Зображення сторінки

Lord Lytton, an eminent man of letters, died, and was buried in West

minster Abbey.

War broke out in West Africa with Ashantee.

The Tichborne Claimant's trial for perjury began in April before three judges, at Westminster.

1874. The death of Livingstone, the traveller, announced.

The Gladstone Ministry dissolved Parliament, and a general election followed, giving a majority to the Conservatives.

A new Government formed under Mr. Disraeli.

Prince Alfred married to a Russian Grand Duchess.

The Tichborne trial ended, after lasting 188 days, in the verdict of guilty and the sentence of the Claimant to 14 years' penal servitude.


address, v., to speak to; n., bearing; tact;

the direction of a letter; a written or
spoken speech.

air, n., the fluid we breathe; a tune;
one's look; a gas; a light breeze.
angle, n., a sharp corner; v., to fish with
a line and hook.

apparent, a., only seeming; clear; evi-

arch, n., the bend of a bridge, &c.; a., full of fun; roguish; chief.

ashes, n., pl., remains of a fire; trees; ash is, also, a colour.

bachelor, n., a student's degree; an unmarried man.

bait, n., a lure; refreshment; v., to worry.

ball, n., a round body; a dancing party. band, n., anything that binds; a company; v., to unite.

bark, n., a ridge of earth, &c.; a house for trading in money.

bar, n., the body of lawyers; a part in a law court; a barrier; a shallow in a harbour, &c.

bark, n., the skin of a tree; a kind of ship; the noise dogs make.

barrow, n., a hand-cart; a sepulchral mound.

base, n., the bottom; a., low; mean;

baste, v., to beat; to drip its juices on
roasting meat; to sew slightly.
bat, n., an animal; a club used in


batter, v., to beat with repeated blows; n., a paste of flour.

bay, n., an inward bend of the sea; a projecting window; the laurel tree; a colour; keeping at bay,' keeping of; v., to bark.

beam, n., any large piece of timber; a ray of light; v., to shine.

bear, n, a savage beast; v., to carry; to endure; to give birth to.

beat, n., a stroke; a sentry or watchman's round.

bed, n., a flower plot; a sleeping place; the channel of a stream.

beetle, n., a mallet; an insect; v., to jut out.

bell, v., to cry as a stag does; n., a hollow metal cup for ringing.

bench, n., a long seat; the Judges' seat,
hence, the Judges.

bight, n., a bay; a bend in a rope.
bill, n., a proposed Act of Parliament; a
money account; a bird's beak; a kind

of axe.

billet, n., a note; a log of wood; the paper which a soldier gets to require one to lodge him.

bit, n., a carpenter's boring tool; the iron in a horse's mouth; a small piece.

blade, n., a leaf; the steel of a sword, &c. blow, v., to be windy; to pant; to flower; n., a stroke.

board, n., food supplied for pay; a table; a plank; the members of a public body. boom, n., a hollow sound (as of a bittern, a cannon, a bomb); a beam for a ship's sail; a chain or beam put to bar a river, &c.

boot, n., a part of a coach; a shoe with leather up the leg; an ancient instrument of torture; v., to profit.

bore, v., to trouble; to pierce; n., a person or thing that wearies one; the tidal wave on rivers.

bound, v., to limit; to leap.

bowl, n., a hollow vessel; a ball; v., to roll.

box, n., a small chest; a tree; a blow; a small room in a theatre; v., to fight with fists.

brace, n., a support; a couple; v., to strengthen.

brake, n., a thicket; a thing to stop the speed of wheels.

brazier, n., a pan for coals; a worker in brass or copper, &c.

broil, n., a quarrel; v., to dress on a

brook, n., a streamlet; v., to bear.
brush, n., a thing for removing dust;
painting, &c.; brushwood; a skirmish;
the tail of a fox.

bull, n., a writing from the Pope; a
blunder; the male of the cow.

butt, n., a large cask; a shooting place; v., to thrust at with the head.

calf, n., part of a leg; the young of a cow. cape, n., part of a cloak; a headland. caper, n., a kind of pickle; v., to leap, or skip.

card, v., to comb wool; n., thick stiff paper.

case, n., a suit in court; a box; an
event; a variation.

cast, v., to fling; to convict of crime;
to reckon; to mould metal.
cataract, n., a disease of the eye; a water-

cause, n., reason; an action in law; the
interest of a party or person.

caution, n., wariness; security for.
charge, n., care; office; accusation; an
address of a judge or bishop; an at-
tack; command.

chase, v., to pursue; to engrave.

chest, n., the upper part of the body; a box.

