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To-day's Sunday, I say, and I ought to know," said uncle testily.

"You are all mad, every one of you!" persisted Smitherton. "I am as positive that yesterday was Sunday as I am that I sit here."

14. "I see it all, papa," said Kate, jumping up. "This is a judgment upon you, about—about— you know what. I'll explain it all in a minute. It's a very simple thing, indeed. Captain Smitherton says that yesterday was Sunday. So it was: he is right. Cousin Bob and you and I say that to-day is Sunday. So it is: we are right. Captain Pratt insists that to-morrow will be Sunday. So it will: he is right too. The fact is, we are all right, and thus three Sundays have come together in a week."

15. "By-the-by, Pratt," said Captain Smitherton, "Kate has caught us. What fools we two are!—Mr. Rumgudgeon, the matter stands thus: The earth, you know, is, in round numbers, twenty-four thousand miles in circumference. Now, the earth turns on its own axis, spins round, these twenty-four thousand miles, going from west to east, in precisely twenty-four hours. Well, sir, that is at the rate of one thousand miles an hour.

16. "Now, suppose that I sail from this position a thousand miles east. Of course, I anticipate the rising of the sun here at London by just one hour. I see the sun rise one hour before you do. Proceeding in the same direction yet another thousand miles, I anticipate the rising by two hours; another thousand, and I an

ticipate it by three hours; and so on, until I go entirely round the globe, and back to this spot, when, having gone twenty-four thousand miles east, I anticipate the rising of the London sun by no less than twenty-four hours; that is to say, I am a day in advance of your time. Understand?

17. "But Captain Pratt, when he had sailed a thousand miles west of this position, was an hour, and when he had sailed twenty-four thousand miles was twenty-four hours, or one day, behind the time at London. Thus, with me, yesterday was Sunday; thus, with you, to-day is Sunday; and thus, with Captain Pratt, to-morrow will be Sunday. And what is more, Mr. Rumgudgeon, it is positively clear that we are all right."

18. "Dear me! Well, well, Kate!" said uncle; "well, well, Bob! this is a judgment upon me, as you say. But I am a man of my word,-mark that! You shall have her, boy, when you please. Three Sundays in a week! Three Sundays in a week!"


I. Write the analysis of: oppose (ponere); disposition (ponere); positive (ponere); union (unus); convenient (venire); consequence (sequi).

II. Write the principal parts of the verbs: approach; oblige; know; happen; pay; bid; catch; see; spin.

III. Make a list of all the epithets (see Definition 00) applied to Rumgudgeon. Write out in your own language the explanation of how Captain Pratt lost a day in circumnavigating the globe.

23.- Glimpses of Science.


|trăv ́erse, pass through.

ut'ter, complete, total.

pre-vāil'ing, predominant, gen- wān'ing, decreasing

op'tie, relating to sight.

pli'a-ble, yielding, flexible.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]


new (moon).

wǎx'ing, increasing


"full" (moon).


(5) St. Peter's: i.e., St. Peter's Cathedral at Rome, the largest Christian church-building in the world. The dome, designed about 1546 by the famous sculptor Michael Angelo, has a diameter of nearly two hundred feet. (5) St. Paul's: i.e., St. Paul's Cathedral in London, next to St. Peter's the largest of Christian edifices, was designed by the famous architect Sir Christopher Wren, and was finished in 1710. Its dome is one hundred and forty-five feet in diameter.

1. It is one of the privileges of man to have eyes. Many living creatures have none. The eyes, for example, which the star-fishes have, are mere sensitive points dimly conscious of light and darkness, but not perceiving colors or distinguishing forms. The eyes

of flies are hard horny lanterns which can not be moved about like our restless eyes, but look always in the same direction; whilst spiders, having many more things to look after than one pair of such lanterns will suffice for, have eyes stuck all over their heads, and can watch a gnat with one eye, and peer through a hole in their webs with another.

2. We are much better provided for than any of these creatures, although we have but two small orbs to see with. Think how beautiful the human eye is, excelling in beauty the eye of any other creature.

3. Yet the eyes of many of the lower animals are very beautiful. You must have admired the bold, fierce, bright eye of the eagle; the large, gentle, brown eye of the ox; the green eye of the cat, waxing and waning like the moon, as the sun shines upon it or deserts it; the pert eye of the sparrow; the sly eye of the fox; the peering little bead of black enamel in the mouse's head; the gem-like eye which redeems the toad from ugliness; and the intelligent, affectionate expression which looks out from the human-like eye of the horse and the dog.

4. There are these and the eyes of many other animals full of beauty; there are none, indeed, which are not beautiful: but there is a glory which excelleth in the eye of man. We see this fully only when we gaze into the faces of those we love. It is their eyes we look at when we are near them, and recall when we are far away. The face is a blank without the eye.

5. But apart altogether from its beauty, the human eye is a wondrous construction. Let us glance for a moment at it. It is a hollow globe, or small round chamber. There is no human chamber like it in form, unless we include among human dwelling-places the great hollow balls which surmount the domes of St. Peter's and St. Paul's. The eye is such a ball.

6. The larger part of it, which we do not see, forms the white of the eye, and consists of a strong, thick, tough membrane, something like parchment, but more pliable. This forms the outer wall, as it were, of the chamber of the eye; it may be compared to the cup of an acorn, or to a still more familiar thing, an eggcup, or to a round wine-glass with a narrow stem. It is strong, so that it can not easily be injured; thick, so that light can not pass through it; and round, so that it can be moved about in every direction, and let us see much better on all sides with a single pair of eyes than the spider can with its host of them.

7. In the front of the eye is a clear, transparent window, much like the glass of a watch. If you look at a face sideways, you see it projecting with a bent surface like a bow-window. The eyelids may be compared to a pair of outside shutters for this window, which are put up when we go to sleep, and taken down when we awake. But these shutters are not useless. Every waking moment they are rising and falling, or, as we say, winking. We do this so often that we forget that we do it at all; but the object of this winking is a very important one.

8. An outside window soon gets soiled and dirty, and a careful shop-keeper cleans his windows every morning. But our eye-windows must never have so much as a speck or spot upon them; and the winking eyelid is the busy apprentice who, not once a day, but all the day, keeps the living glass clean: so that after

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