Зображення сторінки

good wind. When the arch of it is reversed, i. e. be-|(as before observed) these may be thick from the proximate to the horizontal, they are long, and called, low instead of above, and the crest, or what ought construction of the chest. though erroneously, oblique; for they are not so to be the crest, near the withers, is hollow and sunk- A lean shoulder is one having thin withers, cover-obliquely placed, under these circumstances, with en, the horse is said to have an ewe-neck, one of the ed with fine and genuine muscle; a loaded, or over- regard to the leg, as they are when properly congreatest natural deformities common to these parts. loaded shoulder, one with thick withers, clothed with structed. Perhaps, no part of the horse exhibits Under these circumstances it is usual for a dealer to coarse and flabby muscles; and the thickness of the the wisdom of nature more, in regard to the adapsay, that the neck is put on the wrong side upwards; wither, as was said before, depends on the obliquity tation of it, in point of structure, to the purpose for but, in reality, it appears to arise from the junction of the shoulder-blades, and the proximity of their su- which the animal was designed, than this: in the of it with the chest being too low down. perior borders to the dorsal spines. That horses have racer, for example, the pasterns are lengthy, and inOf all the points of a horse, the shoulder, for a been fast runners on the turf with bad shoulders, is cline to right angles with the legs, whereby more hackney, or a hunter, is of the utmost consequence; no proof that they would not have galloped better weight is imposed upon the hinder parts of the without a good shoulder, no horse can ride well: he and quicker with good ones; and, we must recollect, fetlock and hoof, in which situations are placed may be a good harness horse, or he may race well; that, in a racer, the hind quarters are of primary im- pieces of mechanism, which, by their elasticity, serve but it is physically impossible for him to carry his portance, the fore quarters only of secondary consi- as so many springs in diminishing the effects of conrider with ease and pleasure on the road: these are deration: but, on the road, we know that bad-shoul-cussion so requisite in this animal, which was inno speculative opinions, but facts, grounded on the dered horses are never pleasant nor safe hackneys; tended to perform swift and sudden movements: but experience of all men who know a horse when they see they step short, are puddling walkers, roll about in in the cart-horse, whose action is slow and powerful, one, and the result of our own every-day observa- their trot, and are exceeding likely to go to prayers. the pasterns are short and nearly upright, so that tions; so much does the action of the fore extremi- The fore-leg should descend in a straight line from most of the weight is thrown upon the main bones ties depend on the structure of this part. And now, the bottom of the shoulder, i. e. in a lateral view; of the foot, and thereby his springs, which have less what is it that constitutes a good shoulder, and how but when seen in front, it ought to incline gently in-play than those of the Arabian or thorough-bred, are we to know a good from a bad one? In order to wards; if the elbow projects directly backwards, and are not so much acted upon; consequently less prorender our answers to these questions intelligible, it the toe points with precision forwards, we may rest vision is made against concussion, for strength, and will be necessary for us to deviate a little, and say satisfied that the horse is not twisted in his fore legs. not elasticity, is sought for in the construction of this something on the internal mechanism of the part. Turning the toe in or out in standing is apt to be powerful animal. Horses with very oblique pasThe scapula, or shoulder blades, are attached to the accompanied with distortion, or deformity of the terns are more likely to break down, and, for this ribs by many powerful muscles, which move them, limb; this circumstance, therefore, is seldom seen reason, they ought never to be shod with thin-heeled during the action of the animal, round their own without materially lessening the value of an animal: shoes; on the other hand, if they are very short and axis, or, at least, in a very similar way; and though of the two faults, turning them out is the greater, for upright in these joints, they are seldom or ever surethey can only revolve through the small segment of the pointing inwards is seldom carried to the ex-footed, and will soon become stilty and groggy from a circle, that segment is greater in proportion as treme. A good arm is broad and thick, long, when work.

they are more obliquely placed against the sides of compared to the leg, and marked exteriorly by mus- The hoof next engages our notice, and this is a the chest; hence it will be seen, that what is called cular prominences; the elbow cannot project too far part of which we should be more than commonly an oblique shoulder is most advantageous for motion. back, and the plumper the muscle is immediately above scrupulous and nice in our inspection: "No foot, no Again, the best-shouldered horses have, generally, it, the greater we may conclude to be the animal's horse," is a trite but very true adage, and one that is THIN withers; but this is not indispensably necessa-powers. not kept sufficiently in view by the purchasers of

