Зображення сторінки

The Committee appointed at the last meeting to For the second best, do. do. prepare and report a plan for an Agricultural Ex-For the best colt, not over two years old the hibition and Fair, to be held by the society in the preceding spring, autumn of 1825, have given to the subject all the For the second best, do. consideration which, in their opinion is due to it,


from the unlimited discretion conferred on them in For the best Boar, not more than four nor less
their appointment. Regarding it mainly as an at-
than one year old,

tempt to revive the zeal and exertions of the socie- For the second best, do.
ty, which, much to our reproach, has been too long For the best sow, not more than four nor less
dormant, considering the subject as novel and un-
than one year old,
tried among us, and having a due regard to the For the second best, do.
actual funds of the society, the committee in re-
commending a first essay, are induced to limit the
exhibition to a few subjects most conformable to the
objects which the society has in view, and best cal-
culated in their opinion to attract public attention.
These consist,

1st. Of Agricultural Implements, and particularly the Plough, the perfection of which ought to claim our first attention, as it is the chief instrument for dividing the soil, and of course the basis of all our husbandry.

2d. Fine Breeding animals, calculated for the saddle or draft, for food or clothing, which will comprehend horses and mules, neat cattle, hogs and sheep.


For the best Ram, not more than four years nor
less than 18 months old,

For the second best, do.

For the best pen of Ewes, not less than four in


For the best ploughman with horses,
For the best do. with oxen,

Domestic Manufactures.
For the best piece of linen cloth, for shirting or
sheeting, one yard wide and not less than ten
yards long,

3d. Domestic Manufactures, in which the ladies For the best piece of flannel, 7-Sths wide, and
of our state will not be excluded from a due parti- not less than ten yards long,
cipation in our exertions, or a patriotic and praise-For the best carpeting, one yard wide and not
worthy emulation in that branch of industry which less than twenty yards long,

is likely to become the only source of clothing left For the best piece of woollen cloth 3-4ths wide
to the agricultural states of the Union, if we may and not less than ten yards long,
be allowed to judge from the efforts of the last ses-For the best pair of blankets, not less than two
sion of congress, to diminish our imports, by an in-
yards wide nor 24 long,
creased tariff of duties. These will comprehend For the best piece of woollen vesting, not less
fabrics wrought of wool and cotton, either separate
than 3-4ths wide nor ten yards long,
or mixed, of flax and of hemp. Your committee For the best woollen counterpane,
are aware that there are many other subjects emi- For the best cotton
nently entitled to the society's encouragement-but
at present they will confine their recommendation
to those above enumerated, and now submit the
following scheme:

The Society will hold an Exhibition and Fair of
Agricultural Implements, Live Stock, and Domestic
Manufactures, in Charlottesville and its vicinity, on
Tuesday and Wednesday, the 8th and 9th days of
November next, (1825,) and offer the following
premiums to be then and there awarded:

Agricultural Implements.

For the best plough, to be tested by actual trial,
simplicity of construction, efficiency of perform
ance and facility of draft to be considered,
For the best constructed wheat fan,
For the best straw cutter,

Live Stock-1st, CATTLE.

For the best bull, not more than six, nor less than two years old,

For the second best, do.

For the best cow, not more than seven nor less than three years old,

For the second best, do.

For the best yoke of working oxen, not more than eight nor less than four years old-reference being had to their performance at the plough,

For the second best, do.

For the best fatted ox, not more than nine nor less than three years old, reference being had to the mode of feeding,

For the second best, do.


For the Stallion best calculated to improve our
breed of draft horses, not more than nine nor
less than three years old,

For the Stallion best calculated to improve our
breed of riding horses, do. do.
For the best brood mare, not more than nine
nor less than three years old,


For the best woollen knit hose, not less than
two pair,

For the best man's hat, made of grass, straw,
chip, or other vegetable material,
For the best woman's hat or bonnet, do.
For the best piece of cotton shirting or sheet-
ing, not less than 3-4ths wide nor ten yards

For the best piece of cotton vesting, not less
than 3-4ths wide nor ten yards long,

[blocks in formation]

For many years past there has prevailed a scarci ty of stone fruit in this state, particularly in and 5 near the seaports. My garden is on a sand bank 3 by the sea shore, but nine miles from the open ocean; a small lot crowded wi h fruit trees. Apples 5 do not bear well; pear trees will not thrive on its 3 soil; but peach, plum and cherry trees bear well with the proper management, which is as follows: Canker worms, &c. were wont to attack my plum trees-the leaves fell, leaving the fruit, which did not come to maturity, but soon after also fell, unripe and wormy. Fish oil (the most offensive is best,) was rubbed with a painter's brush on every limb, 5 and also on the trunk, the earth about the roots dug some inches deep and carried off, the ground under





the trees hoed and swept, fresh sods placed round the roots, and ashes, from the ley cask, strewed for some distance under and around the trees. This was performed in the autumn. The April following the trees were white washed all over the trunks and larger branches. While in blossom they are smok5 ed night and morning for a week with tarred oakum or any trash, strewed with sulphur or roll brim5 stone. A frying pan answers well for this purpose, as it can be held high and close to the blossoms. The blossoms of the plum and cherry trees contain a very small fly, which appears while the smoke is 5 applied to the blossoms This fly ruins the fruit, causing it to fall off prematurely; it is suffocated by the tar or sulphur fumes. Peach trees not to be smoked, but it is requisite to dig the old earth from the 5 root every autumn, replacing it by fresh sods, and 5 to white-wash in the spring. Lime and old ashes 5 may be scattered round the root. No other enriching is necessary, except chip trash from the woodpile.



