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he, "through thy truth; thy word is confided in, "that he is able and truth." Here we see that it is by the willing to save to the uttermost ;" and powerful and continued application of the results will certainly be a lively the truth, by divine agency, that this affection to God, holy liberty, and reblessed work is prosecuted. The truth freshment of spirit; a sincere admira digested in the heart, excites to every tion of every branch of the divine chaexercise of holiness; for, "faith work-racter; and an earnest desire "to live eth by love." Hence, Peter says, "As new-born babes desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby;" and, James exhorts, "to receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls." Paul, also, gives thanks in behalf of the Romans, saying, "Ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine into which ye were delivered." («s o`v πxpeôónlε TUTOV διδαχῆς.)

The truth which relates to Jesus Christ must especially be received into the heart. A state of friendship and reconciliation is essentially necessary to the exercise of the Christian temper; and, since faith in Christ introduces us into that happy state, it is obvious, we must first be believers, if we would become holy persons. Love to all the perfections of God, his truth and justice, as well as mercy, is requisite for true piety; but, till a sinner sees that justice satisfied in the sacrifice of the Redeemer, and its dreadful threatenings thereby averted from him, it seems impossible that he can feel a complacency in it. Then, indeed, he will admire it, and triumph in the thought, that the salvation provided for him, whilst it shows the grace of his God, reflects the highest honour on his law and righteousness. Till he apprehends "the righteousness which is of God by faith," he will labour to establish a righteousness of his own, which is to God an infinite offence; because the principle of his conduct is mere slavery and dread; and the end, instead of being the divine glory, is merely his own advantage. Has not Christ also said, "As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me?" Surely, this proves that union to him is essentially necessary to holiness. The great end of his salvation is not merely that our sins might be pardoned, but that we might be made holy. His name is Jesus; for, he saves his people from their sins. Hence, we must come to him as much to be delivered from the power, as from the guilt, of sin. Let, then, the record which God hath given of his Son, be cordially and thankfully

henceforth, not unto ourselves, but unto him which died for us, and rose again.” The belief of the truth in general contributes to this holy state. Do we be lieve that we are such sinners as God tells us we are? This will humble us before him. Do we believe that he is just in punishing sin with so much severity? We shall hate it with a perfect hatred, and grieve that we should ever have loved such an evil. Is the Christian assured that God is every where present, and has his eye constantly fixed on him? He will say, when tempted to sin, "How can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?" Do we believe that he is infinitely wise in all his dispensations? We shall be patient in sickness and poverty. And that he is the refuge of his saints? This will excite to confidence in him.Questions of this description might be multiplied to a great extent; but, these will suffice to shew, how necessary a firm belief of the truth is to the in

terests of true holiness.


The providence of God is an important means of our sanctification. Every true Christian might recollect how the vary ing circumstances of his life have contributed to his advance in the ways God. The afflictions of life are fatherly chastisements, by which our attachment to this world becomes moderated, and our souls are roused to heavenly pur suits. Though the clouds which roll over the garden of the Lord are sometimes dark and gloomy, yet do they burst in grateful showers; and the warm beams of the Sun of Righteousness shining forth again on the plants of the Lord, will cause them to shoot up, and to bear the choicest fruit. By the difficulties and painful circumstances of life, the various parts of the Christian character are brought out to view are strengthened by exercise and glorify God before men. We should not have heard, most probably, of Abraham's faith, of Job's patience, and of Daniel's holy decision of character, but for their afflictions. It is the dross only which is lost in the fire; the pure gold shines with increased brightness. Tribulation worketh patience-and


wind, and following after the east wind." But, it is impossible he can remain so. Some powerful warning from God's word-some affecting pro

patience experience and experience cleaveth to the dust; and, it is poshope." But, let it be especially re-sible, that he might so far backslide membered, that God has set up an from God, as to go on "feeding on economy of grace, to which, if we would advance in holiness, we must assiduously attend. He that would be an holy man, must be a praying man. Were Jacob, David, and Daniel emi-vidence-will call him to his senses nently holy men? they were eminent for prayer.

Do we neglect the throne of grace, or, are our prayers hurried, and void of spirituality? let us not expect that we shall prosper in the ways of God. Whilst God has given his people promises of grace, he has yet said, "for this will I be enquired of, to do it for them." "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find." The example of Jesus Christ should be an especial object of our contemplation. In the lively representation of this to the mind, the Holy Spirit promotes his own work in the heart. Here we behold holiness, not in its abstract character, but in its living form. What dove to God-what submission, forgiveness, humility, zeal, benevolence, are here exhibited! In his life, holiness is seen in her most beautiful attire, and her divine features appear in all their lovely proportion and harmony. There is every motive of love and gratitude to draw us to this contemplation; and, thus employed, we shall be insensibly changing "into the same image, from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord."