chuckle, n., to cluck (as a hen); to laugh. citation, n., summons; quotation.

civil, a., non-military; pertaining to a citizen; polite.

cleave, v., to split; to adhere to.

clerk, n., a clergyman; one who leads

the responses in church; one who keeps accounts.

close, n., enclosure round a cathedral; a., confined; niggardly.

clove, n., a spice; v., did cleave.

club, n., an association; a wooden weapon; one of a pack of cards.

cob, n., a horse, or pony; an Indian corn.

ear of

cockle, n., a weed; a shell-fish; v., to pucker, or wrinkle.

comb, n., a cock's crest; an instrument for the hair, wool, &c.; the wax cells of bees.

commit, v., to do; to entrust; to send to prison.

commission, n. a matter entrusted to one; an official body; the doing an act; brokerage, or allowance.

common, n., open land belonging to the public; a., vulgar; general.

communicate, v., to impart; to take the Lord's Supper.

compact, a., firm; n., an agreement. compass, n., circumference; range (as

of the voice); an instrument in navigation.

compose, v., to soothe; to write as author; to put types together.

comprehend, n., to include; to understand.

concordance, n., an index of all the words in a book; agreement.

copy, n., pattern; manuscript for printers; one of an edition of a book. corn, n., hard skin on the foot; a grain of wheat, &c. ; wheat plants. correct, v., to put right; to punish. counsel, n., a barrister; advice. count, n., a nobleman; part of an indictment: v., to reckon; to rely. counter, a., contrary; n., anything used for reckoning in games; a part in music; a shop table (on which money is counted); the name of some prisons. course, n., line of advance; race-ground; a service at a meal.

court, n., a yard; the retinue of royalty; a legal tribunal; a hall of justice; v., to woo.

crab, n., a sour apple; a shell-fish.

craft, n., a small ship; a trade; cunning. crane, n., a bird; a machine for raising weights.

cricket, n., a game; an insect.

crop, n., a bird's stomach; the yield of harvest; v., to reap.

croup, n., a child's disease; part of harness.

crow, v., to boast; n., the voice of a cock; a bird.

cry, v., to call; to weep.

dam, n., mother of an animal; bank to keep back water.

date, n., a fruit; time when.

deal, n., much; a pine or fir plank; v., to share; to trade.

dear, a., costly; beloved; precious. deck, v., to adorn; n., the floor of a ship.

defile, v., to pollute; n., a narrow passage between hills.

degree, n., 360th part of a circle; grade, or rank; advance.

desert, v., to forsake; n., merit or demerit.

die, n., a stamp; a small cube used in gambling; v., to cease to live.

diet, n., food; a political assembly. divers, n., pl., men who go below water; a., various.

dock, n., a plant; a place for repairing or mooring ships; to cut off.

down, n., a chalk upland; soft feathers; adv., opposite of up.

draw, v., to delineate; to drag.

drill, v., to bore holes; to train soldiers. drug, n., a medicine; anything unsale


dun, n., dark colour; a troublesome creditor.

ear, n., a head of wheat; the organ of hearing.

elder, n., a tree; a., older.

engross, v., to copy law writings; to occupy wholly.

entertain, v., to consider; to receive as guests; to amuse.

even, s., evening; a., level; not odd; adv., notwithstanding.

exact, v., to demand; a., precisely agreeing.

express, n., a special conveyance; v., to utter.

fair, a., just; beautiful; favourable (of a wind); a market.

fare, n., passage-money; food. fast, v., not to eat; a., quick; firm. fawn, n., a young deer; v., to flatter cunningly.

fell, a., cruel; v., perfect of to fall; to cut down; n., a hill.

fellow, n., a mate; a member of a university; a mean man.

felt, v., perceived by the touch; n., a kind of cloth.

ferret, v., to hunt out; n., a weasel; narrow ribbon.

figure, n., a number; a likeness; shape. file, n., arranged papers; a rasp.

fine, a., clear; slender; n., a penalty in money; the end.

firm, n., a copartnery; a., strong; fast. fit, n., a convulsion; a., suitable; v., to suit.

flag, n., a banner; a water plant; a paving-stone; v., to lose strength.

flatter, a., smoother; v., to praise insincerely.

fleet, a., swift; n., ships.

flock, n., a tuft of wool; a number of sheep; v., to gather together.

foil, n., a leaf of metal; a fencing-sword; v., to frustrate.

fold, n., a sheep-pen; v., to double. foot, n., twelve inches; a part of the body. forge, v., to imitate a signature; n., a smith's furnace.