Plums may be trimmed as you please, but peach and cherry trees not without danger of gum, which 10 injures the fruit, and eventually ruins the tree.




My fruit abundantly rewards my pains, the peaches especially, which bear profusely every year, while those who neglect this process, complain they have no fruit.

The common sugar-plum tree will bear the third year from the sucker-is the most thrifty and lastPersons from any state may become competitors ing stock which I have found for innoculation. The for premiums offered for agricultural implements; fruit is very sweet, handsome, and good for preand the manufacturers of ploughs in particular are serving.

$10 invited to offer their productions for trial. Those Gooseberries, in many gardens near the sea, 5 offered for live stock, shall be confined exclusively mould and fall from the bush. I find that dry ma5 to members of the society, who shall either have nure from the stable put round the roots in the winbred or owned the animal offered at least 4 months ter, and scraped away in the spring, prevents this immediately preceding the exhibition; and the suc-evil, and they bear and ripen well.

cessful candidates for breeding animals shall give a I must not omit to mention, that the white mul$10 pledge not to remove them beyond the precincts of berry, from the seed, will bear the fourth year. I 5 the society for the next ensuing twelve months. have a fine row of them. A moist rich soil suits Premiums for Domestic Manufactures shall be them best, but by attention they will succeed any 10 confined to persons living within the precincts of where.

5 the society, (that is to say, in some county of the I make these communications from the hope they state in which a member or members reside,) which will be attended to, as experience convinces me of must have been wrought in their families. In every their utility.

case where the judges shall think the article offered Currants bear in three years from the seed, if 10 for premium is unworthy of distinction, the right of planted as soon as separated from the juice in mak5 rejecting is reserved, and in every case they will ing wine. If you give the bushes their proper form require such evidence as they may deem proper, to the second year, they need no more attention. The establish the claim. fruit is made fine and the bush more free from

8 A committee of five members shall be appointed, suckers than those from the slips.

5 who shall be styled "the Committee of Arrange- Smoking with sulphur destroys the canker-worm,
ment," to do all things proper and necessary to flies, &c. that infest the apple and pear tree.
carry the foregoing plan into effect-such as to I have sugar-plum trees (or, as some call them,
select ground for a ploughing match, have pens grape plums, from the shape and purple colour,)
20 erected for stock, appoint a deposite for manufac- which have borne for 15 years, and show no symp
tures, appoint judges for each, &c. and report their toms of decay, but the oldest limbs bear the most
20 | arrangements to the next meeting of the society. luxuriantly.
Extract from the minutes,


P. MINOR, Sec'ry.

Should peachnuts be cracked carefully, sprouted in water a week, and planted in May, they will come

up in three or four weeks, and grow as large in one season as those which were planted in the fall.

