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With a fond and deep believing
That he scorns all low deceiving;
Cast aside the robes that flow
Round his breast of blighting evil
And the hideous form below
Bears the impress-"I'm a Devil."

And thus on through other vices. It does not come within our province to criticise Mrs. C. A. White's new tale, "The Mill and the Home," the first chapter of which appears in the present number. The scenes and characters are the simple everyday ones of humble life; the purpose (for it has one), to contrast the conditions of Home and Factory life, and to set the gains of the one against the losses of the other:

"So Johnny dines at the mill, does he?" she said, gaily; "but I thought, Nellie, you had rooms in the

model-houses close beside it?"

"And so we had, ma'am; but the foreman was so particular, and mother hadn't time to keep them clean as he wanted her. And it was so late before I could put baby out of my hands. An' the twins that's dead, both on 'em, wanted so much tending on. But, oh!" she added, with a great sob, "I'd rather hav' tended on 'em night and day than have seen 'em carried out in their little coffins and put down in the pit-hole.' And Nellie's tears returned with increased force, and Mrs. Peach did not strive to check them.

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"I'd rather be at the factory, if mother'd let me,' she ran on, "for then I should learn to read and write, like the other girls; and the Miss Evans's themselves often go to the school-room and notice the best girls, and question and talk to them. And, oh! it's so nice! Only the doctor said that Johnny 'd die if he was sent to old Mrs. Bolts, and I was not fit for mill-work. Out-of-doors he said was best for both on us!" and the child gave a weary sigh, as if, for her own part, she had had enough of it.

opens its bright eye, and the daisy closes hers; and how they are put together, root and stem, and leaf and flower; and if at any time, when Johnny is quiet, you see old Master Randall looking up the hedges, he'll tell you more a great deal about them than I can, and won't snap you up with a short answer; but will take a pleasure in talking to you. You will be learning all the time, my little girl."

Nellie looked up, with a bright, grateful look in her keen eyes, that grew brighter as Mrs. Peach continued: "Do you think you could walk as far as Allestry ?"

"Oh, yes, Mrs. Peach, it isn't much further that

the mill.

leave, I will lend you something that will keep "Because if you can, and mother will give you Johnny quieter than sugar-rag, and be much better for him. But you must wash your face, and tidy body knows me at Allestry, and the people who come your hair, and smarten yourself up a little; for everyto see me are all very nice. Come over, to-morrow afternoon, to tea--and ask for Mrs. Peach; any one will show you my cot. And now good-bye!"

And the little woman took a handful of apples, smooth and ruddy as her own cheeks, from her basket, and put them into the lap of Nellie's ragged pinafore, and, drying the child's great dusky eyes, that filled at every kindly word addressed to her, with her own homely, but snow-white handkerchief, sweet with lavender laid in its folds, the old lady kissed the tear-stained sallow cheek of the little girl and the bigheaded baby, and went on her way rejoicing. The rest, the pleasant hopeful talk, and the cheerful tones of Mrs. Peach, had put new heart into the heavilytasked child, who forthwith begun to watch the little brown and blue underwing butterflies, flitting from cup to cup of the dwarf pink-and-white bindweed, that trailed its stems through and over the sunburnt turf; for it was midsummer, and, for the first time, Nellie saw how lovely they were, and began to wonder how the neat plaits came in the convolvolus flowers, and "Time enough for school, Nellie," answered Mrs. the colours to be laid on in stripes, as regularly as her Peach. "I dare say you will get all you want, one of brother at the china-factory laid his on the cups and these days; but in the meantime don't go peaking plates at which he worked; and in watching and about, fretting and crying. Look at old Master Ran thinking she heard the quarter-to-twelve chime, by the dall yonder, he hadn't much book-learning when a old church-clock on the outskirts of the adjacent boy, but he's taught himself a moit of things; and village, before she thought it was nearly noon. now he's too old to work he employs himself out-of- Johnny, too, had enjoyed the benefit of his sister's doors, and finds pleasure at the same time. There's more excursive way of spending her morning, and innot a green thing in the woods, or fields, or hedges-finitely preferred moving about to the monotony of not a grass-blade, nor a blossom, but he knows the name of it, and what it's good for. He's like the wise king in the Bible, he knows every herb of the field, from the cedar of Lebanon to the 'hyssop that groweth on the wall,' whatever that may be! I know pilitory, and very good it is, too, for inward complaints and stone-crop and penny-leaf - but I can't say as I know hyssop, but, as was saying, Master Randall's more learned than many I gentlefolks about such things; and very learned men, as I've heard say, write to him, and come out of their way to see him; but, best of all, poor and humble as he is, he's always healthy and cheerful as a bird-full of soul-gratefulness, as I call it, to his Maker, who has filled the earth full of beautiful things, and given him the craft to understand them. And why I'm telling you, Nellie, is, that you too may open your eyes and look about you. And you won't want for playmates, nor pleasures, nor schooling either for that matter, you'll be learning something every day. Notice the common thinge as you go along-when the dandelion

