Зображення сторінки
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Gasterosteus aculeatus, 39, 66.
pungitius, 66.

Geese, wild, 88, 255, 257.

Geology of Selborne, 4, 10, 12.
German silk-tail, 43.

Gipsies, 215, 216.

Glow-worm, 84, 353.

Goatsucker, 76, 78, 84, 113, 123,

254, 256, 334.

Goldfinch, 149.

Gorgonia, 8.

Gossamer, 211, 213.
Gracious Street, 512.
Grange, the, 511.
Grasses, 249.

Grasshopper, 84, 264.

Warbler, 58, 95, 121.
Gray hen, 21.

Greatham, the manor farm of, 24.
Grebe, Little, or Dabchick, 255.
Greenfinch, 254.

Grindstone Oak, in the Holt Forest,

Grosbeak, 38, 341.

Gryllus domesticus, 268, 269, 345.
Gurdon, Sir Adam, 435, 436, 439,
441, 442, 444.

Hanger, the, 2, 10, 14, 20, 130,


Hares, 13, 83, 303, 304, 308.

[blocks in formation]

Invitation to Selborne, 517.

Ivy berries, 360.

Jackdaw, 73, 74, 75, 171, 190.

Jay, 254.

Johanna, heiress of Sir Adam

Gurdon, 445, 449.

Juniper, American, 301.

Kestrel, 121, 175, 253.

Kingfisher, 254.

Kites, 162, 253.

Knights Templars at Selborne, 414,

Kuckahn, 154.

Lacertæ, 66.

Lakes, 27.
Lampern, 39, 66.
Land-rail, 14, 328.
Land-slips, 261.

Land springs, 196, 261.
Lanes, hollow, 12.
Langeland, Robert, 474.
Langrish, Nicholas, 500.
Lapwing, 119, 171.
Lark, 88, 255.

grasshopper, 58, 95, 121.
sky, 165, 255,

wood, 84, 255.

white, 54.

Lavants, 196, 261.

Leaves, renovation of, 358.
Lepers, 237, 239.

Leprosy, 237, 239.

Leveret suckled by a cat, 232.
Leverian Museum, 8, 195, 219.
Libellulæ, 156, 200.

Lime blossoms, 359.
Linnets, 47.

Lizard, 66, 71.

green, 75, 78.

Loaches from Ambresbury, 67.
Longspee, Ela, 451, 453.

Macroglossa stellatarum, 348.
Magpie, 210, 254, 322.
Mallard, 323.
Malm, black, 3.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

yellow or rust colour, 11.

Stonechat, 118, 128.

Stone curlew, 55, 72, 83, 86, 90,

104, 105, 296, 334.

Eropyn of animals, 148, 174, 176,
194, 247.

Storm-cock, 117.

Stratiomys chamæleon, 109.
Suborbital sinuses in deer, 51.
Sudington, preceptory of, 446.
Summers, sultry, 309, 310.
Superstitions, 221.

Swallow, 33, 34, 44, 49, 79, 83, 90,

95, 113, 118, 120, 149, 151, 152,
161, 171, 180, 190, 193, 195, 209,
236, 247, 254, 256, 291, 338, 339.
supposed hybernation of, 33,

115, 161, 171, 191.

Swans, 121.

Swift, 33, 34, 40, 83, 90, 114, 118,
120, 168, 202, 208, 246, 255,


alpine, or white-bellied, 104,

[blocks in formation]

Thaws, 363.

[blocks in formation]


swallowing its young, 64,

Virgin garlands, 412.

Visitatio notabilis de Seleburne,

458, 468.

Vole, water, 36, 89.

Wagtails, 47, 118, 121, 126, 145,

147, 255, 340.

Waldon-lodge, 26.

Thrushes, 54, 121, 150, 301, 306, Wall-fruit, 211.


Thrush, missel, 44, 117, 210, 254.
Thunderstorms, 312.

Tiles, ornamented, 502, 510.
Timber in the Holt Forest, 27.
in Wolmer Forest, 27.
fall of, 32.
value of, 27.

Tipula, 352.

Waltham blacks, 22, 23.

Warbler, grasshopper, 58, 95.
sedge, 82.

Wasps, 309, 320, 349.

Water, characteristics of hard and
soft, 4.

Water-ouzel, 99, 156.
Water-rat, 36, 89.

Waxwing, 43.

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