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More beautiful had they been, had they not suffered greedy Phoebus, over often and hard to kiss them.

The divers coloured plumbs gave the eye a pleasant taste before they came to the mouth.

The wine feemed to laugh for joy to come to fuch lips.

Like a rofe out of a briar, an excellent fon of an evil mother.

In my prefence their tongues were turned into ears, and their ears were captives unto my tongue. Their eyes admired my majefty; and happy was he or she on whom I fuffered the beams thereof to fall: Did I go to church; it feemed the very gods waited for me, their devotions not being folemnized till I was ready.

Blind fortune hates fharp-fighted inventions.

Her tears rained down from her heavenly eyes, and feemed to water the fweet and beautiful flowers of her face.

In his eyes did fome water appear, as if they would wash themselves against they should see her.

Shall Death head his dart with the gold of Cupid's arrow? fhall he take his aim from the reft of beauty?

Not able to fuffer that bitter fighs fhould be fent forth with so sweet a breath.

To fee your own little ones, like little models of yourfelf, ftill carry you about them.

How often, alas! do I embrace the orphan fide of my bed, which was wont to be imprinted by the body of my dear husband.

Can one ftring make as good mufic as a confort? can one colour fet forth a beauty?

Her eyes fo lifted towards the sky, that one would


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have thought they had begun to fly thitherward, to take their place among their fellow stars.

Her naked hands raifing up their whole length, and, as it were, kiffing one another as if the right had been the picture of zeal and the left of humbleness, which both united themselves to make their fuits the more acceptable. All her fenfes were rather tokens than inftruments of her inward motions.

The earth fent up a great duft, as if it would ftrive to have clouds as well as the air, wherein the naked wind did apparel himself.

One that had marked him would have judged that his eyes would have run into him, and his foul out of him, fo unkindly did either take a scent of danger.

The nearer danger approached (like the light of a glow worm) the lefs ftill it feemed.

As if the fight of the enemy had been a magnet-ftone to his courage, he could not contain himself, but fhewing his face to the enemy, and his back to his foldiers, and that action as his only method of denouncing war to the one, and perfuading help of the other.

The earth itself wont to be a burial of men, was now as it were buried with men.

He made father and fon become twins in the never again dying birth.

Cruel deaths made them lie quietly together, who moft in their lives had fought to difquiet each other.

He fell, like a fair apple, which fome uncourteous body, breaking its bow, fhould throw down before 'twere ripe.

The needle with fo pretty a manner made its careers to and fro through the cloth, as if it would have feemed loth to go from fuch a mistress, but that it hoped to return thitherward again. The cloth looking with many



eves upon her, and lovingly embracing the wounds she gave it the fhears alfo were at hand to behead the filk that was grown two fhort. The lilies that she made grew by the funs of her eyes, and were refreshed by the moft comfortable air, which an unawares figh might bestow upon them.

The fea in ebbing and flowing feems to obferve a juft dance, and yet understands no mufic.

Like a bat, which though it have eyes to difcern that there is a fun, yet hath fuch evil eyes that it cannot delight in the fun; the found a truth but could not love it.

As foon as the morning began to draw dew from the faireft greens to wash her face withal, against the appearance of the burning fun.

Solitary forrow with a continual circle in herself, went out at his own mouth, to come in again at his

Own ears.

Her wounds sweet fwelling lips had a little trembling, as though they kiffed their neighbour death. Here was a river of pureft red, there an island of perfect white. No, is no negative in a woman's mouth.

Her eyes were caft on the ground with fuch a grace, as if he were fallen out with the heavens, for fuffering fuch an injury.

Weeping Cupid told his weeping mother, that he was forry he was not deaf as well as blind, that he might not hear fuch pitiful complaints of the virgins.

Thofe diamonds of the world whom nature hath preciously fet in the eyes of men, to be the chief works of her workmanship.

They kindled their courage at the torches of his eyes; prodigious comets of a deluge of blood.


This smooth calm came only to make them the more fenfible of the fucceeding tempeft.

Her face was the register of nature's wonders.

Her arms and her tongue were rivals in embracing him.

The blood of her face ebbed and flowed according to the tide of affection.

Be bold my tongue, for though my checks blush they

cover you.

E'er the morning ftar began to retire, as giving place to a greater light, whofe coming as a forerunner, it had only waked the world to attend.

Under foot the ground feemed mineral, yielding fuch a gliftering fhew of gold in it, as they fay the river Tagus carries in his fandy bed.

His mind is but yet a prentice in the painful mystery of paffions.


The night is the first begotten child of time, the day being only an ufurper upon her delightful inheritance. I am happy only in this, that I cannot be more wretched.

Far more honourable will it be for your tomb, to have the blood of your murderers sprinkled upon it, than the tears of your friends.

He loved not him but his fortune, like thofe vermin, that fuck the living blood, and leave the body as foon as it is dead.

Confidence in one's felf is the chief nurfe of magnanimity, which confidence notwithstanding doth not leave the care of neceffary furnitures for it: and, there


fore, of all the Grecians Homer doth ever make Achilles the beft armed.

Our love can no more be diminished by these showers of evil hap, than flowers are marred with the timely rains of April.

The palm-tree thrives most upward when he is most burdened.


Such convulfions never come to a state but the life of the government of it draws near to its neceffary period.

He defired to know how the people's mind would fway to this determination.

His best building was a well framed confcience.

This can no otherwife be fhadowed out by the skilfulleft pencil, than by covering it over with the veil of filence.

This province being spoiled of its guide, doth lie like a fhip without a pilot, tumbling up and down in the uncertain waves, till it either run itfelf upon the rocks of felf-divifion, or be overthrown by the formy wind of foreign force.

Having clofely imprisoned her, he was left more fully to fuffer the fire-brands of her own thoughts, especially when it grew dark, and she had nothing left by her but a little lamp, whofe fmali light to a perplexed mind, might rather yield fearful fhadows than an affured light.

Fear, is the underminer of all determinations, and neceffity, the victorious rebel of all laws.

The fairer a diamond is, the more pity it is it should

receive a blemish.




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