being shaken on her sharp knees by the road-side, and,
for him, kept wonderfully quiet; so that with twelve
o'clock he made his appearance at the factory-gate, in
a state of resignation very unlike his usually fretful

"The Gold and Silver Side of the Shield," the
author of which modestly nestles under the
and one that, read with attention, can scarcely
initial A., is a charming and noteworthy essay;
fail of doing good.
Edwin F. Roberts, is another excellent and well-
"Knowledge," by the late
thought-out paper; and Mrs. Linnæus Banks's
Lodges in the Wilderness" a pleasingly-
written and suggestive one.


ENGLISHWOMAN'S REVIEW. (London: 23, Great Marlborough-street; W. Kent and Co., Paternoster Row.)-In order to the cure of a wound it is frequently found necessary to probe it, and, to effect this, an enlargement of it is

sometimes required. It is upon this principle regard to women into consideration, likely that many of the articles in this Quarterly are to be of much use. The movement in fawritten; and the wrongs between man and vour of "Middle-class Schools for Girls"woman, or husband and wife, that, till com- is another social question of much importance, paratively recent times, were allowed to fester or and which we are glad to see-has been taken heal of themselves, are torn open, and searched, up by the National Society for Promoting the or laid bare, in the desire to effect a more radical Education of the Poor. The intention is to afcure of them. We honour the thoroughness of ford a really good education to the children of the intention, but we deprecate placing the superior artisans, small tradesmen, foremen, sexes in absolute antagonism to each other, and warehousemen, clerks, small farmers, and others heaping up illustrations on the one hand, pen- similarly circumstanced, for whom there is the dants to which may any day be found on the danger, under present circumstances, of their other, in proof of the domestic cruelty and receiving an inferior education to the children injustice which the bond of marriage brings of a lower order, who are now benefited by the upon the sex. That there have been bad men National Schools. "We have," says the writer from the beginning is patent; that they have of the article in question, "ascertained that it is increased in the ratio of the population is also intended to include girls in the operation of the patent; but that the examples gathered from society; and we think that great good may the divorce-court, police-courts, and unions, are arise from the plan, provided that it be vigour fair illustrations of the condition of the wives ously taken advantage of. It will be observed and women of England, we deny. For the that it is the plan of the society to assist local hundreds of these and similar cases of efforts; but there must be a local movement to brutality and wrong endured by women at begin with. The probability is that a memothe hands of those whom the laws of God rial or letter sent to the committee from any and man have made their protectors, there large towns, stating that the want was felt of a are, we rejoice to say, tens of thousands good school for girls of the lower middle of happily-united husbands and wives, who classes, would meet with a hearty response, if have never found the need of legal redress for signed by twenty or thirty resident gentlemen their small differences, and who are still fain, in and ladies.' The article entitled "Public spite of them, to regard as holy that highest Opinion on Questions concerning Women" is law that admits of no divorce, 66 save for the admirably compiled, and contains much that is cause of adultery." That the laws regarding suggestive as well as amusing. "Notices of women are wrong at the core, and greatly in New Books," and a "Summary of the Doings need of alteration and amendment, all liberal of the Social Science Congress at Belfast" and just men must allow; and that their redress-chiefly in reference to Miss Carpenter's adis only to be brought about by the efforts of women themselves, is evident from the fact that hitherto no man has troubled the waters of the pool of healing for them. But let not the defenders and champions of their sex argue as if in their desire of independence for women there were no loving, tender husbands, fathers, sons, or brothers in the realm, jealous for the comforts and happiness of wives and kinswomen. In the redress of these laws, as in all the relations of life, there must be mutual agreement and co-operation, for the interests of both are one, and no exceptional savagery or cruel injustice on one side or the other can separate their relative dependance. The leading article (if we may so call it) on the "Property, Earnings, and Maintenance of Married Women," has, by the very forcefulness with which it is written, led us to these remarks. Looked at from its point of view, we should regard man as the natural enemy of woman. No. III. "On the Efforts now being made to Improve the condition of women in Sweden," is a most interesting paper, and taking the parallel circumstances of the two countries with