ry to the formation of a good shoulder, for we know The knees ought to be large, broad in front, and horses, or they would not have so frequently to lasome, and good judges, who are of a contrary opin-distinctly marked with several bony knobs; lateral ment their hard fate in having gone to market for a ion: we must confess, however, for our own part, thickness is, also, of much importance. When the screw. First, we should look to the size of the hoof; that we prefer fine withers. The thickness of the radius, (the bone of the arm,) instead of descending a small foot is not only objectionable in itself, even withers will depend on the conformation of the chest in a straight line, is directed backwards, so that the though it be a natural formation, but is often a chaand the obliquity of the scapula, and not so much knee appears to recede from it, the horse is said to racteristic of disease; but a small and upright foot is as some persons, high in veterinary repute, have sup-be calf-kneed, a term that well conveys the idea we a morbid structure, and is scarcely ever seen in any posed, on the length of the dorsal spines. Now, if, in have of this formation: it is always objectionable for one but a dancing-master, or light-timbered tit.viewing the fore parts of a horse, we find he rises the saddle, but not for the collar. The leg should White hoofs are to be eyed with suspicion; they are upon the withers, (and we must take care that this fall in exactly perpendicular from the carcass, and really weaker, and more liable to disease, than dark be not an illusion, produced by placing his fore legs be short when compared with the arm, the converse or black ones; and if a horse has one white and the upon rising ground,) and that no traces of his blade-of this being indicative of weakness; and of suffi- other dark-coloured, and he is lame, in nine cases bone can be seen under the skin, but all appears cient breadth to enable a purchaser, even at a dis-out of ten, it is the white foot that is affected. So smooth and level, we may conclude that the shoulder tance, to distinguish the tendons and bone, with per- much with regard to the exterior of the foot before is oblique; though a more direct proof is furnished fect clearness, in their relative situations; for, if he it is taken up. Other considerations now engross our us by carrying the eye from the summit of the with- cannot do this, there is reason for suspecting that he attention. Is it contracted? i. e. is its circularity deers to the extremity of the point of the shoulders. If is gummy, the effect of hard work or premature use, stroyed by narrowness at the heels? A good hoof is it is upright, or nearly so, unless it be in a thorough- and never a natural defect. Should the legs be circular in the tread, or nearly so, measuring as much bred horse, (such a shoulder is only fit for the col-round and straight below, they are called stilty, and from side to side as from toe to heel; but we frelar,) we shall perceive an irregularity under the skin, are never firm and good. But the best and only cor- quently find those that are morbid measuring as just below the withers, by passing our hand over the rect way to judge of legs, is to pass the hand down much from toe to heel as twice the lateral diameter. part; and find, on grasping the part, that it is thick them; if they measure much round, and the sinews On the other hand, the wall of the hoof, which and clumsy, because we are actually at the time feel firm, hard, and distinct, like well-braced cords, should, at all times, be perfectly smooth and free grasping the blade-bone as well as wither-bone, though and if the intervening spaces between bone and from ridges, (the contrary indicating disease,) may sinew be clean,-free from gum, we may pronounce be very oblique, in which case, it is not only circular, *Bones of the withers. It is contended, on another that they are good. but spreads out, even to a morbid degree, in the side, that the situation of the scapula has nothing to do The fetlock, as a joint, should be of large dimen- tread. Large heavy horses, such as are bred in low with the thickness of the shoulder, but that it is wholly sions, proportionate with other parts; no joint, in marshy situations, are most subject to have this kind owing to the length of the spinous processes of the dorsal fact, is too large, providing its bony prominences be of foot, in which parts of the country, it is preferred vertebra. To establish this opinion must be proved two distinctly seen with the naked eye, and its ligaments by many people, who contend that their hunters deparatively so, in all thick-shouldered horses, and long in perceptible under our fingers. I need not, there- rive advantages from it. As the strong and upright thin-shouldered ones; and, 2dly, that the converse of this fore, further enforce this truth in speaking of these foot is likely to become contracted, so is this subject never happens. To one who has dissected shoulders, these organs. Knuckling over in the fetlocks is a sign of to a disease called fleshy soles; indeed, in the former, are certainly home-thrusts; such, at least, as we could not original mal-formation, such as uprightness in the the sole is concave; but in the latter, it is flat, on parry; though we know that the dimensions of these pasterns, or else is the result of hard work; and the which account the two require different modes of bones may and do, like those of most others, vary in dif- tottering affection of the limb, accompanying this shoeing.

data, viz. 1st, that these spines are short, or com

ferent horses. But they also vary in their degrees of in-state, is caused by local debility and excessive irri- The body, or carcass, may be subdivided into the clination; and may not this circumstance alone, in some tability in the nervous system. The pasterns always chest, belly and loins. So far as regards the constimeasure, affect the construction of it? At all events, we deserve much of our attention; when good, their tution of the horse, his stamina, or his bottom, no part know these facts, dray or cart horses have wide chests and thick shoulders; others, with wide chests have thick length is proportionate with that of other parts, and is of more consequence than the chest, but, like shoulders, but with narrow chests thin, unless the scapula they incline, with much obliquity, downwards and that of many other parts, no particular construction be upright. Now, if they who differ with us, mean to as- forwards to the foot: should they approach the per- of it is the best for all kinds of horses. That of the sert that all this arises solely from the length of the dor-pendicular, they are almost always short, and are cart-horse should be circular, broad in the bosom, and sal spines, we can only say, credat judæus appella. said to be straight or upright; but when they ap-large in the girth; that of the thorough-bred, more

