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Gen'oa, p. n., a fortified city in the N.W. of Italy. Pop. 120,000. Famous for its velvets, silks, &c., and also for the beauty of its buildings and situation. geol'ogy, n. (G. ge, the earth; logos, discourse), the science of the stony structure of the earth.

gla'cis, n., a smooth slope (L. glacies, ice).

gladiatorial, a. (L. gladius, the sword), relating to gladiators, who were men set to fight for the public amusement, among the Romans. They were at first criminals or prisoners of war. The first gladiatorial shows at Rome took place B.C. 263. At Constantinople they were suppressed by Constantine, in 325; and at Rome, Theodoric put an end to them in A.D. 500. grotesque', a. (F.), ornamented fancifully after the manner of a grotto, extravagant, ludicrous.

Haarlem, p. n., a town in Holland, 12 miles from Amsterdam. Pop. 30,000. Formerly fortified.

hal'berd, n. (O. Ger. halm, a pole, and barte, an axe), a spear with an axe at one side, on a long shaft.

halberdier, n., a soldier armed with a


ham'mock, n. (from Hamaca, an American

Indian word for "net"), a netting or other support slung up as a bed. Hamp'stead, p. n., a district on the northwest of London.

har binger, n., one who goes before, to provide harbour; a forerunner. haulm (A. S.), the stalk of plants, grain, &c.

hemi'sphere, n. (G. hemi, half; sphaira, a sphere), half a sphere, or globe. Hen'don, p. n., a parish in Middlesex, 9 miles from London.

hered'itary, a. (L. heres, heredis, an heir), descending by inheritance. hieroglyph'ic, n. (G. hieros, sacred; glypho, to carve; lit. sacred writing), the picture writing of the ancient Egyptians, which was used by the priests, and hence was sacred.

histrion'ic, a. (L. histrio, an actor), relating to the stage or to actors. homogeneous, a. (G. homos, the same; genos, kind), of one kind.

hussar, n., orig. a Hungarian cavalry soldier; a light-cavalry soldier. From Hun. huszar, twenty, because every twentieth family in Hungary had, at one time, to furnish a cavalry soldier. hy'drogen, n. (G. hydōr, water; gennao,

to produce), a gas which, with oxygen, produces water.

hymene'al, a. (G. Hymen, the god of marriage), relating to marriage. hyperbol'ical, a. (G. hyper, beyond; ballo.

to throw), stated in words which go beyond the truth, exaggerated, overstated.

ident'ical, a. (L. idem), the same. idiomatic, a., belonging to the idioms or peculiarities of a language (from G. idios, one's own).

i'dol, n. (G. eidolon, from idein, to see), that which is seen; an image of the invisible, or the absent; hence, a loved object, an image which is worshipped.

i'dyll, n. (G. eidyllion, lit. a little image), a short poem in which is an image of pastoral life; a narrative poem. illiterate, a. (L. in, literatus, not lettered), ignorant.

imper'ative, a. (L. impero, to command), authoritative, obligatory.

impera'tor, n. (L.), commander, emperor. impetuous, a. (L. impetus, force), violent. impetuos'ity, n. (L. impetus), vehemence, fury.

impoverish, v. (L. in, and pauper, poor), to make poor.

impreca'tion, n. (L. imprecor), to pray for evil on any one.

incanta'tion, n. (L. incantaro, to sing a magical formula over), the act of enchanting, or working upon by spells


incapability, n. (L. in, capabilis, want of power), inability to lay hold of.

incip'ient, a. (L. incipio, to begin), beginning. inconceiv'able, a. (L. in, not; concipio, to comprehend; through F. concevoir), beyond imagining.

incon'gruous, a. (L. in, congruo, to agree), inconsistent, ill-matched, unsuitable. inconsistent, a. (L. in, and consisto, to stand together), contradictory. indefin'able, a. (L. in, de, finis, a bound), vague, incapable of being expressed exactly; having no bounds that can be ascertained.

indica'tion, n. (L. indico, to point out), a pointing out, a sign. in'digence, n., poverty.

ineffable, a. (L. in, and effabilis, that may be spoken), unspeakable. inextin'guishable, n. (L. in, not; extinguo, to quench), unquenchable. infanticide, a. (L. infans, a child who cannot speak; cædo, to kill), the murder of infants.

injunc'tion, n. (L. in and jungo, to join), the act of enjoining; precept, order. inquisitive, a. (L. inquiro, to seek inte), prying, curious.

installation, n. (in, and O. Ger. stallan, to stand), the placing in a stall or office, order, the investing.

intel'ligible, a. L. intelligo, to choose between), that may be understood. intel'ligibility, n. (L. intelligo, to choose between), ability to be understood. intervene', v. (L. intervenio), to come between.

interven'tion, n. (L. intervenio, to come between), a coming between, an interposing.

