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ring, n., a circle; v., to sound a bell; to sound.

rock, n., a mass of stone; v., to move backward and forward.

roe, n., the eggs of a fish; a female deer.

rose, n., a flower; an ornament of ribbon; v., did rise.

rue, v., to lament; to regret; n., a bitter plant.

rush, n., a marsh plant; anything worthless; v., to move forward with violence.

sack, n., a bag; a kind of cloak; a Spanish wine; v., to plunder.

sage, n., a wise man; a culinary herb. sash, n., a belt worn for ornament; a window frame.

scale, n., part of a balance; a small part of the covering of a fish; a measure; a gradation; a gamut; v., to storm a town by ladders; to peel off.

seal, n., a sea-beast; a stamp; v., to fasten with a seal.

season, n., a convenient time; one of the four divisions of the year; v., to make tasty; to harden; to dry (as of wood).

see, n., a diocese; v., to perceive. shaft, n., an entrance to a mine; an arrow; the pole of a carriage; handle of a weapon; the body of a pillar. shed, n., a slight structure for shelter; v., to cast (as a plant its leaves). shoal, n., a great swarm of fish; a shallow part in the sea, &c.; a., shallow. shore, n., a support; the sea-beach. shrub, n., a low dwarf tree; a mixture of spirits, lemon-juice, &c. size, n., weak glue; dimensions. smelt, n., a small fish; v., to fuse ore; perfect of "to smell."

sole, n., a flat sea-fish; the bottom of the foot; a., only.

sound, n., a narrow strait; noise; part

of a cuttle-fish; a probe; v., to try the depth of water; to make a noise; a., healthy.

spirit, n., an intoxicating drink; the soul; bravery.

spring, n., a leap; elastic power; an elastic body; a fountain; the rise of any thing; one of the seasons; v., to grow up; to start; to rise.

stanch, n., to stop the flow of blood; a., constant; steadfast.

steep, v., to soak; a., much inclined; n., precipice.

steer, v., to direct a ship's course; n., a young bullock.

stem, v., to oppose; n., a stalk; the fore part of a ship.

stern, a., harsh; severe; n., the hind part of a ship.

stick, n., a thin piece of wood; v., to adhere; to stab.

still, n., the apparatus for distilling; a., quiet; v., to calm; adv., to this time; con., notwithstanding.

strain, n., a violent effort; a song sung; style; tendency; v., to sprain; to filter. succeed, v., to come after; to prosper. suffer, v., to endure; to permit.

suit, V., to please; to fit; n., a set; a petition; courtship; an action at law. swallow, v., to take into the stomach; n., a bird; the throat.

table, n., a tablet; an index; an article of furniture.

tack, v., to alter a ship's course; to join together; n., a small nail.

taper, a., slender and coming to a point; n., a small candle.

tender, n., a ship attending another ship;

an estimate of cost; a., delicate; v., to offer.

till, n., a money-box; con., to a certain time; v., to cultivate ground.

toll, v., to ring a large bell; n., a tax for using a road.

top, n., a boy's plaything; the head of anything.

treat, n., a pleasure conferred; v., to negotiate.

tumbler, n., a glass vessel; a kind of pigeon; an acrobat.

turtle, n., a dove; a kind of tortoise. usher, n., an under teacher; v., to introduce.

vault, n., an arched room underground; v., to leap.

vice, n., a smith's gripping tool; gross sin; a substitute.

well, a., in good health; n., a deep pit for water,

yard, n., three feet; the cross beam of a ship's rigging; the enclosure connected with a house.


The great fulness of the Notes in this Reader has left comparatively few words for the Vocabulary.

