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2ndly. We must acknowledge that the diversity among animals is a fact determined by the will of the Creator, and that their geographical distribution forms a part of the general plan which unites all organized beings into one great organic conception; whence it follows, that what are called human races, including their early separate existence as nations, are distinct primordial forms of the types of man.

In future, the coincidence between the boundaries of the races of man and the natural limits of different zoological provinces must remain an important element in ethnographical studies; and no theory of the distribution of the races of man and of their migrations can henceforward be satisfactory which does not recognize the fact of such a remarkable coincidence.

From this investigation an important inference may be drawn, which cannot fail to have its influence upon the further study of the human races, namely, that the laws which regulate the diversity of animals, and their distribution upon earth, apply equally to man, within the same limits, and in the same degree; and that all our liberty and moral responsibility, however spontaneous, are yet instinctively directed by the Allwise and Omnipotent to fulfil the great harmonies established in nature*.]

* Types of Mankind; contributions of Professor Agassiz on the Provinces of the Animal World and their Relation to the Types of Man, p. lxxvi.


Abel, breath, perishableness, on
account of his short life, ii. 85.
Aboriginal creations of man (au-
tochthones) in the countries
which they inhabit, ii. 277.
Abraham, described as an his-
torical personage, ii. 272; the
ideal of a pious worshiper of
Jehovah, i. 8, ii. 272.
Abram, father of height, high
father, patriarch, ii. 271.
Affinities of the notes of vo-
ciferous animals in different
parts of the world not a proof
of a common origin, ii. 278.
Agassiz, Professor, on the na-
tural provinces of the animal
world, ii. 275; on the affinities
of languages, ii. 278; on the
distribution of man and ani-
mals, ii. 278-280.

Ages ascribed to first patriarchs,
ii. 98, 101.

Agriculture, inferior to pastoral
life, ii. 83; antipathy of the
Israelites to, traced to their
Arabian origin, ii. 83.
Air, as an elastic fluid, not known
to the Hebrews, ii. 185.
Allegorical interpretation, arbi-
trary, ii. 73; specimen of, ii. 74.
Alluvium, period required for
the deposition of, in the plain
of Babylon, ii. 196.
Alphabet, Hebrew, traced by
Ewald to picture characters, i.
38; in English characters, i. 335.

Altenstein, Minister Von, letter
of, to Von Bohlen, i. xxiv.
Amalgamation of migrating or
conquering tribes with primi-
tive stocks of nations, ii. 278.
Animals, domestic, of Europe,
their origin, ii. 275.
Animosity against conquered
enemies usual in early myths,
i. 10.

Arabia, mountains of, ii. 254.
Arabic language, the compiler
of the Pentateuch acquainted
with, i. 48; changes in the, i.
51; names derived from the,
i. 87.

Arabs, early annals of, i. 3; un-
acquainted with writing before
the time of Mahomet, i. 39;
their form of government,
134; those of the commercial
towns separated from the Semi-
tic branch, ii. 222.

Aram, the Chaldæo-Babylonish
kingdom, ii. 248.

Aramæan dialect, i. 48; words

quoted in the Pentateuch, i. 63.
Ararat, mountain of, ii. 137;
covered with snow and ice, ii.
138; probably the highest moun-
tain within the horizon of the
writer, ii. 139.
Archaisms, i. 43.
Ark, in the Deluge, a chest, ii.

126; without mention of sails
or rudder, ii. 127; three times
as long as the largest man-of-

war, not navigable, ii. 128;
animals to be preserved in the,
ii. 131; absence of air and light,
ii. 199.

Ark, of the Tabernacle, a mova-

ble sanctuary, the peculiar a-
bode of Jehovah, not mentioned
after the destruction of Solo-
mon's temple, i. 169; described
without costly implements of
sacrifice in the time of David,
i. 174; not always in the charge
of the Levites, i. 189.
Arphakshad, Northern Media, ii.

