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of wing-coverts. This arrangement is necessary, because the

towards the extremity of the wing, and so of the several sets



increase in strength from within outwards, i.e. from the body secondaries. The tertiary, secondary, and primary feathers


FIG. 99.

FIG. 100.

FIG. 101.

FIGS. 98, 99, 100, and 101 show the muscles and elastic ligaments, and the arrangement of the primary and secondary
feathers on the ventral aspects of the wing of the crested crane. The wing is in the extended condition.
y (fig. 98), Great pectoral muscle which depresses the wing.
a b, Voluntary muscular fibres terminating in elastic band k. This band splits up into two portions (k, m). A
somewhat similar band is seen at j. These three bands are united to, and act in conjunction with, the great fibro-
elastic web c, to flex the forearm on the arm. The fibro-elastic web is more or less under the influence of the vol-
untary muscles (a, b).
o, p, q, Musculo-fibro elastic ligament, which envelopes the roots of the primary and secondary feathers, and
forms a symmetrical network of great strength and beauty, its component parts being arranged in such a manner
as to envelope the root of each individual feather. The network in question supports the feathers, and limits their
peculiar valvular action. It is enlarged at figs. 99 and 101, and consists of three longitudinal bands, rs, tu, v, w.
Between these bands two oblique bands, g and h, run; the oblique bands occurring between every two feathers.
The marginal longitudinal band (v, w) splits up into two processes, one of which curves round the root of each
feather (x) in a direction from right to left (c, b, a), the other in a direction from left to right (d, e, f). These pro-
cesses are also seen at m, n of fig. 100.-Original.

strain on the feathers during flight increases in proportion to their distance from the trunk.

The manner in which the roots of the primary, secondary, and tertiary feathers are geared to each other in order to rotate in one direction in flexion, and in another and opposite direction in extension, is shown at figs. 98, 99, 100, and 101, p. 181. In flexion the feathers open up and permit the air to pass between them. In extension they flap together and render the wing as air-tight as that of either the insect or bat. The primary, secondary, and tertiary feathers have consequently a valvular action.

The Wing of the Bird not always opened up to the same extent in the Up Stroke. The elaborate arrangements and adaptations for increasing the area of the wing, and making it impervious to air during the down stroke, and for decreasing the area and opening up the wing during the up stroke, although necessary to the flight of the heavy-bodied, short-winged birds, as the grouse, partridge, and pheasant, are by no means indispensable to the flight of the long-winged oceanic birds, unless when in the act of rising from a level surface; neither do the short-winged heavy birds require to fold and open up the wing during the up stroke to the same extent in all cases, less folding and opening up being required when the birds fly against a breeze, and when they have got fairly under weigh. All the oceanic birds, even the albatross, require to fold and flap their wings vigorously when they rise from the surface of the water. When, however, they have acquired a certain degree of momentum, and are travelling at a tolerable horizontal speed, they can in a great measure dispense with the opening up of the wing during the up stroke-nay, more, they can in many instances dispense even with flapping. This is particularly the case with the albatross, which (if a tolerably stiff breeze be blowing) can sail about for an hour at a time without once flapping its wings. In this case the wing is wielded in one piece like the insect wing, the bird simply screwing and unscrewing the pinion on and off the wind, and exercising a restraining influence the breeze doing the principal part of the work. In the bat the wing is jointed as in the bird, and folded during the up stroke. As,

however, the bat's wing, as has been already stated, is covered by a continuous and more or less elastic membrane, it follows that it cannot be opened up to admit of the air passing through it during the up stroke. Flight in the bat is therefore secured by alternately diminishing and increasing the area of the wing during the up and down strokes-the wing rotating upon its root and along its anterior margin, and presenting a variety of kite-like surfaces, during its ascent and descent, precisely as in the bird (fig. 80, p. 149, and fig. 83, p. 158).

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FIG. 102.-Shows the upward inclination of the body and the flexed condition of the wings (a b, e f; a' b', e'f') in the flight of the kingfisher. The body and wings when taken together form a kite. Compare with fig. 59, p. 126, where the wings are fully extended.