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A prio'ri (L.), term used for a form of reasoning, which, from certain premises, takes to be granted, beforehand, certain conclusions.

ab'scess, n. (L. abscessus), an ulcer, which sloughs away.

accomplishment, n. (Fr. accomplir), what finishes or perfects.

acknowledgment, n. (A. S.), the owning a knowledge of, the admitting or confessing.

acquies'cence, n. (L. acquiesco), yielding to, assent, compliance.

ad'amant, n. (G. a, not, damao, to break), a stone so hard that it cannot be broken, the diamond.

administra'tion, n. (L. ad, to, ministro, to serve), the administering any trust, the serving or conducting the duties of any office.

adum'brate (L. ad, and umbra, a shadow), to give a foreshadowing of, to shadow forth.

adventi'tious, a. (L. ad, to, venio, to come), accidental, what comes or is added to a thing, by chance.

affin'ity, n. (L. affinitas), close relationship.

aggrand'isement, n. (L. ad, to, grandis, great), the making greater in wealth, power, &c.

aggravate, v. (L. ad, to, gravis, heavy), to add to the weight of, to increase, to make worse.

am'ethyst, n. (G. a, not, methyō, to be drunken). A crystal of quartz of a bluish purple colour, of which cups were made by the ancients, in the belief that they prevented the drinker from becoming drunken.

anach'ronism, n. (G. ana, up, back, chronos, time). An error in date by which events are misplaced.

analogous, a. (G. ana, according to, logos, speech), similar, coming under one class with.

anarch'ical, a. (G. a, an, without, arche, government), lawless, revolutionary. antedilu'vian, a. (L. ante, before, diluvium, a flood), belonging to the period before the Flood.

(It.), Italian. (Ger.), German. (O. F.), Old French.

Ap'ennines, p. n. pl., a chain of mountains which traverses Italy in its whole length from north to south. The highest peak is 9,521 feet high, but the general height is about 4,000 feet. The chain is about 800 miles long. apothecary, n. (G. apotheke, a storehouse), lit. the keeper of a storehouse, a licensed seller of medicines.

apotheo'sis, n. (G. apo, from, theos, a God), the being raised from among men and ranked among the gods.

appall'ing, a. (L. ad and palleo, to grow pale), terrifying, making one pale. appari'tion, n. (L. appareo, to appear), an appearance.

arbiter, n., an umpire, a judge. arborous, a., formed by trees (L. arbor, a tree).

arch'etype, n. (G. arche, the beginning, typos, a pattern, a type), the first type, from which others are formed. Archime'des, p. n., a great Greek mathematician. Born at Syracuse, Sicily. Slain in the siege of the city by the Romans, B.C. 212.

as'inine, a. (L. asinus, an ass), ass like. assassina'tion, n., secret murder, from hashishin, the name given to an Eastern clan of robbers who drank hashish, a spirit prepared from hemp. assumption, n. (L. ad, to, sumo, sumptum, to take), a claim, a taking for granted. Asteroid, n. (G. aster, a star, eidos, form), a minor planet, having the form of a star, though small.

asy'lum, n. (G. asylon, a refuge), a place where one is safe.

atmosphere, n. (G. atmos, air, sphaira, a sphere), the air.

atone'ment, n., lit. at-one-ment, the making into one, reconciliation, amends. Atticise, v., to imitate the fashions, &c., of Attica, the province of Greece of which Athens was the capital. authentic'ity, n. (G. authentikos, original), genuineness, authority, given to that which is from an original source.

Bal'der, p. n., the sun god in the Scandinavian mythology.

bandoleer', n., an old name for a musketeer. From Sp. bandolera, a broad leathern belt musketeers wore over their shoulder, to hang their muskets from, at their left side. It points to the time when the Spanish infantry was the first in Europe.

baptism (G. baptizo, to dip, to plunge). In Constantine's time baptism was very often deferred to the last moments of life, from a superstitious idea that had gained ground that the rite had a magical effect in cleansing the soul from all sins. Another reason for such delay, with some, was that no after sin might stain the purity thus supposed to be attained.

barometer, n. (G. baros, weight, metron, a measure), an instrument which tells the weight of the atmosphere. beaker, (Ger. becher, Scotch bicker). A drinking bowl or cup with a beak or mouth.

beleaguer, v. (Ger. belagern), to lay siege to.

bifurca'tion, n. (L. bis, twice, furca, a fork), a division or forking into two. biog'rapher, n. (G. bios, life, grapho, to write), one who writes the life of another.

black-a-moor, n., a black moor, a negro. bluff, a., outspoken, almost rude. Brews'ter, Sir David, p. n., a Scotch natural philosopher of high reputation. Born, 1781; died, 1867. bronze, n. (Ital.), an alloy of copper and tin, of a brown or burned colour. Buf'fon, p. n., a French count. eminent naturalist. Born, 1707; died, 1788.