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19 circumscribed, but not flat-sided, very deep, and, carry great weight. These horses are wide in the hips, please us, our next consideration is his soundness; also, extensive in the girth: so that the two differ though their hips are but indistinctly marked, in con- for, though the horse-dealer may declare that he is People are too apt to regard wide hips as having various meanings, and not be deterred from more in width than in depth. Had the racer posses-sequence of being enveloped by large, coarse, flabby as sound as a bell, we are to take the phrase as one sed a broad circular chest, his shoulders must have muscles. been thick, and his fore legs far apart, and no horse an objectionable point, from their giving to the horse examining him, and narrowly too, on that account. so made can gallop well or fast, though many such that appearance called ragged hips, which, indeed, Sight, wind, and limb, must be the uppermost objects are ridden as hackneys, they are apt to have a roll- are not only ugly, but denote bad conformation, of inquiry; for nine hundred horses out of a thousand ing gait, and an awkward mode of going altogether, though, of themselves, they denote good make; for are defective in one of these particulars. First, perceptible, at all times, to the connoisseur in horse- the fact is, that ragged hips are produced by a bad then, examine his eyes, and do this before he comes flesh; but we must be careful, even in choosing racers, loin, and a lank, flat, and weak quarter. Were these out of the stable. Having placed him so that the not to run into the other extreme; for, if both legs parts well formed, we should pronounce the hips to light may fall upon the eyes but in one direction, come out of one hole, or he be flat-sided, he cannot be of the best description. The small quarter is one see that they are of the same size, and equally full; endure much fatigue, is very probably a bad feeder, that is often seen in a horse of this form: though the that the haws are not prominent, and that one does and certainly predisposed to disease of the chest. A general contour of it may be regular and uniform, it not project more than the other; that the eyes are full and prominent bosom is a fine point; and the ribs is altogether disproportionately small when compared perfectly clear and transparent; and that the pupils, should stand out with sufficient curve to afford space with the carcass: if it grows narrow towards the or apples of the eyes, are exactly alike in size as well enough within: for which reason, some, as we be- hinder part, the animal is often said to be goose-as colour. A sunken eye, or one over which the fore remarked, prefer a thickish shoulder, if it be an rumped. But, of all other structures, the blood-like lids are partly closed, a projecting haw, an oblique one; and another advantage accompanying quarter is the best adapted for speed: in it, the tail opaque, or semi-opaque, front, a pupil dilated, or such conformation is, that we have something between is set on high up, and the hips are high and promi- a white or clouded one, are so many omens of our legs when mounted, a property, certainly, that nent, but not ragged; so that many of our best racers disease, for which we should reject the prad as a every horse ought to possess. As to the belly, its are higher behind than before, the spaces between cupid, or, what is often worse, a blinker; who will shape will depend much on that of the chest and them and the points of the quarters great, as are shy at all he meets with, and break your neck the loins. A narrow-carcassed horse can never do much also those between the latter parts and the stifles; first posert you ride him at. Having satisfied yourwork, readily loses his condition, and with difficulty the haunches want the plumpness and roundness of self in regard to his peepers, have him pulled out, recovers it, being, very commonly, but a queer feed- the full quarter; but, so far from being either lank and next proceed to examine his pipes. If good and er. We should have something to kick against, and or thin, are striped with bold and prominent muscles, sound, on being nipped in the gullet, he will utter stance that constitutes the flabbiness of those of the emission of a good pair of bellows; but if his lungs unless he carries his dinner with him, his bread-basket which, being free from the adipose and cellular sub- such a sound as cannot fail to strike the ear as the cannot be said to be of the best description.

The back should be perfectly straight; a hollow full quarter, are so distinct, even through the skin, are touched, and he is a piper, (that is, broken-wind-
back is a sign of want of strength; but it is often that we can distinguish where one ends and another ed, or having no wind at all,) he will give vent to a
extremely pleasant to the rider: a roach-back, the re- begins. The stifles should project boldly forwards, dry husky, short, cough. Should a horse be sus-
verse of a hollow back, is by no means handsome, and have a perceptible irregularity of surface. The pected of bad wind, however, the purchaser cannot
though some argue that horses having such are thighs are good, when long, thick and muscular; the do better than direct his attention to the flanks,
stronger one objection to it is, that it is apt to chafe little hillocks, or rotundities, upon them, mark the which, under such circumstances, will work either
from the saddle. The loins are a point that we course of muscles, and always denote great power; much quicker than ordinarily, or heave deeply, and
should always be nice about. A hollow back and a the nearer the angles which they form with the with great irregularity; they will be considerably
narrow loin are generally indicative of natural weak- parts above and below approach to right angles, the longer in contracting themselves, in order to squeeze
ness; but the latter is far more exceptionable than more force the muscles can exert, ergo, the more the wind out, than in falling to let it in, which they
the former: a horse so formed can seldom carry powerful the horse, The hock, of all other parts, do, if he is a piper, quite suddenly. But, though
much weight, soon knocks up, and often proves a is in the racer of the utmost importance; it should not a piper, he may be a whistler, or, what is worse,
bad feeder. his constant hollowness in the flank, and be broad, flat, and of large dimensions. The pro- a rourer: the first may be known by the peculiar
his lank appearance altogether, after a day's hunt pulsion of the machine is effected chiefly by those wheezing he is addicted to when put to sudden or
so that the more projecting this is, the greater the horn clamorously under similar circumstances; and
ing, demonstrate how incapable he is of bearing the muscles that are attached to the point of the hock; long continued exertion; the latter, by blowing his
exertions required of him.
The tail, in regard to the manner in which it is force they can exert, simply on the principle of the either may be made to display itself, by the pur-
Thirdly, and lastly, as to the limbs. If, in passing
set on, is not to be overlooked: a horse that carries lever: as a man with a long oar can row with more chaser giving him a smart cut, or even feigning to
two good ends, (of which the head forms one, and facility and effect than he who uses the short one, or to do so, with his bit of ash.
the tail the other,) always looks grand, is a perfect scull, so can a horse with broad projecting hocks get
The advantages the half-tuberance, or puffiness, or if, in feeling first one leg
gentleman in his appearance. Above all others, the over the ground with comparative ease to himself, and our hand down his legs, we find any unnatural pro-
charger should possess this point in perfection, to pleasure to his rider.
coincide with the grandeur of his carriage in the os-bred horse with good hocks possesses as a hunter, and then the other, we discover any difference be-
tentatious parade of a field day. Hinc bellator equus are of no less moment than those a good hock con- tween them, disease more or less is present: he may
campo sese arduus infert. The tail, in most horses, fers upon the racer: his great propelling powers not be lame, but he is not clean upon his legs. Splents,
should form, when elevated, a straight line, or near-will enable him to clear his raspers with so much windgalls, and ringbones, may be present without oc-
ly so, with the back a gentle declivity of the croup, grace that the rider will find it a difficult matter to casioning lameness, but they are all unnatural, are
however, from the summit of the rump, denotes the pound him, and empowers him to make such play in considered blemishes, and are all to be regarded with
blood-like quarter, and adds much grace to this part the mud as will soon sew up his lank-thighed and a suspicious eye, as either denoting past hard work,
in the thorough-bred: should this line decline very straight-hocked competitors. The point of the hock or betokening future evils. On the same principle,
much, the horse is said to be droop-arsed, and the cannot stand out too much; indeed, the greater its a horse may have a spavin, and be only stiff from it
quarters lose much of their beauty as well as their dimensions, altogether, the better, provided it be at starting, or he may have a curb, or a thorough-
In explaining the advantages re-
natural power. Nothing is so ugly, in a full quar-not gummy, or that its various bony projections and pin, and be perfectly sound; but these are still ble-
tered horse, as to see the tail, set on low down, issu- sinewy parts be distinctly seen or felt. If the hock mishes, and as such detract from the intrinsic value
ing abruptly from the rump as if a broomstick had is narrow, its point round, and not well defined, it of the animal.
been stuck in the place. The dealers, who indiscrimi is said to be straight, and, from being very liable to sulting from good conformation, we are naturally led
nately fig all, often spoil the sale of a horse of this curbs, is often called a curby-hock: should its point to make remarks en passant, on the disadvantages
the horse is cow-hocked, or cat-hammed. As this is a why such a structure is bad, a question that necessari-
description by curling the tail upwards with a dose of be directed inwards, and the toes turned outwards, from bad; in pursuance whereof, I have shown
ginger. Some horses carry a good tail naturally,-