Ashtaroth, or Astarte, licentious
worship of, i. 160.
Asiatic Society, Royal, notice by

the Council of, respecting Von
Bohlen's Ancient India, i. xx.
Assyria, river-boats built of re-
sinous cypress in, ii. 127.
Assyrian government connected
with Nineveh, ii. 234.
Assyrians flourishing at the pe-
riod ascribed to the Flood, ii.
200; first appear in Jewish
history B.C. 772, ii. 226.
Astrological element in some of

the numerical statements in
early Hebrew history, i. 107;
principle in the arrangement
of the Levitical camp, i. 109.
Astrology, high antiquity of, i.
315; knowledge of, ascribed in
the East to Abram, in the same
way as to Brahma, ii. 272.
Australia, remarks on the natural

history of, by Agassiz, ii. 279.

Baal, worship of, in Palestine, i.
158, 159.

Babel, or confusion, ii. 255; Bab

Bel, the Court of Bel, ii. 264.
Babylon, exile to, i. 177; district
of, unknown to the Jews before
the Exile, B.C. 587, ii. 161; city
of, taken by Cyrus, B.C. 539,
ii. 259.
Babylonians, probable inventors

of the art of writing, i. 33;
beginning of their year un-
known, ii. 180.
Babylonian tower, ii. 258.
Balaam, prophecy of, i. 213–

Baobab-tree, a seedling in the
year B.C. 3300, ii. 194.
Beginning, the, means primitive
time, ii. 6.

Belief, Hebrew, in the reward of
virtue and the punishment of
sin, ii. 168.

Belus, ruins of the Tower of, ii.

Birds, formerly taken on a voy-
age, to aid in discovering the
way to land, ii. 140.
Blood, crying for vengeance, ii.
88; contains life, ii. 143; held
sacred in sacrifices on account
of its vitality, ii. 144; ven-
geance for, an established cus-
tom widely diffused in the
East, ii. 145; avenger of, might
be restrained by royal autho-
rity, ii. 145.

Bohlen, Von: his birth, 1796, i.
xv; his Oriental studies, i. xvi;
his marriage, i. xvii; appointed
Professor of Oriental Langua-
ges and Literature at Königs-
berg, i. xviii; his prosperity
at its height in 1836, i. xxi;
death, in 1840, i. xxiii; views,
on the gradual collection of
the Hebrew laws, as the Hier-
archy became established in
Palestine, i. xxvii; has the me-
rit of having pointed out the
physical basis of the mythical
account of a deluge, ii. 176.
Book of the Law, narrative of the
finding of, in the reign of Jo-
siah, i. 256; brought to light
by Hilkiah, could not have re-
mained for a thousand years
uninjured, i. 263; its written
character, if of the age of
Moses, must have been obso-

lete, i. 263; attributed in the
Chronicles to Moses, i. 263.
Bopp, Professor, letter of, on Von
Bohlen's Ancient India, i. xix.
Brahminism, illustrative of the
Jewish religious system, i. 7,
11, 196, 203, 286-288.
Breath of God, a creating and
vivifying power of God, ii. 8;
the principle of life, ii. 29.
Buckland, Dr., remark by, that
multitudes of individuals of
each species were originally
created where subsequently
found, ii. 201.

Bull, domestic, not identical with
any of the wild species of Asia,
ii. 276.

Bunsen, Chevalier, his chrono-
logical table of early Egyptian
dynasties, i. xxx.

Cain exposed to misfortune out

of the territory of Jehovah, ii.
89; city built by, ii. 91.
Cain and Abel, narrative of, ii.
80; its Israelitish tendency,
ii. 81.

Canaan, the land of, its extent,

i. 14; its surface, i. 15; cha-
racter of its population, i. 15;
allotment by Joshua, i. 17;
completion of the conquest of,
a leading object with the wri-
ters of the Pentateuch and the
book of Joshua, i. 17; name of,
applied to the primitive races
of Palestine, ii. 147; as Pho-
nicia, not mentioned in the Se-
ii. 221.
Canaanites in the land in the
time of Moses, i. 76.
Canaanitish races, ii. 240.
Captivity, Babylonish, described
in Deuteronomy, i. 98; circum-
stances of the, i. 179; results
of the, i. 181, 279; mentioned
in Judges, i. 185; Pentateuch
not referred to before the, i.
244, 251.