Mr. Editor,






since this same cow had twins again, if indeed they single exception that I now recollect, have undermay be so called. But that which to me is extra-gone the above discipline, and not one instance has ordinary is, there was an interval of twelve days occurred where there was the smallest disposition between the bringing forth of the two last calves, shown for mischief. I at this time have a very and they are both heifers. They are nearly of the sprightly and high spirited pointer, as much so as same, and of the ordinary size for calves of that one can possibly be, which, when he unluckily falls breed of cattle, and are both very thrifty and in with sheep while hunting a field, always cowers I HAVE long considered the practice of docking milch cow. sprightly. Their mother is said to be a very fine and slinks off another way. If the insertion of this in the American Farmer horses highly injudicious; and I now ask the fa- At this I have been almost as much surprised as should be the means of saving a half dozen of sheep vour of a little space for the insertion of my pro-at the account of a cow in Brookfield, Orange coun- to a poor man, it will not be labour lost. test against it. It is, I believe, peculiar to this ty, (New York, I presume,) from which, it is said, and the mother country, from which we derive the butcher took a calf weighing 200 lbs., bearing it. In Spain, France and Italy, long tails are uni- strong indications of having shed its coat. versal. The Cossacks, Arabs and South AmeriI am aware it is said a cow will go longer with cans, who almost live on horse-back, never dock a bull, than with a heifer calf. But these are both their horses. heifers-and no accidental cause known to accele- MR. SKINNER, The tail is, to the horse, highly useful and orna-rate the coming of the one sooner than the other. mental-nature makes no mistakes: nothing super-I have also observed in several authors, that in ing prescription for destroying the tobacco fly, even I am totally ignorant of the value of the followfluous is given to any animal. As a defence against England, when a cow has twins, the female is gene- if it is as efficacious as pretended; nor do I know, if the cold in the winter, and flies in summer, its use rally said to be incapable of procreation, and there-useful, that it has the merit of novelty, for I know is obvious. A horse that loses the smallest particle fore called a free-martin. nothing of the tobacco culture beyond the expeThe most undeniable proof can be made of the rience of raising some dozen or two of plants from two distinct births or calvings of this cow. At the the Caraccas seed you once had the goodness to birth of the first calf, the milk was thick, and as is send me. As to nicking and foxing, practices of the same usual on those occasions, unfit for use for several service, and if it will not save your tobacco, it may But this paper, such as it is, is at your origin, still more cruel and absurd, they have gone days. Some change in this respect, though not so serve to light your pipe. so much out of fashion, that it is unnecessary to great, was also observed at the birth of the second say any thing as to them. Nothing but a vitiated calf. As a matter of curiosity I intend raising one plants, on visiting the patch, found they had been A gentleman to whom I had promised a few taste could have tolerated mutilations productive of of the calves myself. so much deformity. I an happy to acknowledge nearly destroyed by the fly. He then advised me If such an occurrence is common, or has ever to fire some splinters of pine, and set them at night that the practice of which I complain is gradually fallen within your knowledge, you will confer a fa- in different places in the patch, when the flies would subsiding. The tail of a two year old colt appears your on me, as well as many others in this quarter, be attracted by the light and perish in the flames. to be too large for his body, because one has got its by a statement of the fact*-also whether in Ameri-He said they only committed their depredations at growth, the other not half. When he arrives at ma- ca, as is alleged to be most commonly the fact in night, and that a few moonless dark ones, (favourturity, this disproportion vanishes-all is symmetry. England, when a cow has twins, the female is a able to the effect of the plan,) would enable one to But you will be told that carriage horses, particu- free-martin. Should you, however, think with me, save a patch entire. How much I saved by the exlarly gig horses, must be docked, or they will throw that the circumstance above detailed is very singu- periment, the former ravages of the fly precluded their tails over the reins!-that saddle horses must lar and unusual, and is worth recording in your va- the possibility of ascertaining. W. F. F. be docked, because, in wet weather, their tails get luable journal, you are at liberty to publish this muddy!-and that all horses should be docked to notice of it. improved their beauty. There is no accounting for taste. To improve his appearance, the African files his teeth to resemble a saw; the Indian slashes and distends his ears, whilst the females of more civi

of his tail-bone never has the free use of it. That he

carries it more gaily in consequence of having been docked, is a mistake.

Very respectfully, your obed't servant,



Mount Airy, Caroline county, Va., April 6, 1825.

PROSPECT FOR CROPS. Extract from Talbot county, April 24, 1825. Our prospects for wheat are very various-some collected; and some very bad-a larger proportion of sedge wheat than usual. Upon the whole the prospect now bids well for a full average crop here.



Notice of those sent by Commodore Hull.
Boston, April 20, 1825.

lized life are content with boring holes through the A SURE AND CERTAIN METHOD OF PREVENTING DOGS very good and more forward than has been long rebottom of their children's ears, thereunto suspending bunches of beads, coral, &c.; the Chinese comthe feet of their females until they are usepress less; and the South sea Islander of fashion, spends DEAR SIR, more than half his life in tattooing his swarthy skin. IF an inveterate antipathy to the sight of a sheep Those who breed horses for sale, lose more in can be produced in a dog, our harmless flocks would this way than they are aware of. Bring to market certainly be at all times safe from their depredations. two colts, as equal in merit as possible, one docked, This aversion can certainly be procured in the folthe other not-and a preference of from 10 to 20 lowing manner. When the dog is about 6 or 8 per cent will be given to the one with a natural tail. months old, tie him to one of the strongest sheep in Gentlemen who do not reside on their estates, the flock, leaving a space of five or six feet between should prohibit their overseers, those great stick them; when let loose, the sheep will run and drag DEAR SIR, lers for customs, from docking colts I have known and choke the dog until its strength is exhausted- I had the honour to receive your kind letter enseveral instances of fine colts being ruined in this it will then turn upon him, and butt him very se-closing a bill of lading of a box from Commodore verely. Take care to have the dog well flogged Hull, containing, as he supposed, the tubers of the way. I am surprised that no notice has ever been taken with a switch while the sheep is dragging him. If common potato, found wild in Peru. I had particuof this grievance (to the horse a sore one,) by agrihe is a dog of high temper or spirit, and is not suffi- larly drawn his attention to this plant for the folcultural societies. Knowing you to be a warm ciently humbled by the first lesson, give him a se-lowing sufficient reasons: friend of this noble animal, I submit his case, in cond, tied to a fresh sheep. It sometimes happens 1st. Because for nearly two centuries, it was bethis respect, to your care-he has many wrongs to that he will snap at his antagonist; this may be re-lieved to be a Virginian plant, and called in Europe MONBODDO. complain of. medied by muzzling him, or tying a string over or the Virginia potato. Maryland, April 10, 1825


round his mouth above the long teeth. Take care 2d. Because Humboldt, and Bonpland, his friend, to have the whole flock of sheep in a small enclo- declared, that it was not a native of any part of sure, with the coupled one and the dog; it often North America.