others by means of art, having undergone the ope- part very liable to defect, as well as to original mal- ly entails upon us the mention of the disorders origi-
ration called nicking. Gingery or peppery hackneys formation, the nicest examination is required to de- nating therein, i. e. the diseases to which such parts,
seldom require nicking; indeed, hackneys are often tect all that may prove disadvantageous or injurious in consequence of being mal-formed, are predisposed.
called, from this circumstance, cock-tails, in contra- to its function, the proper performance of which is
distinction to thorough-breds, who seldom, or never, of so much importance, that the propulsion of the
carry any but a drooping tail, better known by the whole machine depends chiefly upon it.

name of blood-tail; a cocked-tail would be incompati-
ble with a blood-quarter; hence it is that blood-horses
should never be figged, or nicked.

The quarters may be full, small, or fine and blood-
like. Full quarters are such as are possessed by cart-
horses, large machine-horses, and hackneys able to


Having selected a horse whose make and shape

* Rasper, a high and dangerous leap.

+ Surrounded by inaccessible raspers.

Transparent cornea.

† A blind one.


So called from planting all but the nonpareils.




Extract from an address delivered before the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture, at its annual meeting, on the 18th January, 1825, by ROBERTS VAUX.

countrymen to credit his assertions, and in inducing ther country. The same gentleman who thus early others to make trial of the sulphate of lime, was at desired to cultivate that artificial grass, in the spring first limited and very discouraging. He neverthe-of 1785, sowed eighty pounds of clover seed on less continued his labours, and by publishing and thirty-five acres of green wheat, an account of the otherwise enforcing the facts he possessed on this success of which he sent to this society in 1787. In subject, had the happiness to witness the triumph of the same communication he submits the following his doctrines, over the combined forces of ignorance, views for the improvement of farming. "Breaking prejudice, and ridicule. What have been the con-up land is perfectly understood by all our farmers, sequences flowing from the use of this fertilizing I may say to an extreme degree, which ought to be principle, and how much it has contributed to the solid counteracted by obtaining the art of laying down wealth of Pennsylvania, and of many other states in land with artificial grass seed, otherwise the arable this union, is far beyond the reach of computation. land in the old counties of Pennsylvania will in a The history of human concerns will furnish few very few years become of little value. Laying down such instances as the one we are now contemplat- lands properly being an object of importance on the ing. That an individual should begin a system in- great scale of agriculture, it is incumbent upon you THE use of lime and gypsum, as fertilizers of the tended to revive an exhausted soil, by the applica- to impress the necessity there is, that this art should ground, the introduction of clover, and the rotation tion of a manure which at the time was not known not only be understood, but practised, by all farof crops, constitute the happy causes which gave the to exist on this continent, the theatre of his experi- mers, rich or poor, let their soil be clay, loam, or first grand impulse to the agricultural prosperity of ments; that he should succeed in establishing the any mixture whatever. The earth, like the animal modern Pennsylvania. principle for which he contended; that he should body, is capable of supporting a certain degree of

Introduction of Gypsum and Red Clover, and their important bearing on the agricultural prosperity of modern Pennsylvania.

Nothing, perhaps, requires more perseverance afterwards set on foot the inquiry, where this won- labour, and like it, requires proportionable nutrithan the effort to overcome the injudicious habits of derful agent could be found, so as to place it within ment, rest, and cleanliness; but withhold from the men in connexion with the chief secular pursuit of the reach of the American Farmer, at a price which land those necessary reliefs, and like a starved, their lives. This remark has heretofore applied with he could afford to give for it; that gypsum should over-worked, and neglected slave, it will be worn peculiar force to the husbandmen of Pennsylvania, be discovered in exhaustless quantities in this he-out, and instead of making profit to the owner and and the individual who here entered the lists in this misphere, that thousands of tons of it should be an- benefit to the state, it will impoverish the one, and fearful conflict with prejudice, must be allowed to nually brought, and spread over hundreds of thou- disgrace the other." He then proceeds to recomhave possessed no inconsiderable share of moral sands of acres in Pennsylvania, restoring the land, mend that the legislature should allow a bounty on courage, united with comprehensive patriotism and and bringing forth abundance, are the astonishing clover seed, and adds, "I leave the society to press results, and the high reward which this constant this measure, for it is deserving of its notice, and


(Further extracts in our next.)

