, or the class.

IV. The Memory Exercises are of essential importance. If you cannot find time to hear pupils recite or declaim individually, let the class recite or declaim in concert.


Concert drill in articulation, phonic spelling, and concert reading should sometimes be preceded by short exercises in breathing. The length of time in inhaling, or exhaling, may be regulated by the rise and fall of the teacher's hand.

I. Inhale slowly through the nearly closed lips, and exhale through the nostrils. Time, five seconds in inhaling, and the same in exhaling. Repeat five times. In inhaling, fill the lower part of the lungs, and do not elevate the shoulders.

II. The same exercise as above, prolonging the time to ten seconds.

III. Inhale; exhale slowly, giving the sound of long e; then of the Italian a; then of long oo.

IV. Inhale; exhale, giving the sound of long o, prolonged for five seconds; then ten seconds; then as long as possible.

V. Inhale; repeat, until the breath is exhausted, the long vowels: a, e, i, o, u.

VI. Inhale; count from one to ten with one breath; then from one to twenty; then from one to thirty, etc. VII. The same exercise, counting in a soft whisper. VIII. Inhale; throw the breath out suddenly with the explosive sound-hä; repeat five times; ten times.

[blocks in formation]

1. Elocution is the art of vocal delivery. It is the art of giving correct, elegant, and impressive oral expression to thought and sentiment. Elocution is a fine art, like music and painting. Its object, like that of the other fine arts, is to express the beautiful and touch the heart. Skill in elocution should therefore be prized as a valuable accomplishment. The recitation of some beautiful poem, or the reading of a choice selection, can be made as attractive in society as singing, or as playing the piano.

2. Elocution is also a useful as well as a beautiful art. A well-trained voice and an impressive expression give influence and success. The manner of saying things often makes a deeper impression than the thing that is said. We render ourselves agreeable in social life, and increase our power, by an attractive and pleasing manner of expression. Even business success depends largely upon a person's address; and eminence in public life is to a great degree the result of a clear and forcible expression of thought.

3. Elocution can be taught as well as the arts of music and painting. A thorough course in vocal culture and the art of expression will do as much for the reader as a course of training does for the singer. The human voice, in the hands of a master, may be made to attain a wondrous strength and richness of tone; and the art of artistic and elegant expression may be taught and acquired. Natural talent and genius tell here, as they do in the other arts; but nearly all the high attainments in delivery are the result of natural powers carefully and sedulously trained. The cultivation of this delightful and beautiful art of reading should, therefore, be recognized as a part of a liberal education.

BROOK'S Elocution and Reading.


Require pupils to memorize this poem for recitation.

1. I live for those who love me,
Whose hearts are kind and true,
For the Heaven that smiles above me,
And awaits my spirit too;

For the human ties that bind me,
For the task by God assigned me,
For the bright hopes left behind me,
And the good that I can do.

2. I live to learn their story,
Who suffered for my sake,
To emulate their glory,

And follow in their wake;
Bards, poets, martyrs, sages,
The noble of all ages,

Whose deeds crown history's pages

And Time's great volume make.

3. I live to hold communion
With all that is divine;

To know there is a union
"Twixt Nature's God and mine;
To grow wiser from conviction,
To profit by affliction,

Reap truths from fields of fiction,
And fulfill each bright design.

4. I live to hail that season,
By gifted minds foretold,

When men shall live by reason,
And not alone by gold;

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