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invincibility, n. (L. in, not; vinco, to conquer), unconquerableness.

Ionic capital, the head of an Ionic pillar; the Ionic order in architecture is known by the ram's horn-like ornament of its capital.

Irrawad'dy, p. n., a river of Asia, which traverses the entire length of Burmah. Length, about 1,200 miles. irrigation, n. (L. irrigo, to water), to water fields by artificial means. irrup'tion, n. (L. irrumpo, to break out), a breaking into, an invasion.

jon'gleur, n. (Fr.), a jester; our juggler comes from this word. jurisprudence, n. (L. jurisprudentia), the science and practice of the law.

la'pis laz'uli, p. n., an azure blue precious stone.

la'va, n. (from root to lave), the melted rock poured from a volcano. le'gend, n. (L. lego, to read), unreliable stories respecting the great persons or events of the past. Lives of saints, &c., were read at prayers in monasteries, and hence were called legenda, "things to be read," whence the word. ley, n., a lea or meadow.

linguistic, a. (L. lingua, a tongue), relating to languages.

mag'nate, n. (L. magnus, great), a great person.

magnif'icence, n. (L. magnus, great; and facio, to do), grandeur of display. maize, n., a West Indian word; Indian


mausoleum, n. (L. orig. the tomb of Mausolus, king of Caria, in Asia Minor, who died B.C. 353. It was built by his wife, Artemisia, and was one of the wonders of the ancient world. The remains of it, including the statue of Mausolus, are now in the British Museum.) Any fine tomb.

mech'lin, p. n., a kind of lace, named from the Flemish town of Mechlin or Malines, in which it was first made. media'val, a. (L. medius, middle; aevum, age), belonging to the Middle Ages. melodrame', n. (G. melos, a song; and drama, a drama), interspersed with

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mimetic, n. (G. mimos, a mimic), imitative. Min'nesing'er, n. (Ger. minne, love, and singer), one of the old German minstrel poets who sang of love and beauty. mint, n. (A. S.), the place where money is coined.

misapprehen'sion, n. (E. miss; and L. ad and prehendo), a failure to lay hold of or understand.

misrepresenta'tion, n. (E. miss; and L. re-præsens), a wilful or undesigned error in description or statement, the presenting a matter falsely.

modifica'tion, n. (L. modus, a measure; and facio, to make), a change of mode or manner, a moderating.

mon'astery, n. (G. monos, alone), a house for monks, who are men pledged to live alone, and devote themselves to religion.

mon'grel, a. (A. S. mangan, to mix), of a mixed breed.

mon'ogram, n. (G. monos, single; gramma,

a letter), a single character made up of several interwoven. monotonous, a. (G. monos, alone; tonos, a note), uttered in one tone. mule-frame (G. mühl, a mill), the frame of a machine used for spinning cotton.

Nep'tune, p. n., the god of the Mediter

ranean Sea among the Greeks and Romans. His Greek name was Poseidon. Used for the god of the ocean generally.

Nice, p. n., a city, formerly Sardinian, but ceded to France in 1859. Pop. 40,000. On the Mediterranean. nymph, n. (G. nymphe, lit. a bride, a maiden), a fabled female being inhabiting the earth and the waters.

ob'sequies, n. pl. (L. ob and sequor, to follow), funeral rites (which follow after death).

ob'verse, n. (L. ob, towards; verto, to turn), the side turned towards one; the side of a coin bearing the principal figure.

octant, n. (L. octo). The eighth part of a circle.

organization, n. (G. organon,: from ergo, to

work or do), the structure by which any thing works; arrangement. orgies, n. pl. (G. orge, fury), drunken revels; secret unholy rites, such as were used in the worship of some ancient gods.

o'rison, n. (Fr. oraison; L. orior, to pray), prayer. ostenta'tiousness, n. (L. ostendo, to show), vain display, boastfulness.