The merit of introducing gypsum to the notice of friend to the interests and prosperity of our hus- the full countenance of every legislator: I will boldthe farmers of the United States, belongs, with va- bandmen, has lived to know and to enjoy. Whilst ly assert, it will prove of more benefit to agricul rious other important suggestions, to my venerable our president was thus earnestly engaged in bestow-ture and stock in the present state of our country, friend, who has so long, so disinterestedly, and so ing incalculable benefits on our state and country, than any thing that can be done. Reduce the price ably presided over this institution;-a gentleman he was by no means unmindful of other interesting of clover seed, and instead of bare fields, daily whose distinguished services need not my voice to and important improvements in rural economy. His washing away, you will see them covered with enlarge the plenteous reward of gratitude and res- ancient patrimonial estates in the vicinity of Phila-grass and cattle."* Sentiments, such as these, were pect which crown the evening of his useful day. delphia, then under his immediate direction, fur- no doubt regarded as visionary and extravagant by He well knows that I would not offend him by adu- nished practical evidence of the sincerity and utili- the great majority of farmers at that time on the lation; but as an inducement to every mind desir-ty of his doctrines concerning agriculture. It was active stage of life, yet this practical instructor has ous to put forth its energies in the good work in upon those farms that the first examples were shown lived to witness the accuracy of his opinions, and which he has ever taken the deepest interest, I feel of the use of lime and gypsum, of the value of sever- the fulfilment of his prediction, to an extent far bebound to exhibit the surprising results which well al new grasses, of trench and fall ploughing, of deep yond what he may have anticipated. directed and untiring efforts may accomplish. Like culture, &c. and there also were cultivated upon a the early patron of husbandry and rural affairs in large scale, many of the roots since generally and England, our Fitzherbert found leisure amidst the profitably adopted. Upon his inclosures were to be duties of a profession which gave him eminence at seen some of the finest breeds of horses, cattle and PROCEEDINGS OF AGRICULTURAL SOCIthe bar, and subsequently distinction on the bench, sheep, then known in the state. I have heard him) to make and to give to the public his judicious ex-say with what mortification he beheld, during the periments in agriculture. revolutionary war, eleven out of fourteen superior In the year 1770, he first became acquainted with blooded colts shot down for their hides, by a party gypsum. A small quantity of which was then sent of British marauders, after in vain attempting to from Germany to a merchant of this city, with some rescue them from such wanton destruction. information of its value as a manure, then but re- His household, too, was a pattern for the imita-nications were read:cently and accidentally discovered. It was said con- tion of farmers in the manufacture of linen and cerning it, that a labourer who had been employed woollen fabrics, far beyond the demand for domes in mixing stucco mortar, passed and repassed from tic purposes; displaying an attention to a branch of his work to his cottage, across a sterile field. The business, now too much neglected by the generality succeeding season his path threw up a luxuriant crop of our rural fellow citizens, at an expense, I fear, of of grass, which he attributed to the plaister that fell habits of simplicity, which were proverbial in forfrom his clothes, and was thus induced to make an mer days.


Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture. Stated meeting, March 15, 1825-Dr. Mease, Vice President, in the chair; the following commu

1. The answer of Gen. Lafayette to the address of the Society, presented to him by Mr. Breck, representative in Congress from Philadelphia county, honorary membership of the Society. and a member of the Society, with his certificate of

2. A letter to the Chairman from Benjamin Harrison, of Berkeley, Charles-City county, Virginia, dated Jan. 21, 1825, in reply to a letter addressed experiment near his dwelling, with the remainder of About the time that gypsum was first brought, a the article in his possession. The effects astonished small quantity of red clover seed also reached Penn- to him, respecting the cure which it was understood he had effected of that fatal disease, the Bloody every beholder, and the cottager received a reward sylvania, and was sown in gardens, and on pasture from his landlord for divulging the secret. Our pre- lots in the neighbourhood of this city. In the year berries. The medicine was used upon the suggesMurrain in cattle, by a drench of the infusion of cedar sident, aware of these facts, began his experiments 1773, a practical farmer,* then beginning to im

with a single bushel of gypsum, obtained from a prove his estate at Flatland Ford, in the county of tion of Mr. Jones, of Gloucester, Virginia. A quart maker of stucco ornaments in Philadelphia, and af- Montgomery, unable to procure, on this side of the of the infusion, containing about half a pint of the terwards pursued and extended them in proportion Atlantic, a sufficient quantity of this seed for his berries, was given at a time; and in nearly every to his means. Not long after, about twenty tons of purpose, obtained from England a cask of it, which, case, the good effects were almost instantaneous; a considerable discharge from the bladder and bowels this valuable material came as ballast in a ship from owing to some injury sustained on the voyage, was London to this port, without the least knowledge of found unfit for use. This disappointment was the followed, and in five or ten minutes time, the animal began to eat. In nineteen cases out of twenty, its worth by the captain who brought it, which stock more to be lamented, because his projected experiformed the foundation of the vast improvements to ment would have been the first in that vicinity, per- drench was repeated four or five times. So rapid a perfect cure was effected. In many cases the our husbandry, subsequently resulting from its gen-haps in the state, with clover upon a large scale. eral use. Having altogether satisfied himself of the This failure, moreover, prevented an increase and was the progress of the disease, that cattle were fertilizing effects of plaister of Paris, Judge Peters distribution of the seed until after the war then exdisseminated the knowledge he had acquired through isting between the American colonies and the momany parts of Pennsylvania, and the then neighbouring provinces; but his success in persuading his

* James Vaux.

*Ten thousand bushels of clover seed have, within a few months past, been exported from Philadelphia to Europe, chiefly to England.