dress on "Female Education in India," fills up an excellent number of the Review. By the way, we feel inclined to expunge the word female, against which we have an old grudge, and recommend to lady-reformers the disuse of this merely sexual distinction, in favour of the nobler noun Woman! How would it read, on the "Education of Women in India”?


PERSONAL INFLUENCE. Ideas are often poor

ghosts; our sun-filled eyes cannot discern them; they pass athwart us in thin vapour, and cannot make themselves felt. But sometimes they are made flesh; they breathe upon us with warm breath; they touch sad, sincere eyes, and speak to us in appealing tones, us with soft, responsive hands; they look at us with they are clothed in a living human soul, with all its conflicts, its faith, and its love. Then their presence is a power, then they shake us like a passion, and we are drawn after them with gentle compulsion, as flame is drawn to flame.


potatoes, and a glass of porter. Everything was clean and of good quality, the room was "lofty and well ventilated, and the attendants were civil and expert, neither receiving nor expecting any gratuity.

Ever since Your Bohemian first wrote for the pages of this magazine, he has enjoyed the pleasure of gossiping every month with its readers. If there was plenty of news to communicate he communicated it, and if there was nothing to say, he said it. No matter whether town was full or empty; no matter whether the Conservatives or the Liberals held the reins of Government, or King Beales rode rough-shod over both; were it play-time or holiday-time was he nipped upand rendered brittle with the cold, or was groaning and perspiring with the heat; did it rain or shine, was it fair weather or foul, did wars and revolutions prevail; was he smitten down with violent influenza, or raving in a delirium of fever. No matter if he suffered all these, either separately or altogether, Your Bohemian was down at his post, and never missed his monthly gossip with those who would listen to him, till last month. Accidents, however, we are well aware, will happen in the most well regulated families, and the most orderly of Bohemians is subject to casualties. In justice to himself, however, he must inform his readers that his copy was completed as usual, and entrusted to his faithful Mercury to convey to the printers." Whether this Mercury loitered by the way we cannot tell, or whether some enemy clapped fetters on his talaria history does not mention, but at any rate he arrived at the office after the magazine was made up-was the reason of Y. B. not being seen in his usual place last month.