par'tiality, n. (L. pars, a part, partialis), inclined to one part or person rather than to another.

pa'ternos'ter, n. (L. our father), the Lord's prayer; the chaplet or string of beads

which Roman Catholics wear, to aid them in counting their repetitions of that prayer. pathetically, ad. (G. pathos, pain), suffering; so as to touch the feelings. pa'triarch, n. (G. pater, a father; archos, the chief), the chief father; head of a family or of a communion; an old person.

pau'city, n. (L. paucus, few), fewness. peculiarity, n. (L. peculium, peculiaris, belonging to one's self), private property; a distinguishing characteristic. Peculium comes from an obsolete Latin word, pecu, cattle, and points to a time when cattle were the chief form of property.

pedant'ic, a., like a pedant, who is one vain in the display of his knowledge. From G. pædagogus, a teacher; orig. one who led a child to school.

ped'igree, n. (perh. from F. par degrés), a table of descent which marks the degrees, or successive steps.

penin'sula, n. (L. pæne, almost; insula, an island), land almost surrounded by water.

pen'sioner, n., one who receives a pension,

or payment. Pension comes from L. pensio, to pay, to weigh out. perpendicular, a. (L. perpendiculum, a plumb line), exactly up and down by the plumb line.

per'quisite, n. (L. per and quæro, to ask after), a special fee or allowance; a right; lit. any thing sought after earnestly.

phenom'enon, n. (G. phaino, to appear), a natural appearance.

philologist, n. (G. philos, love of; logos, a word), a student of words or languages. Philome'la, p. n., Latin name of the nightingale, from Philomela, an Athenian princess, who was fabled to have been changed into a nightingale. philosoph'ical, a. (G. philos, loving; sophia, wisdom), according to philosophy; rational; scientific.

phrenologʻical, a. relating to phrenology,

which comes from G. phren, the mind, and logos, science; the science of the functions of the different parts of the brain.

physiognomy, n. (G. physis, nature; gnonai, to know), the science which teaches the character from the features; the features themselves.

physique', n. (Fr.), the bodily form and constitution.

Pi'sa, p. n., an Italian city, 12 miles from Leghorn. Pop. 26,000. The birthplace of Galileo. Plantagenets, p. n., pl., an English dynasty. Including Henry II. to Richard III., 1154-1485, 331 years. point'er, n., a dog which points out game. political, a. (G. polis, a city), belonging to the State.

polygamy, n. (G. polys, many; gamos, marriage), the being married to more than one wife at a time.

porphyry, n. (G. porphyra, purple), a very hard volcanic rock or lava. It got its name because the variety in favour in antiquity was the red porphyry of Egypt.

preca'rious, a. (L. precor, to pray); lit. to be obtained only by prayer, doubtful. predecessor, n. (L. pre, de, and cedo, cessum), one who has preceded or gone before another in any office, but has now left it.

pre-em'inence, n. eminence beyond that of others.

pre'fect, n. (L. pre and facio, one set before others), head magistrate of a district.

prel'ate, n. (L. prefero, prelatum, to place before); lit. one placed over or before another, a bishop.

prematurely, ad. (L. pre and maturus, ripe), ripe before its time.

premon'itory, a. (L. pre, before; moneo, to warn), warning beforehand. prepon'derate, v. (L. pre and pondus,' weight), to outweigh, to exceed. preternatural, a. (L. præter, beyond and natural), what is beyond the natural. Prima Donna (Ital.) The first lady singer in an opera.

prim'al, a. (L. primus), first.

pris'matic, a. (G. prisma), caused by a prism, or relating to a prism, which is a triangular piece of glass, like the crystal drops of a chandelier. procon'sul, n. (L.), a Roman officer who acted for the Consul; a Roman gover


Puck, p. n., a noted fairy; from the Icelandic name for the evil spirit. punctil'ious, a. (L. punctum, a point), attending to small points; very exact. pur'suivant, n. (Fr.), a State messenger; an attendant on a herald.

putrefac'tion, n. (L. putridus, rotten; facio, to make), rottenness, corruption. pyramid, n. (G. pyramis, perhaps from pyr, fire, because of its rising in a pointed form), a square figure which narrows to a point at the top. Pyrenees, p. n., pl., a mountain range dividing France from Spain. About 250 miles long, by 50 or 60 broad. Their highest peaks range from 8,000 to 11,000 feet above the sea level.