Bur'mah, p. n., a state of further_India, bounded on the west by the British Possessions, and on the east by the Chinese Provinces. It formerly had a long sea coast, but is now shut in from the ocean by British conquests. Pop. about 3,000,000.

busk'in, n., a half boot, anciently worn by actors in tragedy. It had thick soles, to raise the wearer, which was necessary from the great size of the ancient theatres. Masks of a larger size than nature were also worn, partly to make the actor seem larger, partly that the voice might sound out better through the projecting lips, as through a speaking- trumpet. The

word 66 person " (L. persona) comes from this. It means to sound through (the mask). A person was thus one who spoke through an actor's mask.

cal'ibre, n., the size of the bore of a gun, the diameter or capacity of anything. cam'bric, n., very fine linen, first made at Cambray, in Flanders.

Carac'tacus, p. n., or Caradoc. A British king, taken prisoner by the Romans, A.D. 52.

cat'alogue, n. (G. kata and lego, logos, to write down), things set down and arranged in a list. catechu'men, n. (G. katechumenos, one who is being catechised or instructed in the rudiments of the Christian religion), a candidate for the communion. cavalcade, n. (L. caballus, a horse), a company of persons on horseback. cav'eat, n. (3rd person sing. pres. sub. of Latin verb caveo, to beware), let him beware.

centraliza'tion, n. (L. centrum, the centre, centralis), the drawing to a centre. centrip'etal, a. (L. centrum, the centre, and peto, to seek), a force which seeks or tends towards a centre, as in gravitation.

centurion, n. (L. centurio), a Roman officer, like our captain. He was nominally over 100 men.

certificate, n. (L. certus, certain, facio, to make), a written guarantee of a fact; written testimony to a fact. characteris'tic, n. (G. character, a mark, as of a die), a distinguishing trait or feature.

Chili', p. n., a South American state, stretching along the west coast in a thin line, bounded on the east by the Andes.

chime'ra, n. (G. chimaira, a she goat; orig. a fabulous monster), any wild scheme, or fancy.

chivalry, n. (Fr. cheval, a horse), the rules of knightly courtesy. This meaning of the word rose from the use of the horse by knights; whence, also, cavalry.

Chris'tendom, p. n. (A. S. cristen, a christian; dom, rule, sway), the part of the world which professes Christianity. civilisa'tion (Fr. civiliser; L. civis), the opposite of barbarism; the arts and culture of a settled state.

clois'ter, n. (L. claustrum, claudo, ciausum, to shut), an enclosed place, the covered interior walk of a monastery; a monastery itself.

coherent, a. (L. con and hæreo, to stick together; lit. sticking together), sensible, duly connected.

coif, n., a covering for the head, a cap. columba'rium, n. (L.), a dove-cote. commem'orate, v. (L. con and memor, mindful, to keep in mind), to celebrate the memory of.

communicate, v. (L. communis, common), to share in common; to take the Holy Communion. communica'tiveness, n., frankness, openness; from the root coMMON (L. communis). compatible, a. (L. con and patior, to bear with), suitable, consistent.

comptroller, n., one who controls; here, an officer who issues stamps. concentrate, v. (L. con, to, centrum, the centre), to gather to a centre.

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conchologist, n. (G. kongke, a shell, logos, discourse), a student of the science of shells.

con'crete, a. (L. con and cresco, to grow), grown together; solid mass. condescen ́sion, n. (L. con, descendo, to descend), letting one's self down to an act, or person, voluntary humiliation. confed'erate, n., con, together; fœdus, fæderis, a league ; one leagued with another.

con'jugate, a. (L. conjungo, to join together), joined together. conservative, a. (L. conservo, to preserve), opposed to change.

constellation, n. (L. con and stella, a star), a group of stars.

consum'mate, a. (L. consummo, to perfect, con and summus, the highest), in the highest degree.

constituent, n. (L. constituo, a part which constitutes), a portion of a whole. constitu'tion, n. (L. constituo, to form), the natural condition of one's mind or body; a form of government; the act of establishing; the organization of any thing.

consulta'tion, n. (L. consulo, consultum, to confer on a subject), joint consideration of a subject.

contempt'uous, a., insolent, scornful. conversa'tion, n. (L. con and verto, to turn together-hence, to have intercourse), intercourse, familiar discourse, conduct.

coun'terpoise, v. (L. contra, against; 0.