The past month is perhaps about the dullest of the year, and unless some great topic happens to be vented in the papers, there is usually nothing to talk about. Luckily, however, there has been an event of that nature, and one in which we are all greatly interested, namely, providing cheap dinners for clerks and those of limited income, who follow their daily avocations in the City. No doubt an immense deal of twaddle has been written on the subject. Some correspondents evidently think it a monstrously hard thing that they cannot obtain twelve courses, a dessert, and half a bottle of wine for one shilling and threepence; but really it is high time that some reform in the matter was carried out. What is wanted is a good nourishing meal at not less than sixpence or more than a shilling. That this thing can be practically carried out there is no doubt whatever. Mr. Corbet's cheap dining rooms in Glasgow are now most successful commercial speculations, and a dozen of them have been established throughout the town, where you can obtain a nourishing meal for fourpence halfpenny. Your Bohemian recollects dining at an establishment of a similar nature in Whitechapel about two years ago for sixpence. For this sum he was regaled on a basin of soup, meat pie, plum-pudding, bread,


Having dined at places of various kinds and natures in every quarter of London, from the highest to the lowest, Your Bohemian is naturally in a position to speak in a somewhat cathedral manner on the subject. For knoweth he not the haunts where the gentlemen connected with Her Majesty's Customs love to take their heavy luncheons or their light dinners, whichever they may please to call them. Has he not lunched at Reuben's and sandwiched at Betsy's? To him it is given to know the mysteries of certain out-of-the-way symposia, whereat the nicely cooked chop may be eaten, and the glass of Amontillado imbibed in the neighbourhood: to be cognisant of the polite attention of the head cook at the "Woolpack," and to be particular as to the flavour of mutton-broth at the Anchor. He has dined off the joint at Izant's, and has partaken of a fish dinner in Billingsgate, moreover he has had a fourpenny plate" at the Baytree," and has had "half-a-dozen" at the bar of Sweeting or Pimm. He is well acquainted with dimly-lighted mysterious passages leading to small dark dining-rooms equally mysterious, in which a steak of the juiciest nature may be obtained, accompanied with a bottle of port of excellent vintage and undoubted antiquity. He could tell of excellent dinners at Messrs. Spiers and Pond's restaurant of Ludgate-hill: he might grow eloquent over the advantages of a pleasant little banquet at the "Solferino:" he would describe a récherché lunch at Verrey's or Blanchard's, or might be persuaded to give the details of a supper at Epitaux. Of oystering and lobstering, and pickled-salmon-consuming at Rule's, at Knight's, at Prosser's or at Quin's, he might talk learnedly and prosily. If the indulgent reader would dive with him into the polyglotical regions of Soho, he would show him a

trattoria where he might obtain maccaroni cooked in true Neapolitan style, a brunette where absinthe of super-Parisian bitterness might be imbibed, and a gast-hof where "small Germans" and saur-kraut might be found in all their native nastiness. All this, and a great deal more the present writer could tell, were he not considerate with regard to the patience of the reader and the space of the magazine.

Some good, however, has been achieved by "London the discussion of the question, for a Clerks Club" (limited) is to be established. The price of the dinner, which is to consist of fish or soup, joints, three vegetables, bread and cheese, with half-a-pint of ale or porter, will be one shilling. There will also be a luncheon


bar, at which articles will be supplied at a like | favourite pens will contribute. Messrs. Routmoderate rate: thus, plate of meat 4d., bread ledge's Annual contains a group of stories "On 1d., potatoes 1d., pint of ale 2d.; thus, a good the Cards" as its leading attraction. serviceable lunch, or what some would call din- Warne will be able to tell us something about ner, may be obtained for 8d. A reading-room "gold, silver, and lead." Mr. Beeton will unand tea and coffee-room, with magazines and riddle the mystery of "Nine of us;" and Messrs. newspapers, with lavatories and rooms for Cassell can, it is said, give us some new infor smoking and writing, will be attached. The mation with regard to "What's his name?" statistics, which have been carefully prepared, and before long some one will be found to tell show that the project, if properly carried out, us all about " Snow," and "Old Salt." Lonmust be as great a success commercially as it don Society will, as usual, furnish its attractive will be socially for those classes for whose espe- banquet of Christmas fare. A series of lively cial benefit it has been established. American Facial Sketches," from the accomplished pen of Mr. John Oxenford, have just been commenced in the columns of the Leader.