quadrille', n., a dance made up of four couples.

quib'ble, n. (L. quid libet, what you please), an evasion, a play on words; a making words mean what you please.

recognition, n. (L. recognosco, to know again); the knowing again. reconcilia'tion, n. (L. re and concilio; lit. to call together), the being reconciled or brought together again in harmony.

reconstruc'tion, n., rebuilding. rec'reant, a. (L. re, back from, credo, to believe); lit. having gone back from one's belief, false, treacherous, cowardly.

recurrent, a. (L. recurro, to run back, to repeat itself), repeating itself at intervals. refract', v. (re, back, and frango, to break),

to send back rays of light at an angle.

refulgent, a. (L. re, fulgens, shining),

casting back a shining light; brilliant. reminiscence, n. (L. reminiscor, to remember), a recollection; remembrance of. ren'egade, n. (L. re, back, or again; and nego, to deny), one who denies his faith or party; a deserter; an apostate.

reprehen'sion, n. (L. re, prehendo, to lay hold of), blame; the laying hold of by blame, or rebuke.

representative, a. (L. re, presento, to place before), one who represents, or stands in the place of, another.

'repul'sion, n. (L. repello, repulsum, to drive back), the act of driving back or away.

res'ervoir, n. (Fr.), a reserve store of water,

resplen'dent, a. (L. re intens., splendeo, to shine), shining very brightly. responsibility, n. (L. re, and spondeo, to promise), accountability, liability. retrib'utory, a. (L. re, again, tribuo, to give), punishing or rewarding again for acts done.

reverb'erate, v. (L. re and verbero, to beat), to beat or send back sound, light, heat, &c.

rudimentary, a. (L. rudis, rough), elementary, simple.

Sal'adin, p. n., Sultan of Egypt and Syria. He was born in 1137, and died in 1192, at Damascus. He was victorious over the Crusaders, and took Jerusalem from them. Richard Cœur de Lion afterwards took Acre and other towns from Saladin. A man of a very noble nature. sa'lient, n. (L. saliens, leaping), prominent, projecting.

Samaritan, p. n., the people of the city of Samaría, in Palestine. After the captivity of Israel, Jews and other nations united to repeople the city. Having been refused permission to take part in rebuilding the temple at Jerusalem, after the return of Judah from Babylon, they became the bitter enemies of the Jews as a race. This hatred was as bitterly returned. sanctuary, n. (L. sanctus, sacred), a sacred place.

san'guinary, a. (L. sanguis, blood), bloody. san'itary, a. (L. sanitas, health), relating to health.

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sarcophagus, n. (G. sarx, sarkos, flesh, and phago, to eat; orig. a coffin made of a kind of limestone which was thought to consume the flesh of the dead), any stone coffin. saturnine, a., gloomy, heavy, unexcitable; the temperament said by astrologers to mark those born under the planet Saturn.

scep'ticism, n. (G. skeptomai, to consider, to look into), the condition of doubting. scoria'ceous, a. (G. scoria, ashes), of an ashy nature; applied to the ashes cast out from a volcano.

scrupulous, a. (L. scrupulus, from scrupus, anxiety), fearful, nice, precise. scrupulously, ad., with hesitation and caution; with conscientious exactness. scrutiny, n. (L. scrutor, to search even to the rags), a search even to the rags; minute inquiry.

semi'-diameter, n., half the measure


sempst'ress, n., a woman who sews; from


sens'uous, a. (L. sensus, a sense), coming specially within the sphere of the senses, or passions.

sin'ister, a. (L.), lit. left, and hence of evil omen; any thing appearing on the left side of a person being, in the opinion of the Romans, a presage of misfortune; unlucky, evil.

slashed, a., slit, so as to show other fabric below; an old fashion. sono'rous, a. (L. sonorus, clear, loud), sounding.

spasmodic, a., acting in spasms; fitful, irregular, violent.

spec'ialise, v. (L. species, a kind), to mention particularly, to single out. spec'ulum, n. (L.), a mirror. Spez'zia, p. n., a town of the former Sardinian States; 40 miles from Genoa. Shelley was drowned in the neighbouring bay, which takes its name from the district and town. sprightly, a., spirit, or sprite like. stam'ina, n. (Latin word, pl.), strength. stri'ated, a. (L. stria, a streak), marked with thin lines or streaks. sub'lunary, a. (L. sub, under, luna, the moon), earthly, belonging to what is under the moon.