happens that several in the flock will join in inflict- 3d. Because the English botanists have, (within

Of two calves from one cow-with an interval of ing heavy blows upon him. By this time the dog two years,) procured the wild potato, and have twelve days between their respective births.

[blocks in formation]

has taken such an aversion to the company and pre- deemed it an object, at least, of great curiosity. sence of sheep, that he never forgets or outgrows It is never found, in its wild state, larger than a it. The above remedy I have never known to fail musket ball-and I do not wonder at it. Left to in a single instance, and am encouraged to recom- itself, (being an annual tuber,) it must so crowd mend it, by long experience, having raised dogs of itself, that it could never enlarge its dimensions. different descriptions-hounds, curs, spaniels, and On receiving commodore Hull's package, I at once pointers, at different times-all of which, without a thought that there had been an error, and that the tubers sent were not those of the solanum tuberosum. In this opinion, I am supported by Dr. Bigelow and

*It has not.

No. 6.-VOL. 7.]

In the dried specimens, the differences observable are, 1st. That the leaves are not pinnate, as in the true potato.-2d. That the flowers are solitary, instead of being in a tuft or cyrne.

I have written to Mr. Southard, secretary of the navy, requesting him (if not an improper request,) to forward my letter to commodore Hull, and to desire him to procure the true tubers.

I perceive that your friends thought that they had received the potato of agriculture.



Salem, N. C., April 12, 1825.

20 bbls. of 314 gals. at $1 per gal.
Deduct for 5 bbls. brandy, at $15,
Labour collecting the grapes, &c.

Nett profit per acre,







45 "Mr. Watt was the great improver of the steamMr. Nuttall, at first inspection merely. The differ-your own use, and the other dozen we have to re- would delight more, from their real utility, than ences are, 1st. In the form of the tubers.-2d. In the quest you to present at the next Maryland agricul- from the temporary amusement they now afford. engine; but, in truth, as to all that is admirable in small persisting fibrous roots.-Sd. In the absence of tural exhibition, as a specimen of the product of this eyes or hollows.-4th. That the new shoots start part of the country, in that particular article. This wine is made without any fermentation, but its structure, or vast in its utility, he should rather from one point on the top. simply by pressing the grapes, and by mixing 3 gal- be described as its inventor. It was by his invenlons of the pure juice with 1 gallon of apple brandy. tions that its action was so regulated as to make it The owners of vineyards find this article the great- capable of being applied to the finest and most deest source of profit, in proportion to the labour be-licate manufactures; and its power so increased as stowed on it. One acre of ground, if well set with to set weight and solidity at defiance. By his ad vines, would readily produce juice enough, with mirable contrivances, it has become a thing stupenthe aid of the usual quantity of brandy, to make 20 dous alike for its force and its flexibility, for the bbls. of wine-say, juice 15 bbls., brandy 5 bbls.-prodigious power which it can exert, and the ease, distributed, and applied. The trunk of an elephant making 20 barrels, which, at the usual price for and precision, with which that power can be varied, wine of the best quality-say, that can pick up a pin or rend an oak, is nothing to it. It can engrave a seal, and crush masses of obdurate metal like wax before the sun; it can draw out, without breaking, a thread as fine as a gossamer, and lift a ship of war like a bauble in the air. It can embroider muslin, and forge anchors; cut steel Of all our foreign grapes, none are apt to ripen at It would not require the labour of one hand a year into ribands, and impel loaded vessels against the the same time in the same bunch; frequently a good 'The powers of steam are becoming more known Even typography has received its wonmany rot. In some seasons we have an abundance to attend to a vineyard covering an acre of ground; fury of the winds and waves." of native grapes in our woods, and fence corners, yet one hand would be insufficient when the grapes some of which are quite good. In a good season, a are ripening. The aid of 4 hands a fortnight would every day. quantity of native wine is made of them, a part of be sufficient even at that time. This would proba- derful aid. The Times and other newspapers have by steam, and assisted only by three boys, who are which is good, and makes, mixed with water, an bly afford a profit of $400 per acre to the grower of for a long time been printed by cylinders impelled agreeable and refreshing drink in summer. So some the article. We make this communication with a view of giv- thus enabled to do the work of sixteen men. sugar and a little brandy has been added to give it cle with us. a body, which has proved very good. The cause ing some general idea of the cultivation of the arti-dition to the economy in saving manual labour, the We should be glad if some one of otherwise waste steam is carried round the buildings why it is not in general use is, that the country people, who make it, bring it to market quite fresh your correspondents could advise us, through your connected with the printing offices, which not only from the press, or otherwise don't make and sell at valuable paper, in what way the Champaigne wine saves a great expense in fuel, but affords that steaall-and it is too frequently the practice with them is prepared. You are at liberty to give a statement dy and uniform heat so necessary in a printing to mix it with water, hence arises mistrust to all. embracing the facts set forth herein; but, though establishment. Cowper's patent steam-engine prints In all mines, the steam-engine is employed; but Quere-How is water in it, ab initio, to be disco- we do not want our names appended to any public two sides of a sheet of paper at the same time." vered? When water is mixed with it when it is notice you may take of the cultivation of the vine, made, it becomes in time either stale or sour, and in private circles you have our consent to give our it is in Cornwall that this wonderful power is used assumes an acetous state, in which, however, it names to such of your friends as may be desirous of in perfection. There, Woolf's engines, or those of makes good vinegar. The native grape has not yet making any application for scions or wine. been cultivated, but the attention of some gentlemen begins to be drawn to the object, to procure vines of the best native grape, and to cultivate them.