form, n., figure; shape; a long seat.

founder, v., to go to the bottom; n., one who casts metal; one who originates. fret, v., to wear by rubbing; to be peevish.

fry, v., to dress food; n., the young of fishes.

fuller, n., a cloth-scourer; a., more full. game, n., birds, &c., kept for sport; play. gin, n., an intoxicating drink; a snare. gloss, n., brightness; a comment. gore, n., clotted blood; a wedge-shaped piece of cloth; v., to pierce with a horn. grain, n., a small weight; corn; a particle. grate, n., an open stove; v., to rub small; to make a harsh sound.

grave, a., solemn; n., the sepulchre. graze, v., to touch lightly in passing; to feed on grass.

gross, n., twelve dozen; a., large.

ground, n., the earth; v., reduced to powder; sharpened by grinding; to rest upon.

gum, n., a sticky exudation from trees; the flesh about the teeth.

habit, n., dress; custom; constitution. hail, v., to wish health to; n., frozen


hamper, n., a large basket; v., to impede. hautboy, n., a strawberry; a musical in


help, v., to assist; to avoid.

hide, n., a beast's skin; v., to conceal. hind, n., a peasant; female deer.

hip, n., part of the body; the fruit of the wild rose.

hop, n., a plant; v., to leap on one foot. host, n., a landlord; an entertainer; an army; a multitude; the consecrated wafer in the Romish Church. hue, n., colour; an alarm.

husband, n., a married man; v., to use economically.

instant, a., pressing; current; n., a moment.

jar, n., discord; a vessel; v., to disagree. jet, n., a black mineral; a spout of gas or water, &c.; v., to project. job, v., to stab; n., a piece of work. just, a., upright; adv., exactly; almost. kennel, n., a pack of hounds; their house; a little channel.

key, n., what opens or shuts a lock; the stone that binds an arch; the tone on which music is set.

kind, n., a species; a., gracious. kite, n., a paper toy; a bird of prey. lake, n., a colour; an inland water. lap, v., to feed by licking; to fold; n., the fold or bend of the body in sitting. last, a., the latest; final; v., to continue; n., a load; a mould for boots and shoes. late, a., slow; long delayed; dead a short time since.

lawn, n., fine linen; the grass before a mansion.

lay, v., to set down; to wager; to produce an egg; n., a song; a., not clerical. league, n., three miles; a coalition. lean, a., not fat; v., to lie against.

leave, n., permission; v., to bequeath; to forsake.

left, a., opposite of right; v., not taken. let, v., to lease a house, &c., to allow; to hinder; n., a hindrance.

letter, n., a message in writing; an alphabetical character.

lie, v., to speak falsely; to rest upon. light, n., anything that gives light; the light itself; knowledge; a., having little weight; active; gay; frivolous. like, v., to be pleased with; adv., as; a., resembling; n., an equal.

lime, n., a fruit; a stone.

line, n., a cord; a short note; a row; the twelfth part of an inch; course; one row of words across a page; v., to cover on the inside.

link, n., a torch; a ring in a chain; v., to join.

litter, n., straw, &c., for a bed for animals; things strewn in disorder; a portable bed; a brood of pigs, &c.

lock, v., to fasten with a lock; n., the part of a gun by which it is discharged; a contrivance to raise the level of a canal; a little hair.

long, v., to yearn after; a., protracted. lot, n., portion; a piece of land; chance. lute, n., an instrument of music; clay, &c., to stop crevices.

mace, n., a spice; an emblem of authority. mail, n., armour; letters, &c., conveyed by post.

mangle, v., to mutilate; to smooth linens. march, n., the third month; an air to which soldiers walk or march. mass, N., a lump; the Communion Service in the Romish Church.

mast, n., beech nuts and acorns; the pole to which the rigging of a ship is fixed. match, n., a counterpart; an agreement; a contest; a lucifer; a marriage. meal, n., a repast; flour of corn. mean, a., base; vile; middle; v., to intend.

meet, a., suitable; fitting; v., to come face to face.

mint, n., the place where money is coined; an herb.

minute, n., a short note of proceedings; the sixtieth part of an hour. mole, n., a hairy mark on the skin; a small creature; a breakwater. moor, v., to anchor; n., a native of the north of Africa; a heath.

mortar, n., a vessel for pounding things in; a short cannon for throwing bombs; lime and sand for cement.

mould, n., rich soil; a shape in which things are cast, &c.; the growths on decaying substances.

must, n., sweet unfermented wine; v., to grow sour and mouldy; to be obliged. nail, n., a claw or talon; the horns on fingers and toes; a sharp piece of iron for fastening with; a measure two and a quarter inches long.

