The multum in parvo guide to London and its environs

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Сторінка ii - Maps for the use of the groat public School at Harrow, offers the strongest proof of their superiority. Being the largest Maps of their class, their size (17 inches by 14) affords opportunities for the insertion of various details for which there is no room in the Maps of smaller Atlases. In the present edition, the new Railways have been added, and all the latest alterations and discoveries inserted, to keep pace with recent Geographical events.
Сторінка iii - Stanford's Map of the Greater part of Europe. Extending from Moscow to the Atlantic, and from the Gulf of Bothnia to the Mediterranean, showing Railways boldly, and the principal Roads. Price, mounted in case, 25s. Railways corrected to 1890. EUROPE.— Davies
Сторінка i - COMPLETE ATLAS OF ANCIENT AND MODERN GEOGRAPHY: Containing 230 Modern, Classical, and Celestial Maps, with Plans of celebrated Cities, and Alphabetical Indexes, Designed and Arranged under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Constructed by eminent Geographers, and engraved in the best manner on Steel Plates.
Сторінка iii - ... reduced. Scale, 1 foot to 1 mile ; or 6 inches to 1 mile. Price, each sheet, is. ENVIRONS OF LONDON— The Ordnance Survey. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch; sheet, plain, price 2s. ; case, 5s. ; coloured and mounted in case, 7s. ; mahogany roller and varnished, lls.
Сторінка i - USEFUL KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY'S ATLAS of MODERN GEOGRAPHY : Containing Geological and Physical Maps of England and Wales, six Maps of the Stars, and all the Modern Maps in the Series, India and North America being very fully represented. In all, 150 Coloured Maps, half-bound Morocco, gilt edges, with Index, 51.
Сторінка iii - Office, and printed in colours exhibiting the superficial deposits. It includes Watford on the north, Epsom on the south, Barking on the east, and Southall on the west, and shows the Main Roads in and around the Metropolis, the Railroads completed, and the sanctioned Lines.
Сторінка v - Scale, f mile to 1 inch; size, 18 inches by 23. Folded in cover, Is. ; coloured and mounted on linen, in case, 2s. ISLE of MAN.— STANFORD'S NEW MAP of the ISLE of MAN; showing the Districts, Sheadings, Parishes, Towns, Villages, and Natural Features. Size, 14 inches by 16. Coloured, in cover, Is. ; or coloured and mounted on linen, 2s. LONDON: EDWARD STANFORD, 55, CHABING CROSS, SW ORDNANCE SURVEY MAPS of SCOTLAND.— The 1-inch General Survey is in course of publication.
Сторінка v - Director of HM Geological Survey of Ireland. This Map is constructed on the basis of the Ordnance Survey, and Coloured Geologically. It also shows the Railways, Stations, Roads, Canals, Antiquities, &c,, and when Mounted in case, forms a good and convenient Travelling Map.
Сторінка 66 - Further on to the right, in a recess, is a model of the tomb of Aboo Simbel, cut in the side of a rock in Nubia.
Сторінка ii - Junior Harrow Atlas of Modern Geography: Containing 14 Coloured Maps, with Index to the Principal Places.

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