We are, with much respect,

Your most obedient servants.

In ad

the highest pressure, accomplish works of such magnitude, as hardly to be credited but by those who have witnessed them. Heat and labour are so far economised, that a bushel of coals will perform the work of twelve horses, and raise 6000 hogsheads of water ten feet high!

Mr. Blenkinsop's patent steam-carriages give MILK PANS. Having found the earthen and stone pans, both great facility to the conveyance of coals, minerals, inconvenient and expensive, I determined to try and other articles, and are attended with a material the japanned tinned iron. I accordingly had im- saving of expense. See the annexed cut, which re SCUPPERNONG WINE, ported one dozen of this kind; and being so much presents coal wagons attached to one of these enpleased with them, both on the score of economy gines. These engines are used at most of the collieries. Manufacture and sale of, in North Carolina. and convenience, I have recently had nother set [The wine accompanying the following article is imported, which can be examined any day this They are so constructed, that by the aid of cranks, truly a high flavoured, delicious beverage.] week, at the store of the importer, Mr. Richard fixed at right angles, they put in motion a cogged wheel, acting in teeth cast on one side of the railroad itself, or on a separate rack, by which a very Plymouth, April 10, 1825. great propelling power is given to the machine; this power is so considerable, that when the car


April 26, 1825.


MR. SKINNER, WE believe it is a received opinion, that in those countries where wine is produced in great abundance, there is less intemperance known than in INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. riages are lightly loaded, they travel at the rate of


ten miles an hour; but when loaded with thirty coalwagons, which is frequently the case, each weighing three tons and a half, they are propelled on a

others where distilled spirits are used principally. If so, any effort to extend the manufacture of wine should be promoted. Though much has been said] A DESCRIPTION of the forms and uses of the dead level, at the rate of three miles and a half per in private circles of the Scuppernong Wine, yet we The use of these steam carriages has given the have seen no particular notice of it, by which it has steam engine would be endless; already, by its ex-hour. been introduced to the view of the nation. It is a traordinary energies, the most astonishing works fact not generally known, we believe, that this is have been accomplished. Machinery of all kinds greatest satisfaction, as it is clearly ascertained that the point from whence may be exported several are set in motion; mines are emptied of their con- five sixths of the expense of conveying goods by The use of steam for navigation in Great Britain hundred casks of wine annually, if sufficient encou- tents; carriages of various kinds are propelled on horses will be saved. ragement was given to the growers of it. With land; and ships are empowered to traverse the a few orders which find their way to us, and which, ocean by the use of steam-engines: there is little and the United States of America, is very extenfor want of a more general acquaintance with the ar- doubt too, if they were employed in aerostation, sive.-To propel vessels, steam generally acts upon In America, steam is applied even to the navigatile, are very few indeed, the wine manufacturers that for long voyages, steam-engine-balloons would cogged wheels at the sides. A steam frigate now lies in now prepare from 300 to 400 casks annually, for sale. speedily supersede the use of land and water carthe Bay of New York, three hundred feet in length, This wine is prepared by a population generally in- riage, and that their construction and ascension tion of ships of war. two hundred in breadth, and thirteen feet thick at digent, and who, if this article should become in de* A friend, to whom this letter was shown, has pro- its sides, which are composed of oak planks and mand, would at once rise into comparative opumised the information desired. We have too, in hand, lence. That you may judge of the article, we have taken a most valuable article on the culture of grape vines, cork alternately, it carnes 14 guns, four of which sides which, in order to prevent boarding, it can the liberty to forward you, via Norfolk, 2 doz. bot-translated from a recent French publication, received are 100 pounders, the others are from 42 to 60. Betles one dozen of which you will please accept for at the office of the American Farmer.