We hear that a new society has been established at Vienna for the purpose of putting down the inordinate length of ladies' trains when they wear them in the public street. The notice issued by this association states that these gigantic dresses "are not only an obstruction to street traffic, but also, by raising enormous clouds of dust, cause considerable danger to the lungs and eyes." It urges all its members, directly "they perceive a lady with a long train in the street, immediately to tread on the same with such force as to produce a considerable rent in the dress." The actions at law and expenses aris. ing from these arbitrary proceedings, and which will doubtless be many and great, will be conducted by the society's solicitors, and paid for out of the funds of the association. What a pity but that something of the kind could be introduced in London! the long trains are an infinitely greater nuisance than the much-abused crinoline was. Thank goodness! short dresses seem to be making their way, at any rate for out-of-doors wear. How soon do we get accustomed to fashions, and how quickly do we cease to see anything odd or singular in the costumes of the day! How all the belles of 1863 roared over that alarming sketch of John Leech's in Punch's Almanack, entitled "How would it be without crinoline? Try it for 1864!" How they exclaimed at "the ridiculous Guys!" and laughed at the " 'poor skinny things." That picture represents exactly the costume all the ladies are wearing now, which nobody thinks in any way conspicuous or remarkable. By the way, talking of fashions, what a wonderfully clever paper on The Paris Fashions" that was by Mr. Sala in last month's Belgravia!

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The Christmas Annuals will be upon us not long after these lines appear. There will be an unusual number this year. Miss Braddon's "Belgravia Annual" will be one of quite a novel character. It will be profusely illustrated, and we shall not be too much bored with nunneries and baronial halls, neither shall we be smothered with holly and mistletoe, nor flooded with was sail therein; but in their place we shall have a charming collection of tales and sketches by eminent writers, illustrated by the best artists. The All the Year Round extra number will this year be written exclusively by Mr. Charles Dickens and Mr. Wilkie Collins. "Storm Bound" will be the title of the Christmas number of Tinsley, to which many well-tried and

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Another new comic paper has appeared, entitled Toby. When is this rage for comic, or rather would-be comic, literature to stop? The sober, ultra-dry-looking cover of the St. Paul's has been the cause of general remark. It is said the proprietors have been induced to change it to something more in unison with the decorative character of the age. A novelty in magazine literature, namely, the new musical monthly, Hanover Square, has just appeared. The title is singularly appropriate, its contents are varied, and there is every chance of its being a success, provided there is a sufficiently large musical public to make it pay. Lieut. Hozier has started for Abyssinia as special correspon dent for the Times. Dr. Russell has sailed from Bombay, and will possibly, it is said, accompany the Indian contingent. Mr. G. A. Henty has gone to represent the Standard. The Glowworm, which has recently changed editors, and has already manifestly improved, both in the style of its articles and its general arrangements, will be permanently enlarged to twenty four columns on the 4th of November.

Mr. Charles Dickens will sail for the United States in the Jana, which leaves Liverpool on the 9th. A farewell dinner will be given to him at the Freemasons' Tavern on the 2nd. Mr. Edmund Yates will deliver a lecture entitled "After Dinner" at the Birkbeck Institution on

the 6th. The long-talked-of marriage, of Miss
Kate Terry to Mr. Arthur Lewis, took place on
the 18th of last month, at St. John's Church,
Kentish Town. The church was crammed to
suffocation by a great quantity of people who
had no acquaintance with either the bride or
bridegroom, but who thought it a great thing
to see a popular actress in a new role-just
that sort of individuals who used to run down
to the Dramatic fête to see the actresses play
at shopkeeping. These people seemed to forget
they were in a church; they talked loud and
brought out opera-glasses to inspect the fair

bride-indeed the less said about their behaviour
the better. Enough to say, their conduct was
such as to call forth a rebuke from the Rev. Mr.
Calvert, who addressed the congregation after
the marriage service was finished. He re-
minded them very properly that "they had come
to witness a religious ceremony, and not a



(A Useful Present for Old Ladies.)

