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Diabolus has made his Nest.

Cnes; he had defaced the Image of Shaddai, and had fet up his own; he had fpoiled the old Law-Books, and had promoted his own vain Lies; he had made him new Magiftrates, and fet up new Aldermen; he had built his new Holds,' and had man'd them for himself. And all this he did to make himself fecure, in Cafe the good Shaddai, or his Son fhould come to make an Incurfion upon him.

Tidings carried to the Court of what had happened to ManSoul.

Now you may well think, that long before this Time, Word by fome or other could not but be carried to the good King Shaddai, how his Manfoul in the Continent of Universe was loft; and that the Giant Diabolus, once one of his Majefty's Servants, had in Rebellion against the King, made fure thereof for himself: Yea, Tidings were carried and brought to the King thereof, and that to a very Cireumftance.

At first, How Diabolus came upon Manfoul, (they being a fimple People and innocent) with Craft, Subtlety, Lies and Guile: Item, That he had treacherously flain their Right Noble and Valiant Captain, the Captain Refiftance, as he stood upon the Gate with the reft of their Townfmen: Item, How my brave Lord Innocent fell down dead, (with Grief fome fay, or with being poisoned with the ftinking Breath of one Ill-pause, as fay others) at the hearing of his juft Lord, and Rightful Prince Shaddai so abused, by the Mouth of fo filthy a Diabolian, as that Varlet Ill-paufe was. The Meffenger further told, that after this Ill-pause had made a fhort Oration to the Townfmen, in behalf of Diabolus his Mafter, the fimple Town believing that was faid was true, with one Confent did open Ear-gate, the chief Gate of the Corporation, and did let him with his Crew into the Poffeffion of the famous Town of Manfoul He further fhewed how Diabolus had ferved the Lord Mayor, and Mr. Recorder, to wit, that he had put them from all Place of Power aad Truft: Item, he fhewed


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alfo that my Lord Will-be-will was turned a very and Runagate, and that fo was one Mr. Mind, his Clerk, and that they two did range and revel it all the Town over, and teach the wicked ones their Ways. He faid moreover, that this Will-be-will was put into great Trust, and particularly that Diabolus had put in Will-be-will's Hand, all the ftrong Places in Manfoul; and that Mr. Affection was made my Lord Will-be-will's Deputy, in his most rebellious Affairs. Yea, faid the Meffenger, this Monster, Lord Will-be-will has openly difayowed tho King Shaddai, and hath horribly given his Faith and plighted Troth to Diabolus.

Alfo, faid the Meffenger, befides this, the new King, or rather rebellious Tyrant over the once famous, but now perishing Town of Manfoul, has fet up a Lord-Mayor, and Recorder of his own. For Mayor he has fet up one Mr. Luftings, and for Recorder Mr. Forget-good, two of the vileft of all the Town of Manfoul. This faithful Meffenger alfo proceeded, and told what a Sort of new Burgeffes Diabolus had made also that he had built feveral strong Forts, Towers, and ftrong Holds an Manfoul. He told too, the which I had almoft forgot, how Diabolus had put the Town of Manfoul into Arms, the better to capacitate them on his Behalf, to make Refiftance against Shaddai their King, fhould he come to reduce them to their former Obedi

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Grief at Court

to hear the Ti dings.


Now the Tidings-teller did not deliver his Relation of Things in private, but in open Court, the King and his Son, High Lords, Chief Captains, and Nobles, being all there prefent to hear. But by that they had heard the whole of the Story, it would have amazed one, to have seen, had he been there to behold it, what Sorrow and Grief, and Compunction of Spirit, there was among all Sorts, to think that the famous Manfoul was now taken: Only the King and his Son forefaw all this long before, yea, and fufficiently provided for t Relief of Manfoul, tho' they told not every body ther of. Yet, because they also would have a Share in co

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doling of the Mifery of Manfoul, therefore they also did, and that at a Rate of the highest Degree, bewail the lofing of Manfoul, Gen. vi. 5, 6. The King faid plainly, that it grieved him at the Heart, and you may be fure that his Son was not a whit behind him. Thus they gave Conviction to all about them, that they had Love and Compaffion for the famous Town of Manfoul. Well, when the King and his Son were retired into the Privy-chamber, there they again confulted about what they had defigned before, to wit, That as Manfoul fhould in Time be fuffered to be loft:

The Secrets of So as certainly it thould be recovered his Purpose. again. Recovered I fay, in fuch a Way as that both the King and his Son would get themselves Eternal Fame and Glory thereby. Wherefore, after this Confult, the Son of Shaddai (a fweet and comely The Son of God. Affection for thofe that were in AfflicPerfon, and one that had always great tion, but one that had mortal Enmity in his Heart àgainft Diabolus, because he was defigned for it, and becaufe he fought his Crown and Dignity) Ifa. xlix. 5. 1 Tim. i. 15. He xiii. 14. This Son of Shaddai, I fay, having ftricken Hand with his Father, and promised that he would be his Servant to recover Manfoul again, ftood by his Refolution, nor would he repent of A brave Defign the fame. The Purport of which Agreeon foot for the ment was this, to wit, That at a certain Town of Man- Time prefixed by both, the King's Son foul. fhould take a Journey into the Country of Univerfe, and there in a Way of Juftice and Equity, by making of Amends for the Follies of Manfoul, he hould lay the Foundation of her perfect Deliverance from Diabolus, and from his Tyranny.

Moreover, Emanuel refolved to make, at a Time convenient, a War upon the Giant Diabolus, even while Dhe was poffeffed of the Town of ManBy the Holy font; and that he would fairly, by 14 Strength of Hand, drive him out of his Hold, his Neft, and take it to himfelf, to be his Habi



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The Holy


This now being refolved upon, Order was given to the Lord Chief Secretary, to draw up a fair Record of what was determined, and to cause that it fhould be published in all the Corners of the Kingdom of Universe. A fhort Breviat of the Contents thereof, you may if you please take here as follows:

Let all Men know, who are concerned, The Contents.. that the Son of Shaddai, the great King, is

engaged by Covenant to his Father, to bring his Mansoul to him again; yea, and to put Manfoul too, through the Power of his matchless Love, into a far better, and more happy. Condition than it was in before it was taken by Diabolus.

Thefe Papers therefore were published in feveral Places, to the no little Moleftation of the Tyrant Diabelus; for now thought he, I fhall be molefted, and my Habitation will be taken from me.

But when this Matter, I mean this Purpose of the King and his Son, did at first take Air at Court, who can tell how the High Lords, Chief Captains, and noble Princes that were there, were taken with the Bufinefs! Firft, they whisper- Among the ed it to one another, and after that it Angels. began to ring throughout the King's Palace, all wen.. dering at the glorious Defign, that between the King and his Son was on foot for the miferable Town of Manful. Yea, the Courtiers could fcarce do any Thing, either for the King or Kingdom, but they would mix with the Doing thereof, a Noife of the Love of the King and his Son, that they had for the Town of Manfoul.

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Diabolus per

Nor could thefe Lords, high Captains, and Princes, be content to keep this News at Court; yea, before the Records thereof were perfected, themselves came down and told it in Universe. At last it came to the Ears, as I faid, of Diabolus, to his no little Difcontent. For you must plexed at the think it would perplex him to hear of fuch a Defign against him: Well, but after a few Cali in his Mind, he concluded upon thefe four Things.

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He concluded on feveral Things.

Firft, that this News, this good Tidings (if poffible fhould be kept from the Bars of the Town of Manfoul: For, faid he, if they fhall once come to the Knowledge tha Shaddai their former King, and Emanue his Son, are contriving of Good for the Town of Manfoul, what can be expected by me, but that Mansoul, will make a Revolt from under my Hand and Government. and return again to him?

Now to accomplish this his Defign, he First how to renews his Flattery with my Lord Willkeep the News trom Manfoul. be-will, and alfo gives him ftrict Charge and Command, that he should keep Wateh by Day and by Night of all the Gates of the Town, efpecially Ear-gate and Eye-gate: For I hear of a Defign, quoth he, a Defign to make us all Traytors, and that Manfoul must be reduced to its first Bondage again. I hope they are but flying Stories, quoth he, however, let no fuch News by any means be let into Manfoul, left the People be dejected thereat: I think,

The Will engaged against the Gospel. Good Thoughts must be kept ent of Manfoul.

my Lord, it can be no welcome News to you, I am fure it is none to me. And I think that at this Time it should be all our Wisdoms and Care to nip the Head of all fuch Rumours as fhall tend to

trouble our People: Wherefore I defire my Lord, that you will in this Matter do as I fay. Let there be ftrong Guards daily kept at every Gate of the Town. Stop alfo and examine from whence fuch come, whom you perceive do come from far hither to Trade; nor let them by any means be admitted into Manfoul, unless you fhall plainly perceive that they are Favourers of our excellent Government. I command moreover, faid Diabolus, that there be Spies continually walking up and down the Town of Munford, and bet them have Power to fupprefs and destroy any they shall perceive to be plotting against us, or that shall prate of what by Shaddai and manuel is intended.

All good Thoughts and Words are to be fupprefied.

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