discharge upon its assailants a hundred gallons of 2d. Neither will they be becalmed at sea, for from injury, and passengers from inconvenience and boiling water every minute. By the same mecha- days and weeks together, in hot climates, to the danger. nism, likewise, 300 sabres are moved outside its great injury of the vessel and the health of the crew 5th. The expense of the first cost of sails and port holes with the most perfect regularity; and, and passengers. rigging, and the annual repairs of the same, will be four times every minute, as many long spears are 3d. Vogages may be performed within certain saved; and one-third of the usual complement of darted out with the most incredible force, and pulled limited periods. Markets can be regularly supplied; men, for vessels of the same tonnage, will be suffi back every time for a fresh emission. the public will be benefitted, and the calculation of cient. the merchant will not be disappointed. 6th. The value of such an agent as the steam4th. The vessel being constructed of great length engine, when the vessel has to contend with strong and breadth, will be steadier in the water, and not currents, on a rocky lee-shore, will be greatly apliable to be strained by the operation of the wind preciated. Many a valuable cargo, under such cirupon masts and rigging. Goods will be preserved cumstances, will be saved from destruction.

The following advantages may be anticipated from the use of steam in the navigation of ships:1st. Vessels will not be obliged to wait for weeks or months for a fair wind, to the great loss of time and money.

[Mackenzie's Experiments in Chemistry, Los



Taken chiefly from late English papers received at the Office
of the American Farmer.

Such is the advance upon wool, that we have good authority to state, that three growths of Romney Marsh wool were each sold at the high price of 187. per pack, with every probability of its being 201. before the 1st of March. A short time since it fetched only 127.

The rail-roads now projected, if carried into effect, would consume iron to the value of 28 millions sterling! The 111 miles of road planned between Birmingham and Liverpool will require 60,000 tons of iron for the rails alone, at the cost of 840,000l. Two hundred thousand sheep are stated to have died of the rot in Romney Marsh alone.

of poultry; the whole amounting, per estimate, to the Maryland Society for Internal Improvement to 39,686,2371. The value of the soil, estimated at take the editorial direction of the work. After ma314 year's purchase. was 705,600,000l.

ture reflection, he has, however, not felt himself at liberty to accept the invitation, not knowing exactly A meeting of merchants and others was lately how far it might interfere with his official duties. held at Liverpool, for forming a company to effect a These must, at all sacrifices, be performed in a way direct canal and road communication between Li- to give all possible security and satisfaction to the verpool and London, by means of a combined acpublic. He has the satisfaction to believe that they queduct and roadway across the river Mersey at are so executed at present; and it is only when that Runcorn, embracing also a direct canal communi- end is accomplished, that the present incumbent can cation between Liverpool and Manchester, through venture to indulge in what constitutes his chief pleathe lines of the Duke of Bridgewater, Sankey, and sure, the Mersey and Inwell canals.

the devotion of his leisure time and humble talents to studies and employment of solid utility to The extreme briskness of trade last year at Li- the country. But, if the journal meet with suitable verpool, is evidenced by an official account just encouragement, he can assure its friends that supepublished. The excess of 1824 over 1823 is more rior talents will be employed upon it, and that it will than 4,500,000l. The export of cotton manufac-be highly worthy of general patronage. tures and yarn are estimated at the vast sum of 30 millions.

All persons having fine animals for sale at the CatContraband goods are extensively introduced tle Show in June, may give notice, free of expense, SILK TRADE. So flourishing is this important from the Netherlands into France, by the means of in the American Farmer. manufacture, that it is impossible to keep pace with dogs trained for the purpose, who convey small the demand for goods. There is a general cry for parcels through the least frequented paths. The more hands, and by an advertisement, from 4,000 to revenue officers have discovered the fraud, and are land Agricultural Society, will be held at Doctor 5,000 would find immediate employ, Their instant in the habit of shooting all strange dogs. arrival here might, perhaps, occasion some incon

hood, there are at this moment upwards of 100.
At Rouen, and other manufacturing towns, they
are in the same proportion.

The next meeting of the Trustees of the Mary

THOMAS', on Elkridge, on Thursday, 12th of May.

VALUABLE STOCK-For sale at the Cattle Show.

venience as to the lodging of them, which will soon The number of English and French steam enbe obviated, as we have pretty good authority for gines now in operation in France, would appear inWe are sorry to learn, under date of 25th inst., stating, that not less than a thousand houses are credible to persons who remember what it was only from Charles county, that the fly is making great about to be built. Several plots of land have been a few years ago. At Lyons, and in the neighbour-ravages in the wheat fields. marked out for the purpose, as well as for the erection of four or five silk factories.-[Macclesfield paper. It appears by a topographical survey taken in the year 1769 and 1770, that the total quantity of land appropriated to husbandry in England, was at that time 32,000,000 of acres-viz. 13,518,716 in tillage, 15,736,185 in grass, 2,395,721 in woods, and $4,938 in ponds, lanes, yards, &c.; which $2,000,000 of acres were let in 570,040 farms, producing an annual rent of 22,400,000l., an average of 14s. per acre per annum, and stocked with 684,491 heads of