Flexion of the Wing necessary to the Flight of Birds.-Considerable diversity of opinion exists as to whether birds do or do not flex their wings in flight. The discrepancy is owing to the great difficulty experienced in analysing animal movements, particularly when, as in the case of the wings, they are consecutive and rapid. My own opinion is, that the wings are flexed in flight, but that all wings are not flexed to the same extent, and that what holds true of one wing does not necessarily hold true of another. To see the flexing of the wing properly, the observer should be either immediately above the bird or directly beneath it. If the bird be con

templated from before, behind, or from the side, the up and down strokes of the pinion distract the attention and complicate the movement to such an extent as to render the observation of little value. In watching rooks proceeding leisurely against a slight breeze, I have over and over again satisfied myself that the wings are flexed during the up stroke, the mere extension and flexion, with very little of a down stroke, in such instances sufficing for propulsion. I have also observed it in the pigeon in full flight, and likewise in the starling, sparrow, and kingfisher (fig. 102, p. 183).

It occurs principally at the wrist-joint, and gives to the wing the peculiar quiver or tremor so apparent in rapid flight, and in young birds at feeding-time. The object to be attained is manifest. By the flexing of the wing in flight, the " remiges," or rowing feathers, are opened up or thrown out of position, and the air permitted to escape-advantage being thus taken of the peculiar action of the individual feathers and the higher degree of differentiation perceptible in the wing of the bird as compared with that of the bat and insect.

In order to corroborate the above opinion, I extended the wings of several birds as in rapid flight, and fixed them in the outspread position by lashing them to light unyielding reeds. In these experiments the shoulder and elbow-joints were left quite free-the wrist or carpal and the metacarpal joints only being bound. I took care, moreover, to interfere as little as possible with the action of the elastic ligament or alar membrane which, in ordinary circumstances, recovers or flexes the wing, the reeds being attached for the most part to the primary and secondary feathers. When the wings of a pigeon were so tied up, the bird could not rise, although it made vigorous efforts to do so. When dropped from the hand, it fell violently upon the ground, notwithstanding the strenuous exertions which it made with its pinions to save itself. When thrown into the air, it fluttered energetically in its endeavours to reach the dove-cot, which was close at hand; in every instance, however, it fell, more or less heavily, the distance attained varying with the altitude to which it was projected.

Thinking that probably the novelty of the situation and

the strangeness of the appliances confused the bird, I allowed it to walk about and to rest without removing the reeds. I repeated the experiment at intervals, but with no better results. The same phenomena, I may remark, were witnessed in the sparrow; so that I think there can be no doubt that a certain degree of flexion in the wings is indispensable to the flight of all birds—the amount varying according to the length and form of the pinions, and being greatest in the short broadwinged birds, as the partridge and kingfisher, less in those whose wings are moderately long and narrow, as the gulls, and many of the oceanic birds, and least in the heavy-bodied long and narrow-winged sailing or gliding birds, the best example of which is the albatross. The degree of flexion, moreover, varies according as the bird is rising, falling, or progressing in a horizontal direction, it being greatest in the two former, and least in the latter.

It is true that in insects, unless perhaps in those which fold or close the wing during repose, no flexion of the pinion takes place in flight; but this is no argument against this mode of diminishing the wing-area during the up stroke where the joints exist; and it is more than probable that when joints are present they are added to augment the power of the wing during its active state, i.e. during flight, quite as much as to assist in arranging the pinion on the back or side of the body when the wing is passive and the animal is reposing. The flexion of the wing is most obvious when the bird is exerting itself, and may be detected in birds which skim or glide when they are rising, or when they are vigorously flapping their wings to secure the impetus necessary to the gliding movement. It is less marked at the elbow-joint than at the wrist; and it may be stated generally that, as flexion decreases, the twisting flail-like movement of the wing at the shoulder increases, and vice versa,—the great difference between sailing birds and those which do not sail amounting to this, that in the sailing birds the wing is worked from the shoulder by being alternately rolled on and off the wind, as in insects; whereas, in birds which do not glide, the spiral movement travels along the arm as in bats, and manifests itself during flexion and extension in the bending of the joints and in the

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