F. poiser to weigh, to hang), a counterweight or balance.

courtesy, n., the polite manners of a court; politeness.

crapaud', p. n. (F.), a toad; given in vulgar rudeness as a name to Frenchmen, from their using frogs as an article of food.

crucifix'ion, n. (L. crux, a cross, figo, to fix), to nail on a cross, to crucify; a very ancient form of punishment practised by the Egyptians, Persians, Carthaginians, Greeks, and Romans. Among the Romans it was reserved for the worst crimes and the lowest grades of criminals, mainly for slaves. Hence it got the name of "a slaves' punishment." No Roman citizen could be crucified.

cum'ulus, n. (L. a heap), the clouds which form great white masses in the sky. cy'cle, n. (G. kyklos, a circle), a great recurring period; an orbit or circle in the heavens.

cyl'inder, n. (G. kylindros, a roller), a roller-like body, round and hollow.

debil'itate, v. (L. debilis, weak), to weaken. decant'er, n. (F. décanter, to pour from), a glass vessel from which wine, &c., is poured out.

decen'traliza'tion, n. (L. de, from; centrum, a centre), the loosening from a centre.

deci'pher, v., to translate from cipher, that is, from secret writing; to dis


decompose', v. (L. de and compono, to put together), to separate into component


deco'rum, n. (L. decorus, what is seemly), appropriate behaviour, propriety, modest bearing.

decrep'it, n. (L. decrepitus, noiseless, very old), worn out, noiseless, and feeble, from age. def'erence, n. (from defer, the deferring to the opinion of another), respect. degen'eracy, n. (L. de and genus, generis, the falling from or sinking below one's kind, debasement.

del'egate, n. (L. delego, to send as an ambassador), a representative sent for a special purpose, a deputy.

delirious, a. (L. de, from; lira, a furrow), light-headed, wandering in mind; lit. getting out of the furrow.

demean'our, n., bearing, behaviour. demonstra'tion. n. (L. de, monstro, to

show), unquestionable proof; outward expression of the feelings.

den'izen, n. (old Fr. deinzein), a dweller in a place.

dependency, n. (L. de and pendeo, to hang), the hanging or depending on another; a province; opposite to what is independent.

depre'ciate, v. (L. de, from; pretium, price), to lessen the value of anything, to disparage. despera'tion, n. (L. de and spero, to hope), a state of despair, in which hope is given up.

despondency,n., dejection, down-spirited


development, n. (F. dévelloper), an unrolling, growth, gradual unfolding. diag'onal, a. (G. dia, across, or through; gonia, an angle), from corner to opposite corner across a square or many-sided body. dialectic, a. (G. dialectos, speech), belonging to a dialect or dialects, logical. diaphoretic, a. (G. dia, through, and phoreo, to carry), causing or increasing perspiration.

dif'fidence, n. (L. diffidens, distrustful), distrust (of one's self, or of persons or things).

dil'atory, a. (L. differo, dilatum, to carry asunder, to spread out), slow, delaying, putting off.

dis'cipline, n. (L. disciplina, from disco, to learn), instruction, obedience to strict rules.

discouragement, n. (L. dis, priv., cor, the heart; Fr. courage), that which destroys the courage, disfavour, what takes away one's heart in a thing. divergence, n., (L. dis, apart; vergo, to tend), the going apart, separation, going opposite ways.

divina'tion, n. (L. divinus, from Deus

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ebullition, n. (L. e, out, and bullio, to boil), the boiling over. ejacula'tion, n. (L. e, jaculor, to throw, to dart), a word suddenly thrown out. elab'orate, a. (L. e, out; laboro, to labour), worked out, finished, complex. elastic'ity, n., the quality of springing back to a former position or state, e.g., in India-rubber.