HE FARMER. BALTIMORE, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1825. JOURNAL OF INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT. The outline of the plan of a journal proposed to draught cattle, 22,188,948 sheep, 741,532 cows, be published under the above title, was given in No. 513,369 fattening beasts, 912,656 young cattle, 4, page 31, of this volume. It was there also stated, 1,711,200 pigs, and 2,161,300 heads of various kinds that the Editor of this paper had been invited by

We are glad to find gentlemen adopting our suggestion, to reserve their fine animals for sale at the cattle show in June, and accepting, in the mean time, our invitation to give notice thereof in the Farmer. Of horses, thorough breed, we already know of several-amongst them, some of the fine stock of Governor Wright. His splendid horse. Silver Heels, one of the best bred and most beautiful animals ever seen on the American turf, and two fine young fillies, now training for the Canton course in May, will be for sale at the Cattle Show

No. 6.-VOL. 7.]



in June. SILVER HEELS will, in the mean time, be ness, heavy and graceless in itself, as it is uneasy standing this discouragement, however, your comlet to mares, at Mr. Hade's tavern, near the Canton and mortifying to the rider. A true estimate of the mittee are gratified to learn, as before stated, that mere aggregate waste of time, in a community whose there are now coming on many thorough bred colts Course. We shall give his pedigree in our next. OF NEAT CATTLE.-There will be for sale, at pub-pursuits and movements are so much associated of high promise, which will be ready to take the he auction, the celebrated bull CHAMPION, import- with, and dependent on the powers of the horse, field and do credit to their owners, under the suit-ed, together with the heifers, White Rose and when the breed in use is cold-blooded and slothful, able encouragement and the equal chance of sucShepherdess, by the Editor of this paper, in May, would excite the surprise and awaken the anxiety cess secured to them by the resolution which re1822. The following extract from Mr. Champion's of those who forget not the saying of the wise stricts the purses to horses bona fide owned by citiFranklin, that time is money. Your committee are zens of the state of Maryland and the district of When the sportsmen of Maryland shall have reletter of 6th of April, 1822, contains the plenished their studs of fine horses, they will be Columbia north of the Potomac. prompt to fling open the gates and challenge competitors from every quarter in the gallant and manly exercises of the course. Finally, your committee solicit with confidence the support of the citizens,

PEDIGREE OF CHAMPION.-I had named him of opinion, that whether the horse be destined to Blyth Union, in consequence of being bred both meet the shock and mingle in the fray of battle, or from Colling's and Coat's best blood; but I request whether you will give him any name you think most suitable; if you think he deserves it, I shall be proud for him to be named the Champion. He was got by Warrior, for whose dam I had paid Mr. Robert Colling

in the chase, with emulation fir'd,

He strains to lead the field, top the barr'd gate,
O'er the deep ditch exulting bound, and brush
The thorny-twining hedge,"

200 guineas; his dam was by Blyth Comet, whose for these and all other purposes, his certain improve- and particularly the agriculturists of the state to dam I bought at Mr. Charles Colling's sale for 170 ment and his highest capacities are only to be se- the further efforts of this association, in the full guineas; Blyth Comet was also the sire of the ox cured by having recourse to the blood of the tho- confidence that it may yet be made to yield all the in my group of animals which you have, and he was rough bred race horse of Arabian descent. Neither real profit, and to answer all the valuable purposes bred in and in from Comet, who was sold for 1000 foot nor wind can be relied on but as derivable from for which it was originally designed. guineas at Charles Colling's sale in 1810; his gran- that high origin. dam was by Mr. George Coat's Palmflower, who is