We come now, lastly, to consider the actual circumstances of the sanctification of the people of God. Here it will be immediately evident, that the most eminent saints are but imperfect men. Daily experience convinces us, that we commit daily sins; and, every Christian, in his approaches to the throne of grace, feels that he has much to confess, and to be ashamed of, before his heavenly Father. Job was guilty of fretfulness: the man after God's own heart grievously sinned: Hezekiah was drawn aside into the "filthiness of the Spirit;" and, the beloved John hath said, "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves." There is also much variation in the progress of the work. Some times his affections are very lively and vigorous in the service of God, and his views of spiritual things peculiarly bright. At other times, his soul


again; and, with a tender, contrite mind, he will cry unto his Father "to restore his soul, and to lead him in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake." When one contest is over, he returns to the struggle again; nor can he finally lay down his arms, till he has gained a complete and universal victory through bin that hath loved him. Thus the work is carried on. Most consolatory is it to know, that, "he which hath begun it, will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ." The purposes and promises of God, and the perpetual intercession of the Redeemer, ensure no less a privilege. How cheering to be assured, that in heaven our blessed Saviour is ever mindful of his people. There, in the perpetual presentment of his invaluable oblation, he silently pleads, that we may be "sanctified through the truth." That intercession must prevail. From him that grace shall certainly be derived to all his people, which shall meeten them for the heavenly inheritance. forward, Christian, to that inheritance. Anticipate, with delight and gratitude, that bright and holy world on which you shall presently enter.


On your stepping into that, you shall at once drop the pollution that now cleaves so fast to you; you shall join a soicety perfectly holy, and you shall be as holy as any of them. Those gracious principles, now implanted in your heart, shall continue to expand in every holy affection and exercise for ever and ever, There you will breathe an untainted air, your soul shall possess immortal health, and shall unceasingly triumph in its exalted purity and perfection. Let the thoughts of this blessedness raise you above the world, and quicken your steps in the way of God's commandments. So will you make your calling and election sure-so will you never fall-and so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly, into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus ChristMelksham, Wilts, Nov. 21, 1821.


J. .S

ORIGINAL LETTER to the Church in
Little Wild Street; dictated and signed by
Dr. Joseph Stennett, and written by his
Son, Samuel Stennett, (afterwards D.D.)

To the Church of Christ meeting in Little
Wild Street, London.

30th. Nov. 1757. My very dear and Christian Friends and Brethren,

believe increased your affection to me; and, that you have been led to give such an instructive example on this occasion of faith and prayer to other churches. Go on, dear Brethren, and be not weary of praying, waiting, and believing. In due time, I shall receive the benefit of your faith and prayer; as I trust your own souls and your families will also.

My dear Brethren, let your love abound one towards another, forbearing one another, forgiving one another, as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. Exercise your charity to all men, in the manner in which the gospel recommends it. It is my great comfort in the views of eternity, that I have been led, in these changeable and sad times, steadily and constantly to maintain those doctrines, which I find are able to support me at such a season as this. I call my dear charge at Exeter, where I spent the first part of my ministry, the Lord knows, in great weakness, to testify this concerning me. I always thought the great design of the gospel was to lay the creature in the dust, and to exalt the great Redeemer of the Church. I always taught both them and you to love Jesus Christ, to live upon him, and to expect your justification from him alone, his blood, his righteousness imputed, and his intercession.