Elys'ium, p. n. (L.), the heaven of an

tiquity; any place of special delight. emancipa'tion, n. (L. e, out of; mancipium, slavery), setting free.

embroid'er, n., to border; to ornament with needlework.

em'erald, n. (G. smaragdos), a precious stone of a bright green colour. em'phasis, n. (G. em and phaino, to show strongly), stress on words to show the meaning forcibly.

emul'sion, n. (L. emulgeo, emulsum, to milk), a milky white blending of oil with another liquid.

en'ergize, v. (G. en, in; ergon, work), to work earnestly to an end; to breathe vigour into.

enfran'chisement, n. (Old Ger., frank, free, through F. franche), the making free, like a Frank.


enlightenment, n., instruction; making light in the mind where there had been darkness.

epidem'ic, a. (G. epi, upon; demos, the people), affecting large numbers at a time: used as a noun of any disease prevalent in any place for a time. ep'itaph, n. (G. epi, upon; taphion, a tomb), an inscription on a tomb. ep'ithet, n. (G. epi, upon; tithēmi, to put or place), a name fixed or put upon one. epit'ome, n. (G. epitemno, to cut short), a summary; a compendium embracing in abstract the essentials of that which is epitomized.

equanim'ity, n. (L. equus, equal; animus, the mind), evenness of mind. equilibrium, n. (L. equus, equal; libra, a balance), an equal balance of weights or influences, &c.

escutcheon (L. scutum, a shield), a shield with arms blazoned on it.

Etna, p. n., a burning mountain in Sicily, nearly 11,000 feet high. evaporation, n. (L. e, from; vaporo, to send off vapour), the flying off in


exemplary, a. (L. exemplum, an example), suited for an example.

expostula'tien, n. (L. expostulo, to demand earnestly), remonstrance; reasoning with.

exterminate, v. (L. ex and terminus, boundary; lit. to drive out of the limits of a place), to uproot, to extirpate. extravagance, n. L. extra, beyond; vagans, wandering), the wandering beyond bounds, excess, prodigality. ex'tricate, v. (L. ex, trice, hindrances), to free from difficulties, to set free.

fac'et, n., the face cut on a crystal. facil'itate, v. (E. facilis, easy), to make easy.

fil'ament, n. (L. filum), a thread. flexibility, n. (L. flexibilis, that may be bent), the condition of being easily bent.

flux, n. (L. fluo, fluxum, to flow), melting, flowing.

fop'pery, n., vanity, silly conceit; the behaviour of a fop or affected dandy. fore'stal, v,, lit. to buy goods before they are put on the stall; to anticipate, to come in before another.

for'mula, n. (dim. of L. forma, a form), a rule, a prescription, a little form. fran'chise, n. (see enfranchise), to grant the privileges of a Frank, or free-man, to any one; to grant political rights, such as voting, &c.

frantically, ad. (G. phren, the mind), in

a frenzied way, distractedly, madly. frieze (O. E. frise, the rough nap on cloth), the part of a building between the cornice and the top of the pillars, often roughened with sculptures. Francis'can Order, an order of monks founded by St. Francis, of Assisi, Italy (1182-1226). They were very numerous in England up to the Reformation. They were known by many names; Franciscans, from their founder; Minorites, from their assumed humility; Grey Friars, from the colour of their rags; Mendicants, from their mode of life.

fu'marole, n. (It. fumarola; L. fumus, smoke), a cleft or hole in the ground, which smokes; found in volcanic regions.

fu'siform, a. (L. fusus, a spindle; forma, a form), spindle-formed, tapering at each end.

gal'vanism, n., a form of electricity, named from its discoverer Galvani, an anatomist of Bologna (1737-98). gar'ner, v. (Norman F. garnier), to store up in a granary.

gar'net, n., a precious stone.

Gas'cony, p. n.. one of the old provinces of France, reaching to the Pyrenees. From 1152 to 1453 it belonged to England.

gaunt, a. (A. S.), hollow-cheeked, pinched.

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