[ocr errors]

found dead in the fields without the owners having) of Memoirs of the Philadelphia Ag. Soc.] viz. The
any apprehensions of their being sick. As a pre-loss of hoofs in cattle, and mortification of the feet
ventive, Mr. William Minge, of James River, in- in the human subject. The remedies which Dr.
formed Mr. Harrison of the use of a mixture of clay, Arnell found effectual, were stimulating applications
salt, (in the common proportion for stock,) tar and to the feet, such as, 1st, poultices of soap, rye flour,
powdered brimstone. For fifty head, one gallon of and salt; 2d, a wash of beef brine, applied several
tar, and half a pound of brimstone, per week, were times a day, and rubbing the feet with an ointment
employed. These ingredients were put in a trough made of the plant bitter-sweet. These applications
to which the cattle had free access. The disease it enabled the part to throw off the disease. Of the
appears is endemic,* in Virginia, particularly in cattle thus treated, only one lost its hoofs. An ob-
the districts bordering on tide water, and is highly vious preventive is to avoid the use of hay affected
contagious. The farmers of the United States will with ergot. Early cutting of the grass should be at-
have good reason to thank Mr. Harrison for the tended to.
communication of an effectual cure for a disease
which has destroyed thousands of cattle in the Unit-
ed States. In 1819 it prevailed with great mortali-
ty in Chester county. Some papers on the subject


will appear in the fifth volume of Memoirs of the AT STEPHENSTOWN, RENSELLAER COUNTY, N. YORK. Society, now in press by Abm. Small.

March 25, 1825.

useful to the agriculturist, and a further inducement
is, that I hope your paper may outlive the fleeting
memory of the present age, and at a future day
comparison may take place, and we shall then know
if similar occurrences happen.

[ocr errors]

William C. Bradley, D. Azro, A. Buck, Samuel Crafts, Henry Olin, William A. Palmer, and Horatio Seymour, of Vermont.

Stephen Van Rensselaer, and Moses Hayden, of
New York.

James De Wolf, and Job Durfee, of Rhode Island.
James Lanman, of Connecticut.

Samuel Breck, and Samuel D. Ingham, of Penn-
James Monroe, and James Barbour, of Virginia.
John C. Calhoun, of South Carolina.
Wm. Cranch, and Wm. Wirt, of the District of

By the provisions of the constitution, the president of the society may belong to any state, the vice-presidents to be one from each of the six New England states. The seat of the society to be in Boston, with branches in the other New England capitals. First election to be in June.


3. A letter to the Chairman from Dr. Kercheval, of To the Editor, The duties of the society to be-to find out the Bardstown, Kentucky, in reply to one requesting I take the liberty of sending you the following best breeds of sheep which now exist in the country, some explanation and further account of a fatal memoranda of things that have taken place and in order to ascertain the degree of perfection to disease that prevailed among horses and horned been seen in this quarter of the country the present which sheep have already been brought in the U. cattle in that vicinity, and described by Dr. Kerche- season. The reason of my sending it for insertion States-to procure, so far as their means may enable val in "the Medical Recorder of Philadelphia," vol. in your paper is, that a comparison of seasons is them, from other countries, specimens of their best 4; p. 445.—The external symptom of the disease, breeds, in order to ascertain how far the breeds now was a swelling, sometimes originating in the throat, in this country, or any breeds mixed from them, will but generally at the breast, extending along the thrive and become productive in the eastern statessides to the flanks, and uniting across the loins. These swellings were soft and elastic, and after death disperse the different breeds over New England, in order to ascertain what food and pasturage is best were found to contain grumous blood, and coaguThe spring in this quarter is remarkably open, adapted to the different breeds-and, generally, by lated lymph. The blood was in some instances so indeed there has been no winter. "On the 12th of reports, essays, and otherwise, to excite a spirit for dissolved as to transude the skin. The progress of March, 1825, blue jays, chippen birds, blue birds, the improvement of sheep and wool in every part of the disease was very rapid. Cattle brought to the robbins, sparrows, meadow larks, and now and then the country. fold in the morning apparently well, died before a swallow were seen; in fact, all the feathered songs his own proper hand," and becoming subject to asEvery person subscribing to the constitution "with noon: and many that were 'feeding in the evening, ters" had made their appearance as is usual at a were found dead in the morning. A serious peculi-much later period of the season; in the same week, sessments, to be a member. It is hoped, that to the arity of the disease was, the communication of the numberless grasshoppers were seen in droves, as in above list, there will be large additions of our yeovirus or morbid matter generated in the body of the autumn; the striped snakes were crawling as usual, manry; and we are confident much good will be the animal to those persons who flayed the animals that and the frogs, as in warm weather, were peeping in result, both to the agricultural and manufacturing had died of it. From a small and circumscribed vesicle, containing a dark and turbid fluid, a malig and repairing their fences, and even the night bird every direction; the farmers were ploughing fields interests of New England from the association. nant and destroying ulcer was formed, which ended who screeches to us in May, is now amongst us in a mortification of the part, and was accompanied high in the air at evening. by chills and fever, severe pains in the joints, and I have conversed with one of the oldest of the vital powers. Delirium and death followed. No first settlers, he is a person of observation and good along the course of the spine, and prostration of the inhabitants of the town, and also one amongst the remedy is mentioned for the disease in the brute mental faculties, he tells me he never knew such a animal. In the human subject, stimulating applica- winter and spring in his life; persons of a younger tions, consisting of carbonate of potash, and solutions of sal ammoniac in vinegar, to the parts affect-age, but of experience, say the same; in fact, the frost has left the ground, and the roads settled as ed, after removing the dead flesh, and bark inter- hard as they would be several weeks later in comnally, were successfully applied and given. mon seasons. It is to be borne in mind that this

Yours, &c.