You cannot easily imagine how much pain it has given me to think that, after so much time has elapsed, since I received your most Christian and tender letter, I should not be able to get a few moments of ease and strength enough myself, to write a few lines to you; nor, indeed, such a composure of mind as to dictate properly to my son, who, in the midst of all his filial tenderness for me, and the same bowels of affection for you, as I have myself, has met with so sensible a stroke in his own family. It is now near three months since I laid down upon this, which I still call my dying bed; and which, notwithstanding the changes I have passed through, I still apprehend will be so. It is a deep scheme of Providence indeed-my pains so excruciating, and, with very imperfect intermissions either by night or by day! 0, what a heart have I! How obdurate to render it necessary for instruction to be sealed by such a But, my pains and weakness oblige severe discipline as this! And yet, if me to bring these broken thoughts to a God had been pleased to let out that close. Hold fast the form of sound wrath upon my poor soul which my word, which you have received of me sins have righteously deserved, how in faith and love. And, there is one much more deplorable would my case thing I desire may be particularly rehave been! But, through unbounded membered; that, notwithstanding all goodness, I have been able to sing of the difficulties which attend a due apmercy as well as judgment. The Re- prehension of the connexion between finer has sat by all the time I have the grace of God, and the work of the been in the furnace; and, I have not Spirit, on the one hand, and the obbeen without saving instruction, effect-ligations of duty we are under, in order ually impressed, and divine supports to our salvation, on the other; if the afforded. Sometimes I think I could gospel be true, it is as much our duty rejoice to talk to you once more of the to repent and believe, and be holy, as it loving-kindness of the Lord, and of is Christ's promise to save us by the what he has done for my soul; and to operations of his Spirit. Work out your recommend that dear Jesus with all the own salvation with fear and trembling: blessings of his salvation, to your pre- For, it is God which worketh in you, cious souls, which I have often sin- both to will and to do, of his good cerely, though poorly, done in the pleasure. course of my ministry. This has been a searching time with me, and I know I love you dearly. And it pleases me to think, how this awakening affliction roused your sympathy, and I really

Brethren, as you would have your souls prosper, labour to maintain holy discipline in the church. Attend early and constantly on the public worship of God." Cultivate the duties of re

ligion in your families and your closets. See that the generous spirit, that has long prevailed among you, for the support and encouragement of the interest of our Lord Jesus Christ, may not decay. Be exemplary in your conversation; and use your kind endea vours to restore such as are departed from the truth, or, by an unholy walk, have brought themselves under the censure of the church.

Finally, my dear Brethren, farewell. If we meet together again in this life, as it will be an amazing appearance of divine power and goodness, so I trust it will be to answer some very valuable end. But, if it is otherwise ordered, God grant we may all have a glorious meeting in the better state, and not one be missing there! These are the constant prayers of

Your most faithful and affectionate
Brother and Servant

In our common Lord,

Bath, Nov. 30th, 1757.

NOTE ON 2 PETER, i. 19. We have also a more sure word of Prophecy.

THIS passage, taken in its present form, and viewed in its connexion with the three preceding verses, would seem to intimate, that the word of prophecy was a more unequivocal attestation to the truth of the apostolic testimony, than the voice which was heard in the holy mount, and which proclaimed from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

The apostle, however, could not have intended to say, that a revelation delivered through the mouth of a prophet, bore higher marks of divine authority than a witness borne by the Father himself-by a voice which came immediately from heaven. For, though the glory of Christ was sufficiently manifested by the prophets, to rejoice the hearts of them that believed; still it was known to them only by REPORT; whereas, the declaration vouchsafed to the three disciples, pointed to Jesus, then standing before them in bodily presence, and so surrounded with manifestations of divine and visible splendour, that they saw his glory-they were EYE-WITNESSES of

his majesty-Besides, the prophecies, from their very nature, could never have had all the certainty whereof they were capable, till they were eventually fulfilled in the coming of the Just One.-Nay, let us suppose for a moment that Christ had not come in the flesh;-then all must have fallen to the ground. Whereas the personal appearance of Jesus in the holy mount, had been to the beholders an irresistible evidence of his dignity, though the Spirit of prophecy had never uttered his voice.

But, though the prophetic word could not be more sure than the voice from heaven, it could and did derive to itself further confirmation from that voice; indeed, it was now completely authenticated, in its true import, as testifying to Jesus that he was the anointed of God. The apostle, therefore, about to urge the study of the Old Testament Scripture, commends them as thus corroborated, and as having in their favour, the same grand evidence upon which the truth of the gospel rested; saying,

We have more firm the prophetic word: that is, we have the testimony of the prophets further confirmed to us; seeing that the transaction on the mount has not only proved Jesus to be the Son of God, but has evinced him to be the very One of whom the prophets spake in times past.

We see

Thus the scope of the two dispensations was there manifested to be the same; and, when we look unto Jesus as that scene presents him to us, we discover a fixed sense and unity of design pervading the whole. the Old Testament revelation issuing in Jesus, and the New Testament proceeding from the same person. We see Moses and Elias (apt representatives of the law and the prophets) ministering unto Jesus, and acquiescing in the command to hear HIM alone; while we see Jesus accepting of their service, and arraying them in suitable glory, thereby acknowledging that they had, on earth, spoken the word of truth, when they testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.


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