The blood horse, says one of the best judges in own brother to my cow Crimson, for which I gave this country, is originally from a hot climate and Mr. Coats 100 guineas when 13 years old, and arid soil, and where the base-born suffocates with His "long slouching walk," says Crimson is the dam of my bull Blaize by Blyth heat, and faints with fatigue, his wind and strength Comet, which I am now using, and I hope your two are untouched. MAY RACES-Subscription Purses.-There will heifers are in calf to him, as he is considered the the same accomplished writer and experienced | be run for, over the Canton Course, on the 25th most complete animal I ever bred, for symmetry and sportsman, "tells on the road and in the plough, With benefits so obvious and valuable, resulting and 26th days of May next, the following Subcripquality; his great grandam by Patriot, the bull you especially on a hot sultry summer's day." tion Purses, free for any Horse, Mare, or Gelding, named in one of your letters, and which Mr. Coats bona fide owned by any person living in the state of sold for 500 guineas, so that your bull partakes of from adherence to the purest stocks, the only thing wanting by the breeders of Maryland horses, was Colling's and Coat's best blood. the unerring and indispensable test of a well managed race course, to put the genuine stamp on those Maryland or district of Columbia; to carry weight, of highest qualities and greatest power. The great &c. agreeably to the rules of the Maryland Associ$300 object, therefore, in the view of the Maryland As-ation. Any Horse not owned by a subscriber, to 1st day, 4 mile heats, for a purse of 2d day, 3 mile heats, for a purse of Ar a meeting of the above named association, held sociation was, not so much to stimulate by mere pay an entrance of $20. And on the 3d day, the Proprietor's Silver Cup, in the city of Baltimore, on the 30th ultimo, it was, force of mercenary impulse, as to open a course for on motion of J. S. Skinner, resolved to offer the the trial of speed and bottom, under the managepurses of the association exclusively for horses own-ment of gentlemen whose character would guaed bona fide within the state of Maryland; and Pre- rantee that these trials should be conducted by the free for Saddle Horses only-1 mile heats. sident T. Tenant, the hon. John Barney, and J. S. strictest rules of honour and propriety, and that every The Horses to start at 12 o'clock each day, preSkinner, were appointed to publish an exposition of man of unfair repute should be excluded, and every on or before 3 o'clock, P. M. of the day preceding the original views of the association, and of the par- thing of demoralizing tendency banished from the the race. ticular considerations under which the above resolu- scene of competition. In short, the Canton course tion was adopted-in virtue of which appointment is intended to afford a standard to measure the pow-cisely. Gambling on the ground is prohibited. the following views were presented to and approved ers of the most promising colts which may be reared at a meeting of the association, on Wednesday, the in this state, and to give to their skilful and enter27th inst.


The Horses must be entered with the subscriber


WHEAT-A load of white wheat has been sold at
$1.15 cents per bushel.

TOBACCO.-Inspection during the week in the city

At warehouse No. 1, .
At warehouse No. 2, .

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300 hhds. 349


prising breeders the means of establishing the characters of such as have powers to excel. By this This society was formed in the year 1823, by means, and by this only, can the least worthy of the many amongst the most public spirited citizens of race be ascertained, and condemned to the odium of the state, and the liberality with which it was sup- celibacy and hard labour; while the more highly giftported, no less than the zeal with which it was ed are reserved for the conflicts and triumphs of the commenced, promised the most valuable results. turf, and as their last and highest reward, ultimate- of Though these results have been to a certain extent ly turned loose to enjoy the pleasures of propagatfrustrated, or retarded, by some false steps in the ing their like, and the honour of transmiting their R. W. Bowie, Esq sold a small and inferior part outset, they have not been altogether defeated. A names and memories to succeeding ages. To use number of very promising colts, as your commit- an illustration familiar to farmers, the standard tee have reason to think, are now coming forward erected on the turf is as necessary to cleanse, and under the influence of this association; nor have purify, and perpetuate the breed of fine horses, of his crop this week, consisting of 24 hogsheads, of for 5 and $7-and eight from his estate near Notthey, from all they can learn, any reason to fear but as is the sieve to winnow and separate the chaff and which four were seconds, from near Queen Anne's, that, under its auspices, a general melioration will other offal from sound grain. The faux pas committed by this association, as tingham, five crop and three second, for $74 round. HARE, March 25, 1825. yet be effected in the stock of that noble animal, with vast profit to the state at large, and to the experience has demonstrated, was in offering at the great comfort and pleasure of all those whose plea-onset their purses to competitors from other states, where the finest horses, the art of training, and the sures and comforts are connected with his use.


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When we wrote you on the 1st instant, we stated The clear gain that would accrue to Maryland sports of the turf, inseparable from each other, have that our market was firm, without, however, much from such improvement as may easily be made in been sedulously preserved. These horses, preced-activity in the sales. We now have to advise that holdher stock of horses, would forcibly strike and com-ed by the fame of their wonderful performances, ers of ashes and coffee have submitted to take lower mand the attention of her landholders, if there were have come from abroad and walked over our prices. The fall of prices in ashes is due, in a great ket. We are of opinion that they cannot remain long any means of computing and showing to them, the course, and borne off rewards which should only be measure, to the failure of speculators in Paris, who had at the present rates, of 43 50 a 44 per 50 k. vast amount of which the state is now annually drain- the meed of the highest mettle and the greatest arge quantities, which have been forced into the marSt. Domingo coffee, which had been eagerly taken up ed to pay for horses brought from other states, and achievement. The breeders of horses in Maryland, which ought, without any additional expense, to go comparatively unprepared and inexperienced, have into their own pockets. A serious, and perhaps yet not ventured to enter the lists where certain dis-for the English market at 16 and 161, is now at 15 and greater loss, is that which accrues from breeding comfiture awaited them; and hence the public dis-154. The greatest part of what is expected is already and using animals of unsightly figure, of unthrifty appointment in the beneficial effects anticipated sold, to deliver on arrival.-Little remains in the marconstitution—and of action, both for saddle and har-from the measures of this association. Notwith-ket, and we believe that it will rather rise than decline.

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