E. F. B.

[There is, perhaps, no branch of agricultural resource more shamefully neglected in the middle and southern states, than their capacity to extend and imthird, or one half as many acres, deriving from it a prove their flocks of sheep. Whilst a Connecticut farmer will keep a flock of 300 on a farm of one

net profit of $600, besides its natural increase, a Maryland farmer on 600 acres, believes that he cannot sustain fifty! Some assign one excuse, some another: some say, that every few years they are liable to be killed by dogs! Then why not discard your law ma4. A paper on the hoof disease of horned cattle, is in the interior, and far from the seaboard. kers, who are wanting in intelligence and energy to by the Chairman. This disease was shown by facts communicated by the late Joseph Cooper, of N. Jer-knowledge of fruit trees, got by practical experience One thing more-As I profess to have a genuine remedy the evil, by subjecting the owner of any dog that is proved to have killed a sheep, to three or four, sey, by William Rush, an extensive grazier, late of Philadelphia, and others, to proceed from the use, ing my ideas together, to send you for publication. bourhood, and to discard every member of the legis and some considerable reading, I have been throw-or, if necessary, ten fold damages? Let the farmers enter into associations to get good rams in every neighby the stock, of hay made of the poa viridis, green or spear grass, growing on meadows which were delature who comes home from Annapolis without havprived of their accustomed supply of water, in coning done something to protect their sheep and the gesequence of which the seeds of the grass became neral interests of agriculture. Let them bring the proaffected with ergot, similar to that which appears in ceedings of those who set up for law makers to the rye. The disease appeared to great extent in Orange test of practical utility, rather than to names and county, New York, in the years 1818 and 1820, and has been described by Dr. Arnell, of that county called "THE NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY FOR THE IM-important office of lawgiver, the question is too A PLAN of an association has been formed, to be man offer in Maryland for the once dignified and shadows, without meaning or substance. Does a Dr. A. mentions the prevalence of the disease, also, in Blooming Grove, New York, the very place in PROVEMENT OF WOOL," the constitution of which seldom enforced, is he familiar with the political which Mr. Rush had seen the disease during the already bears the signatures of economy of other states? or the defects in the levery dry summer of the year 1793. The grass was John Quincy Adams, Samuel C. Allen, William gislation of his own as respects all the great intethe produce of bog meadow soil. The same effects Bainbridge, Francis Baylies, Joshua Clapp, B. W. rests of society? does he know what agriculture followed the use of the diseased hay by the cattle, Crowninshield, David Cummings, Samuel Dana, suffers for the want of good laws, or how it is opas were observed to take place in France in James H. Duncan, Henry W. Dwight, James Lloyd, pressed by bad ones? Sad, and we fear too true who ate bread made from the flour of rye, which E. H. Mills, Jonas Sibley, Wm. Sturges, and Daniel as is this picture, there is no hope of improvement, was affected with ergot [for particulars, see 3d vol. Webster, of Massachusetts. unless means be taken to enlighten the rising geneIchabod Bartlett, Samuel Bell, Matthew Harvey, rations. We firmly believe that by some wholesome John F. Parrott, and Thomas Whipple, jr. of New-legislative provisions, and the donation of even $50 Hampshire. per annum to each county, an augmentation of the Wm. Burleigh, Ebenezer Herrick, John Holmes, productions and moral power of the agricultural Enoch Lincoln, and Stephen Thatcher, of Maine. community would speedily ensue, that would repay


* Endemic diseases are those that exist in a country from causes connected with it, as the fever and ague in marshy districts.

the amount bestowed a thousand fold.-But our pre- Whilst some of our most wealthy citizens refuse not far from me. They were certainly under eleven sent purpose was to show by publishing the above, to give more than five dollars, others go as far as two months old, and yet with this weight they were by from a Boston paper, that even in Massachusetts, dollars, and others refuse to give a single one, to no means too fat for my family use, for which purwhere wool is already an article of primary impor-promote agricultural improvements in Maryland, pose they were cured. They would stand thus in ae tance with farmers, and where sheep are better pro-here we have the example of an officer in a foreign count current: tected, their value (as a leading object of attention) service, acting under the refined and generous im

manure made by them, Profit,

is so well understood as to have occasioned an as-pulse of attachment to his native spot, making offer- First cost and charge,
sociation of some of the most distinguished men of ings of the most substantial kind, in whatever he can Labour, paid by the large quantity of
the nation, for the "improvement of wool." Even understand to be most conducive to the welfare of
the President of the United States has thought it those to whom he is bound by the ties of youthful
worthy of him to patronise it, while, we dare say, associations-ties so universal, so congenial to all
some village or old field politician, in Maryland, virtuous hearts, as naturally to raise the indignant
if applied to, would call it a sheepish proposition!

At the last meeting of the Board of Trustees, at Eutaw, before the above notice appeared, a committee was appointed, at the instance of J. S. Skinner, to consider and report their opinions and views on the following points:

1. On the capabilities of this state to rear, profitably, a much greater number of sheep-what are the impediments to the augmentation of our flocks, and how can these impediments be best removed?

2. What breeds might be most advantageously reared?-And,

3. What measures, if any, can be taken by the Maryland Agricultural Society, to show the profit which might arise to the agriculturists of the state from this source, if improved to its practicable extent?]


Ar a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Massachusetts Agricultural Society, held the 22d inst. the cordial thanks of the board were voted to Admiral Sir ISAAC COFFIN, of the British navy, for a Stud Horse and Mare, of the Yorkshire Cleveland Bays, the most highly approved breed in England, for the coach and for the road, and which were ready to be presented by him, and to be placed at the direction of the Society in Liverpool. They are expected to arrive in this city in June, when notice will be given where they will be placed.-[Boston paper.