Chronicles, books of, contain un-
authentic additions to ancient
history, to support Levitical
pretensions, i. 197; genealogies
of the, slowly formed and in-
debted to the invention of
their authors, i. 198; inconsis-
tencies in the genealogies, i.
199; defects in the genealogies,
i. 200; give little support to
the Pentateuch, i. 201.
Church, the, according to Wolff,
ordered certain interpretations
of sacred doctrine to be proved,
in accordance with the circum-
stances of the time, i. 27.
Circumcision, i. 283.
Cities of Palestine mentioned by
names with which Moses could
not have been acquainted, i.74;
of the Plain, ii. 244.
Clean animals, according to the
Levitical law, ii. 130.
Commandments. See Decalogue.
Celto-Germanic nations in Cen-
tral Europe, ii. 277.

Census, in Numbers, fictitious
character of the, i. 112, 113.
Ceremonial service everywhere
prevalent in the time of the
prophets, i. 157.
Chaldæan remains, i. 315; cos-
mogony, adopted by Zoroaster,
ii. 4; year, adopted during the
Babylonish exile, ii. 155; year,
followed in the myth of the
Flood, ii. 156; inhabitants of
Babylonia and Mesopotamia,
ii. 230.

Chaldaisms in the Pentateuch,
often Arabicisms or archaisms,
i. 47.

Chavilah, India, including Ara-
bia, ii. 35.

Cherubim, ii. 53.

Chiddekel, the Tigris, ii. 37.
Christian writers adopted the
prevalent ideas of their own
time, i. 253.

Constantine, legend respecting

his donation of western sove-
reignty to the Popes, i. 332.
Constitution of the Israelites con-
sidered, i. 131; ancient, under
the Judges, i. 136.
Cosmogonies, priestly histories
usually commence with, i. 41;
incorporated with the laws of
Asiatic nations, i. 5; of va-
rious nations, similar, i. 11.
Cosmogony, Hebrew, ii. 1; pious
object of the, ii. 5; not alle-
gorical, ii. 21; later date of,
depends on the institution of
the Sabbath, and on its ap-
pointment subsequent to Mo-
ses, ii. 2; described, to give
importance to the Sabbath, ii.
20; second, ii. 22; objects of,
to point out the districts first
inhabited by the human race,
etc., ii. 23; a separate narra-
tive, ii. 24; distinguished by
the name Jehovah Elohim, ii.
26; or Jehovah God, the two
names being in apposition, ii.

Creation, the, exalts our concep-
tions of the Divine Artificer, i.

Criticism in this work derived
from Genesis itself, and from
history, i. x.
Cush, the African Ethiopia, in-
cluding the parent country of
the Arabian Ethiopia, ii. 219.

David, name of, employed by the

Hebrews for all that is lyrical
in its character, i. 242.
Decalogue, tables of the, i. 31;
subsequent additions to the,
probable, i. 31; simplicity of
the, i. 281; mentions strangers
in the gate and the sabbath, i.
282; appealed to by the pro-
phets, i. 282.

Decretals of Isidore, designed to
give authority to the Papacy,
i. 269; composed by Isidore,

near the end of the eighth cen-
tury, i. 331; proved to be fic-
titious, on the revival of let-
ters, i. 333.

Deep, great, refers to the clouds
piled up, so as to form a great
sea above the earth, ii. 132.
Deluge. See Flood.
Demotic or popular characters
on Egyptian mummy band-
ages, betray a Phoenician origin,
i. 37.
Desert, forty years' wanderings
in the, i. 85-90, 111; fictitious
names of localities in the, i. 88.
Deuteronomy, written in Pales-
tine, i. 71; probably the book
of the law found in the Tem-
ple, in the reign of Josiah, i.
260; compared with Jeremiah,
i. 270; language of, charac-
teristic of a later literary pe-
riod, i. 296; traces of fiction in,
i. 297.

De Wette, his translation of Gene-

sis adopted in this work, i. xi;
letter on Von Bohlen's Gene-
sis, i. xxvi; proved the mythic
character of the Pentateuch, i.
Discernment between good and
evil, in Gen. ii., refers to the
knowledge acquired after child-
hood of what is proper or im-
proper, ii. 39.

Divine vengeance invoked by the
Hebrews on their enemies, i.

Divines might have been expect-
ed to have more accurately ex-
amined scriptural records, i.
Dualism of a good and evil prin-
ciple in Persian myths, ii. 71.

Earth, the centre of the whole
creation, ii. 4.

'East, from the,' explained, if
Ararat were in Iran or Persia,
ii. 261.

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