MATERIALS.-12 inches of sarsenet ribbon about 2 inches wide; 16 inches of narrow ribbon; a little white flannel; 2 large flat wooden buttons, and a reel of Boar's-head sewing cotton, of Messrs. Walter Evans and Co., Derby, of any useful number, and a paper of best needles.

This case is very easy to make, and it is an extremely useful one, especially for old ladies, who find it difficult to thread their needles.

The piece of wide ribbon, 12 inches long, must be hemmed at one end, and folded into a point, where a loop of silk is made to fasten the case. A strip of fine flannel is laid over the ribbon and fastened by a row of herring-bone stitch all round the edge. The silk with which this is worked should be perfectly matched with the ribbon in colour, so that the small stitches at the top and bottom show as little as possible on the right side. The reel of cotton is fastened on in the following manner: Take two flat wooden buttons exactly the size of the top of the reel, and cover them over with a piece of the same ribbon as that of the case. The reel

should not be quite as wide as the ribbon; place it between the two buttons, then run a piece of narrow ribbon through both buttons and through the reel between them, leaving a long end hanging on each side. Next cover over two-thirds of the reel with the ribbon of the case by sewing it round the buttons. Bind the edge of the sort of cover thus formed over the reel with a piece of narrow ribbon, the ends of which, tied with those left on each side of the reel, form bows. Last of all, sew a small metal button on the right side, three inches from the loop, to fasten the case when it is rolled up. The needles are all to be threaded into the end of the cotton on the reel, and are then stuck at regular distances upon the flannel,


This flower may be knitted, with two stitches for the width of the row, but it is much quicker to work it in a chain of crochet; it is generally variegated, either in two shades of red or two shades of violet. The variegation is produced by working with two threads of Berlin wool, one of a deep, the other of a light shade, of the same colour.

Make a chain of simple crochet, about a yard in length, then cover a piece of thin wire, as long as you can conveniently manage, with one thread of Berlin wool, and begin to sew this wire along one edge of the chain, leaving about an inch of wire at the beginning; when you have sewed about an inch, cut the chain, pull the thread through the last stitch, bring your wire round, sew half the second edge, then bring round the wire that you left at the beginning, sew it to meet the other, letting the wires cross each other; twist them and the wool together tightly, to form a stalk, and turn up the two little petals, first cutting away one of the wires close to the twist, to prevent the stalk being too thick when finished.

Wind a piece of yellow wool on the end of one of your fingers, pull it out thus doubled, and twist a bit of rather strong wire over it, twist the wire very tight, and make with this wool a kind of little ball, which must be covered with a piece of common net (dyed yellow if pos

sible), tie the net as tight as possible over the wool. This forms the centre of the Daisy.

When you have made a sufficient number of petals to form two or three rows, each row being made rather larger than the first, you must sew them all round the little heart, and proceed to make the calyx as follows:

Make a chain of twelve stitches with the crochet needle, using green wool, not split; work two rows in double crochet, increasing two stitches in the second row. Sew this calyx under the petals, fasten up the open side, and gather the stitches of the lower extremity, cover the stem with green split wool.

BUD.-Make a small ball of any colour, then take fifteen or twenty bits of split wool, the same colours as used for the flower, each about an inch long, tie them tightly as a little bundle; fasten this on the top of the little ball, to which you must first fix a wire; bring down the ends of wool in alternate stripes of dark and light shades, tie all these ends round the wire, and cut them close. Wind a bit of green wool, as a very small ball, immediately under the bud; then with green wool, not split, make a row of herring-bone stitches from the little bud to about half-way up the coloured one. This makes a very pretty bud, looking as if just ready to bloom.

LEAF-like that of the Heart's-ease.

*This can be done by steeping the net in a little saffron-water in which a small quantity of gum has been dissolved;

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