subordinate, a. (L. sub, under, ordo, ordinis, an order, a rank), inferior in rank, &c.

subterra'nean, a. (L. sub, under, terra, the earth), under ground.

superficial, a. (L. super, over, facies, the face), only on the surface, shallow. sym'phony, n. (G. syn, together, phone, a sound), a concord, or sounding harmoniously together.

synonymous, a. (G. syn, with, onoma, a name), meaning the same; some thing named together with another thing, as being of the same kind.

taciturn'ity, n. (L. taciturnus, silent), habitual reserve or silence. tap'estry, n. (G. tapes, a carpet), hangings of silk or wool, with carpet-like figures, &c., worked on it.

tena'cious, a. (L. teneo, to hold), holding fast, stubborn.

Ten'eriffe, Peak of, p. n., a mountain in the island of the same name in the Canary group, off Western Africa. It is an old volcano; over 12,000 feet high. terrestrial, a. (L. terrestris), of the earth. the'orist, n. (G. theoreo, to look at, to

think of), one who frames theories or views respecting matters.

thermometer, n. (G. therme, heat, metron, a measure), an instrument for measuring heat.

Ti'tan, p. n., one of a race of fabled giants in the Greek mythology, sons of Heaven and Earth, who made war against the gods.

to'paz, n. (G. topazos), a precious stone, commonly of a brilliant yellow.

trachytic (G. trachys, rough), belonging

to the volcanic rock called Trachyte, which is rough to the touch. trans'itory, a. (L. trans, beyond, eo, itum,

to go), passing, going speedily away. translucent, a. (L. trans, beyond, lux, light), letting light pass through and beyond.

trep'ida'tion, n. (G. trepo, to turn), fear, which makes one turn to flight. trib'uneship, n. (L. tribus, a tribe), the office of a tribune; lit. the chief of a tribe. A magistracy appointed by the Romans for the defence of popular rights.

Trull'ibers, p. n., pl., Parson Trulliber is a character in one of Fielding's novels.

unadulterate, a. (L. un, not, ad, to, alter, another), not changed to something else; pure, unmixed, undebased. unadventurous, a., timid, cautious. unavoidably, ad., inevitably; so that there is no escaping it.

unburnished, a., lit. not made brown, unpolished.

unoontroll'able, a., that cannot be controlled.

unmitigated, a. (A. S.), un, not (L. mitigo, to soften), unalleviated, unsoftened.

unpronounce'able, a. (L. un, pro, and nuncio, to speak, to announce), that cannot be spoken out distinctly. unsubstantial, a., wanting in substance. unsympathetic, a. (G. sympatheia), showing no sympathy or feeling.

unutterability, n. impossibility to be uttered; utter is from the same A. S. root as outer.

va'grancy, n. (L. vagor, to wander), the condition of a wanderer; houseless, unsettled beggary.

Vancou'ver's Island, p. n. in British North America, on the Pacific side. 300 miles long, 75 broad; climate like that of England. Capital, Victoria. velocity, n. (L. velox, swift), swiftness. ventilation, n. (L. ventus, wind), the cir

culation of air through a chamber, &c.; public examination and discussion. veran'dah, n. (Sans. varanda), a covered portico or shade to a building. vernacular, a. (L. vernaculus, a houseborn slave), belonging to house-born slaves; native, natural, of the country

of one's birth.

vertical, a. (L. vertex, verticis, the turning point or top), exactly overhead. Vesuvius, p. n., a burning mountain, 3,950 feet high, near Naples. First eruption in historical times, a.d. 77. It continued active for nearly 1,000 years; then showed no signs of activity for nearly 600 years. It broke out afresh in 1631, and since then the eruptions have been more and more frequent, till they have become almost annual.

vetturi'no, n., a coachman or driver, from vettura (F. voiture), a carriage, a vehicle.

volute, n. In Architecture the rolled or turned ornament on the head of pillars. From L. volvo, volutum, to turn.

way'wardness, n., wilfulness, being bent on taking one's own way.

weald, p. n. A.S.), orig. a wood or forest, now an open country.

wor'reting, a., a form of worrying; fretting, teasing. Worret is not used now in correct speaking or writing.



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