nap, n., a short sleep; the pile on cloth. neat, a., unmixed; tidy; n., cattle. nervous, a., strong; vigorous; weak in the nerves; easily agitated. oblige, v., to force; to please. order, n., regularity; a class; a command.

ounce, n., a beast of prey; a weight. page, n., one side of a leaf in a book; a boy attending on a great personage. pale, a., wan; dim; n., a narrow board in a fence; an inclosure.

pall, v., to cloy or grow nauseous; n., an official cloak.

palm, v., to pass off fraudulently; n., a tree; victory; part of the hand. partial, a., fond of; affecting only a part. paste, n., imitation jewellery; flour and water boiled.

patient, n., a sick person; a., not easily provoked; bearing suffering well; persevering.

peck, v., to pick up food with the beak; n., the fourth part of a bushel. peer, n., a nobleman; an equal; v., to


pen, n., an enclosure for sheep, &c.; an instrument for writing; v., to write. perch, n., a small fish; a roost for fowls; a measure of land.

pet, n., peevishness; a favourite.

pike, n., a warlike weapon; a freshwater fish.

pile, n., a heap; a beam driven into the earth for a foundation; the hairy nap of cloth.

pine, v., to languish; n., a fruit; a tree. pinion, n., a bird's wing; a smaller wheel

playing into notches in a larger one; v., to confine the arms.

pink, n., a colour; a flower; a kind of ship; v., to work in eyelet holes; to


pipe, n., a musical instrument; a tube; what is used for smoking; the sound

of the voice; a large cask; v., to play on a pipe, &c.

pitch, n., slope; height of key-note in music; thickened tar; v., to fix; to throw; to smear with pitch; to rise and fall, as a ship.

plate, n., dishes, &c., of silver and gold; a small shallow dish; the prize in a race; a piece of flat metal.

poach, v., to cook eggs in a special way; to tread the ground into holes; to steal game; to stab.

pole, n., the axis of the earth; a native

of Poland; a long slender piece of wood; a measure of land (5 yards). policy, n., course of government; cunning; a written contract; a pleasure ground.

poll, v., to lop the tops of trees; to cut

off hair; to register votes; to peel; n., the head.

pollard, n., bran and meal mixed; a tree with its head lopped off; a stag that has cast its horns.

port, n., a gate; a harbour; a hole or port in a ship for the mouths of cannon; manner of walking; a wine from Oporto; v., to turn a ship to the left side.

porter, n., a malt liquor; a doorkeeper; one who carries burdens for hire. post, n., a military or other station; a large stake; a public office; the mail; a kind of writing paper; v., to keep account books; to paste up public notices; to travel quickly.


pound, n., twenty shillings; sixteen twelve ounces; an enclosure for cattle; v., to bruise to powder.

prefer, v., to like better; to advance; to offer.

pretend, v., to feign; to make a claim. prune, v., to trim a tree; n., a kind of plum.

puddle, v., to foul water with mud; to change cast into wrought iron.

pulse, n., the throbbing of the blood in

the veins; plants like peas, beans, &c. pump, n., a thin shoe; a contrivance for raising water; v., to draw out by artful questions.

punch, n., an instrument for making holes in metal; a drink; a kind of horse; a popular show.

pupil, n., a scholar; the apple of the eye; a ward.

purchase, n., something bought; whatever aids one in raising weights. quarry, n., a great pit from which stone is dug; the game a falcon pursues. quarter, n., the fourth part; a weight (28 lbs.); a part of a town, &c.; lodgings of soldiers; life granted in battle; eight bushels of corn.

race, n., a running; a strong current of water; a mill-stream; a special kind; a family line.

rail, n., a bird; a part of a fence, &c.; v., to scoff at.

ram, n., the male of the sheep; a vessel armed to run into other ships; a battering ram; a machine for raising water; v., to thrust or drive. rank, n., a row; degree; class; dignity;

a., vigorous in growth; rancid; violent. rash, n., a skin eruption; a., hasty; headlong.

rear, v., to rise on its hind legs (of a horse); n., hind part.

render, v., to inflict; to translate; to yield; to give back; to boil down and clarify.

rent, n., a tear; money paid for use of a house, &c.; v., torn; to let for money. resolution, n., separation into parts; the unravelling difficulties; a fixed purpose; a formal vote adopted by an assembly.

rest, n., sleep; freedom from disturbance; a support; a pause; the remainder.

right, a., direct; lawful; true ; just ; fit; n., authority; interest; just claim.

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