[The members of the Massachusetts Agricultural Society, who are, without any exaggeration, amongst the most substantial and enlightened citizens of this country, will know how to appreciate the value of the present above mentioned. For our own part, we cannot register it, without paying the tribute of our feeble praise to one whose munificence and lionorable recollections of his native spot, we have so often had occasion to admire.

By Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin the state of Massachusetts has been presented, within our notice, of improved domestic animals which must have cost several thousand dollars!! The value of the melioration thus to be wrought upon their native stocks, it would be difficult to estimate. We remember, at the moment, donations by him of a stallion, of the race of the London brewer's dray horse; a bull of the improved short horns breed, and a pair of the celebrated Hereford cattle; and, now, a pair of the Yorkshire Cleveland bays, male and female-This is the stock which we have long been anxious to see introduced into Maryland. It will be remembered, that the late Rob't Patterson, seeing in England the great value of this blood, in their coach horse, bought a fine colt on the spot, for which he gave 100 guineasthat horse has since been sold into Washington county, for $1500-still we are without the breed, because no farmer who has the means, has had the spirit to import a mare, though there is every reason to believe that her first stone colt would more than pay all expenses.*


"Breathes there the man, with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said,

This is my own, my native land! Whose heart hath ne'er within him burned, As home his footsteps he hath turned,

From wandering on a foreign strand? If such there breathe, go, mark him well, For him, no Minstrel raptures swell; High though his titles, proud his name, Boundless his wealth, as wish can claim; Despite those titles, power, and pelf, The wretch concentered all in self, Living, shall forfeit fair renown, And, doubly dying, shall go down To the vile dust, from whence he sprung, Unwept, unhonored, and unsung!"]


Weight-keep-and net profit of three.

Near Georgetown, D. C. March 27, 1824. The following is at your service, to use as you please-I make no comment.


Net pork, 892 lbs. at 4 1-2 cts. Lard from entrails, 25 lbs. which I sold at 9 cents,


$17 53 3-4

00 00 24 85 1-4 $42 39

CR. $40 14

2 25

$42 39

AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. New-Brunswick, N. J.-There is every appearance of a fine crop of fruit-particularly apples.



[The moral as well as the physical sciences deserve a portion of our attention; and though the latter fall more particularly within the scope of our design, yet we have great pleasure, on fit occasions, to call the attention of our readers to the progress of the former, and the means devised in our country, for their acquisition. The importance of the enterprise Having sometimes seen notices of hogs being in which Mr. Hoffman is now engaged, cannot be raised to pretty large weights at early ages, I offer made too generally known. In addition to his pubto you the result of my feeding three during the last lic lectures, as Professor of Law in the University of Maryland, he has established an institution for About the 10th of March, 1824, I purchased three the reception of students of law from all parts of the small pigs, which I ascertained were not more than union. In a circular letter addressed by Mr. Hofffive to six weeks old-however, they were so small man to students, he has fully explained his views. that all three were fetched home in a bag on the Would our limits permit it, we should be glad to shoulder of my labourer-they were kept loose in an insert the whole letter. We must be content, howenclosed barn yard until the month of June, when I ever, with the following extract.] had a good pen made, with a boarded floor, and well sheltered. They were killed on the 15th December last, and weighed on the 17th: There united weights were Besides lard from the entrails

[blocks in formation]

892 lbs.


917 lbs. 1-3 lbs.

Their cost and mode of feeding as under; viz. First cost, $3.75

Up to July they had only the slop and

waste of the house (a small family;) from that time to the last week in October, they had in addition, the fallen apples and peaches, on which they seemed to thrive very fast, and also corn, 9 bushels, cost, And some rye meal, 16 1-4 bushels, which being fusty, cost me only, This was mixed and fermented with the slop of the house. From the last of October to the 15th Dec. they had 3 1-2 barrels of corn, at $2,

3 47 3 31

7 00

"Presuming it highly probable that a course of public lectures, particularly one of such vast extent as that in which I am engaged, would require vari ous auxiliaries to insure its eventual success, I opened an establishment which I denominated the Maryland Law Institute. Too little regard, we think, has been paid in all countries to the comforts and convenience of those engaged in the toils of a long and arduous course of study. Students of law, in common with those of divinity and medicine, cannot be too strongly invited to constancy in their pursuits, and this can hardly be expected, unless their studies are directed, their doubts relieved, and the locus studiorum be in itself inviting. When the numerous days and nights, perhaps of many years, are to be spent in intellectual toils, it is fit that some attention be paid even to physical comfort. With this design 1-2 the establishment has been opened in a spacious and commodious building in South, near Market 1-4 street, in this city, the apartments of which have been handsomely fitted up, and arranged in every respect for the accommodation of students. The advantages of this institution are, in brief, a course of methodical study adapted to the student's progress, and their separate views in regard to the place in which they design to practice their profession; colloquial examinations; union of practical with theoretical knowledge; oral and written discussions of legal subjects; frequent presentation of questiones vexata, and resort to an extensive library in every department of legal science and general knowledge."

$17 53 3-4

There was nothing particular in the breed of these pigs, as they were bought fortuitously of a farmer Mr. Lewis, a worthy citizen, near Baltimore, has a prodigiously fine young horse, by Exile, (Mr. Patter-mares this season. This colt could not be had for $1000, son's imported horse,) out of an Eagle blood mare. He yet are gentlemen afraid to import a mare that would is very large, of fine figure, and will be let to a few cost, in foal, in England, about 60 guineas!

[The above extract sufficiently explains the general objects of the institution. Mr. Hoffman lectures

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