Managing Airports: An International PerspectiveRoutledge, 2003 - Всего страниц: 276 This second edition presents a comprehensive outline of the international airport industry in the 21st century. Approaching management topics from a strategic and commercial perspective, rather than from an operational and technical angle, this book provides an insight into the processes behind running a successful airport. service provision, are explored within the context of the industry's wider development. The economic and environmental impact that airports have on the surrounding community is considered, with international case studies to illustrate the points. Contemporary trends towards privatization and globalization are also discussed. |
Chapter 1 Introduction | 1 |
Chapter 2 The changing nature of airports | 8 |
Chapter 3 Airport economics and performance benchmarking | 54 |
Chapter 4 Service quality and its measurement | 74 |
Chapter 5 The airportairline relationship | 98 |
Chapter 6 The provision of commercial facilities | 140 |
Chapter 7 The role of airport marketing | 178 |
Chapter 8 The economic impact of airports | 203 |
Chapter 9 The environmental impact of airports | 219 |
Chapter 10 The impact of 11 September 2001 and future prospects | 251 |
272 | |
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11 September ACI-Europe activities Aer Rianta aeronautical agreement Air Transport aircraft airport charges airport company Airport Economics airport industry airport management airport operator airport privatization Airport Review Airports Group Amsterdam airport annual areas assess BAA plc Brisbane airport Brussels airport capacity carriers catering cent Civil Aviation Authority commercial facilities Competition Commission concession consortium Copenhagen airport costs duty-free emissions employees environmental Europe European airports example fees flights Frankfurt Fraport freight Gatwick growth IATA ICAO increased International Airport investment London Heathrow low-cost low-cost carriers major airports Manchester airport measures million passengers noise non-aeronautical revenue number of airports overall particularly passenger numbers performance port price cap profit regional airports regulatory retail runway Ryanair Schiphol Group sector September 2001 share shops slots Source Stansted strategy Table tax-free terminal traffic UK airports University of Westminster Vienna airport Zürich airport